《Aurora's Sky》Chapter 5.5 - Breaking news


*doo doo doooodoooooo* *Union News logo appears*

This is the Union news and today we bring you the greatest of all news. The Relisvante Visionary terrorists were successfully driven from their planet, Relisvante, approximately 18 Earth hours ago. However, with great victory comes repercussions. A reportedly large amount of Relisvante terrorists have begun infiltrating the outer planets. The Relisvante Terrorists are a distinct kind of creature that can be identifiable by their very large build, coarse voice, and lack of hair. Please report to proper authorities about any cloaked figures or anyone that matches those description. These terrorists must be brought to peace immediately for their actions against humanity. We'll be giving tips on how to defend yourself from a Relisvante Terrorist in the show, Fight Your Own Battles : Relisvante Edition, be sure to check it out on your pods for more information.

Union leaders from Earth, the Big 3, and The Union Institution of Technology have come together to begin to discuss the rebooting of the A.I., Aurora. The exponential rate it is learning and its use in the war on terror was much greater than expected. At the rate of learning it is feared that a fully sentient A.I. will begin to emerge. Needless to say this is a threat to your children and families. A weaponized A.I. with a great capacity to learn can only lead to death and misfortune. We advise you to tune in on the debate and vote for the rebooting of A.I. today and in the future.

The mysterious light beam and mass tech failure is still being investigated 1 year later and scientist have begun unraveling mysteries about the beam of light we witnessed. We have uncovered certain details. Any technology close to the beam was reportedly wip..... I apologize we seem to have an emergency report.



Excuse me? The Garden? Are you sure?


News just in, a recent event has occurred on the Estinger estate on Earth. Now, i'm sure many of you know but the Estinger estate is one of the largest estates on Earth and is home to the the Head of the Union Institution of Technology, Dr. Estinger. Some of you also know this estate as Aurora's Garden, Aurora Estinger's home. An unidentified explosion had just occurred in the center of the estate. It is suspected that this is the Relisvante Terrorists last ditch effort at wreaking havoc. We can only hope that there are no casualties. More news on this emergency will be reported very shortly.





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