《Curiosity Didn't Killed the Dungeon》Side Story: The Kobolds


'Damned elders, how dare they exile us!'

Walking along the forest with my followers. I keep cursing the elders that exiled us. They rejected all of my ideas, calling it defied the traditions, and exiled us. Even though all of it could benefit all of us. They were afraid of losing their control over the other kobolds. My followers are those who have seen the benefit my idea could bring themselves.

As for my ideas, I gained it from my dreams. I keep dreaming about a human forever in my life. Everytime I slept, I see him. A human, not wearing any armor, and his place has high towering building that I've never seen before. I see him going to a building with many people wearing the same clothes as him. After going to a place that I think his home, he read books. But it is not a tome, it doesn't contain any magics. There is some that have some drawings and things I don't understand that is used for quantity. And another with informations about the structure of human's body.

For me, all of the books are useless except the ones that contains information about human's body and chemicals. As time past by, I found many usefull things. One of them was about the human, riding an unknown thing to the sea. Using something like a web and a rod, he catch many fish. I tried it myself on a near lake, and both of them is proved to be good for catching fish. Another dream was about him, reading a book with many pictures, some of them containing the armors and weapons that humans used, and about a massive war that happened in their past. I observed all of the pictures. And with my memory, I forged it. Earning me armors and arms of good quality.

I told the elders about it, and shows them what it can do by cutting trees, building better houses, and slaying monsters easily. The elders that never seen it before have a face full of fears. Overwhelmed by the fear, they exiled us. I bear grudge against them, but not to the innocents in my tribe. Deciding not to take revenge, I try to live happily with my followers and my only son. I swore to my wife in her last momments to guard him with all my powers.


Hearing a crumbling sound ahed, I take a look at the kobold that found an entrance to a cave.

"Boss, looks like we've found a dungeon here." One of my follower that is in the lead told me.

Considering about things, I found that the dungeons can be used for our place to live, as it provide creatures and plants that can be turned into food. Taking a look back to my son, I see him being excited about it. I feel happiness in my heart seeing that. I try to mask my warm side by commanding the scout team which my son is a part of with voice full of might.

"This can be useful, we can build our house here and start our own tribe. Send in the scouts to explore!" After mustering up my might and commanding them, I whispered to the team's leader.

"Guard my son, and let him enjoy the dungeon exploration."

"Sure." He replied back with another whisper.

After that, the scouts begin to explore with the leader in the lead. I cactch a glimpse of my son, eyes full of sparkles and face full of excitement. Smiling in my heart, I wait for them to come back.

I keep waiting, and eventually the leader and another member come to me in a hurry.

"Hah.. Hah... Boss, there, is a goblin tribe in here, there are 15 of them, at the minimum" Said the leader while he is catching for breath.

I listened, and take a look to their behind. Noticing my son and the others isn't there, worry begin to climb into my heart. I cannot control my emotions and my face goes from the usual face into the one full of anger.

"Where are the others? Where are my son?" I asked him.

"Forgive us, boss. Your son he.. He is dea-

I sliced his head off. I don't need to hear the full sentence to know it. My heart crumbled.


'Lorzak, you fool, of course a dungeon is full of dangers. You should've guard him yourself.'

I keep cursing myself in despair. Knowing my treasured one will never return. I turned my head into the other and asked.

"You, why did he die?" My tone is flat with no emotions. All of my emotions are gone with my crumbled heart.

"H-he is ki-killed by a s-stream of hot w-water that burn his skin. P-please don't kill me, I'm the last scout. If w-we make a tribe, w-we need a s-scout. A-and I can t-teach the new g-generation how to b-be a scout." He said while stuttering.

Realizing my mistake by eliminating all of my scouts except him, and the fact that he is innocent, I decide to spare him.

"Alright, you've proven your point to be true. I spare you!" I told him while cursing the dungeon in my heart.

'Just you wait, dungeon. I shall take my revenge and destroy you and your damned goblins.'

"Now, march to the goblins! Eliminate them! Let them taste our revenge!" I ordered my followers to march.

While marching into the goblins, I sent some of my kobolds to explore and search the dungeon's core while searching it by myself too. However, my search bear no fruits. The dungeon's core cannot be found and some of the kobolds that searched died instead.

We keep marching, and eventually arrives at the goblin's place. There are 23 of them, and most of them isn't even adult yet. We clashed with the goblins. The adults defending their childrens. 2 of them come to me at once. They are weaponless. One of them clawed at my left shoulder but I don't even bother to dodge as I was already full of despair. Grabbing the arm that was used to claw me, I bend it and kicked the goblin's stomach. Not killing him. Leaving him lying on the ground, I grab my spear and thrust it into the other goblin's head while he is charging at me, ending his life quickly. Expressing my rage, I stomped on the lying goblin's head repeatedly, not even stoping when he is dead.

After settling down my rage, we build a base for ourselves. I cut woods and bring it to the base with movement of a creature with a metal skin and weird, limited movement that I saw in my dream. Because of the other's hard work, our base with the walls are done after weeks.

Living in a big wooden cabin as their leader. Sitting on a high chair with crumbled heart. I am tired of living. I want to kill myself for all the mistakes I've made. But if I die, my followers will be left with no leader to guide them. I keep living for my follower's sake. Grabbing the glass of water on the table in front of me and drinking it, I feel an enormous pain and a while later, my vision darkened.

Abillity Soul Transfer has been activated automatically. For dying in a dungeon, your soul has been bound into the dungeon.

I opened my eyes. I'm in a cave. I don't know how did I come here. I observed my surrounding. There are 10 others, excluding me. Who am I? What are we? Why are we here? What is that wooden structure?

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