《I Reincarnated As A System?!》A True Man Should Snitch?


Mo Zuo was about to explain to Mo Zhi all that had happened between them, but he remembered the quest given by the system.

Mission : Do not snitch on Mo De. Reward: 15 system points.

" A true man doesn't snitch." Mo Zuo said telepathically to Jason.

"A true man may end up with much more than he can handle at times, there is nothing unmanly in snitching!" Jason recalled a memory of his former life and transmitted it to Mo Zuo.


In that memory a 15 year old Jason could be seen sitting by the window in class, like a typical future main character, he looked calm and at peace but his hair was quite strange. It was littered with white strands giving his hair a grey appearance.

As Mo Zuo was looking at the younger Jason, seeing the hair he felt a sense of déjà vu, 'I've seen such hair before, but where...'

The younger Jason was watching and saw a couple of his classmates harassing a younger kid.

With his head on the window Jason thought, 'Typical weaklings always running around in groups...' The harassment was getting more and more severe and they even ripped his shirt. The kids walked away laughing and Jason just thought 'Idiots...' The harassed kid tidied himself up and sat down like nothing happened.

The same scenario happened 3 more times during that week, and at a point Jason had had enough of seeing that disgusting scene. He went and stretched out his hand to the kid and helped him get up.

"Thanks..." He heard the kid weakly mutter.

Jason just silently nodded,as he was walking away he said, "You should really go tell the adults or something, your parents didn't send you here to be some play thing."

The classroom went quiet and everyone seemed to be staring at Jason, Jason looked around and was slightly confused, he was a new student there and wasn't too familiar with everyone. He quietly went back to his seat and continued reading his wuxia novel.

The kid didn't tell anyone, and it continued on for a while. Jason always had a problem with minding his business, same reason he would end up dying.

Jason hatched a plan, knowing the regular time the idiot kids kept harassing the other kid, Jason excused himself ahead of time and went to go inform a high ranked teacher that a student brought a knife to school! The teacher immediately ran over, and Jason stalled behind the teacher a bit so no one would know he was the one who informed the teacher.

As the teacher arrived he came upon the scene of the kids pushing the kid around

Seeing the sorry appearance of the child, the teacher immediately got into action and soon enough the kids were suspended.

One day as Jason was walking home he met

the couple of idiots from before, and the harassed kid was standing in front of them.

"Is it him?" One of the kids pointed at Jason.

The harassed kid looked at Jason and had a sorry expression on his face as he shook his head saying no. "No it wasn't him."

"Liar!" One of the kids said as they pushed him towards Jason.

"Everyone in class heard him say he was going to snitch!" Another kid said as they started nearing Jason.


The kid looked frightened but Jason calmly put a palm on his shoulder and smiled, "Trash like this are all weak." Jason said, feeling like a protagonist of his favorite Wuxia.

A kid threw a kick at Jason, and Jason calmly caught it, and pulled a bit, making the other guy lose his balance and fall. The other kids got angry and charged all at once at Jason, and the memory ended.


"Did you win?" Mo Zuo asked as his respect for Jason had suddenly increased.

"Cough cough, its not the result of the war that matters, but the reason the war was fought!" Jason replied back righteously.

"Whaaat, isn't it the other way around?" Mo Zuo was slightly confused. "And are you saying we should snitch on Mo De?"

"Mo De is a single entity, someone we can still handle by ourselves, there's no need to inform Mo Zhi for now." Jason responded.

Mo Zhi was standing there as he watched his son enter a daze, he calmly waited for him to explain what the hell was going on!

"Father, I broke through the second stage of the mamba path! I also entered the 3rd stage of the Qi gathering realm!" Mo Zuo said proudly, he heard a stifled laugh behind him, and turned around to see Ji Yue giggling, he could even slightly make out the words 'Third stage of the Qi gathering realm...and he wants to save me' Mo Zuo's face turned red in shame. He then heard a deeper laughter coming from Jason.

"Hahaha even the maiden in distress is mocking you!" Jason said as he wiped tears from his eyes.

Mo Zuo's face started glowing a brighter red in shame, but then he heard an excited voice.

"You actually broke through?! They said it will take at least four more years! How did you enter the second stage so fast?!" Mo Zhi said excitedly. Mo Zhi was one of the few members of the Mo Clan who knew the real reason why Mo Zuo had problems progressing in his training, and that was due to his bloodline!

Mo Zuo smiled, and realised the system had probably allowed him to bypass certain restrictions present in his cultivation!

"I felt something was holding me back, so I went for a secret journey into the forest to sharpen my skills, and gain the last insight to breakthrough!" Mo Zuo said, lying with a straight face.

"Wow I'm impressed Mo Zuo, never knew you were such a good liar." Jason said as he mentally clapped.

Mo Zuo grinned and communicated with Jason, "How else do you think I managed to con all those ladies."

"Ohh this seems like an interesting story, you must share later on." Jason's interest was piqued.

"Your former life shouldn't be too shabby, I'd like to see more stories too." Mo Zuo said smiling.

Mo Zhi was looking at his son beaming with pride, what useless half blood! The Long clan was wrong! Mo Zhi looked towards the sky and smiled, Long Na, do you see our child will be a true dragon!

Mo Zhi turned back and faced the two, he conjured a green Qi wind, and slowly lifted them up as he too soared in the sky.

"Woahhhh!!!!" Both Jason and Mo Zuo said at the same time!


"We are flying!!!! Like really flying!!!!" Mo Zuo communicated to Jason.

"I know, I know!!" Jason said extremely excited, how many times had he fantasized about flying in the sky like the ancient cultivators!

The trio, plus the invisible Jason, soared in the sky and slowly headed back to the Mo clan, on their way they encountered two figures soaring towards them.

"Ji Yan!!!" The smaller figure dressed in white called out to his daughter. This was Ji Yao the head of the Ji clan!

"Father!" Ji Yue called back.

'Ji Yan? Did the author of this book make a typo?' Jason wondered.

Mo Zhu who was heading over paused for a bit as he saw Mo Zhi holding Mo Zuo, he began to wonder if the Mo Zuo had already told him anything, 'but why does Mo Zhi seem so happy' he thought?

"Brother! Mo Zuo has broken through!" Mo Zhi shouted!

"Oh that's nice..., wait he broke through." Mo Zhu said shocked! He carefully inspected Mo Zuo, and saw the serpent bloodline had truly being further unlocked!

"How?!" Mo Zhu said shocked, 'So that explains Mo Zhi's good mood, but how on earth? Did all the blood loss slightly purify his blood? But that's bulls#$t, then wouldn't it be so easy to activate dormant bloodlines?' Countless silly thoughts ran through Mo Zhu's mind.

"Haha, it seems our Mo clan's blood isn't a useless old padlock which would tie down our progeny for the rest of his life!" Mo Zhi said with a petty smile on his face as he thought of his detestable brother-in-law!

'That's a really oddly specific sentence...' Jason and Mo Zuo both wondered.

"Congratulations nephew! The path forward is much clearer now! Remind me to get you a reward when you get back!" Mo Zhu said sincerely.

"Thank you Uncle!" Mo Zuo replied!


Back in the Mo Clan, Ji Yao and Mo Zhi were sitting together in a room.

"I sincerely than you for this huge favor Brother Mo Zhi." Ji Yao said while kowtowing.

The Ji clan had taken a trip all the way to the Mo clan, precisely for this matter!

"No need for all that Clan Head Ji, I've already requested six of my close friends to come assist me in making the life renewal fluid. In less than 30 days of soaking in the fluid, Ancestor Ji should be able to overcome this ailment!" Mo Zhi said confidently, while he may not be as powerful as his twin brother, Mo Zhi was extremely confident in his alchemy skills!

Ji Yao felt more confident on hearing that Mo Zhi would be supported, the resources required by a mid stage sky realm expert was astounding, and not something that a single Mo Zhi could handle.

"You paid quite the expensive price, even one of your slots, to 'that' place, is enough to purchase a sizeable army!" Mo Zhi responded while smiling. Imagining the heights Mo Zuo could reach if he could cultivate there, the Long clan would be begging to accept him once Mo Zuo returned!

"Ancestor Ji was originally the one who earned the slots, using it to prolong his life is only right." Ji Yao replied humbly.



Mission complete : Do not snitch on Mo De. Reward: 15 system points.


Mission complete.

Avoid the assailants -:- Reward, Minor achievement skill book unlockable in store.


New mission: Go into town and catch the thief who stole your entire herb stash. Reward - 50 System points.

Mo Zuo was extremely baffled by his new mission, what the hell does this mean by thief? My herb stash? Mo Zuo decided to put it to the back of his mind for now.

Mo Zuo looked through the system store and saw his reward. it was a skill book which let him level up instantly to the minor achievement proficiency, in any skill.

'I wonder if there might be an [Art of smooth talking] skill book?' he wondered as his thoughts drifted off.

He then glanced and saw his current stats


Name -:- Mo Zuo (16)

Cultvn -:- Qi Gathering stage 3

Class -:- N/A

Subclass -:- N/A

Vitality -:- 1.4/1.4

Qi -:- 1.4/1.4

PHY -:- 2.0

Sys points -:- 46

*Other Statistics are currently not available*

Skills -:- Path of the black mamba (Stage 2) Minor Flame skill (Stage 1) Simple Sword slash (Stage 1) Path of Pep (Sealed)

Current Quest : Go into town and catch the thief who stole your entire herb stash. Reward - 50 System points.


"Why are there so few stats?" Mo Zuo asked Jason.

"The system is not omniscient, it needs something to reference off from, the more knowledge you acquire the better it is for you." Jason explained, "For example if you wanted the minor achievement skill in swordsmanship, you would need basic swordsman knowledge, or the price will be sky high. And for pills and so on, you need to have basic herbs on you which the system can work on to transform it into the heaven defying pills you would need."

"Wow, so this is how gaining skills was in Dao Seeker right, the player didn't need to actually know how to use a sword in real life, but just tutoring by swordsmen the player was able to level up his swords skills." Mo Zuo noticed.

Jason kept quiet and realised that part was a bit similar to the game he designed.

"True true, but now that we are in this world why don't we head to the Clan's library and gain more knowledge?" Jason suggested.

Mo Zuo nodded his head in acknowledgement and walked out of his living quarters, looking back at his current house, be couldn't help but feel the old Mo Zuo was quite lucky, 'a house all to yourself at just 16! And with your own staff!


"Big brother! Big brother! Big news! He came back!" Mo De interrupted Mo Xi.

Mo Xi was balancing upside down on a bamboo stick, with a long sword in his mouth, a serving girl would occasionally toss an apple and Mo Xi would attempt to slice it into bits.

Looking at the perfectly untouched apples on the floor, it seemed Mo Xi wasn't doing too well.

"Is it Mo Zuo? I already know." Mo Xi said slightly irritated.

"No. I mean Mo Fen, he came back."

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