《My (Secret) Life as a Teenage Assassin》Chaper 4: Man, I Need a Car!


Chapter 4: Man, I need a car!

The night is cool and clear as I leave the studio and walks over to the bus stop. There is a chill wind. I decide to pop up the hood on my hoodie as I sit down. My phone buzzes and so I pull it out to check and I see a text from my mother. She says that she won’t be home for another few hours and to go ahead and order something with the money she left him on the counter. I respond with a thumbs up and a “be safe”. I notice it’s 8:43 pm and the next bus will be here at 9 pm. I do the mental math and realizes it would be close if I ordered something now and tried to catch it on time at my apartment. As I’m waffling on the idea, I feel the weight shift on the bench as someone sits down. I glance over and see a man with a beard, wearing sweats and a hoodie. A beanie covers his head so I can’t make out his hair color. The man looks back but then pulls out his cellphone and focuses on it, no longer looking at me. No longer paying attention to the man, I put my headphones in and play music. 9 pm comes around as the bus pulls to a stop in front of me and the man. I take my time getting up which allows the man to enter the bus first as I follow behind. Another habit Uncle Rory drilled into my head. I walk to the middle seats and settle in for the ride. As I’m listening to my music, I feel pressure on my back from a stare. I look up and with an innocent yawn, turn my body with a stretch, and casually glance around. I locate the man sitting in the back of the bus, but he’s looking down at his cellphone. I turn back around and continues to listen to my music but occasionally, I feel the pressure of a stare on my back as the ride continues.

The bus arrives at my stop, and I get up to exit the bus. The man also gets up without looking at me and gets off. I watch the man leave the bus. “I take this route 3 times a week and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that dude before.” I contemplate to himself. The bus driver clears his throat, and I am jolted out of my thoughts. “Sorry about that sir, thanks for the safe trip!” I say with a smile. The bus driver just nods back as I get off the bus. Stepping off the bus, I look around and don’t see anyone. The bus pulls off and makes its way down the main boulevard. Pedestrian traffic is nonexistent and only the sound of an occasional car passing on the boulevard can be heard. I shrug my backpack further up my shoulders and start walking towards my apartment down the sidewalk. While humming along to the music, I feel pressure on my back again. I stop and pretend to tie my shoe while peeking back under my arms. I see the same man from the bus a couple of blocks back on the opposite sidewalk, walking in my direction. I finish with my act and increase my pace towards my apartment complex. I glance back and see the man appears to have matched my pace, but he still focuses on the phone in his hands. I continue to walk towards my apartment, but I’ve stopped my music. The man continues to follow me at my increased pace as I draw closer to my building. I finally reach the front gate and I glance back but only an empty street greets my sight. “What a weird day!" I say while shaking my head as I walk through the gate.


In a dark alley one block down from Sebastian’s apartment, a woman watches Sebastian take one more glance around before heading into his apartment complex. She’s wearing black jeans and a black leather jacket protects her from the cool night. “Ahh, Sebastian. I promised your father that I’d keep your hands clean from our family affairs, but it looks like it wasn’t meant to be. I guess I’ll have to take a more active role in watching you for now on.” She says contemplatively as she stares at Sebastian’s building. A strain of her loose, sandy blonde hair blows errantly into her green eyes. She huffs it out of her face, and then she tucks the strain behind one ear. “The agency really is troublesome. They just can’t seem to leave our family in peace.” The woman says before turning and strolling into the night. “Be safe nephew.” are her final words.

I walk up the stairs to my apartment door as I ponder the strange events of the day. First thing this morning an envelope falls into my lap. Then I am “volun-told” to help the new girl study. Kristy is angry at me and demands lunch at the mall on Saturday. A war story that raises more questions than answers. Finally, the cherry on top of this troublesome sundae? A strange man who may or may not have been following me home! I need to sleep on all of this. A dark apartment greets me as I unlock and open the front door. I take off my shoes by the door and flip on the light as I enter the kitchen. I look on the counter and see a $20 dollar bill sitting on a note. I stuff the bill into my pocket and read the note: “Sebastian, sorry I couldn’t make it home in time for dinner. I should be finished around 10 pm and then I’ll be right home. Order yourself some dinner and I'll see you in the morning if you go to bed before I get home. -Love, mom.” I check the time on my cell phone and it’s 9:23 pm. “She could’ve saved a text with the note. She’s always worrying about me. Guess it’s pizza tonight.” I say after realizing how late it is. I call up a local pizza joint and order a large cheese and pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. It looks like the pizza will get here right around the same time as my mother gets home.

While waiting on the pizza, I take out my math book and start reviewing the chapters we were assigned in class. I lose track of time as I’m studying, the front door opening interrupts my reading. I look up and see an exhausted woman coming through the front door. My mother takes off her coat and hangs it up and then takes off her shoes. “Hey son! I see your still up.” She says with a smile. “Yeah, I ordered pizza and I’m getting in some studying while I wait.” I reply. “Oh, good. I’m starving, what did you order?” my mother asks as she takes a seat across from me. “Pizza, with extra cheese and pepperoni.” I say. “Sounds good, did you happen to order pineapple on it this time?” She says hopefully. “Do you WANT me to call child services?!”

As we are bickering about what belongs on a pizza there’s a knock at the door. I answer it and it’s the pizza delivery guy. I pay him with the $20 and give the rest as a tip and thank him. I carry the box over to the table and sit it down on the table. My mother goes to the cupboard and grabs out 2 plates and a couple of forks out of the silverware drawer. I open the box and thankfully the cheese is still hot. I take a big whiff and exclaim; “This is how the pizza gods ordained such a fine dish to be served! Extra gooey cheese, crispy pepperoni, and a slightly seared crust!” My mother giggles at my antics as she grabs a couple of slices. “You always order a large, but we never finish it. You refuse to eat left over pizza. I just don’t get it.” she says as she takes a bite. “That’s only because it’s only good when you first get it. The experience and taste isn’t the same when you reheat pizza.” I respond.


I never understood how a simple, round food could polarize the human population as much as pizza can. We finish up dinner with idle chat as I ponder pizza’s philosophical existence. “Well, that’s it for me son. I’m going to go shower and then head to bed. I have another early day tomorrow.” My mother says as she puts her dishes in the dishwasher. “Ok mom, I’m heading to bed too.” I respond back. “I love you, sweet dreams!” My mother says over her shoulder as she walks to her bedroom. I clean up the rest of dinner and start the dishwasher before gathering my books and bag, then I make my way to my room.

I plop my backpack and math book on the desk and the corner of the envelope grabs my attention. With a sigh I take the envelope out and walk over to my bed. I open the envelope and let the contents fall onto the bed. I sit there and lose myself to thought as I stare at the contents. I pick up the cash and count it as I think about how this would be great for a down payment on a car so I can stop riding the bus. Too many bus related situations have plagued me just today alone. I drop the cash back on the bed and then pick up the picture. The man staring back at me seems to judge me and doesn't like what he sees. I drop the photo and pick up the flash drive, I stare at it and then glance over at my computer. I stare at the drive, then back to the computer, then back at the drive again. After a few moments of pondering, I shake my head and put everything back into the envelope. I shove the envelope back into my backpack and I finish my studying at the desk. I check my phone again and see that its 11:45 pm. It’s been a long day with many questions and not enough answers. I need to sleep on it and meet tomorrow with a better game plan. I lay on my bed and turn my lamp off and drift off to troubled sleep.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* The alarm wakes me up after a fitful sleep. I had a dream that I was being chased by shadowy figures who were threatening me with pineapple covered pizza if I didn’t do the job in the envelope. Weirdly enough, there was also a chipmunk that would chitter at me angrily while keeping pace as I was running away. I turn my alarm off and sit up with a groan and wipe my face with one hand. 7 am came too early today and I’m not in the mood for any shenanigans that may come up. I grab clean uniform and underclothes, zombie walking my way to the bathroom. The shower helps wake me up a bit and I feel a little better. I finish in the bathroom and then head into the kitchen. My mother is waiting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee in her hands. A plate of waffles and bacon wait for me at me usual seat. I sit down without a word and stare at my plate. “Rough night? I think you might need this more than I do.” my mom says as she slides her mug over to me. I take the coffee mug without a word and take a big gulp. “Bad dreams?” she asks after she retrieves herself another mug of coffee. “Yeah, you can say that.” I say testily. “Well, about what?” she leads. “Chipmunks and pineapple.” I say while taking another sip of coffee. “I think we may need to watch what you eat before going to bed.” my says with a flabbergasted look.

I say my usual goodbyes to my mother and leave for the bus stop. The September sun and chirping birds seems to mock my mood this morning as I walk down the sidewalk. I thought I felt someone staring at me, but I really can’t tell with my current mood. I arrive at the bus stop and the bench is empty. I take a seat and wait for Kristy to show up. I have no idea what to expect, she wasn’t the happiest yesterday when we parted ways and I don’t know what to expect this morning. No way my mental defenses are up to par with dealing with Kristy. I’ll just do the “ole’ go-to” for men throughout our storied history in the battle of the sexes by shutting my mouth and let her lead. As the passing traffic almost lulls me to sleep, Kristy arrives and sits down next to me. “Hello, Sebastian.” she says in a subdued manner. “Hello, Kristy.” I reply while staring at passing cars. “Look, I’m sorry if I was angry yesterday. I admit, I got a little jealous when Victoria gave you her cell number and everyone started talking. That’s all everyone was gossiping about all day!” Kristy says. “Jealous? You’re my best friend. You have nothing to worry about.” I say. I admit, there’s a bit of an edge to my words. “Best friends........” Kristy trails off there at the end. “No, no we will finish this conversation on our lunch date on Saturday.” She says with conviction. “Well, if that’s what you want, then we can wait until Saturday.” I say while watching her face. She gives me a firm nod and we sit in awkward silence while we wait for the bus.

I’m sitting on the bus with my headphones in as I go over our conversation. Kristy is lost in her own little world, so I decide not to bother her as I replay her words in my head. A date? I thought we were going to talk. When did it turn into a lunch date? At this rate, I’m going to develop a serious complex with buses and bus stops in general. Man..... I need a car!

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