《Reincarnated, Now What? (ReWorked)》Chapter 20: A Near Death Experience Is The Best Reason To Return To Reality


I'm in a random cave. Is this the bear's cave? Did I fail to kill it and was brought here as a late-night snack? Haruto looked around for Yuuta and the others, but no one else was around him. Wait, I remember. This is the cave I almost got murdered in. Haruto looked around but didn't feel the deathly aura or see the abomination. Hmm how strange maybe the creature got defeated by someone, lucky it or it would be tasting my unlimited power. Since the previous owner has been returned to hell, this shall be my fortress of Weebitude.

For some reason, Haruto was wearing his starting armor, couldn't access his inventory, and none of his weapons were equipped. This ain't my first reincarnation trope, the sadist must have locked my gear behind a paywall. I'm sure after a timed event, my loot will become available. Do I really have to be in this world with no weapons, though? Perhaps I should find a master swordsmith. Wait, is this world a Wuxian Chinese, Feudal European, or Warring Japan…

While Haruto was preoccupied with his thoughts. The creature remembering Haruto's scent from last time began making its way towards him.

Haruto looked up only to see a disgusting smiling half-faced monster eyeing him up and down. Frightened, Haruto shuffled back in fear as his memories from before replay. But after scooting back, he couldn't help but notice the monster's deathly aura wasn't affecting him, unlike last time when it made him wet his pants. Wait, I'm the guy who battled a brave and majestic elk, carp the size of cars, a bear the size of an elephant, and stomped on a God. I am Haruto The Greaat!!! Hyped up by his feats of glory, Haruto shouted, "You ugly piece of crap. Who the hell do you think you are, smiling at me like that?" Haruto's overwhelming shogun's aura exuded upon the world, casting a look of disgust on the abomination as if looking down upon it from the summit of strength.

The smile disappeared off the monster's mouth as the aura suppressed it and froze it in place.

Seeing the fear in the creature's eyes, Haruto was assured of his overwhelming strength. He jeered, "What's the matter, cat got your tongue? I remember being in a similar position not too long ago, oh how the tables have turned. As the old saying goes, he who laughs last is me!" Walking relaxedly towards the monster and looking at its disgusting face, Haruto lost the will to continue the meaningless banter. Just another bag of bones. Is this species fated to be destroyed by its own hubris? Pulling back his arms, Haruto was ready to paint the cave with blood, or gunk, or goo, maybe dust.

Before he could end the miserable existence, the creature did the unbelievable. It fell on the ground and began begging for Haruto to spare it. "Please, oh powerful one, I apologize. I did not mean to offend you. I meant you no harm that day. You left so quickly that I didn't get the chance to explain. I was merely curious as to how you ended up in this cave and what bizarre language you were speaking. Forgive me, a humble explorer of the unknown for his curiosity."


Cutting him off, Haruto snapped, "don't you mean curious to how my squeals sounded or how much pain I can take before dying? Well, allow me to show you why curiosity killed the cat." Why can I understand him now? Is this comprehension, but it didn't work on the elves. What's the difference between the two? Haruto tilted his head in thought, but upon seeing the hideous creature's face, he lost interest in the matter. I'll do experiments with the humans of this world. I have no need for a monster, but he may have good loot. Haruto eyed the free-loot in a better but more insidious light.

The abomination thinking Haruto's smile was an indication that he was being listened to rejoiced. Showing an ugly half-smile, it whimpered, "I would never do such barbaric activities. You might not be aware, but 1000 years ago, I was a great and honorable magus genius." That was hunted down by the church for experimenting on live subjects. And went against the natural orders of the world in my chase for immortality.

Haruto snorted, not convinced by the creature's blatant lie. "And now you are an undead freak, what of it? In about three mins, you are going to be dead for good this time." I wish I could see its level, but it should be weak. Just look at it, ew.

The creature appeared to have broken down after hearing Haruto's threat, and black tears began to roll down its face.

Haruto let out a sigh and prepared to put it out of its misery. Don't blame yourself, blame Sadist-sama for putting you in my path.

"I tried to be civil, but if begging does not work, I will just bring you to the gates of hell with me!" The creature pulled a wand from its cloak and began speaking another weird language as the wand let out a green air. An evil grin ran up the creature's face as if it could see Haruto begging for forgiveness only for the wasted breath to be his last.

Haruto, on the other hand, smiled and, like an obedient test subject, began snorting up the air as if it was the purest oxygen known to mankind. As Haruto sucked in the air, a digital sound went off. “Combat Detected. Activating HUD.” Haruto titled his head in confusion then became ecstatic by what he saw.

Seeing the giddy Haruto, the monster laughed at him like he was an idiot.

Oh, just you wait, pal. “HUD Activated!” A virtual HUD appeared in front of Haruto’s eyes and stats appeared over the monster’s head, just like in Heroes of Darkness. “Name: ??? Class: Necromancer Level: Incalculable Basic comprehension activated. Recalculating. Danger rating:Orange.

Haruto began laughing like an idiot sucking in more and more of the green air. I don’t know what danger ratings are, but orange should be mid-tier on the list.

In a sneer, the creature bragged, "What you are breathing in is a poison spell I have refined over the centuries. The level of the spell approaches the grand magus level. Simpleton. Do you understand what this means? Allow me to show you the true power of this world's magus."


Haruto sneered right back, "brother, I eat fish with more potent poison than this weak fart you released into the air." The poison actually made Haruto feel a bit light-headed, but now was not the time to show weakness. He must shock and awe.

Haruto let loose a heavy punch that dispelled the poison and slammed the monster into the wall. "What you have been hit with is a normal punch that I have refined over the weeks. The level of the punch approaches the 100s. Simpleton. Do you understand what this means? Allow me to show you the true power of this universe's shit-talker."

Not waiting for a reply Haruto appeared before the monster and started sending gut punches into it. He let out a burst of joyous laughter. "Man, this is refreshing to think the last time we met, I was the one at death's doorstep. Oh, how the times change. I bet you wish you killed me then. I bet if you could go back in time, you would slap your past self for being so stupid. AHAHA!" Continuing his ridicule, Haruto beat down the degenerate who forced him to disgrace his pants.

Black goo continuously flowed from its mouth after being punched. The magus tried to use his wand again, but one punch turned it into dust. Such power... is this the strength of an immortal? Has he crossed the line into divination? I cannot die like this, there is so much more for me to accomplish."Pleaseeeee let me go, I'll give you my treasure if you let me live."

Haruto stopped the beating to think over its offer. He is obviously an untrustworthy monster. But, without my generals, I lack the necessary backup. Perhaps he can be of use in the short-term, and once I figure out how to bring the stooges, hehe silly freak, you will learn there are things much worse than death. "How about this? I'll keep you alive, so do me a favor and tell me about this world. Wait, as a freak of nature, you have probably been trapped in this cave for centuries. Do you even know the current state of the world?"

"Wait wait wait wait, good sir. I may be old, but one must know with age comes wisdom. I am quite knowledgeable about the world outside. You must be a great being, not from this world. No wonder you are so strong. Please allow me Thomas the great lich to impart my worldly knowledge."

Haruto halfway lowered his fist in mock-contemplation.

"Oh, great one, this junior is quite knowledgeable on the powers of this world. It appears your powers are quite different and mysterious. If your lordship would allow an ingrate as I, to help council you, it would be a pleasure. No, an honor."

Haruto's eyes narrowed as he humphed "first of all, you old fart I'm only 18 years old, and second if you think buttering me up will keep you alive… you're right." Smiling, Haruto smacked Thomas on the back, causing him to fly across the cave.

But Thomas brushed it off like nothing happened, "My apologies I could never imagine one so young could be so strong. Your race must be renowned throughout the cosmos. How about, young master then?"

Now he's talking maybe I can make him my bag carrier or something. "That will suffice for now. Now quickly lead me to your treasures and bring me up to date on this world's affairs."

Thomas quickly scurried deeper into the cave waving for Haruto to follow him.

Haruto took slow giant strides behind Thomas.

Thomas continuously looked around as if waiting for something. Reminding Haruto of another cave dweller, from a book about a ring who should not be trusted. Haruto chuckled. "Is something the matter Thomas?" Perhaps you've lost your precious. Haruto lazily made eye contact, but for Thomas, the eyes drilled into his rotten soul.

Gazing away, Thomas muttered, "Nothing young master. Just ensuring the path ahead is free of obstacles."

Haruto smiled with a devilish look, "not to worry if the obstacles are anything like your magic; it will be a walk in the park for me."

Thomas awkwardly laughed and asked Haruto to follow him because he had forgotten to disable the traps set up for unwelcome guests. How did he know I had traps? There should be no leakage of energy. Is he able to read my mind? As expected of a transcendental being.

Haruto merely smiled and nodded his head once as they continued deeper into the cave. I can't believe he fell for my bluff, what an idiot. I knew these backwater mouthbreathers would pale in comparison to my modern human intellect.

Finally, the two reached a brightly lit cavern filled with a mountain of gold and expensive looking gems and items Haruto had never seen before.

Seeing Haruto staring at the treasure like a country bumpkin, Thomas cleared his throat "anything the young master fancies he may take."

Haruto licked his lips, eyeing all the cool treasures in the pile, especially the ancient swords that radiated power. Finally, the real part of my reincarnation has arrived. Just look at all this delicious treasure. Haruto started salivating on the floor. After looking at the treasures making sure they didn't disappear, Haruto turned to Thomas commanding him to explain this world's history.

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