《My (Secret) Life as a Teenage Assassin》Chapter 3: Chance Meetings and a Change of Training
Chapter 3: Chance Meetings and a Change of Training
The bus drops me off in front of my Uncle Rory’s studio. A squat, white single-story building with a glass front sits in front of me. Uncle Rory said he started it up after he moved here to be closer to my mother and me to 3 years ago to “keep an eye on us” as he says. “Rory’s Defense” is located in a residential/commercial area and sees pretty decent foot traffic. I shrug my backpack up higher on my shoulders and stroll through the front door and a bell hanging above the door greets me. “Hey brat! I don’t have much for you to do right now so why don’t you go get your workout clothes on?” A gruff yet friendly voice calls out from the office. “How does he always know it’s me?” I murmur to myself. “I’ll tell you one day. Until then, get your rear-end in gear and get changed!” He responds without missing a beat. “Yessir Mr. Uncle Rory Boss sir, Moving Mr. Uncle Rory boss sir!” I respond cheekily. “Oh, we’ll see how cocky you are after I put you through your paces! I think today we’ll focus on multiple attackers today.” is the response I hear back. *Sigh* I really need to stop writing checks with my mouth that my butt can’t cash. I head into the back changing room and open my locker. As I’m taking out my workout clothes, the large, manilla envelope falls out of my backpack and lands on the floor. I stand there with my clothes in my hand and look at the envelope with an irritated gaze. When I woke up this morning, the day seemed full of promise, well I guess it did because today ended up promising to be troublesome. With everything that happened at school, I ended up putting the envelope to the back of my mind and now it has returned to bite me in the ass. As I stand there, I resolve to show Uncle Rory and ask him for advice. I quickly change into my gym shorts and a loose shirt, toss on my sneakers, grab the envelope, and rush out the locker room.
“Uncle Rory!” I yell out as I walk into his office. He looks up at me from the paper in his hands, cigar smoke framing his grizzled face. A salt and pepper flat top sits on his head and calculating, blue eyes stare at me. He might have a bit of a gut on his six-foot, muscular frame but don’t let it fool you one bit. This man knows his business. “Whatcha need, brat?” he says as he puts his cigar in an ashtray. “So, this morning….” I explain everything that occurred once I arrived at the bus stop. Uncle Rory always taught me to explain everything as if I was giving a report. All details from the weather and traffic to how a person walked were to be included in my “report”. I finish giving him the events, he stares at me for a moment and then softly speaks, “Did you look inside yet?” “I glanced in there and all I saw was a stack of cash. I don’t know how much but that’s all I saw.” I respond. “Well, let’s open this can of worms together. Come sit down and then open it on my desk.” “Yessir.” I say as I sit down. With a little more apprehension than I’d ever care to admit to anyone, I open the envelope and let the contents fall on Uncle Rory’s desk.
On the desk lies a stack of cash wrapped in a rubber band, a flash drive, and a picture of a middle-aged looking man. The man has silvery colored hair streaked with black and is combed back. He has blue eyes that sit above a Romanesque nose and his mouth is set in a thin line. The flash drive is matte-black and shaped like a plain rectangle. Uncle Rory picks up the cash and licks his fingers before thumbing through it. “5,000 cash, all 100’s.” He says thoughtfully and then places the stack back down on the desk. “You’d be best served if you just put everything back in the envelope and then give it back to that man when you see him again and then walk away without looking back. See that symbol in the middle? Those people don’t like letting go of their employees. Once you’re in, you’re IN.” Uncle Rory says as he points at the symbol in question. I glance at where he’s pointing and see a stamp. I hadn’t noticed it there at all! I really need to slow down and take a step back. Too many things have passed my notice today. The stamp has the outline of a shield. A depiction of an unrolled scroll sits in the middle with an eagle in flight on it. The eagle’s claws grasp a feather pen in one claw and a knife in the other. The words, “Account Management Services” curve around the bottom of the shield. “How do you know this symbol? I ask suspiciously. “When I worked with your father…. don’t you worry about that right now, it’s not the time. We have work to do! You put this stuff right back into that damned envelope and next time you see that gentleman, you throw it at him and run! Don’t look back, just keep going!” Uncle Rory says emphatically. “Alright…. but we ain’t done with this. I want to hear about you and dad eventually!” I say. “Yeah, sure…. now clean it up, throw in your locker, and then get your butt out to the warmup mats.” He says while waving me off while lost in thought. I give him one more look after cleaning the items up and then I run the envelope back to my locker.
Uncle Rory’s training has me warm up with a set of stretches, 100 push-ups, 20 chin-ups, 100 crunches, and 15 minutes on the heavy bag. This has led to me having an athletic body and at my age when a teenage boy can get a little vain, I couldn’t be happier. I’m still a bit on the scrawny side but Uncle Rory tells me I’ll gain more mass with age and more training. Once my 15 is done on the bag, I walk over to the training are and wait for Uncle Rory to walk over. He takes a few moments to correct a stance on a customer and then walks over. “Change of plans. I’ve only taught you how to defend yourself, going forward I’ll be training you to kill. No more kiddy stuff. You need the tools in your kit to survive that envelope if you end up stuck with it.” I stare at him for a moment and wait for further explanation, but I’m met with a stare myself. “Ok, I’ll bite. Why?” I break the silence first. “I’ve got my reasons. I promised your dad that I’d do what it took to look after you.” Uncle Rory responds after a brief moment. “You always tell me that I have to man-up, to be prepared for anything. I’m finally in a situation and you're going to hold out on me?” I cross my arms and wait for his response. He lets out a long breath while moving his jaw in thought. “Like a dog on a bone….so much like him…. Fine, I’ll tell you about when your dad and I did our first job together and then I’m going to train you till you’re too tired to talk!” Uncle Rory motions me over to a corner mat and we both sit down.
20 years ago: Frantic footsteps and hurried conversations could be heard throughout the expansive estate through the closet door. A man kneels in the darkness and whispers into his earpiece. “Mother, the target was warned. I’ve been compromised, awaiting further instructions.” “Stand by Rain. Receiving updated orders….” a voice responds. “Rain” the code name the man crouching in the dark, waits while regulating his breathing so as to make as little noise as possible. Just as Rain is about to ask for an update….” Charlie Mike, I say again, Charlie mike. This account has been in the red for too long. Needs to be resolved ASAP.” The man hears. “Roger, Charlie Mike. Be advised, timeline for extraction may be affected due to latest developments.” The man responds. “Roger, extraction will adjust to new developments and will stand by. -Mother, out.” Rain sighs and leans closer to the closet door to listen for an opportunity to slip out. There’s a lull in the activity and the man slips out of the closet quietly. He takes up a hurried pace while also being aware. Wearing a black uniform with a harness loaded with weapons, it’d be hard to not be noticed as he’s dressed. Especially while wearing a black hood and mask with black gloves and boots completing the look. Rain rushes from shadow to shadow while testing doorknobs as he makes his way down the dimly lit hall. “I’d at least turn on the lights if I knew there was an assassin in my home.” He mutters. He tests the last doorknob on the left in the hall and finds it unlocked. Rain opens the door just enough and slips in while quietly closing the door behind him.
“Who in the hells are you?” A female voice speaks behind him. Rain freezes as he finishes closing the door. Then with a shrug of his shoulders, turns around slowly while putting his hands up around slowly while clearing his throat. He stops what he’s about to say when his eyes land on a beautiful young woman wearing a pink nightgown laying on the bed with a tablet in her arms. She has her blonde hair up in a messy ponytail and blue eyes shine from behind reading glasses. “I said…. who in the hells are you?!” He realizes that he was just standing there gawking. With an audible click while closing his open mouth, he says; “My good madam. I’m an accountant hired to help your father. I’m late for a meeting with him. Where can I find him?” “What type of accountant balances books with a gun?” she asks with a raised eyebrow while looking at his right side. “A thorough one.” He replies. “And what type of accountant balances books while covering his face?” She asks. *What an infuriatingly sharp and beautiful woman* he thinks to himself. “A shy one.” He responds. “Hmmm…. no. I believe you’re here to kill my father. *sigh* Who did he anger know with his business deals this time….” she trails off while tapping her chin with a finger. Rain decides to appear more harmless by taking off his mask. He reaches up and tears off his mask, exposing his face. “Mother would kill me.” He mutters only so he can hear. Rain takes a moment and collects himself, then he hits her with his best smile. The young lady looks at him with a flat book and only utters one word; “Trouble.” Rain’s smile falls and the young woman bursts out laughing.
“Ha-haha-ahhh….anyways, it’s rude to burst into a young lady’s room in the middle of the night and not give a name.” She says while wiping away a tear. “Rain.” The man grumpily replies while crossing his arms with a scowl. “Rain? Well, my name is Elizabeth, you can call me Liz. Now a stranger is no longer standing in my room in the middle of the night.” Liz says with a wide grin. “You’re awfully composed for someone suddenly slipping into their room in the middle of the night, don’t you think ELIZABETH?” He emphasizes her proper name for some reason unbeknownst to him. “Oh sure, you’re right but my father leads a pretty interesting life, so this isn’t the weirdest thing to happen around here.” She says while nodding like a man dressed in black standing in her room isn’t a big deal. “Now, come sit down and explain why you’re here to kill my father.” Liz pats the bed as she sits up and places her tablet on the nightstand. *Sigh* Rain walks over with a defeated look and sits down.
“So, that’s how it is.” Liz says while thinking. Rain had just explained why he was there with only broad points while leaving out A LOT of details. “By the way, I know you are leaving out quite a bit, but I’ll accept your reason for now.” Liz says with a challenging look. *Hmph* “Well that’s all your getting out of me right now.” Rain says with a scowl. Liz giggles and leans back and looks at Rain with a gleam in her eyes. “Ah, too bad you’re here to kill my father. I’d love to go on a date with a cute and mysterious man who barges into my room in the middle of the night, but alas….that would make introducing you to him pretty awkward.” Liz says while giggling. For once in his life, Rain has no response. Here he is, in a target’s house, flirting with a smart and beautiful woman in the middle of the night. “And….a-and if I was to close this file, would you let me take you out then?” Rain says nervously. Who is this woman? Rain has no defense against her mental attacks! “Hmm….wouldn’t you get into trouble with your employer?” Liz asks. “You called me trouble yourself. What’s being trouble if you can’t handle it?” I say and then hit her with another grin. Liz giggles and motions for Rain’s cell phone. “Here’s my number, ONCE you close this file, then you may properly ask me out. How lecherous! A man barges into my room in the middle of the night and asks me for my number?!” Liz bursts out into giggles again. Rains cheeks start heating up and once again finds himself off balance. He frustratingly tries to explain why he’s in Liz’s room without success while trying to shush her giggles when a loud and persistent knock interrupts them. “Who’s in there with you, Elizabeth?!” A man’s voice yells. “Father! N-no one! It’s the show I’m watching on my tablet!” Liz says with panic as she starts shooing Rain out. “The window! Go out the window!” Rain nods his head and runs to the window. “I hear running, what’s going on Liz? You have to the count of three and then I’m letting Siegfried of his leash!” the man yells. “JA, boss! What’s that supposed to mean?” a man with a German accent whines. “ONE” -from outside the door. “Go! Go-gogogo!” Liz whisper shouts. Rain rushes over to the window and tries to open it. “TWO” -from outside the door. “Hurry!” Liz says with panic. “It’s stuck!” Rain yells. “I KNEW I HEARD A MAN’S VOICE, YOUNG LADY! THREE! Siegfried, sic em!” “JA’BO BOSS!” The door is turned into splinters as a large, German man plows his way through. He’s 7 feet of muscle and looking to please his boss despite being called a dog. Rain takes one look at the man and simply yells “NOPE!” Rain backs up and then dashes for the window. He doesn’t let a little thing like glass and a frame stop him. Rain dives right through the second-floor window and breaks his fall with a roll, landing in front of a couple of surprised guards carrying automatic weapons. “STOP THAT MAN!” A voice shouts out from the broken window. The guards glance up at the window and Rain doesn’t miss his chance to run off into the dark night.
*Ssssss-crack* Bullets travel past his head as he’s running for his life. The bullets super-heat the air, letting out hisses and cracks as they impact the trees around him. Rain is currently running through a forest in the middle of the night being chased by an angry father’s guard force. “Jeeze, all this trouble and all we did is TALK!” Rain yells out over the sounds of gunshots and passing bullets. “The sad part? The said part is, I WAS HERE FOR HIM!” Rain starts to go on a tirade as he’s running. *BARK *BARK *BARK! “Dogs. Because. WHY NOT?” Rain yells between breaths. Rain puts on more speed to reach the rendezvous point and his ticket to a gun free and dog free night.
The dogs are currently gaining on Rain and the bullets seem to be getting closer to hitting him when he finally sees a black van waiting on the dirt road ahead of him. The van starts up when the driver sees Rain break free of the tree line. A huge German shepherd is literally nipping on his heels as he races to the open door. Rain is about three strides from the door when pain blossoms from his derriere. This serves to motivate Rain to leap through the side door of the van as it accelerates down the dirt road. Rain scrambles back and slams the door shut and then leans his sweaty forehead on the door. “Did you balance the account?” The driver asks. “No, Mother. I was unable to due to unforeseen complications.” Rain says while making his way up to the passenger seat. “Describe said complications.” Mother asks while watching the road. “I was making my way to the target when I slipped into a room to hide and accidently made contact with the daughter of the target.” Rain says while stopping and bracing for a bump. Mother side eyes Rain and then says; “What was the outcome?” “A date.” Rain replies. “A date?” Mother parrots back. “Well, if I close the account, then there will be a date.” Rain says and then stops as it dawns on him that he was played. “AHAHAHAHA!” Mother bursts out laughing, causing the van to swerve a bit. Rain starts to swear to himself while Mother continues to laugh. “Wait’ll the boys back at the firm hear about the great Jack Cady being played by a teen aged girl! AHAHAHAHA!” Jack mutters angrily to himself as he finally gets to the passenger seat. “SONOFA-!” Jack hollers out as he sits down. “What?” Mother ask while wiping his eyes. “THAT DAMNED DOG BIT ME ON THE ASS!” Jack yells. “AHAHAHAHA-HAHAHAHA!”
Sebastian’s shakes his head as his thoughts come back to the present. Uncle Rory is watching him to see what his thoughts are. “Yes, Rain was your father. Or still is, I don’t know….no one knows where he is after he disappeared. He met your mother on that assignment 20 years ago. She was 17 and your father was 20. They got married when she turned 19 and they had you a couple of years later. I became your father’s friend after that assignment. He got in a whole lot of trouble, but he said it was worth it because your mom followed through on her promise after your dad kept his word. Any questions?” Uncle Rory says with raised eyebrows. I tap my chin with a finger as I stare at him. Then I hit him with a grin and ask, “So, mother. What are you going to train me in now?” “You little shit! Get your bratty arse on the mat, let’s go!” Uncle Rory roars at me. With a laugh, I run to the mat and Uncle Rory runs me through a few new stances. He’s starting me on Krav Maga, an Israeli martial art that focuses on simultaneous defense and attack, bringing your opponent down as fast and as efficient as possible with brutal execution. Uncle Rory says it’s perfect for real life situations and I should NEVER use it unless I have no choice. I eagerly listen and pay attention to everything Uncle Rory is teaching me for the next 2 hours.
“Alright, that’s enough for now.” Uncle Rory says as I walk of the mat and grab a towel to wipe the sweat off. “Go shower off and then head on home. Please don’t pry about your father to your mother. I don’t think she would be too happy with the story I just told you.” He adds on. “Yessir, I understand.” I reply. “Good, also remember what I told you with the envelope. Don’t involve your mom. Just give it back to that gentleman next time you see him and walk away.” I acknowledge his words with a nod and walk into the locker room to shower and change.
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