《The fire within》Chapter 12
"Where are you taking me?" Rey asked as Kylo Ren opened the vehicle's door.
"We're going to a cave full of crystals." He replied.
After getting into the snowmobile, and with a push of a button, the machine started up. Within a few minutes they were on their way toward the surface.
It was late in the night already the sky was dark. However the frigid surface of the planet was lit up brightly with the freshly fallen snow, making the icy terrain look like a winter wonderland.
Rey's eyes followed the contours of the land, as they sped toward the cave. The last time she had seen the surface was almost a week ago and that time she was not happy to be here. This time, however, instead of feeling anger, she admired the breathtaking view.
Then her eyes landed on Kylo Ren's gloved hand clutching the steering wheel.
"How many times have you been there before?" Rey asked looking from his hand to his handsome profile.
Staring straight ahead, he replied.
"This will be my third time."
Then his eyes landed on Rey and with a mischievous smile, he asked.
"Why do you have to ask so many questions?"
She replied with a smile.
"I like to know everything."
"Everything?" He asked pulling up one of his dark eyebrows.
Still smiling, Rey nodded her head, and she was about to ask another question, when he said.
"Well, there is one thing I can tell you. But you might find it disturbing."
Frowning, Rey looked at him and asked with apprehension.
"What is it?"
Turning his attention forward, he took a deep breath and said.
"As you know, there will be a grand celebration in a few weeks. Many from all across the galaxy will be attending this important event."
"Yes I'm aware of that." Rey said with slight distaste.
"Among the many invited guests, your father will be there as well." Kylo Ren said.
"My father?" Rey asked with disbelief.
"Yes." He replied. Then he asked. "How does this make you feel?"
Rey didn't know what to say to that. This was the last thing she expected to hear. Just to think about seeing him again, Rey's pulse quickened. Then she asked.
"Why is he coming?"
Turning toward her, he looked into her eyes and said.
"His only daughter is getting married. Do you think he would miss her wedding day?"
The mentioning of their upcoming wedding was a disheartening thing to hear. Even though he was nice to her and treated her with respect, she was not looking forward to becoming his wife. Her heart belonged to Maul, and she would rather not think about him right now. The last image of him with the women was still fresh in her mind. Quickly dismissing these disturbing images, Rey took a shaky breath and said.
"Let him come. I have many questions for him."
The thought of her father coming here made Rey feel angry but also confused again. Indeed I have many questions for him, she thought with anger.
"Who else is coming?" Rey inquired.
Suddenly she noticed his facial expression change. For a second he looked distraught, and then with an irritated voice, he said.
"Emperor Valkorion and his family will also attend the ceremony."
"Who are these people?" Rey asked sensing there was more to come.
"He rules planet Zakuul within the Unknown regions. He is extremely rich and powerful. I've met him and his family plenty of times already. Once a year, he and his children, they like to visit the casino."
"Seems like you don't like them. Why?" Rey asked, wanting to know what was going on with these people.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, and clutching the steering wheel tighter, he said.
"His twin sons and I are not in the best relations. They always made me feel less than dirt."
"Why would they do that?" Rey asked, getting curious about this subject.
"His sons and daughter were born into privilege and wealth. Since their birth, they were the princes and princesses of their Empire. They grew up knowing nothing else but comfort and love especially from their mother."
"What about the father?" Rey asked. "Does he love them as well?"
"In a way yes, he does, but he rarely shows any emotions toward the boys. However, his precious daughter Vaylin, she gets all the special attention." Kylo Ren replied with a hint of irony in his voice.
"But why would you say that they made you feel like dirt?" Rey asked again, not understanding why he said that. As far as she knew, Kylo Ren was also rich and powerful, and she didn't understand why he would say such a thing.
"I'll explain it to you in a bit." He replied, parking the vehicle inside a large cave.
Extremely unpleasant cold weather greeted them as they stepped out of the vehicle. Quickly, he led her to a steel door. While shivering, Rey watched as he entered a code into the keypad that was embedded into the rough walls of the cave. After pressing a code sequence in, and also scanning his face, the metal door opened, showing up a dark walled elevator.
Stepping inside, Kylo Ren turned around and pressed a button on the elevator's wall. Immediately, they were heading downward deep beneath the mountain.
When the elevator stopped and the door opened, Rey found themselves in a narrow, brightly lit corridor. The air here was pleasantly warm, just like in the casino, she though with relief. At the end of the corridor was another door patrolled by two guards.
Approaching them, and after greeting Kylo Ren, they let them pass.
Behind the door was another long, narrow passage. However, the walls of this place were not metal, but rough stone. Lightly running her hand over the cold walls, Rey looked ahead and noticed the end of the passageway widened up, showing her an extraordinary view.
Standing at the edge of the corridor, Rey's eyes grew wide with astonishment looking at the large cave full of colorful crystals. All around them the walls of the cave were embedded with all shapes and sizes of beautiful sparkling stones. The astounding view left Rey speechless.
As her eyes scanned the cave, she noticed in the middle was a large stone table. Approaching the table, Kylo Ren placed her broken lightsaber on top of it. Then he removed the crystals from the weapon and put them on the table as well. Then he turned to the amazed Rey.
"This is the cave of Kyber crystals." He started. "For centuries now, Jedi and Sith alike came to visit here to extract these stones and used them to power their weapons."
"This is magnificent." Rey exclaimed.
"They look charming but as you know, they can be very deadly as well." Kylo Ren replied watching her astonished face.
"What do I have to do?" Rey asked.
"Here the Force is extremely strong." He said. Then he added. "You have to concentrate and deeply connect with it. Through this connection a stone will choose you. When it happens, you will know how to construct your weapon that will perfectly accommodate your crystal."
Looking around and then to him, Rey felt nervous. She wasn't sure if she could do this. Then her eyes landed on the broken weapon and she knew she had to fix it if she were to leave this place. Thinking about her escape made Rey extremely anxious. She was aware that this plan of hers could very well backfire on her, but she had no choice but to go ahead with it, even though she wasn't too keen on leaving Maul and Savage behind. And to do that, it had to be done following their wedding ceremony. She had planned this to do after their wedding night, after he fell asleep, she thought disheartened. Just to think about what will come that night gave a fluttery feeling deep down inside her. She will have no choice but to give herself to him and this unpleasant thought kept coming back to her frustrated mind, every time she thought about it.
However, this was a necessary evil for the sake of a great cause, and Rey had to accept it, whether she liked it or not.
"So how do I do that?" She asked looking at him.
"Close your eyes." He said. "And concentrate deeply within yourself."
Closing her eyes, Rey took a deep breath in, then slowly exhaled. Placing her hands on top of the table, she started to tune out the sounds of his breathing and also her confusing thoughts. Breathing slowly, Rey started to deeply concentrate on herself. When her mind was completely clear of everything, a bright light appeared behind her closed eyelids. This light felt pleasant and inviting. Reaching out with her mind, she gently touched the light caressing its warm glow.
Watching her face was a delightful picture to behold. She looked relaxed and perfectly beautiful, Kylo Ren thought with awe. Every time he looked at her a strange feeling enveloped his body and mind. She was unique, that he could tell, but how unique is she? He didn't know. Stepping behind her, he placed his head next to hers, and whispered into her ear.
"Accept the light and it will show you the way."
Feeling his warm breath on her ear and hearing his voice made Rey tremble. She was well aware of his presence behind her. However, his closeness felt comforting and taking his advice, she reached out again and accepted the light.
Suddenly, the broken crystal alongside with the weapon in front of them started to shake lightly, then more forcefully. Then the air around them vibrated with electricity forcing Kylo Ren to step back with astonishment.
With wide eyes, he watched the air around Rey turning into pure electricity, brightening up the cave with a blinding bluish light. Then his eyes landed on the stone table and he watched as the broken weapon suddenly lifted up and shattered into hundreds of pieces. As the pieces of the lightsaber floated above the table, the blue crystal also elevated slowly spinning around in mid air.
Then to his amazement, from the wall came a crystal. It flew across in mid-air and hovered above the table, and immediately fused with the broken crystal. As the two crystals connected, from their unity, a bright purple light emitted, enveloping Rey's calm face with a light purple glow. Then around the fused crystal her weapon spun faster, causing the air to vibrate more forcefully with an electrical charge. Slowly, the pieces of the weapon encased the newly forged crystal, forming a new design around them.
When Rey opened her eyes, the calmness and peace she felt was extremely powerful. Then she looked at the table in front of her. There was a deep crack running across the surface of the table, which amazed her. But the most interesting thing was her newly formed lightsaber that lay on top of the table.
Picking it up, she turned it in her hand and said with amazement.
"It looks good. Slender but powerful."
Turning her attention to Kylo Ren, Rey noticed the wonderment that was written on is face was comical, she thought amusingly.
"How…. did you...do that?" He asked stuttering.
"How did I do what?" Rey asked, frowning.
"I have seen others before forging their own weapons, but I have never seen something like this." He replied, still feeling shocked.
Shrugging, Rey replied. "I just did what you told me to do."
"Well." He started. "Whatever you did was amazing."
Stepping closer, he gently caressed her face and then he asked. "Who are you Rey? Really?"
"You know exactly who I am." She replied, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze and touch. Then she added. "I don't understand what you mean?"
"My Master was right. You are more than you seem." Saying that he leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her parted lips.
"Please, don't." Rey groaned, pulling away from him.
Feeling a little let down, Kylo Ren took a step back and then he said.
"Go ahead. Turn it on."
Holding her weapon up she ignited it. Instantly, a deep purple glow enveloped her face. Stepping back and with a fluid motion, she twirled her slim weapon several times creating a purple blur in front of her face. Then she noticed something. Pressing down on the ignition button again, the back end of her weapon suddenly ignited with a deep red color, while the front that was purple turned into the very familiar blue color. In astonishment, she beamed at her lightsaber and then at Kylo Ren.
"Oh my Maker." She exclaimed. "How did I do this?"
"The Force is superb within you." Supreme Leader's strong voice echoed through the cave.
Instantly, both Rey and Kylo Ren spun around and looked toward the opening of the corridor, only to see Snoke standing there.
Stepping closer, he approached them.
"Master." Kylo Ren bowed his head. It was a great surprise to see him here. This he had not expected. Stepping aside, he let him walk closer to Rey.
"My child." He said to Rey. "I'm happy to see your powers are growing stronger."
"What are you doing here?" Rey asked confused looking up into his scarred face.
"I'm impressed to see how strong you have become." He replied with eagerness. Then turning around he looked at his apprentice. Scrutinizing him for a few seconds, he said.
"As you see my apprentice, she is unique in every way. To deserve her is a great honor. After the wedding I expect you to perform and produce an heir as soon as possible."
At the mentioning of the word heir, Rey looked from Kylo Ren to Snoke and then back to Kylo Ren. As her eyes met his, a sudden knot formed in her stomach. The way he looked at her was fairly disturbing. In his eyes, there was a mixture of lust with apprehension. Quickly, she looked down on her weapon and a sudden thought came to her mind. I could kill them both and be done with it, she thought with determination staring at her weapon. She was about to ignite it when Snoke spoke up again and his words immediately stopped her in her tracks.
"From your unity, I'm expecting a very powerful great-grandchild."
"What?" Rey and Kylo Ren shouted in unison. The horror and astonishment that was written on both of their faces was palpable.
Then before any of them could ask a question, Snoke turned to Rey and spoke up again.
"It's time to reveal who you really are, my dear."
With eyes as big as saucers, Rey stared into Snoke's face. Anxiously, she was waiting for him to continue.
"I should have told you this before, but I chose not to. But now I think it's a good time to reveal the truth to you." Snoke said. "Your mother, Lylea was a product of my own experiment."
"What are you talking about?" Rey asked with shock.
"You see my child, I was always fascinated about the human origins, where do they come from and how do they progress." Snoke casually replied. Then he continued. "Your grandmother was a fairly powerful Force user witch on Dathomir. When I met her, I knew she would be the perfect specimen for my own creation. You see, I have been alive for a long time now and I have been failed so many times in the past to produce an heir that I almost gave up. The women I have met before were not strong enough to carry out this important task. However, one did succeed, but unfortunately it was too late to recognize that opportunity. I thought I lost her, but that's not what happened. She was taken from me and sold as a slave. The offspring of that experiment is long dead and there is nothing I can do about that. I was left empty handed and also with an unspeakable heartache."
"My grandmother was your lover?" Rey asked with utter disbelief.
"Oh, not in that sense." Snoke chuckled. "I did not desire their flesh. I gave my seed to them, but not in a way you think."
"Are you my grandfather?" Rey asked, not believing her own words.
"Yes, I am." He replied watching her astonished face.
"And my mother knew of this?" She asked, baffled.
"No." Snoke replied. "Your mother never knew where she came from. But she knew the power within her was exceptionally unique. And for her to meet your father was not by accident but pure calculation."
"Why would she do that?" She asked feeling nauseated.
"I was the one who influenced their minds to find each other." Snoke continued, as a sly grin appeared on is face. "I recognized a very powerful persona within Palpatine. I knew with their unity, I was able to continue my great experiments involving the power of the Force, which unites us in so many ways."
"You are both extremely strong." Looking at Rey he added. "You being my descendant", then he looked at Kylo Ren, "And you being an exceptional Force user, I'm sure your offspring will be remarkably powerful to rule over the universe."
As soon as he said that a sudden and painful memory flooded Rey's mind. She had already heard a similar thing from the lips of Mother Talzin, but her vision said otherwise. Her vision did not involve Kylo Ren, but her son Maul. This completely confused Rey and left her in great turmoil. Feeling disappointed with Maul and angry with Kylo Ren, at this very moment, Rey wanted nothing to do with any of them. She felt like she was bait for their amusements and that was something she didn't want to accept. I am my own person and I am not a toy or an experiment to play with! Rey thought with anger looking at the two men in front of her.
Then as she looked down on her weapon again a sudden sadness enveloped her. So that is why you called to me? She thought realizing that the previous owner of this lightsaber was none other than her long lost sibling. The sibling Snoke was talking about.
"Why do you think this plan of yours would ever succeed?" Rey asked annoyed.
"One day you will understand my dear. And when that day comes, you will be the one to come to me and ask for my guidance." Snoke replied. Then he turned around leaving them behind.
While Snoke was telling Rey her true lineage, Kylo Ren's mind was in great confusion. He had no idea that Rey was his granddaughter. This new revelation was astounding. However, knowing Snoke's great powers, he now understood why she was so strong with the Force.
After his Master left, he looked at Rey's upset face and said.
"Be glad you have a family."
"A family?" Rey asked incredibly. "How could you say that?" She asked with an accusing tone.
"I'd rather not…she started to say, when he quickly cut her off.
"Even though your family is not what you expected, still you have a family and you are not alone." Kylo Ren replied with annoyance. With a firm tone, he added. "I would give anything to have a family."
"What do you mean?" Rey asked feeling awkward. She never asked him where he had come from or where his family were. This subject never came up and now looking at his upset face, Rey felt guilty and ashamed.
Taking a deep breath, Kylo Ren ran his hand through his dark locks and then leaning against the table he said.
"The twins I have spoken before, they always made fun of me. They always made me feel like I was worthless. Every time they came to visit, they constantly challenged me. They knew where I came from and they took advantage of that knowledge to embarrass me and put me down."
With a painful expression he looked at Rey and said.
"I was a slave once in Cantonica. I was a stable boy sweeping up Fathier excrements. I was nobody without a family. My parents sold me off to the casino and left me there to die. But every single day I just kept pressing on. I did not want to give up and accept my fate. I knew I was destined to be more than just a stable boy. Then one day, Supreme Leader Snoke came to the casino. He recognized the unique powers within me and he bought me. From that day on, I was his apprentice and son. I'm truly grateful for him. Even though over the years there were times when he treated me harsh and unfair, I knew the only reason he did that was to prepare me and guide me to become who I am today. He is not my flesh and blood, but he is like a father to me."
As Rey listened to his heart-wrenching story, instantly she felt sympathy for him. She knew exactly how he felt experiencing a similar lifestyle herself as well. Although she was far from being a slave, she had felt like one every single day when she woke up. The hard work she had been put through since childhood left a deep crevice within her soul. She was scarred and so was he.
Stepping closer to him, instinctively she embraced him. While her head rested on his wide chest, she said in a low voice.
"You are not alone."
Lifting her head up, he looked into her teary eyes and said.
"I like you Rey. You are a truly beautiful person." Then he added. "How can I deserve you?"
Hearing his words left a hurtful feeling inside Rey. She wanted to hate this man, but she just couldn't do it. There was something about him that left her wanting more. For some unexplained reason she was pulled to him like a magnet. Why is this happening? Rey thought frustrated searching his eyes.
"I'm here for you if you need me." She assured him. Then pulling out of his embrace, she turned to the table. The immense amount of pent up frustration and anger within her was just overwhelming at the moment. Rey felt like a ticking time bomb, which could explode in any seconds. After a few seconds of staring at it, she ignited her weapon again and with anger and frustration she struck it down, completely breaking the table in half.
An hour later, they were back in the casino. Walking through the corridor, they stopped in front of her room. Turning to Kylo Ren, Rey looked up into his face and said.
"I have a favor to ask."
"What is it?" He inquired.
"Before we get married, I would like to see Maul again." Rey pleaded.
A faint frown appeared on his face. Then after a few seconds of silence, he said.
"Alright. I'll let you see him."
"Thank you." Rey replied. Then she was about to turn and go into her room when he stopped her.
"I want to make you happy... Rey."
With a small smile, she nodded her head and then opening her door, she stepped inside, shutting him out.
"Hold your weapon higher!" Darach's strong voice carried over the empty Arena. Pointing to the young apprentice, he yelled again.
"No! Not like that!"
Approaching him, Darach stood in front of the young man and holding out his training weapon he smacked at the young Jedi's weapon, knocking it out of his hand.
With an irritated tone, he asked.
"Do you want to die next?"
When the young Jedi shook his head, with a softer tone Darach spoke up again.
"You still need a lot of training."
Looking at the older Jedi standing beside the young one, Darach continued.
"Your are too soft on him. Don't be." He firmly said. Then quickly looking around, Darach's eyes landed on the two Zabrak that were diligently training together amongst the many that took over the Arena's grounds.
"You there!" The Master of Arms pointed toward Maul. "Come here!" He yelled.
Approaching Darach, Maul's yellow eyes swiftly looked from Darach to the two Jedi that stood beside him.
"I want you to train with him." Darach said pointing to the young one.
"Why me?" Maul asked irritated.
"He needs to learn different techniques if he wants to stay alive long enough." Darach replied, quickly silencing the older Jedi who was about to speak up.
With a smug face, Maul looked at the young Jedi and clicking his tongue he said in a mocking tone.
"Are you ready…. Kenobi?"
Picking up his training weapon, and holding it firmly in his hand, young Kenobi waited for Maul to make the first move.
Casually twirling his weapon in his hand, Maul slowly started to pace in front of him. Then he suddenly raised his hand and mockingly stepped forward, trying to scare the Jedi.
A sudden worry enveloped the Jedi's face. For a second he seemed like he was scared, but then his facial expression changed and with a swift move, he lunged at Maul.
Quickly counter attacking his advances, Maul spun around and kicked him on the left thigh, making the young Jedi buckle under his forceful attack. However, he swiftly sprung up and turned on Maul slashing his weapon at his upper body.
Maul, quickly moved out of the way and with a sidekick he smashed his heal into the Jedi's chest, sending him down to the ground. Then while he was down, Maul stood above him and was about to bring his weapon down on his head, when Kenobi rolled out of the way and jumping to his feet, he quickly spun around and brought his weapon down across Maul's midsection.
The powerful punch from the weapon hit Maul unexpected and hard. For a second he felt the air was sucked out of him. As he tried to collect his stamina, Maul looked up, and saw him raising his weapon again to strike him down.
Blocking the attack, Maul's mind went mad with fury. This young Jedi was not what he expected. With a right training, he might have been really good, but he will never make it that far, Maul thought with anger as he ducked down and swiftly kicked his legs out from under him. Then straightening up, and raising his weapon, he was going to teach him a hard lesson, when he heard his name.
As his weapon hovered over Kenobi's fearful and astonished face, Maul looked to his right and saw Rey standing at the edge of the Arena's ground.
Immediately, he dropped the weapon, which landed on Kenobi's forehead. While the young Jedi cuddled his head, Maul sped toward Rey.
As soon as he reached her, he swiftly lifted her off the ground and pressed his lips to hers, savoring the precious moment.
Holding onto him, Rey passionately kissed him back. Tightly pressing her body against his, she was ecstatic to be able to hug and kiss him again.
Everyone around them in the training ground stopped and looked their way. A small smile appeared on Savage's face watching their passionate embrace. Then looking down, he extended his hand and pulled up the surprised Jedi.
"Who is she?" Kenobi asked.
"His better half." Savage replied.
Breaking the kiss, Maul gazed into her eyes and with a hushed tone he said.
"Oh, how much I missed you."
"Did you?" Rey asked with a concerned face.
With a frown, he looked at her and said.
"I do not desire anyone, but you Rey." Then he added. "Trust me."
Looking into his eyes, Rey knew he was telling the truth. Feeling relieved, she smiled and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Then she whispered into his ear.
"I missed you too."
"Did you now?" He playfully asked. Then he heard her voice in his head.
I do not have much time. I came to tell you that there will be a large ceremony in a few weeks. I…", Rey started, but wasn't sure how to carry on telling him the next thing.
What is it? Maul's worried voice was heard in her head.
I'm getting married to his apprentice. Rey replied, avoiding his eyes.
With an astonished face Maul shouted.
"You're doing what?!"
"Please Maul." Rey pleaded. "Stay quiet."
Then her voice filled up his head again.
After the ceremony, I will leave this place and take the Jedi books with me. They need to be delivered.
Maul was in shock to hear her upcoming nuptials. Deep down inside he knew something was going to happen, but he never envisioned this. With a heavy heart, he nodded his head and said.
My mother would be very proud of you, but I cannot let you do that. Not alone. There is a way out of here. Please Rey, give me some time, and I will be free of these chains. Then together we will deliver them. With a pleading tone he added.
"Please do not do anything reckless."
Not having much time left, she didn't want to waste it. Wrapping her arms around him, she passionately kissed him. Holding her in his arms, he returned the kiss. Feeling her soft lips on his was like a drop of fresh water that could never quench his thirst. He did not want to let go of her.
Then Maul heard the apprentice's voice calling from above.
"Time is up."
Letting her go, he reassuringly squeezed her arms, then his eyes found Kylo Ren's.
If his look could have killed, Kylo Ren would have been dead. The immense anger and loathing Maul felt for that man propelled him to get himself and Savage out of this as soon as possible.
After watching Rey disappearing behind the door, he then rushed back to the young Jedi and his Master and picking up his weapon, Maul continued the training with the full power of his fury.
A week later, amongst the newly arrived guests, one of the most important ones had arrived with his family. It was early afternoon when Emperor Valkorion and his entourage walked into the casino.
Rey was getting ready in her room when she heard a loud knock. Quickly putting her brush down, she opened the door to see Asajj and Shae standing in the corridor.
"We need to talk." Asajj said.
Letting the women in, Rey quickly locked the door behind them, and then she asked.
"What do you want?"
"I need to tell you something." Asajj spoke up.
"What do you want to tell me?" Rey asked curiously watching them.
Leaning against the bedpost, and crossing her slender arms in front of her chest, Asajj told everything to Rey. When she was done, Rey started to smile and said.
"I can't believe you are Savage's mate." Then she quickly added. "Where is the key?"
"The key is kept in a safe place, locked up in Ben's room." Shae explained.
"Ben?" Rey asked. "Who is that?"
"Oh, you don't know." Shae said cynically. Then she added. "Is your lovely future husband's true name."
"His name is Ben?" Rey asked incredibly.
When Shae nodded in agreement, Rey asked again. "How do you know this?"
Taking a seat at the vanity table, and picking up the brush, then looking into the mirror, Shae locked eyes with Rey, and then she said. "Ben and I used to have lots of fun. However, he was just to unpredictable for me. So I decided to end our little secret affair."
"You and him?" Rey asked baffled, watching her starting to brush her red hair.
"Yes." Shae replied. "He is quite a catch." She said with a sly smile. Then she added. "You'll find out very soon."
"I'd rather not." Rey replied annoyed. She didn't want to think about that right now.
"So is that how you know where the key is?" Rey inquired.
Turning around, Shae said.
Her strange attitude confused Rey. She wasn't sure if Shae was always like this, or she was just jealous of her. Despite her behavior, Rey was glad to hear that these women were on their side. She couldn't believe both of these women were used to fight in the Arena. She had no idea how powerful they were, but to be able to survive here, Rey was certain they had to be exceptionally good.
After the women left, Rey slumped down on her bed and lying back on the covers, she started to think about the many possibilities that could happen on the day of her dreaded wedding.
Later that evening Rey was picked up by Kylo Ren and escorted into the lavishly decorated dining room. Looking around, Rey noticed the large room was stuffed with guests of all kinds. Their loud conversations filled up the immense room.
At the other end of the room was their table. Approaching it, Rey noticed a middle aged man sitting next to Snoke. His tall well built frame was dressed in a white and blue elegant but powerful attire, while his wife sitting on his left wore a white and silver fused form fitting long dress, showing off her striking figure. Beside her sat a young woman, with long dark hair wearing all black. There was no one else besides them at the table.
Snoke looked up then as his eyes met Rey's he slightly nodded his head. Then he spoke up.
"Let me introduce my granddaughter, Aldereya."
At once, all three of them looked at Rey. While the man slowly appraised Rey, his wife curiously looked at her. However, the daughter's gaze was not a pleasant sight to view. Her dark eyes pierced into Rey's as she steadily appraised her. Then her eyes landed on Kylo Ren and a wicked smile appeared in the corner of her thin lips.
Then the man stood up and approached Rey. Looking up to his stern bearded face, Rey immediately felt intimidated. Extending his arm, Rey placed her small hand into his. While he gently shook her hand, his deep blue eyes penetrated into hers. Then in a robust voice he spoke up.
"It's finally nice to meet you." Then he added. "You are more beautiful than I expected."
Blushing a little, Rey pulled her hand out of his, and said.
"Nice to meet you too. And you are too kind my Lord."
Turning around, he introduced his wife and daughter.
"My wife Senya and my daughter Vaylin."
Smiling at them, Rey shook both of their hands. Then she took a seat with Kylo Ren on the opposite side of the table next to Snoke.
While the waiters filled their drinks and brought the appetizer, Rey wondered where those twins were. She was certain they were here somewhere. Just before the main course was ready to be served, suddenly Kylo Ren's hand grabbed hold of Rey's left thigh and slightly squeezed it.
Looking at him, she noticed his face morphed into a more serious expression, as he clenched down on his teeth. Then she looked past him and saw two men swiftly approaching their table.
One of them wore a black, while the other wore a white outfit. Their short cropped light brown hair, piercing blue eyes and chiseled identical features was a striking vision. Their presence was unmistakably powerful as they marched to the table.
When they reached the table, both of them looked at Kylo Ren. Slightly nodding their heads, they respectfully greeted him, then their eyes landed on Rey.
Instantly she felt a peculiar feeling coursing through her body. She had no idea what caused it, but this sensation was new and unwelcome.
Then the one in white spoke up. His deep, smooth voice carried over the table.
"My name is Arcann and this is my brother Thexan. A pleasure to finally meet you. We heard a good deal about you."
Rey wondered what were the things they heard about her. With a small smile she nodded her head and then watched them as they took a seat beside their sister.
While the conversation grew loud at the table, Rey tried to keep it together. She had never felt this uncomfortable in her life, not even when Maul ripped her dress off on the night of their first consummation. Every time she looked up from her plate, she noticed the twins or their sister staring at her. The tension at the table was getting to Rey. She wanted to excuse herself and retire for the night, when the twin in white, stood up and with a charming smile, he extended his hand toward Rey and asked.
"May I have this dance?"
Immediately, Rey felt her stomach muscles tighten up and then she felt Kylo Ren's hand on her thigh again. But this time his touch was more forceful as he clamped down on her leg. Then before Rey could decline his offer, Kylo Ren looked up and with a forced smile he said.
"Only one dance."
"Certainly." Arcann replied with his charming smile.
Rey couldn't believe this. She didn't want to stay any longer let alone dance with him. Clutching his hand under the table, she pinched him showing her disapproval. Despite her silent protest, Rey had no choice but to stand up. Taking his offered hand, he led her to the dance floor.
Gently holding her by the waist, he placed one of her hands on his wide shoulder, while he held the other in his hand. While the enchanted music filled up the room, he started to slow dance with her.
Looking up to his face, Rey felt unease under his intense gaze. Then he asked.
"Do I make you nervous?"
For a moment, his question left Rey speechless. Quickly composing herself, she replied.
"Why would you think that?"
"Just a hunch, that's all." He casually replied. Then he pulled her closer until her body was tightly pressed against his.
Gazing into her wide eyes, he said in a hushed tone.
"I could look at these eyes for eternity."
The sudden realization that he was shamelessly flirting hit Rey like a ton of bricks. She had never experienced something like this before. She just met him and he was already getting too familiar with her.
Quickly avoiding his gaze, she looked around. As her eyes landed on Kylo Ren's agitated face, Rey knew he was ready to spring up at any moment. When the music ended, she thanked him and as she turned around she found herself face to face with his twin.
Quickly, Rey was handed over to his brother. A frustrated sigh left her mouth as she took his hand and allowed him to have her for this dance.
While Arcann freely showed his feelings toward Rey, Thexan wasn't as open about it. However, his quiet manners were charming, Rey thought amusingly. Instantly she felt more at ease with him than with his brother.
When the music stopped, he walked her back to the table. As Rey sat down, she looked toward Snoke and watched him talking with the twin's father. Their conversation was about galactic affairs and wars that have been fought on both sides. As she closely scrutinized Snoke, slowly she started to recognize tiny gestures and facial expression that reminded her of herself.
It was still unthinkable to accept the thought that he was her family. And not just him but Sidious as well. Both men, full of power and ambition were her only family, and this was just too much to handle. In a way, she didn't want anything to do with them. On the other hand, she knew they cared about her. How could I hate their love? Rey thought disheartened. Here I am sitting around the most expensive table in the galaxy, having delicious drinks and fine cuisine with extremely influential and powerful people. Either I like it or not, by choice or not, I am a part of this society. How can I hate them for providing me with all this luxury and care?
For a split second Rey almost convinced herself to stay and live her life with Kylo Ren. However, there was an image that came to her mind. The image of the small house in the middle of the woods on Dathomir. That small cabin was her home and the man in the cabin was her true love.
Quickly standing up, she apologized and ran out of the dining room. Swiftly removing her heels and throwing them aside, she ran until she reached the hangar. After finding the snowmobile, she jumped into it and drove it toward the surface.
When she reached the surface, she just kept driving until she came upon a huge abyss. Before she was about to plunge into the darkness she stopped the vehicle, which dangerously skidded toward the edge.
Jumping out, she ran to the edge. The frigid snow like needles, deeply penetrated into the soles of her feet, but Rey didn't care. Standing on the ledge, she looked down to see an endless darkness beckoning her. Then she looked up to see the moons of Illum brightly shining down on her freezing, trembling form.
As the cold wind ripped into her dress, Rey opened her arms wide and screamed into the freezing night with all her might.
To be continued....
- In Serial123 Chapters
Summoned! To an RPG world (LitRPG)
Sean de Courcy is a gamer with a maxed out warrior build on a popular MMORPG. When the desperate rulers of a declining kingdom need a warrior to help lead them to triumph over their enemies, their summoning spell picks Sean. Their world obeys the rules of an RPG, so although Sean has no real world fighting experience, he is exactly the person they need to manage the kingdom, increase the levels of the PCs and lead their armies. Discord chat invite: https://discord.gg/wBpnMmbrfC
8 212 - In Serial30 Chapters
Post War Rules
Life on Torus Terminal is usually fast paced, but simple. A frontier Terminal has little room for easy living, but the great, circular station does boast shopping and culinary experiences from many Imperial races and cultures. Any star is, by its nature, extremely far from its neighbors. But laser highways, and the great shimmering sails of the light-rider spaceships make the trip into only about ten years. Still, the denizens of Torus Terminal eagerly await the day when the Anti-Euclidean Engine their station is built around finally comes online. Once that is done, they will have unfettered access to the entire Empire. Instantaneous travel and trade across hundreds of stars. Torus Terminal does boast one other oddity: a creature which calls itself Human. As he says, the last of his kind for now. He has made quite the life for himself on Torus Terminal, especially in the darker corners of the station. The elites of Torus Terminal praise his name, for once he took up arms, crime began to fall. What they did not realize was that was because he had claimed the seedy underbelly of Torus Terminal for himself and his own goals. The elites praise him as a paragon of law. The criminals fear him as a ruthlessly clever crime boss. Those closest to him, know him as the General. This story was originally posted on the Humanity Fuck Yeah subreddit, where it evolved from a simple play on a historical figure in a science fiction setting into a full blown space opera. I kind of took it as an opportunity to explore a setting I've had rolling around in my head for years. I also decided that it would be nice to have it in a place where I could more easily come back and edit it later, so I'm reposting it here. Here's a link to the original posting if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/e9cwpl/post_war_rules/ If my genre and tagging is subpar, let me know. I'm still new to Royal Road and I'm open to help. Feel free to comment and make suggestions, or discuss. I love comments, and so long as we keep things civil I also love criticism.
8 116 - In Serial12 Chapters
Blood-Sakura : The Paranormal Residence
Uncanny events started to occur around Kei when his father inherited an ancient house. As the chain of unexplainable incidents started to push Kei towards the very edge of reality, a crisis emerges out of blue. Will Kei find the answer? Or will he be devoured by those who lurk in the darkest corners of the house and the vast forest?
8 212 - In Serial11 Chapters
Space Games: Training Phase
Meet our MC, or well, what he calls himself (B.E.O.R.G.E.L.) or Beo for short. He was shipped off into a space station where they are to play games in simulations, Survive. For every survival they would gain points to upgrade themselves, In-game and in real life. They can exchange points for entertainment as well. Join Beo and whatever friends he make in his training phase, for space is a heartless being that will crush and kill anything she can get her hands on. (Any and every tag marked may or may not be true. Second time writing a story on this site, My first one would be [Frontier Online], so check that out if you want to. I will try to make each chapter longer than [Frontier Online] as well. Lucks to everyone, including me)
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The Impossible Girl
Marrisa is an impossible girl. She is Bella's adopted sister. She is Jasper Whitlock's lost wife. And she's older than anyone could fathom.#1 in edwardcullen
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Zach's Secret Babies
After taking a drug that really enables men to get pregnant, Sam run off to Chicago with his 2 months old belly. After 5 years, he returned with his 4 years old twins thinking of reliving his life with the twins but little did he knew the peaceful loving life he dreamed of, he'll find with the man he run off to 5 years ago. A story of past misunderstandings, love and family. * * * A/N: I'm not good at writing intro so i hope you give this book a chance.
8 135