《Aurora's Sky》Chapter 6 : Aurora (6)


Aurora's father or otherwise known as Dr. Estinger had heard the nearby deafening explosion. He screamed out for his wife and daughter, but only his wife had responded. He then proceeded to look out the window. What he saw was a surreal scene, a sleek black jet that had an origin that he did not know of had suddenly appeared inside his estate's library. The library was on fire and with the fuel of books, it was gradually growing larger and larger. He was relieved that he had not stayed there scolding Aurora about her ridiculous plan. Then he remembered, he had no idea where Aurora was. In her fit of rage, she wheeled herself out of the library. However, he knew that the only sanctuary she had was the library. His face paled. Ragged breaths. She couldn't have returned to her library. He had clearly watched her go out.

Dr. Estinger ran outside to the wreckage. Bodies were strewn around but they were clearly 7 feet taller than little Aurora and appeared to be the Relisvante mutants. His face paled further at the thought of any surviving Relisvante mutants running around in his estate. The Relisvante mutants were known for being resilient to damage and these mutants had clearly been modified. He would know best as he had created the mutants himself. He ran to the wreckage that was beginning to smolder into a tower of flames.

He screamed out for Aurora. No response was heard. He went into the wreckage of the library. He began going towards the location of Aurora's favorite desk. The desk was made of wood from Floral, a mysterious planet that only had overgrown plants. It had carvings of a curved flower that shined because of the inlaid green and blue gems at the tips of the flowers. A small moon above it indicated that the flower was a species that reacted to the moonlight. Very likely it was closely related to the Cestrum Nocturnum flower species. The carvings spread along the legs. However, what was left of the table was a pitiful shell of its former glory.


It was split in the middle, right in-between the green and blue gems that showed the brilliance of the flower. The wood was smoldering and the legs had been tossed to the side and were beginning to become food for the fire. He scanned around very briefly in a circle and called out to Aurora once more. This time he had heard a grumble. Not fearing if it was a Relisvante mutant or anything else he ran towards the sound. What he saw was his beautiful daughter's body under the rubble of some shelves. He was devastated. He knew there was no possible way that her lungs could hold out for much longer and her physique was too weak to handle the pressure. However, looking upon the rubble he felt a crushing feeling rising from the pit of his stomach. It was enormous, with thousands of books that they had collected from multiple planets.

He then remembered the secret serum that the Union had asked him to create. One that was very similar to a dope and could increase your muscle mass and physique instantly. The problem was that the base of the serum was the genetic code of the Relisvante mutants. The Union could not fully give up on the strength of the mutants and resourcefulness. He had not tested out the serum but he injected it anyways. There was no possible way he was letting go of the bright future of his one child. The child that could solve many problems with just her pen. He even saw a little of himself in her, the way that she found new ways to solve everything, her curiosity, and her playfulness that even he had sometimes.

He stabbed the syringe into his arm. His veins began to pop, his body began growing in size, his hair began to fall out, and his screams from the pain was coarse. That's correct, he had become one of the very mutants that the Union was hunting down and the mutants he had created. The only features he had kept was his intelligence and his handsome face. This full transformation was only five seconds in total. He dashed over to the fallen bookshelf with thousands of books and picked it up with brute strength. He looked at his daughter with a hopeful smile. However, there was something wrong. He couldn't process it, and as he gazed lower down her body he figured out what had happened. Aurora's body from the waist down had been torn off completely, and her body was in so much shock she could not even speak.


Blood was spewing forth from her wounds, and he could see bits of flesh that were torn away from her body and on the corners of the bookshelf. That's right, how could he have forgotten what the force of a fallen bookshelf of several 15 meters and almost a ton of weight in books could do to a human body. He did the calculations in his head and knew he was right. However, he couldn't accept it. There was no possible way his daughter could die. Not like this, and not now. She was a child of fate, a future that could change the corruption of the Union itself. Perhaps she could have even found a way to make peace with the world.

He couldn't do anything else but stare into his daughter's dimming eyes. Even though she could not scream, her eyes showed the great pain she was in. The once iridescent blue and green in her eyes had almost waned completely away. His daughter had survived for more than 30 seconds due to the fact that the flaming bookshelf had cauterized most of her wounds from the waist down and lessened the blood loss. She had only about 1 minute left to live. He carried her out and ran to his lab quickly. The mysterious force around her had completely disappeared and he could safely bring her around tech.

He put her in a capsule filled with a gelatin-like substance. He readjusted chemicals inside to increase endorphins to reduce the pain. He looked into her daughter's eyes. They had faded almost completely and were a more grayish color with tiny flecks of blue and green. He began to reduce the temperature of the gelatin-like substance. He had begun the cryogenic freezing of her body. 50 seconds had passed. If the freeze wasn't successful in the next 10 seconds she would die.











Successful freezing.

At that moment his wife walked into the lab to see what had happened to her husband and all she saw was a bald, 8-foot man, rippling muscles and veins, and had stolen the face of her husband. She was about to scream at the monstrosity that the man was and then looked back into the capsule behind the figure and saw an even worse sight. Her daughter with only half her body remaining. She didn't even have a chance to scream in horror and collapsed.

Dr. Estinger managed to catch his wife before she fully collapsed. He looked back at the capsule thinking of ideas to save his child. He suddenly remembered the idea that Aurora had made. The ideq he had denied because of the fear of losing Aurora's real body and the unknown possibilities of her idea. He had no choice now. He had to use her idea or she will have no body at all.

The idea of moving a conscience into an A.I.

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