《The fire within》Chapter 10
The cell was small, but large enough for the two of them. Staring at the polished ground, Maul let out a frustrated sigh. It had been two weeks since they were confined to this prison cell, and he hated it with passion. The promise he had made to Rey at their departure was still ringing in his ears. However, he was not able to deliver on it.
As he sat on his bed, he looked at the thick, impenetrable glass wall that made up one side of their cell, which gave them no privacy. There was always someone watching. When the first time he examined the walls, he noticed embedded inside the glass were tiny black stones, which Maul found quite unusual. Many times when they tried to break out, their attempts always ended badly. Also, there was something here that blocked their force powers. As much as they tried to use the Force to aid their escape, for some reason it was impossible to do. And shear muscle power was just not enough to break through the cell's door or walls.
Burying his face in his hands, he took a deep breath and tried to collect his thoughts. Maul knew that this was just a beginning of something much bigger to come. He sensed they were left unharmed for a reason. He just didn't know what the reasoning behind it was, but soon, he thought, soon we will find out.
Running his hands over his head, he lightly touched the stump that was once his horn. Instant anger fueled his mind. I will kill you for this coward, he thought with rage, thinking about the man who hid behind his silver fused mask. Even though, Maul thought of him as a coward, he also knew he was stronger than him and that pissed him off even more. Once I get out, he thought with determination, I will find a way to kill you and your Master as well. But, the most troubling thoughts that came to his mind were none other than Rey.
He had no idea what happened to her. However, he sensed she was still alive and still on this ship. He truly hoped she was unharmed. While being locked up here, his thoughts were on her most of the time. Every time he thought of her, he realized how much he missed her and how much he worried about her. These sweet but torturous thoughts were interrupted by the smooth sound of the outer door, as it opened. It was time for them to receive their daily meal.
Around the corner, a dark figure appeared holding a tray. Behind the mask, a female voice drifted through the thick glass wall.
"Hello Savage."
Instantly, Savage, who was lying on his bed, sat up and stared at the woman.
Looking at the dark figure and then back to Savage, Maul could see his facial expression had tremendously changed. For a split second he looked like a scared boy, instead of a great warrior. Then Savage's mouth opened and was about to say something, when the woman after placing down the tray, removed her strange mask and said.
"I'm glad to see you again."
A great shock and surprise enveloped Savage's face. Quickly he sprung up and fast paced approached the glass barrier.
Standing in front of the woman, his eyes curiously sized her up. Then placing his hands on the glass, he leaned forward and in a deep voice he growled.
"I wish I could say the same."
Pulling up one of her eyebrows, she clicked her tongue a few times and then with a sweet, teasing voice she spoke up.
"Please, don't be mad at me….my love."
"Is this who I think it is?" Maul's voice was heard behind Savage.
Closing his eyes, Savage let out a deep frustrated sigh. Then opening them again, he looked at Asajj and said.
"Yes it's her."
Maul had never met Asajj, but he knew of her and he knew what she had done to Savage and that is why he barely talked about her. He knew when she left him, Savage's life turned around for the worse becoming bitter and withdrawn.
Looking at her, Maul didn't see the striking beauty that Savage had described. She looked like any other Nightsister. Her pale gray skin was marked in a very traditional Dathomirian way. Still, there was something else, something slightly disturbing in her bright blue eyes, as she looked at Maul and said with a sly smile.
"You are Maul, right?"
When he didn't reply, she mockingly added.
"Your wife is a pretty little thing."
Hearing about Rey, Maul jumped up and stood beside Savage. With flaring nostrils, his stared into her eyes and growled.
"Where is she?"
"She is alive and well." Asajj casually replied. Then she added with a grin. "Don't worry about her. She is in good hands."
Then Savage asked.
"What are you doing here?"
Tearing her eyes away from Maul, she looked at Savage and said.
"I brought you lunch."
"Don't play with me Asajj." Savage warned. "Why are you here?"
Stepping closer, she placed her hands on the other side of the glass where his hands were resting. Then tilting her head up, she looked into his accusing eyes and said with a smooth tone.
"I was about to ask you the same thing. Anyway, you are in no position to ask me about anything."
"And this is the woman you mewled about?" Maul murmured with distaste looking from her to Savage.
"She was different then." Savage quickly replied gazing into her eyes.
"Yes you are right about that." She replied staring back at him. "But that was a long time ago, and now times have changed."
"Why are they keeping us here?" Maul asked. He wanted to know if she was able to answer some questions.
Turning her gaze on Maul, she said.
"You'll find out very soon. I actually came here to wish you good luck." Then she added. "You will need it in the Arena."
"Arena?" Both men spoke up in unison.
"What are you talking about Asajj?" Savage asked, staring at her with confusion.
Stepping away from the glass, she picked up the tray and placed it inside the little metal compartment that was attached to the main door. After locking the compartment, on their side of the door a small opening appeared, letting the tray through.
"Enjoy your meals boys." She chimed as she placed her mask back on. Then before any of them could ask another question from her, she swiftly disappeared from their view.
Following her with his eyes, Maul took a deep breath in. Then exhaling, he looked at Savage, who was still gazing through the glass. After a few seconds of silence, Maul spoke up.
"Don't tell me you're still in love with her? Because if you are, I'll beat you with my own damn hands right here, right now."
"Oh, brother. I wish it was that simple." Savage replied with a tired smile.
After all these years, to see Asajj again brought up memories that Savage buried deep and never wanted to think about again. But seeing her was something totally unexpected. He thought she was long dead. He wished he could have grabbed her, shook her and ask her why she had ran away? However, she seemed a bit nervous and slightly strange to him. Turning toward the tray, Savage grabbed it and placed it on the table.
Suddenly, he started to mash the food. Maul looked at him with confusion, and then he asked.
"What are you doing?"
Without saying a word, Savage kept smashing the food, until he found what he was looking for. From the food that looked very uninviting now, Savage pulled out a small object.
After cleaning it off, Maul realized it was a small rectangular key of sorts.
A wide smile appeared on Savage's solemn face. Looking at Maul, he said in a low voice.
"I knew it."
Puzzled, Maul looked at Savage and asked.
"What are you so happy about?"
Holding up the key in front of Maul's face, Savage asked.
"You see this?"
"Yes." Maul replied, perplexed.
"She still cares about me." Savage beamed.
"What makes you so certain?" Maul replied with a frown.
"This key." Savage started. "Will help us to get out of here."
"What does it open?" Maul asked with annoyance. He didn't think this tiny key would open their door anytime soon.
"I have no idea." Savage said, placing the object into Maul's hand.
Holding it up, Maul turned it in his hand and looked at the scribing on its side. It said one thing. Collar
Taking the key back from Maul, and after reading its content, Savage asked.
"What do you think Collar means?"
"I have no idea, but I think we'll find out soon." Maul replied feeling disturbed by this special gift from Savage's lady friend.
Savage was about to reply when the outer door opened again and several of the Knights of Ren marched in. As one of them opened up the cell, the others quickly surrounded the two prisoners. Holding their weapons ready, one of them ordered Maul and Savage to place their hands in front of them.
Quickly, Savage placed the key between his thick fingers as his arms were put into handcuffs.
When both of them were secured, they were escorted out of the cell and into a hangar, where a large spaceship was waiting.
After boarding it, Maul and Savage were placed in the back with several guards. Amongst them, hiding behind their masks were Asajj and Shae, watching the two prisoners silently.
Within a few seconds, the ship smoothly elevated and took off toward a small, icy planet.
After landing on the snow-covered terrain, they were escorted into a transport vehicle. With a sudden move, the vehicle lurched forward as it took off and headed to their new destination.
As they left the ship behind, the temperature inside quickly dropped a few degrees. Outside, an icy terrain with endless snowfields covered the wide horizon. Maul's mind was in turmoil. Slowly, he sized up their surroundings. Now that they were not in their cells anymore, and on ground, he wanted to see if he was able to use the Force to be able to break out and get away. But as he tried to conjure up this precious gift, with despair, he realized he was not able to do that.
What is going on? He anxiously asked himself, not understanding why this was happening. Through their connections, he called to Savage.
Can you break your bonds?
No brother. I can't. Savage's voice was heard in his head.
Looking down on the handcuffs, Maul's eyes quickly scanned the metal. After a few seconds of examining them, he realized something. Both the handcuffs and the glass wall back in their cell were infused with black stones. In an instant he realized why they were not able to use the Force. Somehow this black stone absorbed their powers. And now thinking back, he remembered seeing the exact same black stone inside the tall man's ring.
So that is why? Maul thought with anger as the vehicle shook and trembled beneath their feet.
"Where are you taking us?" Savage demanded.
One of the men in front of them spoke up.
"Quite or I'll cut your tongue out."
Savage was about to reply when Maul signaled to him to stay quite.
After a good fifteen minutes of shaky ride, they arrived at a foot of a large snow capped mountain.
Driving through a large metal blast door, they were heading further down, deep into the belly of the mountain. Maul noticed the air started to warm up again as they drove deeper and deeper into the endless darkness that was lit up by the vehicle's headlights.
Soon they reached another blast door. Entering through the door and to Maul's surprise, the place they arrived at looked nothing like he had expected.
As far as he could see, there was a cluster of buildings, large and small, occupying the sand colored terrain. Hundreds of artificial lights lit up the area, mimicking the outside world. In the middle of the immense terrain, surrounded by more, smaller buildings stood an extremely large building. It's wide windows, tall walls and rich coloring reminded Maul of a casino he had once seen in the desert world of Cantonica. That place was not a place that Maul would have preferred to visit again. And this one looked almost identical to that one, he thought with distaste.
There was another, much larger structure behind the casino, but as he tried to take a peek, the vehicle made a sharp left turn and headed toward the opposite side of the casino.
Entering through another but smaller gate they finally arrived to their destination, which was deep beneath the casino's grounds.
After they were escorted off the transport, Maul and Savage looked around to see an expansive underground prison that was full of men and aliens alike.
They were greeted by more guards and also another Zabrak.
His pale flesh marked with dark brown tattoos and sharp horns gave his origins away. He was an Iridonian, and somehow Maul was glad to see him here. Wearing a close fitting deep brown bodysuit with armor accents and matching gloves and boots, with a long, deep brown coat, he casually approached them.
As he stopped in front of them, his bright green eyes quickly sized the two Zabrak up. Then turning to one of the guards, he asked.
"Is that it?"
"Yes." The guard swiftly replied.
Turning his attention back to Maul and Savage, he stepped closer and introduced himself.
"My name is Kao Cen Darach. I'm the Master of Arms. From now on you'll be under my supervision. You will do as I say." Then he added, as he slowly looked them up and down. "Resisting will be futile. So please don't try anything reckless."
Darach immediately sensed their restlessness and he knew exactly how these two newcomers felt. A long time ago, in the exact same place, with an exact same look, Darach also stood silently as he listened to his Master of Arms. Quickly dismissing these old memories, he signaled one of his men to step closer.
Holding two large round metal collars, he stood in front of Savage and ordered him to bend his head lower. A quick glance was exchanged between the two brothers. Refusing to bid his orders, they were about to force Savage to his knees when one of the guards from behind spoke up.
"Let me handle this." She said as she took the collars out of the guard's hand.
Stepping in front of Savage, Asajj slightly nodded her head, signaling him to bend down.
Reluctantly, Savage bent down and allowed her to place the metal ring around his thick neck. When the device was attached to him, she removed his handcuffs. Then she did the same with Maul, who was not happy to be confined into something that was against his wishes and freedom.
Wearing the collar made Maul feel like an animal that was led to the slaughterhouse. He never felt this humiliated in his entire life, as he felt right now.
Then, they were escorted deeper into the prison. Walking through the large, brightly lit corridor, Maul noticed each and every prison cell was occupied with two prisoners of all kinds. As his eyes scanned over one of the cells, a young human male looked back at him. His pale face looked distraught, while his bright blue eyes curiously looked at Maul. There was an older human male standing behind him, who looked to be his father.
Passing their cell, they arrived to theirs. Maul was not keen to be here at all, but right now he had no choice but to comply. He hoped that by using the key she left for them, soon they would be out of here. He hoped for Savage's sake that she was not betraying them, otherwise she'd be the first I will gut in this place, Maul thought with anger and anticipation, as he and Savage settled down in their temporary home.
This cell was much bigger than the one they had on the ship. It also had a glass wall that again gave them no privacy at all. However, there was a wall that divided the cell into two individual rooms. Each room had its own bed and compact bathrooms. Choosing one of the rooms, Maul slumped down on his bed and let out a frustrated sigh. Touching the collar on his neck, he wondered what this device did. Through their connection, Maul spoke to Savage. He asked him to keep the key hidden and not to use it right now. Maul was still skeptical about Asajj and he didn't want to take a chance to get killed.
Later that day, a guard brought them a tray of food. Then shortly after that, the lights were turned down, leaving them in complete darkness. Taking his shirt off, he placed it on the bed. Then lowering himself to the ground, and closing his eyes, Maul started to meditate. He needed to collect his thoughts and find a way to get out of this. And find Rey. While he meditated, somewhere above his head the distant sounds of the casino was seeping through the walls, signaling what was to come.
The next morning as they all stood in the middle of a huge room, the Master of Arms, accompanied by his guards, explained to them why they were there.
"Attention everyone!" Darach spoke up, as he slowly paced in front of the first row of prisoners. "Welcome to the city of Khoria. I know all of you want to know the real reason why you were brought here. To ease your concerns, I'm here to explain to you why you're standing in this room right now, listening to my words."
Stopping in front of one of the prisoners, who looked to be of Bothan descendant, and after sizing him up, Darach spoke again, addressing everyone.
"You are no longer a free man, but a property of the First Order. You are here because of your special skills that made you who you are today. However, in here you won't be able to use them to their full potential, like you did in the outside world. But I'll get to that in a bit."
Stepping away from him, he walked up to the next one who was an Arkanian male. His long, silver hair was set in a ponytail, reaching the small of his wide, muscular back.
Looking into his milky white eyes, Darach took a step forward and spoke up again.
"If I were you, I would wipe that arrogant look off your face."
Stepping back, his eyes found Maul's and said.
"I know most of you think of me as one of the bad guys. The guys that took your freedom away. However, at one time, I was also in your shoes. I also stood in this very room and carefully listened to my Master's instructions. I know how you feel and I know you would do just about anything to break free and get out of here."
Pointing to his neck, where he wore an exact same collar like everyone else, he said. "This device is designed to keep you here, and keep your Force abilities suppressed. If you try to remove it, believe me it would end very badly. I have seen others who managed to remove it. Not a pleasant sight to see the results of their attempts. But let me tell you something. The reason I'm still here today talking to you is because I am the best at what I do." Stepping around another prisoner he looked at the next one, and then he continued.
"I am a Master of Arms because I earned it with hard work and diligence. I am not a free man, but I achieved a position high enough, which allows me to be able to move freely in these grounds."
Taking a deep breath, he resumed.
"For those of you newcomers, if you haven't noticed, this specific facility is a playground for the rich and famous. This casino that many have been visiting for years and years, is a high entertainment for those who can afford it. This place will be your new home and also your grave as well."
His last words left a sour taste in Maul's mouth. He started to understand what this man was trying to tell them.
"All of you will be their great entertainment. Now for those of you who want to live and prosper here, be prepared for anything that comes your way. And if you are strong and savvy enough to survive each fight, you will be rewarded graciously."
Walking back toward his guards, he turned around and faced them again.
"There is no light side or dark side in this place. Forget about Jedi and Sith. We are all equal in the eyes of our maker's the Whills. Live and prosper or die. It's all up to you."
When his speech was done, everyone in the room stayed quiet. Then one of the prisoners spoke up. His loud voice carried through the stillness of the room.
"What did you do before, if you don't mind me asking?"
Turning his attention to the prisoner, Darach looked at him and spoke up.
"I was a Battlemaster of my class as a Jedi instructor." Then he asked. "And who might you be?"
The tall man spoke up again. His deep voice reverberated off the walls.
"My name is Qui-Gon Jinn. I am a Jedi Master and this is my apprentice Obi Wan Kenobi." Saying that he gestured toward the young human male who stood silently beside him. "We were tricked on Coruscant and brought here. What you are saying is the reason we were brought here against our wishes is to fight to the death in this Arena?"
"You are catching up pretty fast old man." Maul spoke up with slight cynicism, looking at them both.
Staring at the red Zabrak, the young apprentice was about to open his mouth and say something back, when the older one calmly placed his hand on his shoulders and said in a low voice.
"Don't let him get to you, young one."
Composing himself, the young apprentice nodded his head, and then turned his attention back to the Master of Arms.
"To answer your question Qui-Gon Jinn. Yes, you and your friend are here for that exact reason. However, don't forget, you are no longer a Jedi or an apprentice. You are just a man who needs to stay alive long enough to earn your new place within this city."
Looked like his answers didn't satisfy the man or his young companion, Maul thought watching them both. However, his aging stern face barely showed any emotions as he looked calm and composed, while the other one nervously looked around and found Maul's eyes again.
Staring at each other, Maul felt an instant dislike of this young Jedi. There was something about him that bothered him. He will be the first to die, Maul thought with a smug grin, still locking eyes with him.
"In a few minutes." Darach spoke up again. "You will be escorted into the Arena, and introduced to the crowd. After the introduction, four of you will be selected to honor the first fight of this season."
Leaving the room, they walked down a long, narrow corridor toward a large metal door. Somewhere behind the door, Maul could hear an immense crowd, screaming and shouting, laughing and whistling.
Turning to Savage, Maul spoke to him through their connection.
We stay together and we fight together.
Yes, brother we will. Savage replied.
As soon as the door opened, they were greeted with loud exuberant cheering from the waiting crowd.
One-by-one they all set foot on the ground of the extremely big and lavishly decorated Arena.
Quickly scanning the crowd, Maul immediately noticed their elegant and richly decorated outfits and their peculiar and ridiculous head pieces that mostly their female companions wore. A sudden anger and disgust engulfed Maul's mind. He wanted to lash out and burn this place down to the ground. He has been in many places before and had seen many things, but never anything like this. They were out for blood, and this was clearly written on everyone's faces around them.
This place felt truly repulsive, as he watched the riches of the galaxy toasting with their expensive cocktails, while engaging in their superficial and dull conversations. Instantly, Maul felt a desire to kill them all. But as his anger fueled eyes looked around the crowd, they landed on a person for whom he thought he may never see again.
Rey's wide hazel eyes locked onto Maul's. Breathing hard and shallow, she felt like she was going to pass out from a mixture of fear and excitement that she was experiencing at that moment. She couldn't believe her eyes. Maul was here with Savage. An instant happiness coursed through her body. Finally, after all these weeks, she found out what happened to them. They were still alive and well and that was a bittersweet sight for her to see. Yes, she was extremely happy to see them again, but on the other hand, she knew why they were here, and that thought tremendously upset her.
With her dark brown hair up in a bun and wearing an elegant deep blue satin strapless dress, she looked truly beautiful, Maul thought with awe. Her wide eyes full of worry and relief intently gazed at him. Letting out a relieved sigh, Maul was happy to see her again. She is here, and this knowledge gave him a boost of hope to leave this place and hold her in his arms again. Then, his eyes landed on a tall, young man, who walked up behind her and gently touched her bare shoulders. Leaning closer, he whispered something into her ear. A thin smile appeared on Rey's face listening to him.
In a split second, Maul's mind went dark with rage and jealousy. He had no idea who that person was. But from the looks of it, he seemed extremely friendly with Rey. Too friendly, Maul thought with irritation.
Then suddenly the crowd quieted down. On the same podium that Rey shared with her tall, handsome new friend, Maul noticed six of the red guards entered, while their leader in his golden robes followed them in.
Taking a seat in the large throne that occupied the middle of the podium, his deep-set eyes proudly looked through the crowd. Then his attention turned to the prisoners that stood in the middle of the fighting pit.
Turning to the tall, handsome companion, he signaled him to go ahead to address the crowd.
Stepping in front, Kylo Ren quickly scanned the group of prisoners. Then, his eyes landed on Maul and Savage. Staring at Maul a sly grin appeared on his face. Then he looked at Darach, who stood in front of the prisoners.
Respectfully bowing his head, Darach looked him in the eyes and then taking a few steps back, and signaling to his guards, they stood aside.
"Welcome everyone!" Kylo Ren's strong voice called out.
"I'm honored to welcome you all once again to our Games of Galactic Combats. We have acquired some new and skillful warriors from all over the galaxy for your amusement. As you all know, your presence and participation in these games are greatly appreciated by Supreme Leader Snoke."
Saying that, the crowd once again grew loud as they all clapped and cheered at the mentioning of their leader.
Then signaling to the crowd to quieten down, he continued.
"As usual, I will select four warriors to fight in pairs against each other."
Scanning his eyes over the prisoners, he selected the tall Arkanian and the menacing looking Bothan. Signaling them, they both stepped in front of the others, staring up at the podium.
Looking down on the two Jedi, Kylo Ren spoke up again.
"What are your names?"
The tall Arkanian spoke up first. His self-satisfied voice was full of proudness, as he looked over Kylo Ren's shoulders, addressing the Supreme Leader himself.
"My Lord. They call me Arca Jeth. I am a Jedi master of my race."
While Snoke respectfully acknowledge him, the crowd cheered up again. Then he turned his attention to the other one.
"My name is Kai Hudorra." The wolf looking alien spoke up. "I am also a Jedi master of my race."
Again, the crowd cheered as he acknowledged him with a nod. Then, Snoke signaled Kylo Ren to resume.
With a sly smile, Kylo Ren spoke up again, as his eyes found Maul's and then Savage's.
"You two Zabraks." He pointed at them. "Step closer." He ordered them.
Sharing a quick glance between each other, they stepped out of line and stood beside the two Jedi, gazing upon the balcony.
"What are your names?" Kylo Ren asked, even though, he already knew who they were.
Savage spoke up first. "My name is Savage Opress. I am son of Dathomir a Zabrak warrior."
As he finished his introduction, the Arena once again engulfed with the loud cheering from the vast crowd.
Now it was Maul's turn.
Staring into Kylo Ren's face, a sly smile appeared on his tattooed face. Then looking past him, his eyes found Rey's. Suddenly Maul's calm voice echoed through her head.
Don't worry. I'll come and get you. And this time I will.
Please Maul. Rey pleaded. Stay alive.
Nodding his head, Maul turned his attention back to Kylo Ren. With a strong voice he spoke up.
"I am Darth Maul, son of Dathomir, a proud Zabrak warrior and a true Sith Lord. After I win this ridiculous game that you call Galactic Combats, Maul chuckled, I will come and find you and gut you in front of everyone. Hear my words, coward."
Maul's eyes burned with fire looking upon the dark apprentice. As he watched him earlier talking to the crowd, Maul realized, this was the same man who he fought on the ship. He was the man behind the mask. It seemed like it wasn't enough for him to humiliate Maul by beating him in a short-lived fight, he had also set his sights on his mate, and this was just unacceptable to Maul.
Ignoring Maul's words and without saying anything, Kylo Ren signaled Darach and his men to remove the rest of the prisoners out of the fighting pit. Then, when everyone left, two of his guards approached Kylo Ren and presented him with a medium sized chest.
Opening the chest, and after a few seconds of searching, he took out two lightsabers and placed them in front of him on the rim of the stone railing. Then he reached in again and took out two more and placed them beside the others. Looking through the weapons, he picked up one of them and said to the Arkanian.
"I believe this belongs to you."
But before he tossed it to the Jedi, he warned them all.
"If you are stupid enough to do anything other than fighting each other, I will gladly activate the device self destruct mode on the devices around your necks."
When they all nodded in agreement, Kylo Ren tossed each weapon to its designated owner.
Feeling the cold metal beneath his fingertips, Maul felt alive again. He missed his weapon as much as he missed Rey. Looking at his brother, his face told everything. Savage was as happy as he could be, holding his double-edged lightsaber as a wide, satisfied grin appeared on his face.
"To Honor the Whills" Kylo Ren spoke up again. "We would like to introduce two more special guests for this opening round."
Two more guests? Rey thought with exasperation, already feeling angry with him choosing Maul and Savage. What else is coming? She thought, holding onto her temples with shaking hands.
"Enjoy the show!" Kylo Ren shouted as part of the fighting pit's ground opened up and from below a large platform emerged with two individual cages. Inside were two angry Rancors raging against the cage, ready to be pounce on the waiting warriors.
Quickly pairing up, and activating their weapons, both parties stared each other down. Maul knew they had no choice but to fight against not just the Jedi, but also the Rancors as well.
Weapons ready, Maul jumped up and made the first move.
To be continued...
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Note: The cover was NOT MINE I am posting this at other platform and I put my proof that this was mine at the button of my Synopsis. https://www.webnovel.com/book/16706311706037905 In a place where powerful cultivators exist, mythical beasts and magical items are all over the continent.A young man was transmigrated after he died in a car accident.He was now the son of an ordinary farmer of a Village, but still, he made every effort to achieved his ultimate goal.With his MODIFICATION SYSTEM, he was able to go beyond everyone else.______________________________________________WHO WAS THE STRONGEST MC? ⁉️Are those who cultivated the demonic path?⁉️Are those who returned time? ⁉️Well with all your respect the strongest Mc was those who have a system, and when your MC has the most OP system of all, I am sure you will enjoy watching him the most. ✔️✈️✈️✈️Embark now to the journey of a young man who possesses the strongest system of all - MODIFICATION SYSTEM.Give him a rusty sword and he can modify it to become the strongest sword. ⚔Give him the weakest person and he can modify him to become one of the strongest cultivators in the world. ✔️Read the most logical and most powerful system of all!✔️
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to Learn about a Lucy. (Fairy Tail Fanfic)
A watching the future fanfic. It's currently X781, three years before canon. A group of Fairy Tail mages find themselves in a large building, with no known way out.They sit down, and they watch the future.-to learn about a lucy (with a look into the future.)© Hiro Mashima
8 144 - In Serial39 Chapters
ɢᴏᴛ ʏᴏᴜ (ꜱ.ᴄ)
Everything can change, depend on what you do today 📸
8 171