《Reincarnated, Now What? (ReWorked)》Chapter 19: Meeting Kamisama?


While in an unconscious state, Haruto could feel something approaching his mind. Then he found himself transported to an infinite void, with what appeared to be a nice old man sitting on a throne.

It couldn’t be, but who else could bring me here. That smile won't fool me! Breaking into a sprint, Haruto drop kicked the old man off the throne and stomped on him.

In the middle of his stomping, the old man tried to say something. Oh, trying to seduce me with promises of grandeur, eh? Haruto shoved his soggy underwear into the old man's mouth and proceeded to stomp some more. After about 5 mins of stomping, Haruto thought something was off. Wait. If this is the evil sadist god capable of reincarnating me, why is he so weak. Looking down at the pitiful old man who was crying and curled into the fetal position, Haruto realized this could not be the sadist god of despair. He removed the underwear from the old man's mouth.

The old man remained in a ball for four more minutes, not saying a word, just softly crying.

I almost feel awful for stomping this random guy but hasn't his mother ever told him never to summon random strangers. This isn't my fault, I was brought here against my will. So I shouldn't feel bad. Haruto waited quietly, not offering any semblance of an apology as if he were just a random bystander.

After another five minutes, the old man stopped crying, crawled back onto the throne, and spread his arms, exuding a power no mortal could have.

It looks like he went all out to show his godliness, I ruined it, by attacking him. Haruto respected the old man's ability to continue on with the show.

Clearing his throat, the old man greeted Haruto, “warrior of another world, I am Baka, the god of this world.”

Haruto stared dumbfounded at this old geezer, who called himself an idiot. I should clarify, you know, just to make sure I got it right. Perhaps there was a translation error, or he bit his tongue during the stomping. “kamisama, your name is Baka?”

Baka, in a proud voice, bragged, “Yes, my father bestowed this righteous name upon me at my birth.”

Haruto was puzzled, hearing that gods had children. Hm father, I didn’t know gods had fathers. There are so many religions on earth are all the gods real? To think not one stopped the sadist from abducting me. And based on this idiot's name, I can imagine who daddy dearest is. Seeing the proud look on the idiot's face, Haruto enjoyed the memory of him being in the fetal position no longer feeling guilty.

Baka continued not knowing what was going on in Haruto's mind “The one I am referring to is not my actual father. He created this world, and from this world’s birth, I was born. You could say I am special in this regard. I am the ultimate being born between my father's remnant power and part of this world's consciousness.”

Huh, doesn't that literally translate to him being your father and this world would be your mother, I feel sorry for her. I can feel my brain cells dying by the second. Perhaps he, too, is a sadist and is mentally torturing me. Though annoyed, Haruto allowed the idiot old man to continue his speech.


“The world you find yourself in is not one natural to your universe, and thus exists in a pocket dimension. Though I am born of this world, some mysteries remain.” the old man stroked his beard.

Interesting, no wonder I can come here, even though I did not die again. By light novel logic, by completing the main story, the mysteries of this dimension will unravel. “Kamisama, you are quite knowledgeable, have infinite wisdom, and surely have lived for eons."

With a smile that could only be described as stupid, puffing out his chest Baka boasted, “Today marks my 2nd year of existence.”

Huh, this idiot is 2 years old he is basically a toddler, and why is he puffing out his chest like it’s an accomplishment to be that old. Well, he is still pretty knowledgeable, so I'll roll with it for now. “Oh, Great and powerful Bakasama, perhaps you can share just a morsel of your knowledge. ”

Smiling like a child who had just been praised by his parents, which contrasted greatly with his old man face. Baka felt grateful that his father bestowed upon him a book of infinite wisdom. “Allow me, great Warrior, to tell you my long life.

Two long years ago, there was nothing, then my father said "meh," and from this word, the world was born. At first, I did not exist, but as the planet settled over two days, my consciousness came into existence.

My father was ecstatic. He said, “I did not expect this low-level planet would get a god.”

Hear that brave Warrior. I was a miracle, one even someone as great as my father did not expect.

He floated over to me and said, “Look, pal, I didn’t expect to create you like this, it’s kind of an accident, but I don’t want the other gods mouthing off about me, so here.” He handed me a book of infinite wisdom, I was greatly moved by his grace.

So much so that I cried, well, I was only a consciousness, but I assure you tears were falling. Literally, since I was born from parts of the world's consciousness, I control parts of the weather. So it rained over my father. Evidently, he was moved by this event. Because he named me right after calling me Baka, and that is how I was given such a righteous name. Dripping wet, my father said he might do something he regrets if he stayed here any longer.

Most certainly, meaning he would find it impossible to leave me.

He told me not to expect him to come here again, the book was enough to call it even, and then he disappeared. Oh, I remember him like it was yesterday, it has been so long, but I’ll never forget the words he spoke.”

Haruto looked at the Baka with extreme pity. An idiot really is an idiot. He doesn’t even understand that he was an accident. And that father he is referring to so lovingly was close to murdering him. Accident or not, he truly lives up to his name, only an idiot would misunderstand this much. But his father certainly is the god of sadism to berate his own child, well now I guess he is also the god of deadbeats. One thing I don’t understand. Is, if this god is so young, why does he look like he enjoyed a nice cup of prune juice this morning? “Oi Baka-sama I have heard your uh epic, I wonder if your consciousness is in the form you have now in honor of your father?” What’s this? Why is this idiot looking at me like I’m an idiot? Maybe I should stump on him some more.


“And here I thought you were his favorite. Poor Warrior, have you not seen the glorious father? For you to think this form is in his honor, I pity you. No, this form is based on a description from the book, it tells of an old man who helps the hero on his journey, giving him aid from the heavens, and quests to stop the demons from ruining the world.”

Huh, Haruto froze on the spot. The idiot geezer just described a character from “Heroes of Darkness” who gave out the main quests. But that couldn’t be possible. This is just a knock-off world, right. No, if that sadist deadbeat is involved, he would drop me back into that hell or make a new one. I need to get out of this world, to think I was swaggering about like I owned the place having my own little slice of life when the one who brings me nightmares is somewhere in this world. “Baka-sama as the God of this world, have you run into any crazy powerful devils, of pure evil who are the very definition of nightmares?” Haruto inquired without saying any names, lest the old man in front of him transformed into that being. That would be like every horror movie.

“Hm,” the old man stroked his beard, “no, I have not Mr.warrior. Know this, the world we find ourselves in is not natural. Thus no life here has formed true intelligence, only a mock version. From the beginning of time only I, a miracle was bestowed intelligence; all other life is just organic machines really. Perhaps after a million years, souls will naturally come into existence.”

Haruto broke into a broad smile, a tremendous pressure was lifted off his heart. Hm, but that can’t be entirely true because those four back there had intelligence and what I would consider souls. A hint of doubt entered Haruto’s mind. “Then Kamisama, may I ask why you have brought me here, it seems you have no need of me if there is no evil to vanquish.”

“Hm, I brought you here Warrior, because I was interested to see the mortal my father would go to the extent of building a world for. Your current state makes now the perfect time to summon you.”

The idiot looked at Haruto with great interest and a tinge of envy.

If only this idiot knew. The relationship between the father you worship and the man you are envious of is the opposite of your dreams. I would give anything to toss this burden to you. “Well, Baka-sama, you have seen me. I hope I am worthy of your consideration, is there anything else.” I really need to get out of here before I catch the stupid.

“ For the person, my father takes so much interest in. Even more than his own son..." the idiot coughed part of the sentence under his breath. "I have a warning for you.”

Haruto's fist tightened to the max. I wonder if there is a secret quest for killing this bloody idiot. I wish your father would take less interest in me, and what is up with this jealous god. To be a god, you are certainly acting very mortal, and like a child at that. Yuuta is more mature than you, and he's been a rabbit for most of his life.

With his cheeks puffed out, Baka continued, “for you, who has my father’s attention beware of this world’s biggest issue.”

Huh, a big issue, even if he is an idiot it appears, he has some insider knowledge, good job me for holding in the urge to stomp on him now we get our reward. Haruto relaxed greatly, completely ignoring the first part of Baka's sentence.

Stroking his beard, Baka inquired, “Warrior, if you would allow me to ask you something. Does this world seem real to you? Like the one you hail from?”

Hm, Haruto contemplated for a second and replied, “yes, very much so, why?”

The old man chuckled “good it should, but the issue lies in the fact that this world is not natural, and thus is a fake. Hence, this world is both real and fake, from this arises a concept I coined the merger of reality and fiction. In his short time here, my father called the world a near-perfect replica of a video game. I know not what a videogame is. But he mentioned that he might try to create other worlds not of your universe like I believe it was called something like Planet Vegetable if this one worked out.”

Near perfect my ass, if this is a near-perfect replica, I would hate to see the bootleg version. Give me the powers to create a world, and I would make the most realistic HOD in the multiverse. Is the sadist deadbeat a fellow otaku? I bet he cheered on the villains like Freezer. Haruto digested the two pieces of information, giving more importance to the work's shoddiness than the theory.

Not noticing Haruto's ridicule, Baka continued, “thus, after a year of contemplation and research, I have noticed instances of this paradox having unforeseen consequences. Some are good, such as being able to gain strength through the concept of leveling. However, some are bad such as regardless of level if one’s head was removed from their body, death would still occur. Even I am bound by these paradoxes hence why I only now summoned you. So, warrior-sama heed my warning. I noticed in your battle against the weak bear, that my father forgot to mention this.”

Haruto sneered. That deadbeat sadist didn’t forget he did it on purpose, and what does this idiot mean by weak? Sorry for not being an op god like you. You idiot. With a fake smile, Haruto bowed, “thank you for the warning Baka-sama.”

Not being aware of Haruto's insults Baka prattled on, “No matter the situation this world is ruled by paradox. As time progresses, the paradoxes will become more apparent. I know not the consequence of this phenomenon, but be alert, and try to take advantage when possible, and caution when needed. And warrior-san we are friends, call me Baka-san.” In a refined manner, Baka dragged one hand across the air, and Haruto found myself back in his unconscious state, but something felt off.

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