《I Reincarnated As A System?!》Ji Yue


"What ah, Jason." Mo Zuo said as the memories of the previous day flooded into his brain. 'So it was all real huh?' he said as he clenched his fists and recalled the events of yesterday, as he did he suddenly remembered the horrifying nightmare he had the previous night and fear flooded his face.

"Jason, I had a terrifying dream yesterday..." Mo Zuo slowly said.

"Oh what happened?" Jason asked curiously.

"I saw a hu... oh never mind, it was just a dream." Mo Zuo responded.

"Ah well don't be too bothered, you're safe and sound now, I think its time we start heading back before the Mo clan gets too disturbed over your disappearance." Jason said, "And of course beat Mo De into pulp, but that will be much later."

Mo Zuo nodded his head and began his journey back to the clan and was conversing with Jason as he strolled back.

"Shh, wait did you hear that?" Jason said.

"What? let me activate my night thermal vision." Mo Zuo said.

"Its too hot to properly detect heat signatures, be quiet and hide, I think a pack of beasts is coming in that direction." Jason said.

Mu Zuo jumped into a tree and hid in the leaves, soon he heard some voices.

"I don't think he is in this area."

"Do you even think he's still alive? All that blood on the floor, I think we are just wasting our time."

"Remember what the captain said, if we don't find him we are screwed, we have to find him or clear evidence."

"Hey you three, shut the hell up! We've got work to do!"

Mo Zuo heard the voices talking and instantly got scared, "Jason I think they are here to kill me, they must know I'm still alive."

"Obviously, it must be Mo De's father, $#it, this is a really sticky situation." Jason replied.


New side quest

Avoid the assailants -:- Reward, Minor achievement skill book unlockable in store.

"Wow, a new quest just popped up, alright just keep quiet, and we should be able to easily get through thi..." Jason was saying before he got interrupted.

"Boss! Come see, these footprints vanished leading towards this tree!"


"$#it." Mo Zuo and Jason said at the same time.


Back in the Mo Clan, it was bustling with activity as people could be seen preparing the main hall and making food, as they were expecting guests of the Ji Clan! The Ji Clan was the biggest clan in the Xu Wan province and controlled all activities that happened there in, and it was said that one of their ancestors had already stepped into the Sky Realm! A bona fide star grabber! The Ji clan had ruled over the Xu Wan province for over 5000 years, and their achievements in formations was known in the several nearby provinces! The Mo clan on the other hand were masters in Alchemy, but were weaker in martial might. The Mo clan was still able to raise their heads up high because of their mighty connections! They had being contracted to make pills of all sorts, for some of the strongest people around. The payments they received had caused them to be very wealthy. And even with their weaker martial might no one dared to bully the Mo clan, for now.


A light green robed figure could be seen flying towards the Mo clan, the figure was over 2.1 meters tall and was quite burly, with thick side burns on the side of his face and short spiky hair, everything about his being screamed strength! This was none other than the current head of the Mo clan, Mo Zhu!

"Welcome Clan Head Ji Yao, I trust that you had a comfortable journey. We have prepared a place for you to rest, please come in to my humble home!" Mo Zhu said while looking at a figure dressed in luxurious white robes with golden embroidery all around it.

The figure in white looked up and smiled, "Clan head Mo Zhu, thank you for your warm welcome." Ji Yao said, but then a slightly troubled smile appeared on his face, "Brother Mo, may I ask how dangerous is your rainbow forest?"

A surprised look flashed across Mo Zhu's face, the rainbow forest was where the Mo clan obtained the various alchemical materials for their production, it was called rainbow forest, due to the bright colours of the different herbs and trees in it.

The Mo clan had tried exploring it and set different missions for exploration.

As Mo Zhu was preparing to answer Ji Yao's question, a figure rushed across the sky, this figure was just as tall as Mo Zhu but was thin and slender, with long flowing hair, he looked much like a scholar, but if you looked closely you could see that he actually looked somewhat similar to Mo Zhu.

Who else could it be but the head alchemist of the Mo clan, Mo Zhi!

"Greetings clan head Ji Yao, I'm sorry I can not entertain you right now, I will discuss the matter as soon as I am back." Mo Zhi said while looking straight ahead

"No problem Mo Zhi, I can wait a while longer." Ji Yao responded, then turned back to face Mo Zhu, "Yes where were we?"


Four figures began heading toward the tree Mo Zuo was currently hiding within, he began thinking rapidly of a solution, they were just four lesser guards of the Mo family and still in the Qi gathering realm, but every single one of them was more powerful than him by at least a stage or two!

Mo Zuo quietly hid in the tree and looked around for a suitable target for a break out.

"That guy to the left isn't he Li Po? he is pretty weak isn't he?" Jason asked as he was trying to recall the previous Mo Zuo's memories.

Mo Zuo looked at Li Po and remembered that he was often bullied, he slightly edged towards him with his silent slither skill of the path of the mamba, and like a snake he struck!

"Minor flame skill: Smoke cloud!"

"Ahh we're being attacked!" One of them called out!

"Who dares attack us guards of the Mo clan!" Another shouted.


"Everyone huddle up to me, who is this b#&$%rd who dares not show his face?"

Mo Zuo used their initial confusion and ran through the smoke, luckily because they couldn't ascertain the strength of their opponent no one held him back, he kept dashing forward with all his strength and broke though the west wing, and he kept dashing through the forest.

"S&%t, up ahead there's more of them." Jason said while using his limited senses to detect the opponents.

"Damn what do they want from me!" Mo Zuo said as he changed his direction and headed for deeper and deeper into the forest.

"It gets more dangerous the deeper we go in, try and go around... wait isn't that a parovi plant there? It could come in handy later on." Jason noticed.

"What? Is there time to be picking herbs now??" Mo Zuo asked.

"It'd only be a few seconds grab it and slow down you're going in too deep." Jason said.

Mo Zuo went down and gathered the stalks he found, but soon enough Jason noticed another useful herb.

"Look, look isn't that the Poxima mineral?" Jason said, and soon enough, the escape had turned into a herb gathering expedition.

As they picked one herb after the other, Mo Zuo felt his bag couldn't contain anymore and he asked Jason, "Isn't there like any system storage or something I can use to preserve these items?"

"There is but it is worth 450 system points now, a bit out of your reach for now."

"Is the side quest complete?" Mo Zuo said as he looked around to see if anyone was following him.

"Not yet, I think you'd need to escape this forest first."

Mo Zuo started planning his exit from the forest, slowly walking he was enjoying the stroll back home, this was the safer parts of the forest as the Mo clan had frequently explored the area, most beasts saw it as a no go zone, unless it was exceptionally strong.

Walking through the forest Jason detected some signs of human activity, and alerted Mo Zuo to slow down, the sun had already set once again. And the forest was dark, and beasts were getting active.

"These footprints are just a single pair and don't seem to be working in a group." Jason pointed out.

Mo Zuo looker and noticed that Jason was right, "Does this mean its a very powerful person chasing after me?"

"That, or its another individual entirely, maybe one of your older clan mates is training here."

Mo Zuo continued being on alert and activated the path of mamba, and like a snake stalking his prey, he continued following the footsteps, and as he inched closer. Mo Zuo heard a loud commotion up ahead, and heard several trees breaking in a row.

He jumped up in a tree, and activated his thermal night vision to get a better look at the scene happening in front. He could see a figure in white fleeing and throwing what looked like bombs which littered golden patterns on the floor.

'What's going on' Mo Zuo wondered as he observed the movements of the figure in white, 'Wait, this looks like formations!'

Mo Zuo continued watching as the figure chasing the white figure was slowed down by the formations.

They began to inch closer and closer towards Mo Zuo's location, and he could see a clearer view of the white robed figure, and he noticed a mask similar to that of a white fox on it, it had a lot of golden patterns and looked quite beautiful.

"I remember! I know who that is Jason!" Mo Zuo said excitedly.

Jason had a slightly worried expression as he observed the movements of the two figures, hearing what Mo Zuo said, Jason couldn't help but bet curious, "Who is it?"

"You'll see very soon." Mo Zuo said with a grin on his face.

Jason was a bit confused but didn't say anything and wondered what Mo Zuo was up to.

Mo Zuo started tidying up his clothes with a silly smile on his face, and adjusted his hair.

"How do I look Jason?" Mo Zuo asked with a suspicious smile.

"Like me after a few shots, what's going on?" Jason asked.

"Just hold on a bit more. you'll see soon."

By now Mo Zuo could get a better view and was now sure of his guess, he saw a slightly huge wolf chasing the figure and now knew what the figure was running from.

He squatted slowly, and with a powerful jump and a flip, he landed in a perfect position between the white figure and the wolf.

He turned to face the figure in the white robes "Let me guess, you must be Ji Yue, am I right?" Mo Zuo said trying to sound as cool as possible, "I see you are in a sticky situation, let me lend my assistance." Mo Zuo then reached for the black sword by his side and turned to face the wolf. Upon seeing the wolf, Mo Zuo instantly froze in fear, seeing the blue streaks around the feet he realised that he had really underestimated his opponent.

"Mo Zuo.... RUN!" Jason shouted!

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