《The fire within》Chapter 11
The Bothan Jedi immediately blocked Maul's attack. There was a loud electrical charge as the two lightsabers collided. Then quickly spinning around, Maul twisted his body and kicked the Bothan's legs out from under him. With a loud thud, the Bothan warrior went down. However, as soon as he hit the ground, he immediately pushed himself up and slashed at Maul with all his fury.
While Maul was occupied, Savage ran toward one of the Rancor's that stepped out of the cage. Spinning his weapon above his head, and with a high jump, he aimed at the midsection of the beast, trying to finish this quick. But before he had the chance to cut deeply into his stomach, the Rancor swiftly swept his large hands in front of him, sending Savage flying through the air. Landing on his back, Savage quickly got up and looked at the beast coming at him with a loud, angry roar.
Charging at him once again, and with a few quick strides, Savage reached the animal. As he spun around, he quickly ducked down and cut deeply into one of his legs. An extremely loud and painful roar enveloped the Arena's ground.
At the same time, the crowd screamed and shouted as the other Rancor fought with the tall Arkanian, whose lightsaber also made its way into the soft flesh of the enormous animal.
However, his fight was short lived. As he spun around to get away from the beast, the animal grabbed hold of his long hair and pulled him up. With ease, the Rancor ripped him in half and shoved his upper body into his extremely large mouth. Instantly, a mixture of loud shouting with blaring laughs burst from the crowd. Many guests showed amazed and disgusted expressions, as they watched the Arkanian's body disappearing into the mouth of the beast.
While the animal was occupied with his new and tasty meal, Savage managed to get onto the back of the already injured one. Carefully balancing on the muscular shoulders of the animal, he raised his weapon high and with full strength, he plunged his lightsaber into the back of the Rancor's neck, instantly severing his spinal cord. An ear-splitting scream followed, as the red glow of his weapon disappeared into the animal's flesh. Then, the large body lurched forward and with an extremely loud thud, it shook the ground of the Arena, followed by more shouts and gleeful screams from the highly entertained crowd. Quickly jumping off the dead animal and landing on his feet, Savage's attention suddenly focused on Maul who looked like was having a difficult time trying to defeat the Bothan Jedi.
This old Jedi is giving me a hard time, Maul thought with anger as he skillfully sidestepped another one of his opponent's powerful advances. Without the Force, Maul had no choice, but to rely solely on his skills and raw muscle powers. And that was not as easy as he thought. Even though years of training left him strong and in a superb physical condition, this older Jedi was an unexpected opponent. Several times he came very close to carving Maul up. The shearing blaze of his green lightsaber grazed Maul's black tunic as he kept dancing around the furious Jedi. Then his eyes landed on Savage, who sped toward them.
However, that quick glance almost cost him his life, when Maul felt the extreme heat of the blade as it touched his left arm, just above his elbow. With gritted teeth, Maul swiftly stepped back and almost collided with Savage, who without stopping slammed into the Bothan Jedi with great force.
As the two bodies collided, the crowd erupted once again with roars and loud whistles. Sprawled on the ground, and losing his weapon, the Jedi tried to push off Savage, but with no success.
Wrapping his long fingers around the Jedi's fur covered neck, and putting all his strength into it, Savage started to suffocate the life out of the Bothan warrior.
"Brother, watch out!" Maul yelled noticing the other Rancor heading their way.
Quickly, extending his arm, Maul instinctively wanted to call the Bothan's lightsaber to him, but then realizing he had no control over his Force powers, scowling, he rushed to pick it up as the large beast quickly closed on them.
As the last ragged breath left the Bothan's mouth, Savage swiftly pushed himself off and rushed to help Maul, who was already slashing at the large animal.
While watching everything unfolding in front of her eyes, Rey's pulse heightened to a level she never knew existed. Tightly clutching the side of her chair, her eyes fixated on the two Zabrak who were bravely fighting with the menacing looking animals that were like the ones on Dathomir. Then her eyes landed on Kylo Ren who sat beside her and was intently watching the gory games. His young face looked calm, but beneath that calmness was slight apprehension that Rey was able to pick up. Then her eyes landed on his gloved hands that were placed on top of his thighs in a tight fist pulling the black leather material extremely taut on his hands. Feeling her gaze on him, Kylo Ren turned toward Rey. With a swift move, he grabbed her right hand, and pulled her closer until her hand rested on his wide chest, just above his heart.
With wide eyes, Rey looked at him and she was about to say something when he spoke up.
"Can you feel it?" He asked, gazing into her eyes.
When she nodded her head, he said in a hushed tone.
"When you are near me, I can't control it."
Looking at him, a momentary confusion took over Rey. In the past few weeks while they spent time together, Rey noticed his demeanor had greatly changed toward her. He was acting differently and this was something Rey had found somewhat disturbing. She sensed that he was attracted to her, but she always made sure not to encourage him to think more than an acquaintance of her. However, her attempts to steer him away didn't seem to work. Now sitting next to him and staring into his longing eyes, she felt intensely uncomfortable.
Quickly, she tried to pull her hand away, but he held her tight.
"Why...are you...telling me this?" Rey stuttered, then avoiding his gaze, she glanced toward the fighting pit where at last, Maul and Savage triumphed over the large beast. The animal's painful squeal loudly rang in Rey's ears, while she let out a relieved sigh. The extreme anxiety she had felt earlier dissipated, as she watched them standing proudly in the middle of the fighting pit, surrounded by the defeated ones.
Then she heard Kylo Ren's cynical voice.
"Looks like you're soon to be ex husband," deeply pronouncing the last word, "is surprisingly resilient."
Snapping her head toward him, she accusingly looked at him and said.
"What are you talking about?"
A thin smile appeared on his face. Then pulling her hand up to his face and still gazing into her eyes, he planted a soft kiss on the top of her hand. Then he said something that left Rey flabbergasted.
"Marry me."
The sudden exhaustion that came over Maul was just overwhelming. Looking at Savage, who was covered with blood and gore, and shaking his horned head, Maul cracked a smile. Then his eyes landed on the ecstatic crowd, and an unexpected proud feeling engulfed him. They all cheered for them and this actually felt good, Maul thought with amusement. But as he turned around and faced the podium, instantly his temporary happiness went sour when he saw them sitting next to each other in a very intimate manner.
Don't you even think about it. Savage's deep voice was heard in his head. We'll find the way very soon to get out of here.
Maul knew Savage was right. If he doesn't trust Rey, how was he able to make their relationship work?
Nodding in agreement, he lowered his weapon and angrily kicked the head of the rancor causing the animal's long tongue to pop out of his mouth, sweeping the ground in front of Maul's boots. Tossing the Bothan's weapon onto the ground, Maul clipped his onto his wide belt and turned to face the podium again.
"I can't marry you." Rey replied feeling irritated. Then she quickly pulled her hand out of his.
"We'll talk about this later." Kylo Ren replied noticeably annoyed. Then standing up, he walked up to the edge of the podium, and looked down toward the two Zabrak.
Signaling the crowd to quiet down, he spoke up.
"You fought well." His strong voice carried over the Arena's grounds. "Our guests are pleased. Therefore, you will be rewarded for today's win."
Sitting behind him, Rey wondered what type of reward he was talking about. Glancing toward the Supreme Leader, she noticed his eyes were fixating on the fighting pit. Sensing her stare, he turned his head and looked at Rey. A thin smile appeared on his scarred face. Then, he turned his attention back toward Maul and Savage.
There was something disturbing about the way he looked at her. Like he knew something that she didn't, Rey thought with disheartenment.
Signaling Darach and his men to come back, Kylo Ren watched as the guards collected the two Zabrak and escorted them off the grounds. Then the clean up crew rushed in and swiftly started to clean up the fighting pit.
One of them brought the two lightsabers to Darach. Taking them, a slight shudder traveled through him. How many times has he received these precious weapons? And how many times he wished he could travel back in time to make things right? But that was impossible to do and he had to accept the fact that he was here and there was no way out.
Stepping up onto the podium, he placed the two lightsabers in front of the Supreme Leader. Then bowing his head, he turned around and was about to leave, when Snoke spoke up.
"Keep and eye out for these two Zabrak."
"As you wish my Lord." Darach replied. Then bowing again, he turned and for a second his eyes met Rey's. There was a certain bleakness in those green eyes, Rey thought dispirited.
Then he was off, speedily walking away.
"Come here my child." Snoke called for Rey.
Stepping closer, she looked into his eyes and then he said.
"The laws of the Empire do not reach into the Unknown Regions. This is your home now and in three weeks time there will be a grand celebration." Leaning forward, he gently touched her face and said. "That day I will celebrate my rebirth and you will marry my apprentice."
Rey's eyes grew wide hearing his words. Pulling away from his touch, she shook her head and said.
"You can't make me."
"Yes I can and I will." He said in a firm tone.
Rey was about to protest some more, when he swiftly stood up and left the podium followed by his red guards.
For a few seconds Rey stood there awestruck. She couldn't believe what he had just said. Why is this happening to me? She asked herself utterly irritated about the thought of marrying him. Then turning around, her eyes landed on Kylo Ren.
Quickly approaching him, with a swift move; she slapped him hard across his cheeks.
"Bastard." She spat at him.
His face felt hot and itchy where she hit him. Swallowing hard, he took a deep breath and said.
"Let me show you something."
Grabbing her by the arm, he pulled her with him as they left the podium, tailed by some of his guards. Walking through a wide corridor, they headed toward an area that was unknown to her.
Stopping in front of a round metal door, Kylo Ren opened it, and Rey found themselves in a small, rounded room. Quickly sizing up the space, she noticed it was a surveillance room of sorts. There were some guards sitting in front of several large screens that covered one side of the wall.
"Leave us." Kylo Ren ordered.
Getting up, they left the room, leaving him and Rey alone.
Pointing to one of the chairs, he said.
"Have a seat."
Reluctantly, she sat down and watched him typing into the keypad.
Instantly, one of the screens expanded showing a room full of female, humans and aliens alike. First, she didn't understand why he was showing this to her. Then, the door to that room opened and she saw Savage and Maul walking in, followed by the guards. Puzzled, Rey watched as the women seductively surrounded the two men. One of the Twi'lek woman, ran her blue hands over Savage's horns, while a seductive smile appeared on her pretty face. Then her hand traveled down on his face and touched his wide chest plate, twirling her long fingers on its metal surface. While Savage was occupied with her, two other, one human and one Togruta approached Maul. Surrounding him, they both touched him in a very intimate manner.
She didn't want to see what happened next. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and quickly said.
"Shut it off."
"As you wish." Kylo Ren replied with a smug smile.
When the screen was gone, Rey opened her eyes and stared at the floor in front of her.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked feeling terribly nauseated.
"Every champion receives the same treatment." He replied. Then he added. "Do you think he would decline his rewards?"
Rey didn't know what to think at the moment. Her crazed mind was in turmoil. She wanted to get up and run out of here and never look back. The images of the women touching and rubbing against Maul burned into her mind. The jealousy and rage she felt right now was just overwhelming. With raging and accusing eyes, she looked at Kylo Ren and quickly getting up, she stormed out of the room. Her heels made a loud clicking sound as she rushed through the empty corridor toward her bedchamber. Holding back tears, she rushed through her door and slammed it behind. Leaning against the door, she slowly slid down and buried her face into her trembling hands. She wanted to cry, but no tears came.
Getting up, she walked up to her nightstand and opened the lower drawer. Inside was her satchel with the precious Jedi books. Taking the satchel out, she opened it and pulled out one of the books. Gently rubbing her hand over the worn, old cover, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her thoughts took her back to the day when she acquired them.
"The Jedi needs to end." The old Jedi's words still rung in her ears. Her great disappointment in him left Rey disheartened. When she finally found him, she felt ecstatic and full of hope. However, that great feeling was quickly replaced by dismay. Not wasting too much time on his lonely island, and afraid that he was going to destroy the books, she scooped them up from the ancient tree and took off.
These books called to her, in a similar manner as the lightsaber had that she found in a closed chest within a demolished destroyer on Jakku. She knew they were important and that she had to deliver them, even if this decision came with a hard choice.
Then her eyes landed on her broken lightsaber and the small knife that was safely tucked on the bottom of the drawer. I need to find a way to fix you, she thought, placing the book back into her satchel and lifting the two halves out of the drawer.
Rey had no idea how she would be able to fix it. But she needed this weapon if she was going to escape. Looking inside the tube, the blue crystal that powered the weapon was also broke in half. She wasn't sure if she was able to fix it, if it would work properly. She might have no choice but to ask for help and the only person she could ask was Kylo Ren and Rey was not keen on asking any favor from him.
Touching the blue crystal, a warm sensation traveled up her arm, making Rey feel strange, but pleasantly good. This feeling rushed through her like electricity. She wondered how she would be able to fix the crystal, when she heard a loud knock on her door.
Quickly she placed her satchel back into the drawer. Holding the broken lightsaber in her hands, she approached the door and asked.
"Who is that?"
"Open the door." Kylo Ren's muffled voice drifted through the closed door. Then he added. "Please."
After a few seconds, Rey made up her mind and cracked the door open to see him impatiently standing in front of her.
"May I come in?" He asked, searching her eyes.
"No." She replied. "You may not."
A thin smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, then his eyes landed on her hands, holding the two pieces.
"Let me have that." He said extending his arm toward her. Palm face up, he waited for Rey to place the weapon in his hand.
"Can you fix it?" Rey asked, hoping he would be able to do that.
"It's not my place to fix your weapon, but I can definitely assist you." He replied. After Rey placed it into his hand, he spoke up again. "The crystal is broken. You need to get another one."
"Where can I get another one?" She inquired.
"I can take you to the place where these crystals grow in abundance." He replied, and then he added with a smug grin. "On one condition."
"What kind of condition?" Rey asked with anticipation.
Stepping closer, he looked into her wide eyes and said.
"Let me kiss you."
Instantly, Rey's face morphed into a frown. Instinctively she took a step back. Then her eyes landed on his lips, and she asked.
"One kiss? That's all?"
"Yes." He said. For now, he eagerly thought.
"Ok." Rey agreed, opening the door wider.
Placing the weapon pieces down the floor, he removed his leather gloves and placed them on top of the lightsaber. Stepping closer, he gently embraced her. Then lifting her chin with his hand, he looked into her eyes savoring this beautiful picture for a second longer.
Leaning forward, first he planted a soft kiss on her left cheek, making Rey slightly tremble. Then his lips enclosed on hers. Feeling the softness of her lips again, Kylo Ren's pulse instantly quickened. Knowing that this time she was aware of this kiss, gave him an extraordinary sensation.
Without warning, his tongue invaded her mouth causing Rey to cringe. But as his demanding kiss deepened, a small pleasurable moan escaped her mouth. His kiss was not what she expected. It felt strangely familiar, which surprised Rey. Returning his kiss, her tongue entered his mouth playing with him, while his strong arms firmly held her in place. The amazing sensation that rushed through them both was enticing. Kylo Ren wanted to pick her up and take her inside, and have her all the way, but he knew if he would have done that now, he would have greatly angered his Master, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.
Breaking the kiss, he looked into her elated face and said in a hushed tone.
"I'll let you get changed."
Letting her go, he picked up his gloves and her weapon. Then taking one more look at her and with a small smile, he walked away, leaving the confused Rey behind.
Peeling off the hands of the human woman, Maul growled in his throat. This was the last thing on his mind right now. Feeling extremely annoyed, he walked away from them. Looking at his brother, Savage seemed like he was having a great time, as the two women hung onto him, like vines on a trees on Dagobah.
Looking down on his arm, he pulled up his sleeve, only to see a deep gash just below his biceps. Damn you Jedi, he thought with irritation and anger, as he closely examined the wound. His tattoo was now destroyed and there was no way he was able to fix that.
Suddenly, the door opened and Asajj accompanied by another woman walked in.
"Out ladies." Shae ordered the women.
One-by-one the women left the room. When the door closed behind them, Asajj turned to Savage and with a sly smile she asked.
"Are you having a good time?"
In a split second, Savage pushed her up against the wall. Breathing hard and fast, his yellow burning eyes deeply penetrated into hers.
Quickly signaling Shae to stand down, Asajj gazed into Savage's eyes and said in a smooth tone.
"Eager aren't we?"
"Stop playing with me." Savage replied with distaste. "I have had enough of your games…. Asajj."
Letting her go, he walked away from her and slumped down on the bench. He had enough of her games. Either she is here to help us or she is just here to piss me off even more! Savage thought with exasperation.
"Why are you here?" Maul asked suspiciously eyeing the two women.
Stepping closer to him, Shae raised one of her eyebrows and said in a sweet tone.
"To have fun, of course."
Sliding her hands up the front of his tunic, she leaned her body against his. With a flirty smile, she lightly traced one of his tattoos on his face.
Suddenly, Maul reached up and grabbed her wrist and squeezed it. Then with a low growl, he said.
"Don't touch me."
Letting her go, he stepped back and walked away from her. These women started to piss him off. He was getting impatient. Is this the reward that coward was talking about? Maul thought with anger. He didn't want anything to do with these women. He had no desire whatsoever to have any of them. The only person he desired was Rey. Seeing her today was a great relief, but he knew there was much to do before they were able to get away from here. He still couldn't trust Asajj and the key she gave them was questionable at the moment.
Walking up to Savage, Asajj placed her slender fingers on his wide shoulder plate and said.
"Come my love. Let's go."
Staring at the floor, he asked.
"Go where?"
"Back to your cell." She replied.
Standing up, and leaving the room, they were escorted back into their cell. But when they got there, instead of leaving them alone, both women stepped inside and locked the door.
"What are you doing?"
Savage's deep voice rang through the cell.
"Wait." Asajj said with a thin smile, as she signaled him to stay quite. Then within a few seconds, the lights were turned down, leaving all of them in complete darkness.
"Do you still have it?" Asajj asked, touching Savage's left arm.
"Yes I do." Savage replied.
"Give it to me." Asajj insisted.
Placing the key into her hand, Asajj asked Shae to give her some light.
Shining her small device onto the back of Savage's neck, Asajj was about to place the key into the collar's slot, when Maul's firm grip came down on her wrist.
"If anything happens to him, I will kill you." He growled.
Without hesitation, Asajj replied. "Deal."
Letting her go, Maul watched as she placed the key into the slot. With a small beeping sound, the collar opened and fell to the floor.
Savage didn't even notice he was holding his breath, until the collar hit the floor in front of his boots. Then with a relieved sigh, he looked at Maul and with a wide grin he said.
"I told you so."
"Maybe once you were right." Maul murmured as he turned his back at Asajj, allowing her to open his collar. However, when she tried to push the key inside, the opening of his collar was slightly smaller than Savage's.
"Damn." She groaned.
"What's wrong?" Savage asked.
"This key is the wrong key for his collar." Asajj replied.
"Are you sure?" Savage asked again.
"Yes, I'm sure." Asajj reaffirmed, feeling a bit annoyed by his question.
Turning around, Maul swiftly grabbed hold of her delicate neck and squeezed it. Pulling her astonished face closer, he snarled. "Don't play games with me, witch."
With wide eyes, Asajj looked into Maul's and croaked.
"I'm...telling….you….the truth."
"Brother." Savage quickly spoke up. "Let her go."
Unwillingly, Maul let her go.
Holding onto her throat, Asajj coughed a few times, then with a hoarse voice she spoke up.
"Let me find the right key and I promise I will bring it to you."
"Why should I trust you?" Maul asked annoyed.
"You don't have a choice, but to trust me." Asajj replied with a frigid tone. Then turning to Savage, she said.
"I will leave the key here, but you have to put the collar back."
Hesitantly, Savage picked up the collar and placed it into her hands.
"Put it back." He said as his eyes found Maul's and then he added. "I would never leave you brother."
When the collar was back on his neck, Asajj stepped in front of him and slowly caressing his solemn face, she pulled him down and pressed her lips to his.
Maul was surprised to see them kissing in front of him. From the kissing couple his eyes landed on Shae, who looked quite entertained by the view.
Then breaking the kiss, and with a smile, Asajj held onto Savage's hand and pulled him toward his small bathroom. Maul watched them leaving, then looking at Shae who nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders, Maul turned around and walked into his side of the cell, while she went after them.
In his compact bathroom, Asajj and Shae slowly removed his gore and blood splattered armor, leaving Savage only in his black undergarment.
When it was time to remove his undergarment, Savage grabbed Asajj's hand and said in a low voice.
"After you."
With a sly smirk, she retracted her hand and turned toward Shae. Slowly she started to undress her. When Shae stood in all her naked glory in front of Savage, then Asajj let her remove her clothes.
Seeing both women naked in front of him, Savage's pulse quickened. His trousers felt way too small as the two women teased each other.
Stepping into the shower, Shae quickly turned on the faucet, letting the lukewarm water fall down onto her pale but beautiful body. Teasingly, she called to Asajj, wanting her in the shower with her.
Stepping into the shower, Asajj let Shae wash her slim body down, while her eyes focused on Savage.
Watching the women in the shower was a beautiful picture to behold. Quickly stepping out of his trousers, Savage walked up to them and squeezed his large body between the two very attractive females.
While Asajj's lips were on his, teasing and biting, Shae grabbed hold of his thick manhood and started to squeeze it. Then running her hand over his length, she started to play with him as she moved her hand up and down.
Grabbing hold of Asajj backside, Savage firmly grasped her shapely buttocks, feeling her soft skin beneath his fingertips. Oh Maker how much I've missed her, he thought with despair, feeling like his manhood was about to explode.
Then as he thought he could take no more, Shae let go of him and turned toward Asajj. Pulling her face close to hers, she pressed her soft lips onto hers and while their tongue played with each other, Savage grabbed Shae's breasts and slowly started to massage her, gently rolling the hardened light pink nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Then he did the same to Asajj. Then sliding his hand down on Asajj's taut stomach, he inserted one of his digits inside her sex. Savage felt her complete arousal, as he slowly moved his finger in and out of her, causing her to moan with pleasure into Shae's mouth. Smearing the creamy substance on her thighs, he then touched Shae in the similar manner, feeling her complete readiness for him.
Picking Shae up, and pressing her back against the shower wall, he placed himself between her shapely thighs. Intently gazing into her wide eyes, he gradually immersed himself within her folds, making her moan louder.
Slowly moving his hips, and then picking up his pace, Savage closed his eyes and enjoyed the extremely pleasant feeling she gave him. The softness of her body made him almost lose control.
Feeling her muscles contracting around him, he knew she was getting close to her peak. While he diligently kept up his pace, Asajj's mouth came down onto his, biting his lips and tongue with small, pleasant kisses.
When Shae reached her peak, Savage had to hold back not wanting to end this quickly. He longed to feel Asajj once again. After all these years spent apart, he wanted to immerse himself within her and feel her beautiful body.
Quickly removing himself, he let go of her and turned to Asajj.
Swiftly turning her around, he placed his large hand onto her sweet spot and started to massage her sex. While her pleasurable moans filled up the small shower, he picked up one of her legs and slowly immersed himself within her. Then rhythmically moving his hips with hers, that familiar satisfaction he always felt with her returned with full force.
While his hands enclosed on her small, but firm breasts, and sensing her climax closing in, he picked up his pace. Then when he felt his manhood was about to erupt, she finally reached her peak. While her body trembled and sent small tremors through his, Savage lost himself within her, reaching his amazing climax simultaneously with hers.
Heavily breathing, his mouth came down on her shoulder, while his pulse slowly started to ease into a slower rhythm. Turning her around, he pressed his lips onto hers.
While Shae dried herself up and got back into her clothes, Savage and Asajj were still in the shower, holding onto each other.
Breaking the kiss, he looked into her satisfied face and asked.
"Where have you been all this time?"
Gazing into his eyes, and to his astonishment, with a thin smile, she said.
"Here in the Arena, fighting for my life."
To be continued...
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She tried to loosen his grip on her jaw but invane. "This i-is n-not right. You c-can't t-touch me. P-Please m-move away you're t-to close. J-just let me go." Her words only infuriated him to no end. He growled, his chest vibrated and he snickered like a deranged man. "I can touch you as much as I want and wherever I want." She felt enraged at his vile words. "NO! YOU CAN NOT! I won't allow thismmmmffff." He didn't let her finish and to emphasise on his words he took her lips in a bruising kiss which was full of passion, lust and aggression.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Alizey a 21 year old girl who is a university student,and lives happily with her family. She is a hijjabi and a practicing Muslimah. For her, her family is everything,and she can do anything for them.Alexander, the boss of the under world, known as Alex. He is ruthless,stone hearted man. What happened when he lays his eyes on a girl, who can never be his. What will he do to get her.(18+⚠️)READ TO FIND OUT.THERE ARE TOTAL 54 CHAPTERS IN THIS STORY....Highest ranks.#1 in mine.#1 in muslim.#1 in hijabi.#1 in gunn.#1 in muslimah.#1 in desire.#1 in criminal. ********************************This work is completely mine and I'm strictly against plagiarism so kindly DO NOT COPY MY WORK.
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