《Republic Of Lions》Chapter 8 - The Colonel's Briefing


Mike Spears

“Well?” Colonel Spears asked.

“I don’t know sir,” Wesley said. “He was hard to read, but I don’t think he is going to withdraw.”

The Colonel nodded, not dissatisfied.

“Keep the pressure on him Lieutenant,” the Colonel said. “Let him know if he stays and remind him you won’t forget his wanting to leave. I really want him stressed.”

“Yes sir,” the Lieutenant said.

“I appreciate your help,” the Colonel said. “I know this isn’t you.”

“Yes sir,” Wesley said.

“I need him committed to the mission,” the Colonel said. “Like all candidates. They see the glory, they don’t see the pain and suffering.”

“Why sir?” Wesley asked.

Colonel Spears sighed.

“You know the shit storm that is on the horizon?” the Colonel asked.

“Yes sir,” the Lieutenant said.

“You have seen Commando Spears’ service record?” the Colonel asked. “What are your thoughts?”

“He is a good Marine, but nothing really stands out sir,” the Lieutenant said. “He has high scores in avatar commando style operations. Special ops even, but not much else.”

“Exactly,” the Colonel said. “He is average. I want to see if he will shine somewhere else.”

“But why the strike mission, sir?” Wesley asked. “The strike mission is going to be dangerous.”

“Yes. I was an average Marine before I went into Han space aboard the Reaper,” the Colonel said. “Danger is the nature of our job. His father died in system aboard the battleship Righteous when it was destroyed during the third Han incursion. No place is safe.”

“Do you think it will be safer out system, sir?” Wesley asked.

“Maybe,” the Colonel said. “That isn’t why I want him on this mission though. He either stops being average or he becomes a civilian.”


“Sir?” Wesley asked.

The Colonel smiled.

“I love him like a son, but I also love the Marine Corps. If he can’t excel here then he is wasting his time,” the Colonel said. “He needs to figure that out. The Spears dynasty won’t tolerate an average officer.”

“But you want me to discourage him, sir?” Wesley asked.

The Colonel nodded.

“Just like every candidate,” the Colonel said. “But him specifically. I just want to let you know personally that the harder you lean on him the better. General Spears would want the same thing. Any Spears would.”

“Yes sir,” Wesley said. Although Colonel Spears was not in his chain of command when such a highly rated war hero invites you to a meeting it is a good idea to listen very carefully.

“Carry on, Lieutenant,” the Colonel said.

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