《The fire within》Chapter 9
He was surprised how strong she was, as she firmly held against his weapon. But she is not stronger than me, he thought quickly pushing her back, making her almost tumble to the floor. In a split second, Rey regained her equilibrium. With extreme anger, she lunged at him again barely passing his left shoulder.
Avoiding another strike from her, Kylo Ren quickly turned his body sideways and was about to strike her down, when to his amazement, she deftly spun around and sliced at his face.
Feeling the extreme heat of the blade as it lightly grazed the bridge of his nose, Kylo Ren instantly felt a mixture of rage and astonishment. How could this savage girl do this to me? He roared in his head. She is trying to humiliate me in front of the Supreme Leader, he thought with anger, as he skillfully evaded another surprisingly fast attack from her.
Let's see who gets humiliated now, he thought with a sly smile, as he swiftly spun around and touched the end of his blade to her left thigh.
On contact, the dark blue fabric easily split apart exposing the top half of her leg. Then, before this crafty move could even register with her, this time, he touched the edge of the searing blade to her abdomen, cutting into her shirt.
Rey was astonished as she looked down to see the large gaping holes in her top and pants. She couldn't believe what he just did.
He is toying with me and trying to humiliate me!? Rey thought with anger, while her eyes locked onto his. With a smug grin he stared at Rey. However, there was also something else behind those deep brown eyes, she noticed.
Curiosity? She thought with confusion. However, she didn't care for what he thought at the moment. She needed to defeat him, otherwise she would be defeated and most likely killed and that was something she tried to avoid at all costs.
As she swiftly spun around and tried to slice at his side again, he quickly evaded her. With a swift move, he cut into the back of her shirt, causing the lower part of her top to completely fall off.
Immediately, Rey's marked abdomen and the bottom part of her left breast became exposed. With an astonished expression, she looked down on herself, and felt an extreme rage bubbling up inside her. Quickly scanning the room, she noticed everyone was watching her intently. When her eyes met the Supreme Leader's, she noticed a small, satisfied grin on his scarred face. Then she turned her attention back to the apprentice.
Standing only a few feet away from her, with awe he stared at her marked skin. Then he looked up and gazed into her accusing eyes.
This man was not just playing with me, she thought with rage, but he also shamed me in front of everyone. And Rey had have enough. Conjuring up the Force, she sent a powerful wave at him hoping to wipe the smug grin off his face. Sensing her move, he immediately blocked the attack. Within seconds, Rey's lightsaber was knocked out of her hand.
As her weapon flew through the air, with a quick move, he slashed at it, splitting it in half. With great astonishment, Rey watched her broken lightsaber landing on the ground.
Then she felt the floor suddenly disappearing beneath her feet. Hanging by his force field, Rey felt herself drifting closer to him.
Does she think she's better than me? Kylo Ren thought with annoyance, levitating her toward him. When she got close enough, he let go of her, but before Rey touched the ground, he grabbed her by the throat and pulled her terrified face close to his.
Feeling the soft leather against her skin made Rey shiver with trepidation. He is going to choke me to death, she desperately thought, trying to take a breath that was getting harder to do as seconds went by.
Rey was fed up being treated like she was nothing. She knew she had to do something quickly before she passed out. She had to hurt him, and hurt him good and she already knew what she needed to do.
Kylo Ren's eyes grew as big as saucers, feeling her small hand crushing down on his manhood. The surprisingly intense, sharp pain that emitted through his abdomen blinded him for a second. Instantly, he let go of her.
As Rey fell to the ground she tried to catch her breath, as a loud, evil chuckle bounced off the chamber's walls.
"Bravo!" The tall man smirked, clapping his large hands together. "I see you have found your match, my dear apprentice."
Doubled over, Kylo Ren was in intolerable pain. Not just the fact that she humiliated him, but also the fact that she touched him in a way that had never happened to him before during a fight. How dare she to do that? He thought with anger as his eyes found hers again.
Lying on the ground, Rey stared back at him. Slowly sitting up, she averted her gaze and looked at her broken lightsaber. She felt like crying looking at her destroyed weapon. However, she didn't want to show him or any of them how this made her feel.
Then, she heard the Supreme Leader again.
"My senses are pretty accurate. I know who you are, my dear."
Looking at him, Rey felt her pulse quicken again, then he said to her.
"How ironic is that for so long, he had tried to hide you away from everyone, and here you are now, in my home." Then with an evil, raspy laugh he added. "You definitely made my day today, Aldereya."
Hearing her name from his lips was a great surprise. He knows who I am, Rey thought astounded.
He then signaled two of the soldiers to pick her up. But before Rey was taken away, he said to her.
"Don't worry, you will be my guest of honor while you are staying here." Then he added. "Take her to my chamber and make sure she is cleaned up and dressed properly."
Then she was dismissed and escorted out of the chamber.
When they left, Snoke turned to his apprentice and mockingly said.
"She's got you by the balls my friend. What a shame."
Kylo Ren didn't needed to be reminded of that. The aftermath of her painful touch was still lingering within his body. Quickly suppressing the anger he felt at that moment, he looked at his Master and was about to say something when he swiftly cut in.
"Now that I finally found her, I have an important job for you."
With anticipation, Kylo Ren was waiting on what he was about to say.
"Make sure she is safe. I want you to keep her close and keep her interested by any means necessary." Then he added with a sly grin. "She has the potential to be more than you'd ever be."
Kylo Ren's expression quickly changed hearing those words. He hated the thought that this girl, this nobody had got the better of him. His pride was utterly crushed.
"My Master, who is she?" He wanted to know why this girl was so special.
"She is extremely valuable. Be certain she is treated with excellence." Then he added as he dismissed him. "Do not disappoint me."
Bowing his head, Kylo Ren picked up his helmet and her broken weapon and left the room.
Being alone in the elevator, his crazed fueled mind was in great turmoil. Looking at his helmet, with extreme anger, he smashed it against the wall, instantly crushing it. Then his eyes landed on her weapon. He wanted nothing more than to throw it away. However, in the last second he changed his mind.
This lightsaber was important enough to her that to keep her happy and satisfied, he would have no choice but to help her rebuild it or build another one. Taking a few deep breaths, he slowly calmed himself down. Then stepping out of the elevator, he headed toward the Supreme Leader's chamber.
The expensively decorated and lavishly furnished bedchamber amazed Rey. She had never seen anything like this in her whole life. The large room was beautifully decorated with golden statues of all kinds. The deep red embroidered curtain was halfway closed, blocking out the beautiful view of space. The mosaic tiles that covered the floor gave Rey a shiver down her spine. In the middle of the room, laid in a unique pattern was a large circle. The two halves of the circle were different colors. One side was black with a tiny amount of white in it, while the other side was white with a tiny amount of black in it. It looks mesmerizing, Rey thought with awe.
Standing in the doorway, one of the soldiers nudged her in and then closed the door. Rey's frightened eyes looked at them both standing behind her, blocking the only escape route she could have used.
Then reaching up, one of them removed their helmet, exposing a pretty, strawberry blonde woman beneath the ugly mask.
"You are a woman?" Rey asked with astonishment.
"Yes. Why? What did you expect?" The pretty blonde replied.
Rey was about to say something, when the other one too removed the helmet. Behind the mask, there was another woman, and not just any woman, but a Nightsister. Her shaved, pale gray head and special facial markings immediately gave her origins away. Her bright blue eyes curiously sized Rey up. Then, placing her mask down, she said to Rey.
"So, who are you?"
"I was going to ask the same." Rey replied with defiance. She couldn't believe that a Nightsister was working for that evil man.
"Oh well." The Nightsister amusingly said. "My name is Asajj Ventress. As you see, I am also a Nightsister, just like you."
"What are you doing here?" Rey accusingly asked.
"This is my home." Asajj replied with a firm tone.
"Your home?" Rey asked incredibly, and then she added. "How could you say that?" However, she quickly had to remind herself that there was no other home for her or for this woman anymore. My father made sure of that, she thought with irritation.
"I like it here and with time, you will too." Asajj replied with a sly grin. Averting her eyes from her, Rey looked at the other woman and asked.
"Do you know where they took my friends?"
Arching up one of her perfectly plucked auburn eyebrows, she looked at Rey and with a wicked smile, she said.
"Indeed I do, but you won't be able to see them."
"Why is that?" Rey asked, feeling annoyed by these two already.
"Such a highly regarded person as yourself would never be able to set foot in the place where they are kept." The pretty blonde replied.
"What do you mean by that?" Rey asked again, feeling the anger rising within her.
"Do you know why you are here and still alive?" Asajj asked.
Rey was aware of why she was still alive, but she still didn't know why she was here in the Supreme Leader's bedchamber. Suddenly, an extremely scary thought invaded her mind. Oh, NO! NO! She thought, as her mind screamed like there was no tomorrow. Quickly looking around, her eyes landed on the large, comfortable looking bed and her heart immediately skipped a beat. Swallowing hard, her frightened eyes looked back at the women and with a shaky voice she said.
"Oh Maker, please don't tell me he wants me to..." Then her voice faltered, when Asajj spoke up.
"If I were you I wouldn't worry about that." Then with a smug grin she said. "Our Supreme Leader has no desire for your flesh. Believe me."
Hearing that an extreme relief washed over Rey's face.
"Then what does he want with me?" Rey asked, looking from Asajj to the other woman.
"You'll find out soon." Asajj replied. Then she motioned for Rey to take her clothes off. As Rey removed her satchel, the other woman asked.
"What's in there?"
Instantly Rey's hand froze. Slowly placing the satchel down and hoping there would be no further investigation about the contents of her bag, she said.
"Just books I like to read."
Realizing that none of them really cared about her reading habits, to Rey's relief, their attention quickly ventured away from her bag.
Placing the rest of her clothes on the top of her satchel, she stood there nude, while their eyes curiously sized her up.
Then, suddenly there was a loud knock on the door.
Instantly, Rey's hands flew up to cover herself.
"Go and find out who that is." Asajj said to the other woman.
While Rey was quickly escorted into the bathroom, the pretty blonde opened the door to see Kylo Ren standing on the other side.
"Hello Ben." She said amusingly, while her bright green eyes curiously sized him up.
"I told you Shae. Don't call me that anymore." His face looked calm, but she knew inside he was fuming. There was a time, when he was fun to be around, but he was also very unpredictable, which Shae didn't like. That is why she stopped seeing him. What it seemed like, her decision to leave him didn't affect him at all.
"Is she ready yet?" He impatiently asked.
"Not yet." She replied. Then she added. "Do you mind waiting?"
Being patient was not his virtue, but he didn't want her to see his extreme annoyance with the new guest. Slightly nodding his head, he said.
"I don't mind at all."
"Come in and take a seat then." She said with a wide smile, as she motioned him to step inside.
Walking inside, he stopped at the chair where Rey's torn up clothes were placed. Looking at her clothes, he noticed her brown bag was neatly tucked underneath them.
Then he heard Shae again.
"I have to leave and get a proper outfit for our new guest."
With that, she was out the door leaving Kylo Ren alone in the chamber.
When she was gone, he reached down and was about to lift up her satchel, when the bathroom door opened and Asajj with Rey walked out. Wrapped in a large deep red towel, Rey's wide eyes locked onto Kylo Ren's and with an astonished face, she asked.
"What are you doing here?"
From the towel, his eyes landed on her shapely legs and then to her small feet. Quickly averting his eyes, he looked at the floor and said.
"I was instructed by Master to keep you company."
"Do what?" Rey asked not believing her ears. He wanted this man to keep her company? Rey was in shock.
"I'm also not thrilled about this arrangement, but I do follow orders." He said while his eyes looked into hers.
"Then we are in a mutual agreement." Rey spat back, not wanting to talk to him at all.
Asajj looked from Kylo Ren to Rey and with an amused expression she made a comment.
"You two are fighting like a married couple."
Instantly, Rey accusingly looked at the smiling Nightsister. Then, with a sigh, she said.
"I'm already married."
"And which Zabrak is your mate?" She asked with anticipation.
"The red one." Rey said, feeling already sad just thinking about Maul.
"Oh… really?" Asajj asked while a great relief coursed through her body. Then she quickly added. "Well, unfortunately, you won't be able to see him again."
"No." Rey firmly said. "You're wrong. I will see him again."
With a small smile, the Nightsister turned away from her and looked toward Kylo Ren. Stepping away from Rey and before she left the room, she turned around and said.
"Welcome to your new life."
Then she was out the door, leaving them alone.
As the door closed, Rey immediately felt uncomfortable under his intense stare.
Why does he have to look at me like that? She annoyingly thought, feeling uneasy by his presence.
Without saying a word, he placed her broken lightsaber on the table, and then he looked at her bag again. He wondered what she had in there. He remembered seeing it on her when they were fighting, but until now it hadn't occurred to him what might be hidden inside.
Watching him gazing at her bag, Rey knew she had to do something before he finds out what was in it. Quickly, she spoke up.
"So, what am I supposed to do while I'm staying here?"
Looking up, he said.
"I can show you around and also if you want to I can help you rebuild your weapon."
"Really?" She asked with mockery. "Would you do that for me?"
Ignoring the tone of her voice, he said as calmly as he could.
"Yes I would."
As they stood there looking at each other, an awkward silence enveloped the chamber. Rey wanted to ask him about Maul and Savage, but she wasn't sure if he would even tell her where they were kept. And thinking about fighting him again was just not the greatest idea. He was definitely stronger and quicker than her. And on top of that, she lost her weapon and he still had his. And that was definitely a lose situation for her. Also, she was completely naked under the towel, which would have had resulted her being shamed even further. I'm definitely not fighting nude, she thought, as the door opened and Shae walked in. Placing the folded clothes and boots on the table, with a sly smile she looked at Kylo Ren and then she left the room again.
While he waited in the room, after picking up her bag with the rest of her clothes, Rey went into the bathroom to get dressed.
As she stepped out of the bathroom, he quickly sized her up. Wearing a fitted dark gray top and charcoal pants, with a wide chestnut leather belt that matched her knee high boots, she looked amazingly good, he thought with awe. He also noticed her satchel was back, hanging low on her hips.
Quickly getting up and opening the door he motioned her to go ahead. When he closed the door, she worriedly asked.
"Am I staying in here with him?"
Looking at her face, he playfully asked.
"Would you like that?"
"No." She replied quickly. "Not at all."
"Let me show you to your room then." He said. Walking in front of her, he took her to a different wing that was also lavishly decorated.
Strangely, there was no one on this side of the ship, Rey thought with confusion. Only a pleasantly low humming sound was heard in the stillness of the corridor as they came upon a dead end. There were two doors across from each other. Pointing to the one on the right, he said.
"This is my room."
Then pointing to the other one, he said.
"And this will be yours."
With a sarcastic tone, she spoke up.
"How convenient."
Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Then letting out a frustrated sigh, he turned to her and said.
"It's getting late. Stay in your room. I'll see you in the morning."
"What about if I don't want to stay in my room?" Rey asked with defiance, while her hazel eyes deeply penetrated into his.
Stepping closer, and with a wicked grin, he asked.
"The red one, right?"
With confusion, Rey looked at him and asked.
"Why are you asking that?"
Searching her face, he calmly said, as he placed her weapon into her hands. "If you even think about doing something unwise, the first thing I would do is to go to him and kill him myself."
Taking a couple of shallow breaths, with wide eyes, she looked at him and then slightly nodding her head, she turned away and stepped into her room.
Watching her disappearing behind the door, Kylo Ren let out a shaky, frustrated breath. Then he walked up to his room and went inside. His troubled thoughts took him to the upcoming days and weeks, when he has to parade her around not just on the Supremacy, but eventually on Starkiller base and as well on Ilum when they arrive.
The next day Rey found out they were headed toward a planet called Ilum. This planet supplied their Starkiller base with its rare minerals. The small moon was actually a military base with an extremely powerful weapon. When she asked Kylo Ren about it, his answers were always quite short and boring. It seemed like everytime she asked him a question, he was annoyed and uninterested. Taking advantage of her situation, Rey loved to bug him about anything and everything.
She also met the Supreme Leader again. In her second encounter with him, he was pleasantly nice to her. She also found out that her father was his rival, which didn't surprise her at all. But because he stayed within the Unknown Regions, and her father stayed within his Empire, they mutually respected each other's boundaries. Still, he did not trust her father, or anyone associated with his Empire, therefore he preferred to stay on his Supremacy that was in constant motion.
The unfriendly red guards that surrounded him always made Rey feel strange, every time she looked at them. However, the black uniformed soldiers that were led by Kylo Ren were friendlier. They called themselves the Knights of Ren, which Rey thought sounded perfectly in tune with their personalities. There were only two women among them, Asajj and Shae.
Even though during the day Rey looked chatty and content, however when night came and she laid her head on her pillow, she cried like a child. She had no idea what was going on with Maul and Savage. They could have been dead by now as far as she knew. However, somehow she sensed they were still alive and somewhere on the ship. She wondered what the Supreme Leader was planning to do with them. She missed them both terribly. Many times when she had asked about them, the answers were always the same. She was not allowed to see them. And that gave her an extreme feeling of grief and anger. Also, the Jedi texts needed to be delivered. But not being able to get away, she had no idea when she was able to do that.
Lying in bed and hugging the covers, she silently cried into her pillow thinking about Maul. She missed him terribly, and wished he were here with her. She missed his strong arms and his solemn tattooed face. She missed the small house hidden deep within the woods on Dathomir. She wanted to go back there and live her life with Maul.
She hated this place. She wished she could just blow that small moon and the ship out of the sky. Feeling extremely tired and upset, she eventually dozed off. A few minutes later, her door slowly and quietly opened. A tall shadow of a man walked in and approached her bed.
Sitting down on the edge of her bed, Snoke watched her sleeping form. She looks just like her mother, he thought as his large hand gently swiped a lock of hair from her forehead. Then, placing his hand over her head, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the Force.
When he opened his eyes, he looked at her nightstand. Quietly opening the bottom drawer, he pulled out her satchel. Opening it, he looked inside. With a small grin he closed the satchel and placed it back into the drawer. Then after watching her for a few seconds longer, he got up and left the room.
Kylo Ren couldn't fall asleep. He tossed and turned in his bed. Even though he had more urgent matters to think about, his troubled mind always came back to her. The arch enemy's daughter, and the girl with the million annoying questions, he amusingly thought. Yes, she was pretty to look at; still she could piss him off in a matter of seconds with her attitude or her strange and sometimes uncommon questionings. However, he still enjoyed her company. Even though he didn't want to admit it, not even to himself, slowly he felt himself falling for her.
Then he heard a noise coming from outside. Getting up, he walked to his door. Quietly, he cracked the door open just to see his Master leaving Rey's bedchamber.
With a surprised expression, he watched his Master walking down the dimly lit corridor. Closing the door, for a few seconds, he stood in his room, dumbstruck. Then opening his door again, he stepped outside.
Standing in front of her room, he hesitated to go inside. He wasn't sure what he would find in there. Contemplating by her bedchamber, he quickly made up his mind and quietly opened the door.
It took him a few seconds to get his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. Then slowly walking to her bed, he saw her peacefully sleeping. Scanning the room, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Everything looked as it should be.
Kneeling at the bed, he watched her. One of her arms was tightly tucked under her head, while the other loosely grabbed onto her blanket. Her white nightgown was slightly pulled up, showing off one of her shapely thighs. Looking at her like this gave Kylo Ren a surge of excitement. Suddenly, he wanted to reach out and touch her. As his hand slowly closed on her leg, in her sleep, she mumbled something. Stopping for a second, he retracted his hand and leaned closer.
Placing his ear close to her mouth, he heard her again.
"I love you." She whispered into his ear.
Her words surprised him, but he was certain she wasn't dreaming about him.
Feeling her warm breath tickling his skin, he knew if he doesn't leave right now, he would do something that was completely out of character.
As he was about to get up, he felt her hand enclosing on his forearm. Swiftly turning his face toward hers, with relief, he noticed she was still sleeping. Then her hand slid up on his arm toward his shoulder. Cupping his face into her hand, she pulled him closer and lightly kissed him.
Feeling her soft, enticing lips on his, Kylo closed his eyes and deepened the kiss, savoring the sweetness of her lips and tongue. The great excitement that coursed through his body, instantly awoke something within him. He wanted to take her and have her, but what he was doing right now was unethical and wrong on all levels.
Breaking the kiss, he gently placed her hand back on the blanket and slowly stood up. Then he turned around and walked outside, covering the noticeable bulge on the front of his trousers.
Inside his room, he dropped down on his bed. Laying flat on his stomach his mind kept bringing up the tender kiss they had just shared moments ago. Slowly grinding himself into the soft mattress, he imagined it was her beautiful body beneath his. Then he stopped. Quickly pulling himself together, he turned around and stared at the ceiling. Rubbing his hand over his face, he blew out a frustrated sigh and wondered what his Master was doing in her room. He truly hoped he wasn't doing anything like what just happened between her and him.
To be continued....
- In Serial98 Chapters
They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!
Oh, hi. Uhm, can I ask you something? Great. So, let's say that you died but then you reincarnated. Pretty cool, yeah? And what if you reincarnated into a different world? Even cooler. But what if you reincarnated into something... non-human? What would you do? And what if you then realized that you are not the protagonist of the story? Yeah, it's kinda weird. But hey, at least I'm one of the good guys. Right? //This is my first story. Please leave a comment what you think so that I can make it better. Will also contain some gore later on. Enjoy ;) //
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A Titan's Crusade
Erik Thayne spent most of his life being brutally ridiculed and tormented for his weight and physical appearance, among other things. A social pariah and diagnosed with an eating disorder no one has an explanation or treatment for, Erik spent years trying to overcome his issues with his personal image and escape the ridicule and vicious torment of his peers. After years of dedicated effort, and a fresh start in a town away from his childhood and adolescent tormentors, he had finally begun to truly realize what he'd been striving for all along. Only, fate apparently has other plans because in the blink of an eye, Erik found himself snatched from Earth and taken to another universe, another world, where he is offered the chance to be more than he'd ever imagined. Now, he has to fight to restore the Balance between Chaos and Order on a world of swords and magic, in a universe governed by the System's laws, which resemble those of RPGs from Earth. Erik learned to embrace the things about himself that others taught him to hate, using them to reforge his physical identity into something more removed from his old self-loathing. But can he learn to embrace the darkest parts of his mind just as he did the reviled aspects of his body and become who he needs to be to succeed in the task set before him? It might just prove easier to stalk in the dark as a monster than to walk in the light as a man... *This is my first time publishing anything I've written to a public audience. Due to formatting issues, I forwent traditional stat-screens for something a little less problematic, delineating stat screens by separating them from regular text with horizontal lines in a lighter-grey coloration. Let me know if you like them or not. Criticism is entirely welcome, but please don't hate on my work after only reading 1 chapter. This is a writing project I intend to complete but I have committment problems so we'll see how long this goes on. Also, fair warning, as the description implies, the main protagonist is intended to be someone who has been treated cruelly, developed antisocial tendencies, and ultimately has to question his own humanity--or lack thereof. This story is not intended to be brutally dark but I will definitely be trying to follow a darker theme. It is intended to be violent and some scenes later in the story might be...alarming. There will likely also be some light, non-graphic (think more implied with crude jokes and conversation than actual details, there will be no full-blown sex scenes)relationship scenes planned later and if you're opposed to either a bisexual or gay main character, stay away. I haven't yet decided which way he's going to swing but the odds on him being straight are relatively miniscule, and I've always wanted to write a story about a gay man who basically looks like a lumberjack because who doesn't like giving conventional stereo-types the middle finger? This will NOT be a harem story, and I have no intention to focus on romance over action--it's a consequence of character development where I'm concerned, not the be-all-end-all of the story. The cover-art does not, in any way, belong to me. It was an image titled the Druid King (by duskanmarkovic according to the file name) which I found on Google Images. Until I can get something commissioned, this is the best stand-in image I could find.
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