《Aurora's Sky》Chapter 7 : Aurora (7)


Dr. Estinger had limited amount of time in his estate because authorities were going to check what happened very soon. If they found him in his current form... there would be no questions -- only a quick shot to the head. He looked at the capsule containing his daughter and picked it up. The capsule was originally made so they could analyze and preserve the specimens for an indefinite amount of time. This capsule was only around the size of a brief case and could easily carry small specimens. It was a sick joke that the next specimen that was in this small capsule would be half of his daughter's body. He looked at his wife and picked her up, carrying her to the outside and setting her on the grass hill. She was still out cold. He knew what he had to do next. He had to run away. He would be no doubt marked as a terrorist from now on. Being captured or killed would not help him accomplish his goal.

He then walked to his lab and copied all of his computer's information and all of his previous research. He rigged all of the generators in his house so it would explode and set the computers to begin an overload of the Institution's network. He turned back from his mansion and went to the parking lot nearby. The parking lot of all citizens on Earth was not your normal parking lot. All of Earth's citizens were the most elite of the elites and each "parking lot" easily contained a spaceship or two. He had grabbed one of the 6 ships in his parking lot and prepared to leave to head to the Institute. He had to go to the institute and acquire the source code of the A.I., Aurora. The source code was what he needed to transfer his daughters consciousness into. Once, he took the source code Union would lose all access to the A.I. and the A.I. would shutdown. However, he himself knew that stealing it would not be an easy task. He knew the Union wouldn't leave such a precious thing alone with no securities. He wasn't even sure if he would be able to accomplish the task with a 60% success rate.


As he got onto his favorite space ship, The Tek, he felt an instant relief and familiarity to the ship. He had named the ship with his other colleagues and friends when they had traveled to their first planet. The name was an example of when one of his team members misspelled tech when he had accidentally not slept for 5 days in a row working on a minor problem with the initial A.I. protocols. This ship was designed by himself, fully equipped with a lab, a water filter, green house, and even was outfitted for war. The ship was fully autonomous and could house even 80 people easily. This ship might seem to be over-kill, but you must remember that he was an elite scientist that needed to travel around, sometimes to other planets, with his team to conduct experiments. As he entered The Tek it had recognized him instantly even though he was immensely different. This was a relief off of his mind because if the ship could recognize him then the recognition system in the Institution would recognize him too. This would take off a lot of the stress when he infiltrated.

However, what he didn't see was the one black scaled mutant in the corner of the parking lot. This was M1, the only one remaining of the Black Mutants. He had recognized the Doctor even in his current form. Looking everyday at the face of the man who created their race and harmed his family made him memorize the face of his target. Although he had questioned why he appeared to look like one of them he still charged him and knocked him on the ground. The Doctor scrambled around and let loose of the capsule in his hand as it scrambled away from his reach. Dr. Estinger looked at the Mutant in the eye with great amounts of panic. Although he had gain a superior body he still couldn't even remotely fight against the mutant. He had underestimated the power of this Mutant greatly and could only flail uselessly under the mutants arm.


At this very moment the nearby military was dispatched into the parking lot. A squad of 10 was sent to investigate the parking lot. They began taking heavy shots from the restraining slugs. These slugs were made to hit and expand instantly, almost like a foam. It would then harden, stick to a nearby surface, and restrain even the force of 10 spaceships with their engines at max thrust. The slugs hit M1 in the arm and quickly expanded around his arm. However, M1 had a relaxed face and simply flexed his muscles and broke the slug. The slug had fallen off revealing M1's muscles and his scales jutting out of his arm like blades, poking holes into the slug. The squad leader of the 10 instantly shouted out "RED" and the other 9 pulled out heavy grade laser cannons in a great panic. Clearly a mutant with the power of 10 spaceships was not normal and they had never seen anything like it. However in their panic, M1 had already rushed up to them and swiftly decapitated all 10 of them instantly. He then rushed back to Dr. Estinger picked him and the capsule up, then threw him into the ship and entered the

The Doctor was frozen in fear, he had never experienced war and just witnessed 10 of his use-to-be fellow humans killed. Even more so he was scared of the strength of this abnormal mutant. How had the Relisvantes gotten wiped out with these mutants? The ship was in shutdown and panic mode due to the intruder until Dr. Estinger himself told the ship to verify the mutant as an ally and proceed to lift off towards the Institute in stealth.

M1 raised his eyelids in wonder, mainly because he had no eye brows to lift. Seeing as there was no tension between him and the doctor he relaxed.

*We have lifted off and will be arriving at the Institute in 2 min at a speed of 10,000 mph. We are currently over the speed limit for ships on Earth by 9600 mph.*

A deep rumbling noise came out of M1 as he spoke.


"Because I can answer your questions, and I can help you if you help me."

"Oh ho, and why do you think I would believe you."

"Your planet has already been cleared of all mutants 2 days ago."

A shadow casted over M1's eyes for a second before clearing up instantly. He grabbed the neck of Dr. Estinger and raised him from the ground. He definitely showed off the physique of the strongest member of his race, with a staggering height of 10 feet.


M1 tightened his grip.

"It's up to you to believe me or not"


*Hostile enemy detected preparing internal security systems. Threat level detected at level 10, will proceed to take necessary measures too...*

"Permit self-destruction of ship, Tek"

*Permission granted. Countdown Initiating. 10.*


"Monster, I am in dire straits myself I need your cooperation and if not we will both have to end it here. Not even you can survive 80 laser turrets aimed throughout the ship and the engine self-detonating afterwards."

M1 paused and then released his grip. He breathed roughly, calmed his thoughts, and let his scales retract back in. He lost his bearings over a human. Unbelievable. This was out of his cool and collected nature. He wasn't the strongest through only his superior physique alone.

"Fine, I will listen to you for now but you will answer my questions sooner or later."

"Cancel self-destruction."

*Self-destruct canceled.*

Dr. Estinger sighed in relief. Then a smile appeared on his face.

"First assist me to the Institute then help me shut down and steal the A.I., Aurora."

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