《The Invincible Hero》Let’s Call It A Day


Kal and the twins spent seven months hiding in the caves. During this time, Kal reviewed the progress of the twin’s cultivation. In total, from their perspective, they had been in the new universe for around twelve thousand years. The golden dragon babies were now golden dragon teens.

At the very least, their plot to get older worked. The only problem now was getting out of this new universe. Kal wondered if he should report this new universe to the General. He decided to let BS42 make that call.

Kal wanted to create a few warriors to explore the planet for them and infiltrate the Syndicate, but Benton was in space and Kal wasn't very skilled at using a rebirth chamber. The best he could manage was creating a few fairies to do some exploring. After seven months of scouting, the fairies provided a comprehensive map and report on the world. The world had excellent prospects for hosting a variety of life in the seas and on land, but only simple animals existed on this planet.

The only sentient beings in this world were the three of them and the occasional hunting parties sent by the Syndicate. The Syndicate cleared all of the previous cultivators and let them go. They never found the twins, so they must still be on the planet. However, no matter how hard they looked they could never find them.

Kal was getting impatient but there was little he could do. Benton was still unable to bring the ship down because the Syndicate maintained a tight blockade. Kal started sending the fairies out to hunt game and bring fresh supplies to the cave. He and the twins dug out the cave and made it into a home with separate rooms for everyone.

The ability to cultivate was limited. The quickest way to be spotted by the Syndicate was to start manipulating spirit energy. Kal worked with the twins on possible strategies in case things went bad, or if they somehow were able to rendezvous with Benton.


After several months of waiting, Kal realized the Syndicate forces weren't going anywhere until they found their happy little group. They needed to plan an escape and get off of this world. Once in space, they would have a number of options.

Kal wasn't the only schemer in the universe. On the Syndicate Capital ship Vengence, Captain Tirskey was meeting with one of the Syndicate's most elite cultivators. Master Ba Rel was known for tracking Syndicate enemies and capturing them. No one could hide from him when he was ready to take action.

Right now, the two of them discussed the odd appearance of fairies on the planet. Captain Tirskey was holding a dead fairy body.

"Master Rel, my men keep finding these creatures all over the planet. Although it isn't unusual to find fairies on most inhabited worlds, it is odd for this planet," Captain Tirskey said.

"What's peculiar about this planet?" Master Ba Rel asked.

"This planet is well known for its simplicity. Only simple life forms live on this planet, nothing sentient," Tirskey revealed.

"That means someone brought them to the planet?" Master Ba Rel asked.

"Yes, but not until we cleared the planet. The fairies weren't here when we got here, and no one has been able to get past our blockade. Suddenly these fairies start popping up all over the planet," Captain Tirskey said.

"Someone down there released a bunch of fairies?" asked Master Ba Rel.

"We don't know. This brings me to the next odd point," Captain Tirskey began.

"What's that?" Master Ba Rel asked.

"We've captured several of these fairies and tried interrogating them. We've tried torture a thousand different ways but none of them will talk. That's unheard of!" Captain Tirskey exclaimed.

"Indeed." Master Ba Rel contemplated for a little while.

"We have noticed some odd things though. The fairies are always doing one of three things. They are either studying local life forms, mapping the planet, or collecting resources like food, water, and minerals," said Captain Tirskey.


"Ah, they're servants. They're doing these things for their masters," said Master Ba Rel.

"We've tried tracking them to see if they would lead us back to their master. However, every time we attempt to track one of them they die," Captain Tirskey said.

"Hmm, very interesting, what a powerful espionage tool this is. If the Syndicate could get its hands on this secret, what are a couple of dragons worth?" Master Ba Rel said.

"I agree, sir," Captain Tirskey said.

Master Ba Rel considered for a few minutes before giving his orders.

"I will take some of my cultivators to the surface and we'll create a dragnet using our spiritual senses. We'll cover the world and make it impossible for the fairies not to be tracked. If they all die that will still tell us something. If there are any movements of two or more people, this will help us find them. Even if they are blocking our direct sensing of themselves, they will still leave some indirect evidence of their positions," Master Ba Rel said.

Master Ba Rel rose from his chair and gave a slight nod to Captain Tirskey who returned a full bow.

"Thank you, Captain, you've done extremely well," Master Ba Rel said as he disappeared from the meeting cabin.

In the cave, Kal received some interesting news himself.

"We've discovered what appears to be a gateway of some kind. We aren't sure how to operate it, but it seems to be active. It may be possible to escape through there," a fairy said to Kal.

"It's worth looking into. I'll take the golden twins over there and we'll have a look. Anything else?" Kal asked.

"The Syndicate continues to capture fairies. I think they know we're assisting you,” the fairy said.

"You're probably right," Kal agreed.

"We'll engage operation "Fairy Dust" in one hour. Go and make preparations," Kal said.

"Yes, sir," the fairy said as it flew off to fulfill its orders.

"Pianzi, Congming, get over here!" Kal yelled.

The pair of dragons ran to Kal as soon as they could. Over the last few months, Kal treated the pair as soldiers in boot camp. He wasn't allowing them to run amuck anymore. This is the last time he would risk his life for some wild whim they had. He was instilling discipline into them. The training was really effective.

One of the things that made the duo so hard to control was BS42 wasn't able to seal their souls in any way. High-level cultivators would be able to see this if he did. The twin dragons were unconstrained by seals.

BS42 was partly willing to do this because even though the twins made a mistake in their past life it wasn't a traitorous mistake. Not really. However, Kal had enough of their unruly behavior and was knocking them into shape. He was turning them into soldiers.

The two stood before Kal waiting for his orders.

"There's a possible transfer gate. The fairies just discovered it and we're going to take a look. If it’s something we can use, we are immediately leaving this place. Get your things and be ready to move in forty minutes," Kal said. "It's go time."

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