《Reincarnated, Now What? (ReWorked)》Side Chapter: My Older Brother Is The Strongest


In the now ruined interior of the forest laid five battered bodies and a giant carcass. After an unknown amount of time, Yuuta and the three generals were stirred from their slumber as they heard the leaves rustling. A group of elves had mysteriously appeared from within the forest and seemed intent on moving Haruto’s body.

Yuuta seeing this, pulled back his bow and icily growled, “touch my big brother, and I will kill you all.”

The elves looked at Yuuta blankly for a few seconds, then at each other. Finally, an event happened that would shock Haruto. The elven princess bowed and explained to Yuuta, “this man is my husband to be. He was sent by our chieftain to battle the ancient beast for my hand in marriage.”

Yuuta, at first, was doubtful of the claim. But thinking back to Haruto’s lewd looks and how excited his brother was to journey here, everything made a lot more sense. Yuuta lowered the bow and allowed the two male elves to lift Haruto up.

Pointing at the carcass Yuuta asked, “What about the beast, my big brother killed it.”

Not saying anything, the two elves began dashing towards their base with the injured Haruto. The princess elf grabbed the giant remains and threw it over her shoulder, then also began dashing away, taking Yuuta by surprise.

Is she stronger than big brother? Yuuta hurriedly gathered Sura, Shiki, and Bluey then rushed after the elves.

The three stooges bombarded the injured Haruto with spiritual messages of concern. When no reply was given, they turned their messages to Yuuta, asking what happened. These three, after being rag-dolled by the ancient bear, were unconscious the rest of the fight.

Deep in thought, Yuuta did not even notice their messages. Fortunately, these three generals were more than happy to spam Yuuta out of his daze. The alien name his brother said had repeated in his mind since the battle. Taking a deep breath, Yuuta swallowed his questions and calmed the three “older brother single-handedly defeated the bear after you guys were knocked out. He saved our lives but was greatly injured after.”

If Haruto heard Yuuta speaking this many words, he would go crazy trying to figure out what happened. The answer was simple, though, as all transformations happening to Yuuta were mental ones not physical. This is why Haruto was unable to notice any difference. After saying these words, Yuuta returned to silent reflection, thinking of the words his older brother said to him and wondering who this Aito was.

Following the elves, Yuuta and the others made it to the elven village. Where many elves were crying in joy. The ancient beast was dead. The corrupted guardian that plagued their village for centuries was gone. Another event must be added that would surprise Haruto as dozens of elves expressed emotions unbefitting of NPCs. At this rate, Haruto would go right back into a coma from all the information overload. Haruto’s body was carried to the center of the ancient cedar tree, where numerous flowers were in bloom. A soothing presence could be felt. The elves gently placed him within, then quickly left this holy area.

Yuuta was hesitant to leave Haruto’s side. But when the princess told him the chieftain wished to see him, he looked at the three generals for their opinions. Bluey gave a smug look that said, “Worry not. these weak elves would die a million times before harming our shogun.” In a rare instance, Shiki and Sura mirrored Bluey’s smugness to put Yuuta’s mind at ease.


Feeling their confidence, Yuuta followed the princess to the chieftain’s house. The young-looking chieftain had a happy look on his face, but a trace of worry was also present. He sighed in a bitter voice, “I thank you and your brave brother for killing that horrid beast. It is a shame that he became injured, fulfilling our requests. I can’t help but laud my own weakness, though your brother was much weaker than me, he still agreed to help. I even felt happy knowing he agreed so readily, now look what has happened. I fear his life may be in danger after seeing his injuries. My cowardice has cost a hero.”

Yuuta hearing such negative talk. Yelled, “shut up, what do you know. My big brother would never be killed by such small scratches. Just you wait. He’ll wake up soon, and when he does, you’ll regret saying those words.” In reality, Yuuta blamed himself for Haruto's injuries. If he had stayed home, the group wouldn't have had to divert so much attention in protecting him. Yuuta feared that his new brother would be lost so soon, all because he wanted to go.

The elven chief felt awkward and also sympathetic, understanding what must be going on in Yuuta's mind, “My apologies, I didn’t mean to offend. We all hope for the hero’s quick recovery. Which is why we placed him at the center of our blessed tree. What kind of father-in-law would I be if I did not worry about my son’s health?”

The princess elf’s face became red after hearing father-in-law and son.

Seeing his daughter's face, the chieftain couldn't help but cough before continuing. The chief looked Yuuta in his eyes. Affirming, “we will do everything we can to heal your brother. Until then, how about you all stay here with us until his recovery?”

Yuuta was calmed by the good intentions of the elves but shook his head in rejection. “I trust that my brother will be safe in your care. We must return home quickly for my other brothers are alone at this moment.”

The chieftain admiringly nodded his head at this courageous boy who could be adamant about his brother’s safety yet quickly decided to leave when it was ensured. “Your brother has raised you well. May I know your name, my future son?”

Yuuta puffed out his chest, and vigorously replied, “I am Yuuta named by my older brother, Haruto. The strongest man in this world.”

The chieftain chuckled at this display “Well, Yuuta return quickly. So that you may see to your other brothers. We will send someone over when there is any news that concerns your brother.”

Yuuta once again shook his head declining the kind intention. “There is no need for news. Soon my brother’s return will answer everything for us.” This boy’s arrogance towards the greatness of his brother would make the degenerate Haruto blush.

“Rightfully said young Yuuta. Well, how about this. Take my daughter Asami back with you so you can tell her about her husband-to-be.” The chief smiled gently at his blushing daughter.

Yuuta smiled and nodded his head in acceptance. He checked on Haruto one last time, gathered the three generals, and led Asami back to their home.

When Asami saw the giant wooden house, she couldn't help but admire the ingenuity it would take to build it. Even though Yuuta was absent from the building of the house, Haruto had still told him how it was made.


So Yuuta proudly embellished his brother’s story, “I see you are in awe of our home. Yes, older brother single-handedly punched down 300 trees in one hit, quickly transforming the woods, and built it in one day.”

The princess was shocked to hear that someone could punch one time and cause 300 trees to fall. In reality, no one in the elven village had a reason to punch down trees, as the blessed tree provided everything they needed. So, punching down 10 trees at once would be a feat.

The three generals merely nodded their heads as if this was nothing for their great general. In reality, they were present and knew not that many trees had fallen.

Dazed, she asked, “what are your older brother’s origins? Is he also from the ancient forest? I have never seen a being like him before.”

Yuuta was more than prepared to weave an exaggerated tale of how Haruto made it to this place. Quickly he ordered Sura to prepare a fire and Bluey to bring back some carp for dinner. The loyal generals promptly moved into action. Unlike with Haruto, Bluey was quite attentive to Yuuta. As for Shiki, he pulled out some leaf cups, filled them with water then handed one to Yuuta and Asami.

Yuuta gulped down the water and began the tale of Haruto’s adventures up to the ancient bear.

Using as deep of a voice that he could produce, Yuuta narrated, “My older brother originates from a great swamp far from here. There he battled ancient skeleton overlords and lived off nature for days. In a short time, my brother alone subjugated the mighty slimes and toads of the swamp hence why uncle Shiki and Sura are here.”

Shiki nodded his head in agreement as he smoked his pipe.

Yuuta continued, “One day, as my brother battled a great bone fiend, he was besieged by the traitorous croc race. They were very jealous of my brother’s greatness.”

If Bluey were to hear this, he would question the legitimacy of this tale, but he just so happened to be gone.

Yuuta, the storyteller, captivated his audience “My brother fought 1000 crocs back from his swamp alone against all the odds. The toads and slimes seeing their great shogun carry the burden of battle quickly jumped into action. It cannot be underestimated how many slimes and toads died in the battle. Still, their sacrifice proved their loyalty to my brother.” Here Yuuta did shirk the slimes and toads sacrifice, for he remembered how moved his brother felt when telling him about this part. “The battle raged for three days and three nights until the cowardly crocs could take no more. Eventually, they too understood the glory of my big brother, and surrendered pledging fealty and uncle Bluey joined his ranks.”

Again Shiki shook his head in affirmation as if the story was a matter of fact.

“After doing this, my brother decided he would show the entire world his greatness founding a glorious kingdom. Taking his strongest, he set out for his first conquest. But the dastardly sadist god feared my brother and crafted an impenetrable barrier. So my brother did the only thing possible. He pounded through the ancient fog barrier created by the gods that dared to hold him in place.”

The princess was eating little Yuuta’s story up and gasped when she learned how her husband even went against the gods.

“He attacked the barrier for a week straight until the barrier could take no more. Thus, he led my three uncles with him towards the ancient forest after being freed.”

The accomplice to these lies continually nodded his head in affirmation. Even he was drawn into the tall tale, and if asked if it was true, he would adamantly defend its legitimacy. In the middle of the story, Sura and Bluey returned and began listening in as the carp started cooking. Smelling the food, a horde of rabbits rushed around the campfire.

Yuuta's little nose incessantly wiggled, smelling the delicious meal, but he persevered in finishing the story. “Once making it into the forest, my brother unleashed his godly aura that caused the ancient bear such fright it roared in surrender.”

The princess remembered hearing such a roar, and couldn’t believe that her husband to be, was so grand.

In his head, Yuuta had begun to count the seconds before the meal was ready. “After showing the bear who was boss, my brother being the nice man he is, allowed the bear to continue existing until today, of course. From then on, he created this house, and one day, when fighting over 2000 carps by himself in the river, he invited my brothers and me to a feast. He fed me a delish thing called sweet soy sauce. He gave me a name and adopted me as his little brother. Out of all the choices in the whole world, he chose me.”

Now three accomplices were present to validate these half-truths, Haruto would have a hard time fixing these will expectations.

“He took my brothers in and me. After my first transformation, he threw me this thing called a birthday.” Yuuta grabbed one of the carps, dipped it in sauce, and handed it to the princess.

She absentmindedly took it. The word birthday sounded very strange to the princess, but she couldn’t help but be intrigued by it. Upon biting into the carp, the flavor burst into her mouth, never had she tasted something so good. She thought to herself in disbelief. Is this something bestowed by nature? No, the village would serve this every day if it were true. It must be magic. No food should taste this good, but father said magic was forbidden.

Yuuta merely smirked in satisfaction seeing the princess's face. He nibbled on his own carp and continued. “In honor of my birthday, my brother defeated a super elk that was level 200. During the battle, he was moved by the elk's pride, so he pledged to protect its pride and herd. Even when the elk was cooked into the most delicious meal known to this world, he refused to eat. I must admit that the taste is something I will never forget, this carp is flavorless in comparison. I would not have been able to resist.”

The princess unintentionally licked her lips, imagining such a meal. She could feel her heart racing at this point. Will I get to each such delicacies every day? Everyone else will be jealous, I must make sure to bring father some. She also now understood why her husband to be, was standing near the elk herd that day.

“The rest is history really. While defeating the bear with ease, the foolish bear attempted to take my life. My brother selflessly took the hit and thus became wounded.” Yuuta quietly stared into the sky after finishing this great epic.

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