《The Invincible Hero》It’s Not Over ‘Til The Fat Lady Sings


It was an interesting experience watching everyone around you growing up. The Forest kids he played with just a year ago were now responsible adults. Many of them had families of their own. Little Tao, the rabbit kid, already started raising his first litter of rabbits. His wife, Keai, met him thanks to the soccer games.

It occurred to Lorne even though he was a dragon baby he couldn't just play around for the rest of his life. He only had about ten years until his big nap. Right now, Lorne was much stronger than he was in his previous life, but around here, in the forest, he wasn't so strong. What was Lorne hoping to accomplish? He had a new life. What did he want to do with it?

He was an archaeologist in his last life, but he was also the protector of his world. It didn't mean much to him to be Earth's protector at first. To him, it just seemed like a good way to use his powers. It was fun. However, that last battle against the Usurpers was the first time in his life he actually felt he was doing something worthwhile. Standing up for Earth cost him his life, but he would do it again. He felt responsible, but he also felt honored he was given such great strength.

Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough in the past. He knew a lot more about strength since he came to this world. However, he never fully committed himself to it. Lorne thought about all of his friends and how they were working hard to take responsibility. They chose their path in life and were doing the best they could to make it happen. Lorne like being a protector and he wanted to continue in that vein.

Lorne couldn't protect this little bit of paradise where he now lived; just like how he couldn't protect his last planet. Lorne was blessed with strength. Yet, it wasn't enough. He needed more. With this thought in mind, Lorne decided to earnestly begin training himself. He learned about cultivation and had even dabbled in it. However, now, he wanted to excel in it. If he did get better faster, he might be able to see his brother, Big Bear. Even more than that, he didn't want to be in a situation where he was so outmatched he had no choice but to let himself be killed.


It wasn't because he was afraid of death. It was because if he was dead who would defend other people? It seemed he was brought into this world to be a protector. To be a protector you need strength, yet Lorne knew just how weak he was.

In about a year, Lorne would go see Big Bear. He wanted to show Big Bear how strong he had become. He wanted to knock his socks off. Lorne wanted to be a hero again, but this time he understood the responsibility he was agreeing to take on.

This world didn't have superheroes, but did that mean it couldn't have superheroes? Lorne would inaugurate an era of superheroes, just like on Earth. To do that he had to become much stronger. He needed to be strong enough to weather any storm and push forward when there was no hope.

"So long as you're alive, there's hope!" Lorne thought.

"How does someone become stronger?" Lorne wondered to himself. This world possessed something called cultivation. He would use it to grow stronger. However, before immersing himself in the cultivation world he knew he had to maximize the abilities he already had. How could he do this he wondered?

Ever since Lorne came to this world he gained powers he didn't previously have. The one he was most fascinated with currently was the energy perception he gained through his Wu Di bloodline. I have energy powers. My Laser vision is certainly energy based. I wonder if I could use my energy perception to help me improve my abilities.

Lorne began to use his energy perception to examine his body. The more he used this ability the more improvements he saw he could make. The improvements could increase his abilities.

Finally, Lorne realized all of his abilities were energy based in some way. Just as he made this discovery, Lorne's senses picked up a conversation between his parents. His mother was crying, and his father was trying to console her. Lorne moved to the living room where his parents were.


"Mother, what's wrong?" Lorne asked.

His mother immediately tried to deny anything was a problem. Lorne persisted until his mother finally told him the truth. Somehow, the Dragon Clan discovered the hidden Wu Di Clan. The Clan was currently being surrounded. Even the daughter of the Dragon Emperor had come to deal with the Wu Di. There was little chance for members of the clan. Lorne's mother had lost hope.

"Where there's life, there's hope, Mother," Lorne said

Lorne turned to walk away, and his mother suddenly asked him:"Xiong'er, where are you going?"

"I'm going to save our Wu Di Clan of course."

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