《Another World? Never Saw This Coming》Chapter 8 (Riled Reminiscing)


After about an hour of traveling Riley began reminiscing about how she ended up here saving the life of a human.

Ever since Riley could remember she was alone, her first memory was being found by a kind Wolfkin male whom she lovingly called Dad.

According to him she was apparently found while he and other members from his Village were out hunting, he claimed to have heard a small whimper while walking by a pile of rocks and found her wrapped in a blanket alone.

Apparently the moment he saw her he wanted to protect her with all his might and took her back to the village immediately he was married at that point but his wife who was a Bunnykin was also a very kind person and agreed to raise her with her husband.

At first the both of them spent a year looking for her actual parents but when they were never found they fully dedicated themselves to her upbringing.

Her father was a retired merchant who opened a shop that sold rare stone, jewelry, toy, and other oddities.

He made sure to teach her everything he knew about business and how to turn a profit, he also taught her things like fishing, surviving, hunting, and what he considered the most important Combat.

While at the same time her mother who thought her Dad was treating her too much like a boy taught her cooking, sewing, and fine etiquette among other womanly things.

She loved both of them very much and loved her with all of their hearts truly an inseparable family.

Once Riley started to come of age she became curious about where she came from and found out something about herself. She could use magic, and not just any magic, a magic that had been lost for a long time.

Apparently she was a rare breed of Wolfkin called a GeoWolf who were known for their ability to manipulate the earth and who were one of the best rare material gatherers she found out about this when her father brought her to a travelling wizard to have her STATUS assessed.

She also found out what happened to her race. Due to their ability to find gems and riches they managed to amass an amazing amount of wealth, which lead to other Wolfkin becoming jealous.

This lead to an intense battle where every breed of Wolfkin had teamed up to eliminate the Geowolfs and steal their riches, however due to the fact that most rare ores were underground or inside mountains it became incredibly hard to track them down and the Geowolfs could have lived in relative peace but greed is a double edged sword.


The Geowolfs had been moving as an entire unit collecting things as they travelled to different mountains one day they settled down at an area which supposedly had more gold than any other spot they had ever been too.

But once they cleared the stone away they soon found out that they had made a terrible mistake.

A white dragon was hoarding gold in its cave and was in deep slumber however the Geowolfs careless blunder led to it waking up and it woke up mad.

According to the mage not a single Geowolf was said to have survived the encounter with the dragon all that was left were some charred remains found by scouts.

Riley and her parents had been incredibly shocked to find out about all of this but her father decided to make the best of the situation and asked the mage to teach her how to use magic.

He agreed wholeheartedly due to having the idea that Riley could be used as some sort of gem magnet.

But to the mages disappointment Riley focused on self-strengthening instead of using her race given magic she developed an ability called Breaker much to the surprise of the mage who assumed she could only use her race given abilities.

After teaching her for about a month the mage got payment from her father and quickly left disappointed at not having amassed the riches he was hoping for.

After seeing his daughter’s growth Riley’s father decided it was time she became a merchant.

He taught her everything he knew about mercantilism and gave her multiple maps for the entire region.

At first he let her sell his goods to neighboring villages and town but eventually as she proved herself more and more he let her fully take over the business and everything was going smoothly.

However one day everything changed.

Riley was heading back to her home after gaining quite a bit and was intent on selling some of the unique stones she had found while testing her race abilities.

But after seeing a large pillar of smoke in the distance she felt something was off.

After pushing the horses as hard as she could she eventually arrived at her village, or at least what was left of it there were scorch marks and bodies everywhere worry struck her immediately and she panicked ditching her horses she ran as fast as she could back to her home.

But the scene she saw next would be scarred into her memory forever.

In front of her both her Mother and Father were currently locked in mortal combat with two incredibly powerful demons.


Demons were creatures Riley had only heard of in stories by passing travelers and foreign merchants never did she expect to meet them.

Her mother and father were surrounded by hundreds of slain demons and were covered in wounds standing in front of them were incredibly strong looking Demons Riley could tell just by looking at them.

Right then her mother and father noticed her and looked at her with pained expressions.



As she said that she activated her special ability Breaker to its maximum power.

Cloaked Demon: “Ohohoho what have we here a puppy bearing its fangs? How cute”


He yelled in rage as he locked into combat with the Cloaked Demon

Meanwhile the second demon who was twice the size of Riley’s father charged at her mother.

Riley watched in horror as her mother was caught off guard and blown away towards her.

Riley who’s abilities had been enhanced 10fold by Breaker was able to catch her mother and set her down.

Riley’s father after witnessing what happened to his wife became even more enraged and became covered in a red aura.

The Cloaked Demon and the Large Demon both charged Riley’s father emitting a purple aura but the instant they tried to land a hit on him a large explosion happened.

The Large Demon was immediately blown to bits spraying purple blood everywhere and the cloaked demon was nowhere in sight.

Riley’s father collapsed onto the ground right next to Riley and her mom.

Riley: “Dad what happened?”

Riley’s father: “Riley we were attacked by a demon army those were its commanders me and your mother are the only

ones left alive.”

Riley: “Im-impossible everyone died….”

Riley’s father then sat up and picked up her mother, after looking around he turned to Riley and said.

Riley’s father: “Riley you know I love you right?”

Riley: “y-yeah why?”

Right after he said that he looked at her kindly and shoved her as hard as he could Riley launched back and smashed into a house the next thing she saw was the cloaked demon appear behind her parents it had lost one of its arms from the explosion but using its remaining arm it impaled them.

Riley flew into a blind rage charging after the Cloaked Demon blowing craters in the ground ever step she took her blue glow had now turned black as she approached him.

In the blink of an eye she appeared in front of him and slashed at his hood with a small dagger she had been carrying.

The Cloaked Demon’s hood had been knocked off when it tried to avoid the knife and what Riley saw terrified her.

Its face had two red glowing eyes and deep purple skin, she slashed at it as hard as she could and managed to gouge out its right eye at this the Demon became enraged and slashed at her cutting a deep gash into her back from the top of her left shoulder down to her right hip.

However due to its many injuries that was all it had managed to do before it fled.

Riley crawled over to her parents limp forms and shook them.


Riley’s father’s breathing was hard and labored but he was still alive

Riley’s father: “Riley I’m going to need you to listen to me right now. Be strong Riley become strong enough to protect everything important to you or spend your time finding something or someone worth protecting. Once you find that something be sure to cherish it with all your heart and remember, never EVER ignore the pleas those in need of serious help.”

Riley: “I-I won’t I promise! Please don’t go dad!”

Riley’s mom: “Riley I want to give you a gift it’s not much but it’s all I can do right now.”

As she said that she grasped Riley’s hand and instantly healed the wound on her back.

Riley’s mom: “all I can do is give you my healing ability and fix your back, however in this state I was only able to seal the wound it will still leave a scar.”

Riley: “M-mom d-dad no please don’t leave me!”

Riley: “NOOOOOOOO!!”

She screamed at the top of her lungs and blacked out her ability Breaker is useful for multiplying abilities to insane levels but its toll on the body is extensive, which caused her to collapse once the effects caught up.

Authors note: HOT DANG MY FINGERS BURN TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE NIGHT!!!! its because i love you guys :3 plese comment it gives me the powaa!! to be fair so does monster but i'd rather be complemented than be hyper!

ITS A MEGA CHAPTER BOYYIIES whew wrote the past two chapters in 2 hours brb icing fingers ;-;

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