《I Reincarnated As A System?!》The Blitz Wolf


The blitz wolf looked down at the pair of humans below it, it had enjoyed toying with the white robed one, causally chasing after it, and another prey had suddenly jumped in front of it, the wolf found it all very amusing.

Mu Zuo looked at the wolf and was trembling, this was a wolf that had entered the core formation stage, two stages higher than Mo Zuo's current realm, when facing it he instinctively felt fear. From his memories he recalled, he was able to realise the person in the white robe should be none other than Ji Yue, the little princess of the Ji clan and she was 16 just like him.

If she was able to hold back the wolf, with him around they should have been able to beat back the wolf right? Well he was wrong.

"Is that you Mo Zuo? Son of Mo Zhi?" He heard a voice talking behind him, but his mind was still in shock and he couldn't process what he was hearing.

"Damn it what were you thinking Mo Zuo? Are you suicidal!" Jason shouted. 'Oh no am i going to die once again!' He thought internally, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and started browsing the store for anything they could use to escape from the wolf, but looking through only a few were available and the prices were above their current points, Jason had no idea what to do.

The blitz wolf started moving towards them slowly, its blue eyes glowing in the dark.

It had an amused expression as it looked down on them. This was like playing with a couple of mice, albeit one of the mice had a couple of tricks up its sleeve, and the other seemed to be trying to play dead ever since it arrived.

Mo Zuo was still paralyzed by the thick beastly aura giving off by the wolf, 'Move dammit, move!' he tried commanding his body. He was still stuck in the process of unsheathing his sword and was stuck in quite a comical position.

Only his eyes looked up as he saw the wolf dashing towards him, he felt a small hand drag his collar and fling him back, the figure then dropped what seemed like a formation disk on the floor.

This disk was unlike the previous disks, a thick golden Qi surrounded them and instantly repelled the blitz wolf several meters back.

The blitz wolf looked angered and rammed at the golden shield and was repelled once again. It looked at the shield then grinned as it retreated several meters back.

Ji Yue then turned to face Mo Zuo and took a good look at him, Mo Zuo was wearing the brown robes that disciples of the Mo clan all wore, but his had several cuts from his battle with Mo De, and all the running around previously. This made him look quite worn out.


Mission complete.

Become acquaintances with the maiden. Reward : 5 system points.

Mo Zuo felt a bit annoyed upon seeing the unhelpful notification.


New mission : Do not snitch on Mo De. Reward: 15 system points.

"What? Another mission? Jason are you broken? Why are you giving us stupid missions in a situation like this!" Mo Zuo yelled as he communicated telepathically with Jason.


"Hey! Don't yell at me! Are you mad! I don't control these silly main missions you know!" Jason shouted back. Seeing the mission, Jason had already begun to learn some clues concerning the missions given out, but he didn't feel the need to inform Mo Zuo right now.

Ji Yue quietly looked at Mo Zuo who seemed to be going through an internal struggle.

"You are Mo Zuo right?" She softly asked.

Mo Zuo dusted off his clothes and smiled at Ji Yue.

"I am honoured that you would know my humble name Miss Ji. I see you were capable of taking care of that little wolf perfect fine." Mo Zuo said while running his hands through his hair and smiling.

Ji Yue tilted her head to the side and under the mask she had a slightly amused smile, "You think the wolf has gone?"

The smile on Mo Zuo's face froze, "Huh?" He tapped the barrier and looked around. "Hasn't it gone?"

Ji Yue didn't even need to respond, a few hundred meters away blue light could be seen glowing brightly.

The blitz wolf instantly dashed from its location hundreds of meters away and once again rammed into the golden barrier, blue lightning could be seen running all around it and thus time the golden barrier dimmed by around 30%.

Mo Zuo was stunned as he saw the wolf walking away once again. He heard Jason sigh in realisation, "It's gathering momentum and power to burst through this barrier, I believe it can only last three more attacks."

Mo Zuo turned to face Ji Yue and asked, " What can we do now?"

Ji Yue looked at Mo Zuo and was a bit conflicted. She had a silver formation disk and also a spatial transference treasure on her body which could teleport her over 5,000 meters, but it was of single use and could only carry one person.

She would have to leave Mo Zuo to face his doom if she abandoned him now and considering the whole reason behind the Ji clan's vist to the Mo clan, that was a very undesirable result.

Mo Zuo looked at the eyes peering through the fox mask and awaited an answer. He watched as she brought out a bright blue formation disk from her robes and placed it in the ground. It flashed for a bit and a thick blue light shot into the sky.

"Now we hope a friendly face comes this way before more wild beasts come in." Ji Yue calmly said.

Seeing this Mo Zuo felt more confident, this was the little miss of the Ji clan, obviously her father would send some guards to protect her in secret right?


Back in the Mo Clan...

Ji Yao had a slightly pained look as he heard Mo Zhu's answer, "So you mean even in the outskirts of the forest, there are beasts that have reached the Core Formation stage?"

Mo Zhu was still confused and wondered why Ji Yao was suddenly so interested in the rainbow forest. "Clan head Ji Yao, is anything the matter?" Mo Zhu asked once again.

"Ah, you see my daughter had recently acquired a new contracted beast, a silver eyed crane. She heard that your rainbow forest has the Vileolic root, that she needed to help break the bottleneck the crane was stuck on." Ji Yao said with a slightly pained look.


Mo Zhu was still confused, as they had plenty in their herb stores, were they scared that he'd offer a very high price? The Mo clan isn't so stingy!

Seeing the look on Mo Zhu's face, Ji Yao was able to guess what Mo Zhu was thinking about.

"You see my daughter was a bit bored, and felt it would be more of a challenge if she obtained the ingredient her self." Ji Yao answered.

Mo Zhu laughed and patted Ji Yao's shoulder, "Youngsters love showing how self dependent they can be, don't worry I'm sure she's fine."

As Mo Zhu was talking a pendant on Ji Yao's neck cracked, and worry was quickly written over his face. "She has activated her primary self distress beacon, meaning she's in danger, but not too life threatening, but she would still like some assistance."

Mo Zhu was slightly baffled at how Ji Yao was able to gain so much information about his daughter's situation from a mere crack on his pendant. "Oh alright, let me escort you to the forest." Mo Zhu said, he then remembered the mission he gave his guards previously and wondered if they had completed it.

Mo Zhu was planning to find Mo Zuo first and convince the boy to ignore the matter, and prevent any problems that would occur with the Ji clan.


In another location of the Mo clan, Mo De was seen trying to get on the good side of a taller male, this was Mo Xi, Mo De's older brother, and the third young master of the Mo clan.

"Brother, I just got news from some of the servants of the Ji clan, and it further confirmed the rumors." Mo De told Mo Xi who had just returned back to the Mo clan.

Mo Xi was sitting cross legged and meditating and sword Qi could be seen fluttering all around him.

He slightly cracked his left eye open and paid closer attention to the information Mo De had just passed on to him.

"Well of course, the Mo clan and Ji clan are still quite close even after all these years, its nothing surprising." Mo Xi said calmly, but a trace of excitement could be seen on his face, 'A chance to study in that academy! It's great that the two people who would have been my greatest opponents are currently out of the clan!' he thought quietly to himself.

Mo De was quite surprised when he saw how unconcerned his brother was, 'This is the difference between me and someone as talented as him!'

"Brother there is one more thing concerning that cousin of ours, Mo Zuo." Mo De said.

"Mo Zuo? I hope you didn't cause any trouble? That's just stirring a hornets nest for a weakling, pointless." Mo Xi replied.

"I wouldn't normally concern myself for him, but it happened like this..."


Back in the Forest the blitz wolf had rammed once again into the golden shield, and the shield only had about 30% of its luster left, and could barely withstand one more attack.

"Where are your guards?!" Mo Zuo urgently asked.

"This is your clan! Where are your clans people!!" Ji Yue replied back. She was extremely confused, because if any harm came to Mo Zuo, it would affect their entire trip.

She reached into her storage ring and brought out a new disk, it was silver this time and extremely large, she placed it on the floor and dragged Mo Zuo onto it.

"This costs a fortune you know?!" Ji Yue said as she felt huge pain in her heart.

Mo Zuo looked at her and felt relieved once more, "Thank you so much Miss, I will repay this a hundred fold!"

"Once again your impulsiveness has affected another person huh?" Jason commented on the side.

"This disk can only take us a 1000 meters, the blitz wolf would catch up in no time! So immediately the wolf crashes into this barrier, we run!" Ji Yue said, this silver disk was slow to activate but had a slight spatial transference ability, and anything that could tear through space, the price was astronomical!

Mo Zuo gritted his teeth and felt slightly useless, he looked at Ji Yue and saw how composed she was even when facing such a beast.

"Might I know how strong you are Miss?" Mo Zuo looked at her and asked.

Ji Yue turned around and looked at him and smiled, "Don't bother with such things right now."

They looked up and saw a massive blue flash in the forest.

"It's coming!" They both shouted.

Ji Yue began starting up the formation disk, large amounts of greenish blue crystals were dumped on it.

Mo Zuo focused on the wolf charging towards them at terrifying speeds.

But suddenly the wolf screeched to a stop, and looked up. Seeing the figure flying towards it, the wolf retreated this time, and retreated for good!

Both Ji Yue and Mo Zuo looked up ahead and also noticed the figure coming towards them.

"Mo Zuo, is that you!" Mo Zhi had been searching through the forest for any traces of Mo Zuo, and seeing the Mo clan's guards also searching through the forest he was worried something had truly happened to his son. He followed the blue beacon that shot into the sky, and was able to to finally locate Mo Zuo.

Seeing him hale and hearty, even looking a bit stronger, Mo Zhi was finally able to rest his aching heart.

Mo Zuo looked up at the person who would be his father in this world, Mo Zuo felt slightly awkward, but he was even more relieved that someone had come to save him.

"It seems this Mo Zhi is quite powerful, for the blitz wolf to run upon sighting him... How high is his cultivation?" Jason wondered.

Ji Yue deactivated the golden barrier around them and bowed her head and said "Greetings Elder Mo Zhi!"

Mo Zhi finally looked down and saw the white robed figure, he squinted his eyes for a while and said, "Ah, are you one of Ji Yao's daughters?" He then turned to face Mo Zuo, "What's going on here?"

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