《The Invincible Hero》Now Available in Laser Vision


Lorne was considered a member of the Wu Di tribe even though he looked like a dragon. He, of course, knew where the hidden Clan's lands were. He arrived near the entrance of the Clan. He hid behind a rock and used his Ridarn vision to spy out the situation. He could hear the conversation thanks to his amazing senses.

Until recently his Ridarn vision hadn't been very useful. Most things on this planet blocked his vision ability. However, thanks to his recent discovery of using his Wu Di energy sensing ability to correct the flaws of his body and how he used energy; he was able to improve his Ridarn vision and make it much more powerful. Now, he could use his Ridarn vision as easily here as he did on Earth. Lorne was extremely excited.

Lorne thought when he arrived there would be a bloodbath, instead, he found the dragons standing back while a Gold-horn Dragon girl was bowing to the Wu Di Clan leader. Based on what he knew about dragons, she should be around seventeen or eighteen thousand years old. There was certainly a tenseness to the air. The dragons were as much on edge as the members of the Wu Di Clan. However, they held their position. It must be the doing of that Dragon girl.

"Curious." Lorne thought.

"Princess of the Dragon Clan, if you mean our Clan no harm then leave. We don't wish to fight you, and we certainly have no intention of forgiving you. Your Clan nearly wiped our Clan out! A simple apology is insufficient to the barbarous acts of the Dragon Clan!" the Clan Chief yelled angrily.

"Leave or fight, we aren't so easy to push around anymore," the Clan Chief said.

"Sir, you are right to be angry with my Dragon Clan, but I assure you my father truly wishes to make amends. The suffering of your Clan happened under the reign of my great-grandfather. Ever since my father came to power he has done everything possible to repair the wrongs done to your Clan. Our Empire is willing to make restitution. We can even restore your ancestral lands to you!" the Princess said.

Lorne was surprised. The girl seemed sincere, but the Wu Di loathed the Dragon Clan; they feared them with every fiber of their being. He would never know how his father convinced his mother to marry him. Even more, how did he convince the Wu Di to let them be together? His father wasn't the strongest Dragon cultivator around. He was pretty average. Lorne was aware of the strength of the Wu Di clan. If they wanted to kill his father, it would have been pretty simple.


"Clan Chief, we would like to prove our sincerity. My father has known of this location for more than three hundred thousand years, but he never intruded upon you!" the Princess pleaded with the Clan chief.

The Princess's revelation shocked and frightened the members of the Clan. If that was true, then the Dragon Emperor could have wiped them out at any time. They were shaken to their core. The Clan Chief, however, just got angrier.

"Listen here, little girl. If your Dragon Emperor was as magnanimous as you claim, then he would continue to leave us alone. Or, he would demonstrate his sincerity by coming here personally," the Clan Chief said.

The Dragon girl seemed surprised. "It's true the Emperor intended to let the Wu Di people be for a while longer. However, things changed. There is a great threat to our Dragon Empire and all of its citizens," the Dragon girl said.

"As I thought. The Dragon Emperor was willing to ignore us until he needed us. Now he needs us. First, he'll try the carrot and if that doesn't work, then he'll use a stick," the Clan Chief sneered.

"Sire, Clan Chief, it's really not like that. There's a threat to all life in the Dragon Empire," the girl said.

After hearing their chief, a look of enlightenment appeared on the face of the other members of the Wu Di clan. Following the clan's enlightenment was anger. The anger and hatred of the Wu Di clan towards the Dragon clan came boiling to the top.

Lorne watched everything very carefully. Suddenly, he spotted something dangerous and flashed from his hiding place. Lorne reappeared in between and blocked two attacks. One attack, from the Dragon Warriors aimed at the Clan Chief, and another attack, coming from the Wu Di side aimed at the Princess.

Lorne stood there between the two camps, not as Ying Xiong, but as a young Gold Dragon boy dressed in a blue and white costume reminiscent of the one he wore on Earth. Lorne never appeared in his true form since arriving on this planet except right after his birth.

When Lorne's parents told him the dangers of appearing as a Five Clawed Gold Dragon in public; Lorne immediately changed himself to appear to be a Four-Clawed Silver Dragon. From that day forth he never revealed his true strength. He did his best to appear to be nothing more than an average Four-Clawed Silver Horn Dragon baby.

Lorne even made his Silver Dragon baby look like a blend of Dr. Longoak from his past life and his parents in this life. The current, true face of Lorne only had a passing resemblance to his parents. All of this was done by Lorne to conceal who he really was, and today he revealed his true self to everyone.


Lorne stood between the two forces looking heroic and mighty.

"Excuse me, I don't wish to intrude but I believe life is more important than political disagreements," Lorne heroicly said. Moral certitude was a prerequisite for a hero. He had to believe in what he did, and he had to believe it was right. Otherwise, what would drive him to act?

If a person didn't have a higher moral code that he held himself accountable to then he was only serving himself. People who serve themselves were called villains where he came from.

Everyone suddenly snapped back to reality. Who was this Gold Dragon? The Dragons didn't take immediate action because they just met a Gold Dragon they had never heard of before.

"Another dragon, just butting in." One of the elders from the Wu Di clan said. The elder suddenly fired a Void King realm energy blast at Lorne, but it harmlessly bounces off his chest. Lorne sighed as he looked at the elder. This man was usually so peace-loving. He was really angry right now. Lorne had never seen the usually gentle and peace-loving man like this.

"Elder Wo, please stand down," Lorne said.

Elder Wo was surprised the Dragon boy knew his name.

"Who are you?" the Princess finally asked.

"Wudi Long," the Dragon boy said.

"Wudi Long?!" sneered Major Fennu, who stood next to the Princess.

"What an arrogant boy," the Major said.

"Perhaps," Lorne said with a smile.

"Aren't you a bit young to be mixed in with adult matters," the princess asked.

"Satchel Page said: Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter," Lorne said.

"Witty." The princess smiled. "I wonder where this Gold Dragon boy came from." The Princess thought.

"Princess, if you really wish to converse with the Wu Di Clan Chief then your sincerity might be better expressed without weapons. Perhaps you should retreat for now?" Lorne asked.

"We're not retreating! These Wu Di demons are being offered a chance at life from the Emperor and yet all they've done so far is spit on the Emperor's good intentions," the Major roared.

"Men, remove this silly little dragon and capture the Wu Di Clan Chief," the Major ordered his troops.

"Stand down Major! My father put me in charge of this mission, not you!" the Princess commanded.

"Princess, we all know the Emperor was only humoring you. You had a chance your way, and now we'll do it my way. You should go back to the ship or I'll put you in time out, for your own protection of course." The Major smiled aggressively.

"Presumptuous!" she yelled.

Just as the Major made a grab for the Princess, Lorne blurred in front of him, floating at eye level, and grabbed his arm.

"You better let go of me, boy, before I get rough," the Major said.

"Major, I think this situation calls for cooler heads, not cowardly hotheads," Lorne said. Before the Major could react, Lorne pushed the commander back by touching his palm to the Major's chest. The commander flew backward, mowing down some of his men. The whole lot wound up crashing into a mountain seventy-three miles away. The Major and his men were all unconscious.

Lorne turned around and looked at the Dragon Princess.

"Pardon me miss, but if I may be so bold, you should make sure your men are under control before coming to talk about important things with the Clan Chief. They already have no reason to trust you and bringing hotheads like that Major only makes things worse," Lorne said.

"I didn't have a choice. My father assigned him to me," The princess said.

"Then you shouldn't have come. You should reflect on your mistakes and find a more sincere way to approach the Wu Di Clan in the future," Lorne said.

"Perhaps you can help with that?" the Princess asked.

Lorne blurred into the sky and turned back to say, "I'm not a politician mam, be safe." With that, Lorne turned towards the heavens and flew away. While everyone looked at the sky in the direction Lorne flew in, he quickly circled around and arrived back at the boulder where he hid earlier. He changed back into his normal appearance as a Silver Horn dragon.

The parties in the conflict today were all puzzled. "Who was that Dragon boy?"

"I don't know who that boy was, but he was right. Your Dragon Clan isn't being sincere." After saying his piece, the Wu Di clan chief and the clan members turned around and entered their hidden clan, disappearing from before everyone.

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