《My (Secret) Life as a Teenage Assassin》Chapter 2: A Day in the life of.....
Chapter 2: A Day in life of….
Hands half-way frozen towards my ear with my earbuds, I stare at my friend and freeze at her question. “I saw that weird man sitting with you talking so I decided to not interrupt.” She says innocently. “Well, umm…. he just moved here was asking me about the bus schedule.” I wince as I say this, knowing that the lie was flimsy at best. I wonder if she saw Mr. Mister drop the envelope in my lap. “Well, if you say so….” She responds with doubt. I need to talk to someone about this situation, but I just can’t bring myself to involve Kristy. She’s just too sweet and maybe just a bit gullible. I will definitely talk to Uncle Rory though; he seems worldly but never talks about what he and my father did when they worked together. As I’m contemplating this, Kristy thankfully drops the topic and reaches into her backpack, grabbing a math book. “Can you believe Mr. Sapper gave us math homework on a Friday night? There should be laws against this type of thing.” she huffs. “It is a bother, but I go ahead and knock it out Friday nights, so I don’t have it hang over me all weekend.” I reply. “Well, I just wait till Sunday evening myself and just do what I want the rest of the weekend.” Kristy says while eyeing her homework. “Hey Sebastian, what did you get for question 7?” I easily let her continue to steer the conversation away from this morning’s weird events. I spend the rest of the ride helping Kristy review her homework. I have helped her study since middle school and so this is a regular occurrence when we are together.
Our stop is a couple of blocks away from the academy. Kristy and I get off and start leisurely walking towards school. The Mapleton Central Prep campus is surrounded by a wrought iron fence and sits on a sprawling field with trees spread out among paths and gardens. A stadium with a field and a running track makes up the north end while the main campus takes up much of the south. The buildings are light grey and are modern in appearance. The entrance is a classical arch with our school’s crest proudly mounted in the center with our name running underneath. Teens gather in groups in front of the door to the main entrance. The boys all wear dress slacks, button up shirts, ties, and a jacket with the school crest embossed on the right breast pocket. The girls wear the same except they wear checkered skirts instead of slacks. All the uniforms are a deep blue and black, with the ties being a maroon. “Hey! Sebastian!” my friend Tommy calls out as we walk up. Tommy Lancastle is an outgoing guy with brown hair and brown eyes. His parents are wealthy, but Tommy is pretty down to earth so we’ve become friends despite our differences. He does have a habit of “skirt-chasing” though. "What did you get up to this weekend?” “Eh, not much. Did my homework and then played a bit online.” I respond. “Che…. don’t you ever have any real fun?” Tommy says. “See, that was fun for me Tommy. Sorry I didn’t go to the mall to be shot down all weekend.” I say. “Words hurt yanno? Besides, poor Kristy looked for you there the whole weekend after you said you might go.” “H-hey! That’s not true. I figured Sebastian wouldn’t show up anyhow…s-so how I can I be looking for him if I know he isn’t coming?” Kristy says to Tommy while folding her arms. “Well…..” I say while staring at Kristy. “Let’s head inside, the bell’s about to ring.” We wrap up our conversation and head to our class.
Mapleton Central Prep does things a little different than most schools. We only stay in one classroom and the teachers all cycle through according to what subject they teach. We head inside and grab our usual seats while we wait for our homeroom teacher to show up. Ms. Ferry shows up shortly with a girl in tow. “Good morning class. I hope you have enjoyed your weekend, but you all have work to do. Next week are midterms and we need to ensure you all have the tools you need to be successful.” Ms. Ferry says as she walks towards the podium. The girl follows Ms. Ferry up and stops to the side. I take a moment and look at her. She has platinum hair with sky blue eyes that sit above a button nose. Pouty lips sit on her face, but they don’t look like they get to smile much. Her hair is done up in drills and she is also wearing the school uniform. A pink backpack sits on her back, and she stands there totally at ease despite the questioning glances. “Going forward, we will be having a new student join us. Ms. Van Hasten, please introduce yourself.” She walks forward and with a glance at the teacher, clears her throat. “Good morning. My name is Victoria Van Hasten. My father and I just moved to the area and I am looking forward to getting to know you all. Please take care of me, thank you.” She ends her speech with a small bow. “Thank you, Ms. Van Hasten. Please grab an available seat and we’ll get started.” Ms. Ferry says and then as an almost afterthought….” You may find yourself a little behind Ms. Van Hasten, unfortunately this week will be review for the upcoming midterms. I’m sure if you ask Mr. Cady, he’ll be happy to help you catch up.” Ms. Ferry says this as she makes eye contact with me. Victoria looks back towards me and gives a small nod. “Look who’s already moving in on the new girl!” Tommy whispers to me. I just raise an eyebrow at him and say nothing. A smart move. Kristy is watching me the whole time to see what I’ll say.
The rest of the morning progresses as usual with reviews and I take out my notes and follow along. I want to absolutely ace these midterms to give myself breathing room on my GPA. You never know what life will throw your way tomorrow. I can just see my Uncle Rory looking at me with his intense gaze with that cheap cigar in his mouth. He’d take the cigar out and while pointing it at me say, “Roll with the punches that you can and take the ones you can’t on the chin with a smile.” I never really understood but it made sense in some weird way. Our second block wraps up, I turn to Tommy and Kristy to ask about where to sit for lunch since the weather’s so nice, but a voice stops me. “Sebastian Cady?” Tommy’s eyes widen a bit while looking behind me and Kristy stiffens up. “Yes?” I say as I turn around. Victoria is standing in front of my desk, and I swear it looks like she’s looking down at me. “Ms. Ferry said that you would be able to help me catch up with the rest of the class, yes?” “Yes.” I respond. We stare at each other for a few moments and just when I’m about to give in and speak, she replies. “Good, thank you. Here’s my phone number so we can arrange a time and place to meet.” She hands me a slip of paper with her cell number on it. Victoria bows and says, “Thank you, I’ll be in your care.” Then she turns around and goes back to her seat without another word. I look from the paper to Tommy’s cat like grin. Then I look at the scowl on Kristy’s face then and again, back to the slip of paper. Unfortunately, Tommy’s grin causes a small grin of my own starts slowly making its way onto my face. Seeing the grin, Kristy starts puffing her cheeks out and sends a glare straight at me. “THIS IS A SET UP” I scream.
After homeroom, we started our Second block which is English studies. The instructor reviews what’s to be expected on the semester final until the bell finally rings for lunch. Everyone makes a mad dash at the door. “You coming, Sebastian?” Kristy asks me. “Yeah, just a few more minutes while the crowd clears out.” “Ok, we’ll wait for you.” Eventually, I make my way out of the classroom with Kristy and Tommy in tow. Kristy and Tommy brought their lunch, but my mother gives me money for food, so I’ll have to grab something from the cafeteria. “Hey guys, I’m going to stop by the cafeteria and grab a bite. You want to eat outside since the weather’s so nice?” I say. “Sounds good, we’ll meet you by the big oak in the center and save a spot.” Kristy says with a smile. “Eh, I guess it’s fine.” Tommy says with a shrug. “Okay, I’ll be there shortly.” I call over my shoulder as I walk away. I weave through the crowds and join the lines for the grill. There I grab a burger, fries, and a soft drink and pay for my food. I grab my tray and turn around to meet my friends.
“HEY, YOU!” a shout rings out. “Eh?” I turn around and spot the single most irritating bane of my existence. James Weatherton, a tall boy with black hair and even blacker eyes whom I’m sure has more muscles than brains, stomps his way towards me and steps into my personal space. “Jimmy-boy! What can I do for you this fine day?” I say with my trademark grin. “Don’t call me that! My name is James. Say it with me, J-A-M-E-S.” “Oi, Jimmy-boy, I thought we were the bestest of buds, how you wound me so!” I respond with a hand over my heart and a wounded look. “Don’t get smart with me, I need to talk to you!” James says while his two minions box me in. I never learned their names, but I’ve always called the tall lanky kid minion #1 and the short fat kid minion #2. “Whatever about, Jimmy-boy?” Jimmy-boy stares at me for a moment and I’m safe assuming he’s contemplating violence. “I heard that new girl gave you her number so you could help her catch up, she’s obviously way out of your league. So, why don’t you hand it over and we can all walk away with no hurt feelings.” He actually looks like he’s trying to do me a favor. “Umm” I say with a finger to my chin. I look over at minion #2 and ask, “Is he always this selfish?” “Huh? What do you mean?” Minion #2 asks me with a confused look. “Well, suppose I give Jimmy-boy here her phone number. Where does that leave you two? I mean, say he calls her, and she agrees to meet him. Where does that leave you two? Third wheels, that’s where. While Jimmy-boy is snuggling with his new girlfriend, you two will be left high and dry. I see that you two always follow him around. You just going to follow him and his new girlfriend and watch the two love birds have fun?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. “Say….” minion number #1 responds first. “That’s true, what about us James?” “What do you mean? Of course, I’ll ask if she has friends, and we can invite them along.” “I don’t know…. That’s a big gamble.” I say thoughtfully. “I mean she did just move here, so I doubt she already has friends.” “You’re always doing this, James! I’m tired of being the third wheel!” Minion #2 says with a scowl. “What about us? We ain’t going to put up with….” The conversation devolves into bickering while I beat a hasty retreat out the cafeteria.
Chuckling to myself, I make my way over to where my friends are already waiting for me at the tree. When I arrive, along with Kristy and Tommy, another girl is sitting with them. Marie Townley. Definitely the annoying little sister of our group. She has this amazing ability to walk through thrown mud and not getting a speck on her. She doesn’t attend our class, so we mostly end up meeting at lunch, after school, and occasionally at the mall when I do go. Red hair styled in two pig tails and big blue eyes on a petite frame, Marie can look innocent and irritating at the same time. What a weird talent. “Hey Sebastian.” Marie says with mischief in her eyes and a small smirk. “I heard you already scored the new chick’s digits.” *Sigh* I’m starting to feel indigestion coming on…. I glance over at Kristy and her cheeks are puffed out yet again today. I’m starting to wonder who’s the chipmunk in her parent’s relationship. “Keep that up Kristy, and your cheeks will stay that way.” I try to joke. She looks at me and huffs to herself while muttering. I pick up a few words like, “dense,” “hardheaded,” and “frustrating.” I decide to not poke that dragon and started in on my burger. We continue chatting while enjoying the weather and eating our food until lunch ends. We pack up our lunches and I return my tray and we all head for our classrooms.
I’m standing in the gymnasium, tossing around a basketball with Tommy and definitely not wanting to be having this conversation. “So, what are you going to do?” Tommy asks. “About what?” I say nonchalantly. “Don’t play dumb, you know what I mean! Victoria’s number!” “Ah, that. Well, I’m going to call her, schedule a study session, and that’s that.” “That’s that, huh. Won’t this make Kristy jealous?” I stare at him for a moment and wonder what in the hell he meant by that. “I don’t think Kristy sees me that way. We’ve been friends since we were nine. I live in the friend zone, dude. Prime real estate and all that.” I say dryly. Tommy suddenly gets a sly look and says, “I dunno….Victoria is walking this way and Kristy has her eyes glued to her.” Welp, shit. “Hello Sebastian.” Victoria says as she comes to a stop in front of me. “Hello yerself.” I reply with a grin. I decide to attack this problem head on like all troublesome situations, with cockiness! *Snort* Tommy turns away with his hand over his mouth. “I would like to get together this Friday after school if possible. That way we can go over what I need to catch up with the class. If we decide I need more help, then we could meet up Saturday or Sunday.” She replies while ignoring Tommy’s outburst. “Yeah, as of right now that’s not a problem. I have your number and I’ll text you to confirm everything before Friday.” I say. “That sounds fine, I appreciate it.” Victoria says as she turns and walks away. “Cute girl, in a living doll sort of way.” Tommy states. “Yeah….” I say while scratching my chin. “Hmm…. a whole weekend alone with Victoria.” Tommy says with a Cheshire grin. “Ow ow ow ow…MERCY…. MEEERRCYYY!”
I’m being stared at. A cold sweat trickles down my back and I cannot shake the feeling of impending doom. I’m a cornered rabbit and the wolf is hungry. I follow the feeling and find the source. A freaking pissed off chipmunk. Kristy is currently trying to stare holes through my head and that damned phone number is becoming my one-way ticket to hell. Thankfully, this is our last block and then I can lay cartoon dust out the door and to freedom. The teacher is currently reviewing the math homework from this weekend and I’m barely paying attention. I’m confident in this subject so I’m not too worried about paying full attention. Currently, I’m working on a math problem myself. If girl number 1 is a lifetime friend and you add a variable of a new girl, and you add 1 supposed guy friend as a multiplier due to his shit-eating grin. How long will it take for you to travel from your desk to the door? Sheesh, not a calculator in the world for this problem. “And that is all we will review for the day, remember to review chapters 13 and 14 for tomorrow’s lesson.” Mr. Sanders ends his review as the bell rings. No sudden movements and they don’t see you, right? No eye contact either. I think that’s how it works when faced with a predator. My faithful friend, Tommy decides to show his dedication to our relationship by beating a hasty retreat out the door with a “bye” and a thumbs up. “So, Sebastian. I think you and I have to talk this weekend.” The predator chipmunk speaks. “S-Sure, when and where?” I say after regaining my courage. “At the mall, in the food court. I think noon should work. You can buy me lunch.” The chipmunk replies with a smile that brokers no argument. “Sounds good. No argument here.” I say with a thumbs up and a grin. She looks at me cock-eyed for a moment before nodding to herself. Kristy collects her stuff and heads out the door with one last look back. *Phew* I’ll never feed another chipmunk by hand ever again!
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I take a different bus than Kristy. I have to take a separate route to Uncle Rory’s studio. I sit down and take out my headphones. “SHIT!” I exclaim and earn a few looks from other passengers. My mother is trying to free up her weekend for us and then I then told Victoria we could study. Somehow, I have to work in a talk with an angry chipmunk. I’m a guy who likes to think ahead. Graduate with honors, scholarship, college, and then dream job. I have a set schedule and rarely ever break with it. Today, though I spaced out and triple booked my weekend. Well, nothing for it. I’ll plan my studying session with Victoria around the talk with Kristy. I’ll just spend Sunday with mom. Yeah, that should do it. Satisfied with my plan, I leaned back in my seat and plopped my earbuds in. The rest of the ride was peaceful, and I put today’s events out of my mind, including the manilla envelope sitting in my bag still.
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