《The fire within》Chapter 8
Rey's head was about to explode. The pressure that came from inside was getting intolerable. Holding onto her temples, she tried to relax her mind and body. The image of her father's disfigured face kept coming back to her troubled mind. She couldn't believe she saw him. It still felt so surreal to her. And the evil things he had done on Dathomir were just extremely painful to think about. Everyone was gone, Rey thought with dismay. This horrible thought was just too much to deal with.
As she tried to suppress these troubled thoughts, she looked at Savage who sat on the floor in front of the back seats. His horned head hung low, as he stared at the ground. A deep, shaky breath escaped his mouth, and then a single tear ran down his solemn face, dropping on the ground in front of him.
Taking a deep breath, Rey walked up to him and sat down beside him. Embracing his large frame, she whispered into his ear.
"I'm so sorry, Savage."
Then she laid her head on his wide shoulder, feeling his pain through the Force.
Taking another shaky, deep breath, Savage quickly wiped his face and then looking at Rey, he said in his deep voice.
"I'm so sorry too."
Feeling his sadness upset Rey. Instantly, she wanted to lash out and kill anybody, including her father for what he did to all of them. Still, there was that one thing that bothered her the most. After finally seeing him in the flesh disturbed Rey's thoughts. Secretly, she still held hope that some of the Nightsisters might have survived, but this was just a futile way of thinking.
Nobody survived that massacre, she thought with great despair as her eyes landed on Maul.
Sitting in the pilot seat, Maul was looking straight ahead. His mind was not on the massacre of his people or the fight he just had, but on something more important.
His crazed fuelled mind was focused on revenge. In his head, he already formed a plan that would bring down the Empire and Sidious with all of his followers.
However, his promise to his mother had to be fulfilled and that is the first thing he needed to do.
Then he felt her hand on his shoulder. Staring ahead, he didn't want to look at her right now. He was afraid if he did that, he wouldn't be able to control his ravaged emotions. The last thing he wanted to do was to break down in front of her. He needed his strength to keep everyone strong.
To lose his mother and brothers and sisters was beyond comprehension. But he had to keep his thoughts in check and think about his mission first and then on his revenge.
The Jedi books had to be delivered. He was certain that those wretched books were the cause of the destruction and deaths. He wondered if his mother had foreseen all this, but she chose not to say anything. Sometimes, her words still echoed in his head.
Please, take her my son. With your union, your offspring's will bring down the Empire and him.
But if his mother was talking about their unborn children, it would be a long time before the Empire collapses. It would take years before those children could accomplish what his mother had seen in her vision.
No, he thought angrily. I can't wait that long.
Composing himself, he looked up and locked eyes with Rey.
Gently caressing his face, Rey said with a sigh.
"I know how you feel. I can sense your anger and frustration."
"Then, you know what must be done." He replied, removing her hand from his face.
He didn't want to be touched right now or feel her pity. Feeling her conflicted emotions upset Maul even further. He really didn't want to deal with this right now. Somehow he sensed her conflicted thoughts about his old Master. Even though she tried to hide it, she was not able to do that. Her emotions betrayed her and Maul wanted to make sure she was on the same team with him and Savage.
Feeling a little let down, Rey retracted her hand and averting her gaze from him, she looked out the window. Then she spoke up.
"I know what you think. But you don't have to worry Maul. I already pledged my body and soul to you." Turning toward him, she looked him in the eye. Squatting down in front of him, and holding onto his hands, she said in a pleading tone.
"Please, you have to trust me. He doesn't mean anything to me."
With a suspicious stare, Maul asked.
Cupping his face into her hands, she said in a hushed voice.
"I promise you I will kill him for everything he has done to you and my mother."
Behind those pleading eyes, there was determination, but how much? Maul wasn't sure, as he removed her hands again. He wanted to place his complete trust in her, but somehow, there was that nagging feeling in the back of his mind. Slightly nodding his head, he turned away from her and gazed out the window again.
Rey sensed he wanted to be left alone. She also sensed a certain amount of mistrust coming from him. That extremely bothered her. If they were destined to be together, they had to completely and without a doubt trust each other. Slowly getting up, she walked into the elevator and went downstairs to their room.
"Don't be so hard on her."
Maul heard Savage's voice. Getting up, he approached Maul and stood next to him. Then he said.
"Think about her feelings Maul. She lost everyone again. We also did, but for her this is much harder to deal with." Then he added. "It must be hard for her to deny the only living family she's got."
Slowly, Maul lowered his gaze and stared at the control panel. Then without saying anything he got up and went downstairs.
While she silently cried in the shower, she heard Maul come in. Removing his clothes, he stepped into the shower and turning her to face him, he hungrily pressed his lips to hers.
Pulling him closer, she pressed her body against his, as the warm water mixed with their tears, ran down their entangled bodies.
In the middle of the night, Rey woke up. Quickly sitting up and looking around, she tried to steady herself, while her pulse started to slow down.
Then, she looked at the sleeping Maul beside her. He looks so peaceful, and beautiful, she thought with a smile, trying to dismiss the aftermath of her horrid dream. She had no idea who the man was in her dream, but he looked somewhat important and very powerful, she was certain of that. His evil chuckle was still ringing in her ear, as she leaned back staring at the ceiling.
Her thoughts took her back to Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters. She missed them terribly. Her heart ached, just thinking about them. Fortunately, she didn't see what happened to them. She wouldn't be able to bear the thought of knowing what kind of fate enfolded them in the end. It's better this way, she thought trying to suppress her tears again.
Closing her eyes, she tried to fell asleep, but she was just not able to do that. Fearing her nightmare might return, she got up. After putting some clothes on and using the bathroom, she went upstairs.
Sitting in Maul's seat, she looked at the blinking control panel. The coordinates to their destination were already set. They were heading to the Unknown regions, and from the looks of it they just passed the Outer Rim. We should be within the Unknown very soon, she thought with apprehension.
Rey had barely any memories of that place. However now she was curious. If this was the place that she and her mother had to endure for years, Rey wanted to see it with her own eyes. She wondered which planet within this unexplored region was the one her father dropped them off. My father, she thought with distaste. Quickly dismissing the thoughts of him, she opened the glowing screen and started to search to see what types of planets were within the Unknown. However, her search came up with nothing more than the coordinates that were given by Mother Talzin. No wonder it's called the Unknown regions, she thought with frustration and anger.
Leaning back in the seat, and burying her head into her hands, she blew out a frustrated sigh. Then closing her eyes, and within a few minutes, she dozed off.
Beep, beep, beep.
The soft beeping sound became louder as Rey awoke.
Rubbing her face, she looked at the map that was still open, and noticed a rapidly blinking light. Leaning forward, her eyes followed the light as it moved very slowly on the map. Whatever this thing was, it was definitely big and it was heading their way. Or were we heading its way? She thought with confusion. Quickly typing into the computer, she pulled up another screen. That screen also showed the exact same thing.
Something is coming this way, she thought while her fingers deftly typed in more information bringing up a partial map of the area.
"Where are we?" She whispered as she looked from one screen to another, trying to get their location. Then she heard Savage.
"What is going on?"
Turning in her chair, she looked back and saw Savage approaching her. Wearing only pants, Rey quickly sized up his muscular upper body that looked similar to Maul's, except his tattoos. They were in a slightly different pattern. Still, they made him look fierce and powerful, she thought with awe.
Standing beside her, he placed his large hands on the control panel and looked at the map. Then pointing to the blinking light, he asked.
"Is that thing moving?"
Also looking at the map, Rey spoke up.
"Yes. And from the looks of it, it's coming this way."
"That's gotta be something huge." Savage said, frowning, then he added with a growl. "I don't like this."
"Should I change course?" Rey asked, hoping to get out of the way of whatever was coming at them. She didn't like this either. But to change their route, it might put them somewhere else on the map, and she didn't think Maul wanted to do that. Then Maul's voice was heard behind them.
"Don't change anything."
Stepping closer, Maul also looked at the map and with a frown he said.
Pointing to a tight cluster of constellations, he continued.
"We could get lost in there, and stay unnoticed, while this thing passes us."
"What do you think it is?" Rey asked, watching Maul's stern face.
"I don't know." Maul replied. Then he added. "I'd rather not want to find out. It's better if we stay anonymous."
"Yes brother." Savage agreed. "We have to get this mission done, so we could get on with our revenge."
"Revenge?" Rey asked with amazement. "What are you talking about?"
Savage was going to say something, when Maul quickly motioned him to stay quiet.
Turning to Rey, he said.
"After we returned the books, we are going to Iridonia. And then, we would bring down the Empire."
"What's on Iridonia?" Rey asked looking from Maul to Savage.
"A planet full of Zabraks." Maul replied with a grin.
Suddenly Mother Talzin's words invaded her mind. But to tell Maul that they might have to wait years before they get their revenge, was not a best idea, she thought with a frown. Rey knew, he was out for blood and even if she tried, she was not powerful enough to be able to stop him. Rey was ready to get up and give the seat back to Maul, when he placed his hand on her shoulder and said with a sly smile.
"I have already seen certain skills from you, but not your piloting one. Go ahead. Take us there."
Instantly, Rey shot a teasing, but scolding look at Maul. Then with a wide smile, she beamed at him. Disengaging the autopilot, she navigated the ship toward the constellations. Within a short time, they had reached the area. After cloaking the ship, they hid and waited for the newcomers.
As they stared out the window, they noticed the large object was almost upon them. To Rey, it looked like a small moon that was moving with slow pace. But as it came closer, it grew larger and she noticed with astonishment, it was no moon, but a large space station.
"A Death Star?" Maul said with confusion. "What is it doing out here?"
"What's a Death Star?" Rey inquired.
Taking a deep breath, Maul replied with faint cynicism.
"Your father's favorite toy."
"A toy?" Rey asked with astonishment, watching the station getting bigger. She was too scared to even ask what it did. The enormous metal body looked extremely intimidating.
As it slowly passed them, Rey didn't even notice she was holding her breath. When the space station was further away, with a sigh, she turned to Maul and was about to ask again, when a loud beeping noise caught all their attentions. Then suddenly, their ship lurched backwards. Holding onto the control panel for support, Maul's eyes quickly searched the screen. First, he didn't see anything unusual, but as he looked closer, he noticed something.
Caught in its tracker beam, the Infiltrator was slowly pulled toward an extremely large destroyer.
"Damn it." Maul growled, as he quickly typed in a code sequence.
"Are we being tracked into that thing?" Rey asked, giving the seat back to Maul.
"Let me see if I can get us out of here." Maul replied in a hurry, while he kept typing into his computer.
While Maul was occupied with the ship, Savage quickly went downstairs and after getting dressed, he grabbed his weapon and Maul's and then returned to the control room.
As much as Maul tried to bypass and disengage from the ship's tracker beam, he wasn't able to do so. Quickly getting out of his seat, he clipped his weapon to his wide belt. Turning to Rey, he said in a hurry.
"Go and get dressed and get your weapon." Then before Rey left the room, he added. "Keep the satchel with you at all times."
Nodding her head, she took the elevator and went down into their room to get ready for whatever was coming.
Within a few minutes, the Infiltrator was sucked into the belly of the destroyer. With a loud tremble, the ship landed on a wide landing pad.
Fearing for the worst, Maul, Savage and Rey stood steadily in the control room, as the back door opened. However, Maul was surprised when instead of seeing Imperial troopers in their white and black outfits, he saw men in dark clothing entering his ship, holding different types of weapons.
Behind a mask, one of them spoke up. "Drop your weapons."
Reluctantly, they all handed their weapons to another one who also wore a strange mask, hiding his visage. Maul was not happy to give his precious lightsaber to him, but he had no choice. If they were going to fight, they will die. And that was something he tried to avoid. Then after searching them, they were escorted out of the ship and into the destroyer.
Stepping off his ship, Maul quickly sized up the enormously large hangar.
There were other ships beside his, but they looked different. Those ships looked like an altered version of a well-known TIE fighter.
Then as his eyes landed on the dark uniformed men, from the back, another, taller one wearing a silver fused mask stepped forward.
His long, black outfit gently brushed the polished metal floor, as he approached them.
Immediately, Maul sensed he was also a Force user. And not just any, but a very powerful one. Standing in front of them, one by one, he sized them up.
Then with a distorted voice, he spoke up.
"Well, well, well. What have we got in here?"
Stepping in front of Savage, he slightly raised his head to be able to look him in the eye. Then his eyes landed on Maul. Standing in front of him, and after a few seconds of silence, the man in the mask spoke up.
"What were you doing out here?"
When Maul didn't reply, he stepped closer and looked down into his blank face and said.
"I'm not going to ask you again."
When Maul still didn't answer, he stepped in front of Rey.
Watching her for a few seconds, and as her frightened wide hazel eyes looked at him, with a swift move, he Force grabbed her and lifted her up.
While Rey struggled to breathe, with a low growl Maul said.
"Put her down."
"Oh, you can speak." The man cynically replied. Still holding Rey, he pulled her closer, until her face was only inches from his. And while she was still levitating and gasping for air, suddenly Maul's lightsaber flew through the air and landed in his hand.
Activating his weapon, Maul was about to strike the man down, when he quickly let go of Rey and brought forward his weapon. The red crossguard lightsaber instantly collided with Maul's; causing a high pitched electrical sound that echoed through the hangar.
Maul knew this was not the wisest thing to do, but his mind was screaming with anger and frustration, as he watched her being slowly choked to death. That, I could not allow to happen, he thought with immense anger as he unwisely made his first move.
Behind his mask, the man was surprised, but he welcomed this new challenge with pleasure. Grinning from ear to ear, he swiftly and easily blocked the Zabrak's attack.
Crumpled on the floor, Rey loudly coughed a few times as she tried to take a few deep breaths. Then, her watery eyes landed on Maul, who just made his first strike.
However, his futile attempt didn't get far enough. As soon as the fight started, it finished very quickly.
Using his great Force powers, the man easily lifted Maul off the ground. Then ripping the lightsaber out of his hand, he quickly caught it. Stepping closer, he placed Maul's glowing weapon against his surprised face, and while Savage was held back by the others, he swiftly cut off one of his horns, making Maul roar with rage.
Dropping him to the ground, and then holding Maul's lightsaber against the side of his head, he spoke up again.
"Let's see what the Supreme Leader Snoke say about this."
Then he added.
"Bring them."
When all three were handcuffed, they were escorted through the hangar into an elevator.
When the elevator stopped, and the door opened, Rey was awestruck to see the bright red room that lay before her eyes. The expansive chamber looked extremely clean and neat. It had almost no furnishing, except for a large metal throne that stood in the middle.
Sitting on the throne was a tall man with golden robes. Surrounding him were six others with bright red uniforms. Their faces also hidden behind masks. They look menacing, Rey anxiously thought watching them standing by with weapons in hands.
As they stepped closer, Rey noticed the man with the golden robes was much taller than she previously thought.
Within his deformed, scarred face, his deep set eyes were intently looking at them. Then one by one, as they were forced to kneel down, the tall man spoke up. His deep voice resonated off the chamber's walls.
"Spies of the Empire?"
"Not sure, my Lord." The man with the silver mask spoke up.
"Then why did you bring them here?" The man on the throne asked.
A few seconds of silence followed, then behind his silver mask he spoke up again.
"I wanted to execute them, however, I think they could be used for something far more interesting." Then he added. "Look closer, my Lord."
The deep set eyes slowly scrutinized each of them. Then slowly getting up, he walked closer.
Brushing against the polished black floor, his long golden robes made a soft swishing sound as he approached them.
Rey thought Savage was the biggest man she had ever seen. But how wrong I was, staring at the tall man standing in front of them.
"Stand up, my child." He said to Rey.
Slowly standing up, Rey stood in front of him staring at his golden slippers. With his long arms he reached out and touched Rey's face. Grabbing onto her cheeks, he swiftly turned her head from left to right, like he was appraising her. Then with a sly smile, he said.
"Hmm...very interesting."
Letting her go, he walked up to the kneeling Maul and Savage.
Maul's intense gaze focused on the floor in front of him. He didn't want to say anything to this being. Maul was able to sense his extraordinary powers as he stood with his golden robes and matching soft slippers in front of him. Through their Force bond, Maul spoke to Rey and then to Savage.
Stay still and we will find the way to get out of here.
Rey was just too scared to reply. Her eyes were glued to the tall man. His unwelcome touch was still lingering on her face, making Rey slightly tremble. She was sure now, he was not human, but something else. And she was also sure that this was the man she had seen in her nightmare. However, in her dream, he looked different. His face was intact not deformed like it is now.
She didn't know who these people were, but she knew one thing, they were no friends but dangerous and extremely powerful. The immense power that he emitted was palpable. He was also a Force user, however, his powers were somehow different, and she just couldn't put her finger on what it was.
When he finished appraising them, he looked up and said to the man in the silver mask.
"My dear apprentice. You couldn't have brought me a better gift."
"Yes, my Lord." The man replied.
"Take them away and lock them up." The tall man ordered, motioning the rest of the men to take the new prisoners away.
However, when it was Rey's turn to be taken, he spoke up again.
"Not this one." He said, looking at Rey's fearful, confused expression. Then he added with a sly grin.
"This one stays."
As Maul and Savage were escorted out of the chamber, with a fearful expression, Rey followed their every step. In the elevator, Maul turned and for a second, his burning eyes locked onto hers. Through their connection he said.
I'll see you soon.
Then, as the elevator door closed, Rey's heart skipped a beat. Turning back, she looked at the tall man. Painfully biting her lower lip, she took a couple of shallow breaths, waiting to hear what he wanted from her.
"I can sense your fear my dear." He said as he walked back to his throne. "However, I could also sense something else. Something far more interesting." Sitting down, he beckoned one of the men to approach him.
Offering up the three lightsabers for him, he immediately picked out Rey's. Dismissing the man, he slowly turned the weapon in his hands. With a look of approval, he grinned and said.
"Where did you get this?"
"I found it." Rey spoke up. Her voice sounded fragile as she tried to keep it together.
"More like it found you?" The man said pointing the lightsaber toward her.
How does he know? Rey confusingly thought. Then from behind her, the man with the silver mask stepped forward and asked.
"Do you still need me my Lord?"
"Indeed I do." He replied with a sly smile.
Then, turning his attention back to Rey, he said to her.
"I know you are more than what you seem. I can sense a great power within you my dear." Then he added as he placed the lightsaber on his armrest. "If you don't mind, I would love to see a small demonstration of those mighty powers of yours."
Rey stared at him with confusion. She didn't understood what he wanted from her. Does he want to fight me? She anxiously thought.
Then before Rey could open her mouth and protest, he spoke up again.
"My dear apprentice. Remove your helmet."
Reaching up, and pressing down on either side of his helmet, the man removed it and held it in the crock of his arm.
Watching him, Rey could see the back of his luscious black hair as it spilled out of the helmet. Still facing away from her, he spoke up. His strong, deep young voice surprised Rey.
"My Lord. I'm at your service."
"Oh yes, indeed you are." The tall man chuckled as he looked from him to Rey. Then turning back to him, he said amusingly.
"Let's see what she's got."
When he said that, the man nodded his head, and then turned around.
Facing Rey, his deep brown eyes, curiously sized her up. Framed by dark curls, his young, pale narrow face looked calm and composed as he locked eyes with her. Immediately, there was something about him that bothered Rey. Maybe the way he looked at her? Or maybe the way he stood there? She didn't know. But there was definitely something off and Rey didn't like this a bit.
"My dear." The tall man spoke up again. "Meet my apprentice, Kylo Ren."
Kylo Ren? That is his name? Rey thought with confusion. Clutching her hands in front of her, and with great anticipation, she waited to see what would happen.
Stepping closer, and with a flick of his wrist, Rey's handcuffs suddenly came undone, falling to the ground.
Then he reached to his side and unclipped his weapon. Suddenly, a bright red glow enveloped his young, comely features.
Rey's pulse instantly accelerated. A sudden surge of adrenaline, like lightning strike, coursed through her body. She was certain of one thing, she didn't want to die today. She wanted to leave this cold and hostile place and see Maul and Savage again.
Instinctively, Rey called for her lightsaber, which quickly flew into her hands. Immediately she ignited her weapon. Now, she was ready for anything that this man might bring at her.
Looking at his lightsaber, Rey wondered what did he do to make it look like that. His weapon was definitely not a traditional look, but rather unique.
With a skillful move, he twirled the blade in his gloved hand, waiting for Rey to make the first move.
Suddenly, memories of the last few days flooded her mind. The painful memories of the massacred Nightbrothers and Nightsisters were still raw. And now this situation she was put into made Rey's mind go completely dark. The rage she felt at that moment was unbearable. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and when she opened them again, with a battle cry, she lunged at the apprentice, the man called Kylo Ren, instantly colliding her weapon with his.
To be continued....
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