《Revan Between Worlds》The Battle That Never Was
The other thing that was rocking his beliefs was that his connection with Kenobi was a hundred times stronger and neither could hold back the memories of the other. All Anakin's fights and brushes with the dark side his view of the Force as it screamed at him was countered by Obi Wan's troubles and fights and even his abandonment and slavery before Qui Gon took him as his padawan. Obi Wan had never told him that he had been a slave. This changed everything in their relationship. He was not just his Jedi master, but a fellow slave and a true brother. It was these failings that traveled back and forth between them that showed that neither was perfect and that neither had to live up to the expectations of the other.
Anakin still had much to learn and now was more than ever eager to learn. On the other hand Obi Wan now knew how much he and the order had failed Anakin and he swore that Anakin would learn as fast as Kenobi could teach him. They would push the limits of the Code and he would chastise any master that looked down at Anakin. He also knew that there was so many things that he should have been taught first.
Anakin and Padme entered the droid factory following behind Master Surik and his new apprentice Asajj. Anakin did not like her in the few minutes that they had talked. She was not impressed with him and it didn't take long for him to figure out she had never heard of the Chosen One or that it was him. She truly disliked him more for who she saw then any preconception she could have been given. He had received scorn from many of the Jedi, but her honest dislike was refreshing. They split up as Anakin went down a different hallway with these strange realistic sculptures carved into the walls.
"Anakin they are waking up." Padme got closer to Anakin as the Geonosians were untangling themselves from each other.
"Uh oh, the bugs are waking up."
"Run Anakin don't attack push passed them to the door."
"But master."
"You woke them up. They are attacking on instinct." Anakin Force pushed them or pulled them sending them down the hall as they rushed to the end. Soon enough they came to the door. As soon as they got through the door it closed. The ramp they were on retracted dumping them both on one of the conveyor belts.
Some how they both survived the assembly line only to get captured. Though Padme nearly got melted and Anakin lost his lightsaber as it got cut in half. Revan had a bit more luck or should he say skill as soon as they separated he cloaked both himself and Asajj in the Force. Not even the machines and sensors could detect them.
Asajj guided him around the vast compound. He noted several figures that had come up on his studies of current events. Most of the ones he recognized were from different corporations. It was an hour before Anakin got captured along with Padme. This lead both of the to a section of cell blocks and he could feel Knight Kenobi's presence not that far away from Anakin's and Padme's location. They went several different directions and found pathways that lead to a hanger and then back to the prison cell and to different locations under the arena. Several spots they rested and after those hours he had figured out how to turn many of the droids off. It became easy to walk into a room turn the droids off before searching it and then turning them back on once he left.
Asajj had helped him gather interesting bits of information and though he was not a dedicated slicer between the two of them he had gathered some useful information. They were moving back to the arena when he felt the Force nudge him toward this hole in the floor. It showed a large room with dozens of work stations lining the outer walls and a large holo table in the middle. The room was completely empty other than droids and one being completely concealed in a cloak on the holo projector and one Count Dooku.
"...the execution at that time. You do not want them to arrive too soon or too late."
"It will be done master."
"Good, with this attack the Jedi will be blamed with starting the war. How goes our other plan?"
"The design schematics are complete and several virtual tests have been made. I have no doubt that with time it will prove to be a viable weapon."
"There is one thing you have withheld from me."
"One of my acolytes has sworn herself to a Jedi, a Rey Van Surik. I do not recognize him and he did claim not be a Jedi."
"Find him and kill him. The Force is telling me he is too dangerous to even be allowed to live. Do not fail me in this. Make this Senator suffer in front of young Skywalker."
"They will suffer in the arena as their attempts to fight will prove futile."
"Good, good. Keep me informed." Revan looked to Asajj and she was looking slightly paler than she normally is. Revan did not fault her for her fear as he felt the strength of this Sith. He was hiding much, but what was easy to feel radiated from the holo terminal. With the image gone the dark side was gone as well. Count Dooku marched out of the large room and it was a good minute before other beings rushed back to their stations.
"That's the Sith?" Revan inquired as he felt her emotions.
"Darth Sidious. I have never seen him in person and never will I want to unless I know I can defeat him." Asajj whispered once we were far enough away.
"What of this weapon?"
"Don't know they have several weapons planned. The stupidest one is some large hyperspace capable station." This made Revan think as he had come across several space stations in his time and the Star Forge was the most prominent. Each had dealt with mass destruction to a nearly planetary scale. From what he over heard the execution was to go hand in hand with the Jedi starting a war? From what he could see this planet was a fortress and the Jedi would be lucky to bring maybe two hundred here to fight. Not enough to start a war, but then again he could be wrong.
He wanted to search their network for these plans, but the Force was warning that they were running out of time. It was close as the two of them arrived at the arena as Kenobi was being dragged out of one of the tunnels. The crowd of Geonosians sounded like a hive of bugs that was suddenly disturbed as they cheered in their way. He heard but did not understand the charges being declared. Not that he didn't know.
"Here give this blade to Kenobi and your second to Skywalker."
"I don't even see Skywalker."
"He and the girl are close. I am going up to the podium. We can end this before it starts." Asajj was not sure what her new master had in store, but from how the Force swirled around him it was going to be not to Darth Tyranus's liking. It was nearly a full five minutes before Skywalker and Padme were hauled in and put on two different carts. She raised her arms as she reached through the room to connect to every being there.
"Don't be afraid." Anakin said as he was being secured to the wagon.
"I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life." Asajj rolled her eyes as she continued to concentrate.
"What are you talking about."
"I love you." Oh brother they are both clueless.
"You love me?! We can't fall in love. We can't live this lie. It will destroy us..."
"I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. My love for you is a puzzle, Annie, for which I have no answer. I can't ignore it, and now I don't care to. I truly deeply love you." Asajj had to pull her finger out of her throat it was so gag worthy. They strained to kiss as Asajj releases her hold on the Force. The ten or so bugs in the alcove sudden burst apart sending goo everywhere. Both of the kissers get covered in the goo from their drivers.
"What?!" Anakin yelled looking around at the near dozen spots of bug goo. Two lightsabers fly into his hands.
"Give the one blade to Kenobi." Asajj then flicks her wrist and Padme turns as her hands are pulled out in front of her. There is a flash of white and her arms are free as a blaster flies into her hand from one of the dead guards. High up in the stands Poggle the Lesser is giving a speech as Revan felt the guards die through his bond with Asajj. Then the leader pauses as the crowd goes silent.
"What are they waiting for? I want to see the fear on Amidala's face."
"Patience my friend. This is perhaps a bit of suspense before they are brought out." They move a bit closer to the edge to see and instead of two prisoners coming out of the tunnel two lightsabers fly out and circle around the arena taking the heads off several guards. One blade heads back into the tunnel as the other spins around one of the pillars in the arena above Kenobi's head cutting the chain holding his arms over his head. Then Kenobi takes the blade flipping it cutting the chain between his hands. The few guards that did not die started shooting at him only to have the bolts redirected back into the ground as he made a dash for the tunnel.
"Fett get him he is getting..." Gunray suddenly was choking. Fett had made to move and was now frozen in place along with the other corporation leaders who were going to watch the execution. Only Dooku remained free as he removed his lightsaber from his belt.
"K'oyacyi, ba'slanar, Mand'alor. Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur." The invisible hold on Jango suddenly released and though he wanted with all his heart to kill this Force user he did not. The way he said his words in perfect Mando'a was chilling and he only nodded slightly as he rushed into one of the tunnels as an image of a red and black buy'ce imposed itself over the man's face. It was for the briefest of moments, but had he not started moving that would have made him flee. Jango was not afraid of any being, but ghosts terrified him. Boba raced after his father.
"You are much more than you appear to be, Jedi." Dooku ignites his saber as he begins to pull the Force inside of himself to reinforce his muscles and bones and to release it as lightning at his new enemy.
"I'll say it again I am no Jedi." Dooku's hand started to crackle with lightning.
"No matter." Dooku then released the Force lightning on the other only to have it reflected into those around him. Gunray, Poggle the Lesser, and Rune Haako scream in pain. Dooku's eyes go wide as first Gunray head then Rune Haako's head exploded. Poggle the Lesser just dropped to the ground smoking.
"Oh it matters, for I am Darth Revan." Lightning shot out from Revan's hand and Dooku caught it with his lightsaber. He did not stop there as his black blade ignited a second later to swing at his head. The red and black blades clash in a blur until the Count goes flying out of the balcony. The crowd incensed seeing their leader so wounded or killed floods the balcony a moment later and another group piles on to the fallen Jedi's form just as he lands on the arena floor.
The two Geonosian piles are dealt with differently as Dooku just pushes them away in all directions adding Force lightning to the mix. Revan on the other hand not only pushes them away but they disintegrate with the remains catching on fire. Something Anakin, Asajj, and Obi Wan can only feel as they are moving away from the arena. It is here that the hive suddenly erupts into flight to escape the arena at the cost of the slower Geonosians.
Blue purple lightning shot up at Revan as pure white lightning cascaded down to the arena floor. Even with the color and power difference they both held their own as each type had a difference in use. Sith lightning was more directed where as Revan used more of a Force area lightning, but as the seconds grew to a full minute Revan's expanded until he slammed into the arena floor.
"Your mastery of the Force is impressive, but I doubt you can handle the full capabilities that I can bring to bear."
"I am more than capable of fighting the likes of a pretender such as yourself. Darth Revan died thousands of years ago. You are no Darth Revan."
"We'll see." With that he charged forward so fast that had you blinked it would appear as if he teleported. Faster and faster Revan's Juyo clashed against the pure Makashi of Dooku. It was only his age that forced him to retreat as his stamina was not what it once was. Revan was breathing heavy by the time that the arena was over run by droids allowing the Count to escape. Revan then focused on the droids and a different type of lightning storm covered the entire arena as the Force ionic charge jumped from one droid to the next.
Dooku fled not only Revan but many of the Geonosians that had heard he was the cause of Poggle the Lesser dying. He barely escaped to his ship later on. Revan did not have to deal with a concentrated effort to kill him by the Geonosians, but many more of the droids. As he reached the hidden ship the Jedi Star fighters were just now landing after clearing the skies of Vulture droid starfighters. They rushed to the arena only to see the devastation of the likes of a battle that had not been seen in a thousand years. Mace came out on the balcony to find Poggle the Lesser limping away.
"What happened here?" Poggle's clicks and trills translated into only a few words as Master Windu helped him stand.
"Demons have been unleashed." Poggle pointed to the arena. Mace let him go as he looked over the devastation. Geonosians corpses and destroyed droids laid everywhere. Master Windu's comlink whistled as he pulled it from his belt.
"Mace here?"
"Knight Kenobi has been freed. Anakin and Senator Amidala are now leaving the system with him."
"Have them turn around and dock with one of the Acclamator assault ships. I want a full debrief on what happened."
"Too late master they just jumped to hyperspace."
"Fine, all Jedi regroup back at you fighters. We're leaving."
"Master Windu take this system we must." Master Yoda voiced his counter.
"No the Shatter point is not in our favor if we remain. Our pretense of being here has passed." The few Jedi that had revealed themselves vanished back inside the many passageways of the undercity. Not a single Jedi lost their life after leaving the arena area, but a few had close calls that made them rethink their chosen lightsaber form. The fleet of Acclamator ships had just now arrived in system. By Master Windu's order to retreat the First Battle of Geonosis never happened as not a single clone trooper or ship got close enough. As the fighters rocketed back to their hyperdrive rings the Republic fleet turned and jumped out of the system as a CIS fleet arrived to guard the various Lucrehulk ships that were rising from the surface.
Two ships a bit more than an hour later landed outside of the Lars Homestead. The elegant Nubia ship was contrasted by a very plain looking block of a light freighter that had seen better days.
"I still can't believe this." Kenobi nearly yelled as he came down the ramp of the ship. Anakin following right behind him.
"Master I can explain." Kenobi rolled his eyes wondering what could possibly say to fix this.
"You have been but you made a vow to the Jedi Order. I told you we needed to follow orders." Revan walked right up to Kenobi and tapped him on the forehead.
"And you allowing all of this." Revan just shook his head slowly.
"You don't get it do you?"
"I get plenty, he broke the Jedi code and will get most likely expelled if not censure for a long time."
"So let the High Council do so. It is they that do not follow the code." Kenobi looked completely shocked as his anger started to rise. It was Anakin that voiced his confusion.
"We are to follow the will of the Force in all things. I have heard of several Jedi doing just that. I also heard they never return to the Jedi Temple unless they have to. Master Fay, Master Jon Antilles, Master Nico Diath, and Master Knol Ven'nari are the only true Jedi I see."
"How can you say that? There are ten thousand Jedi Knights." Kenobi asked now that he was more puzzled then angry. Though this would not get Anakin off the hook.
"Fools all of them. The Republic has no need for Jedi Knights. Not for several hundred years since the Ruusan Reformations and the Unification Policies. You are, everyone of you, pawns to the Senate."
"Than what should the Jedi be?" Padme looked concerned but Revan felt out of all of them, she was the one who was understanding what he was after.
"The Jedi Order was there to train Force sensitives in the ways of the Force to then send them back to their birth worlds or to another as Watchmen, Consulars, and Diplomats. As healers, farmers, and guides to new worlds and settlements. We have temples around the galaxy to help the people grow and survive."
"That is what the Service Corps are for?"
"Really? When was the last time the Service Corps ever come to Tatooine?" Revan looked to Kenobi and then to Skywalker. He then looked at Padme.
"When was the last time you helped a system other than Naboo?"
"We have a successful refugee program that has aided many and it was just last month that we were able to free a few more slaves here on Tatooine." Anakin looked completely stunned. The amount of raw joy and love for Padme hit both of the other men like a wave from an ocean. It was only his Jedi social training that prevented him from rushing to her and covering her in his arms. Then the shame hit as he had not been here to help with her efforts.
"Ah then how many have you helped?"
"Not enough, but anymore and the Hutts would have got involved."
"Sounds plain to me."
"What does?" Shmi asked as she came up to the group. Cliegg was right behind her.
"We remove the Hutts." Shmi put her hand to her mouth as fear took her. Cliegg showed he was worried as he knew his wife. His frown grew as he looked at Anakin and Revan. It was Kenobi that had been rubbing his beard in thought.
"It is not our place to remove the local government. It would cause more chaos and destabilize the local sector. It is why we do not go around freeing slaves in general. It is done, but there must be a structure to replace it with."
"They can do it."
"Anakin with what funds, food, equipment and training? Sure they run things that they are allowed to, but the next crime boss would just move in."
"Well then maybe you really don't know the resilience of the people on Tatooine. You think just because us farmers let those in the city do what they want that we can't kick there ass." Cliegg spit on the ground and Anakin's eyes grew as he knew what that meant.
"I am sure if properly motivated you could do just that, but the fact you never have puts you in the same position as the Jedi." Cliegg laughed sourly at Kenobi.
"Come on inside as I have a story to tell you." Everyone walked in to the home as Cliegg continued. "I was seventeen when the Hutts moved in and took over the local government putting their thugs in place. Most of us moisture farmers didn't notice until their enforcers tried to come out into the desert and take over our farms. The first family spread the word after all their water was taken. We killed those thugs and gave back the water. The next group came and they died the slow death as we stripped them and sent them out in the wastes. Though it did not stop until we cut off all the water and food we made."
"That is a horrible way to die isn't it?"
"Not really as being sent out in a sand storm is worse. That is the quick way. The way most slaves are punished as you don't always die right away." Shmi added as she passed out glasses of tea. "Many a time we had to go out and provide mercy."
"I remember those times. We ate better the night you came back. I didn't know until just before I left. I am so sorry mom that I did not fight to get you free as well." Anakin just stared in his cup as his emotions rocked Obi Wan. Since Surik opened up their connection he could not stem the waves of emotions coming from Anakin. Emotions that he had thought he had given up long ago.
"So what happened?"
"Not much more then several dozen thugs tried to just take it from us and they failed. They soon found we would sell to the cities and stations that did not try to extort us, so they then went after them. We tried to rile up a resistance in the cities to drive out the criminals, but unlike us moisture farmers the city folk couldn't protect themselves and any resistance was met with death or slavery."
"That is a harsh reality on top of the hard life many have on this planet. For the Hutts it was so simple to just wait us out." Owen added as he pulled out a bottle that was a bit more than tea.
"So the Hutts leave you alone so long as you don't restrict the water?"
We learned the Hutts and their thugs would just take the water from those who could not afford the higher prices. If we completely cut them off most of the population on Tatooine would die or be enslaved just to survive. There are not enough fighters for that." Cliegg shook his head as he took the pro offered shot from his son.
"Even if all the farmers created a militia the Hutts would just bring in pirates and mercenaries." Beru stated. "My father would be more than willing to lead one."
"Come enough of this useless talk. My son has honored me twice. Once by coming home and another by bringing his master to me." Kenobi noticed that they shared several hand signs that meant much more as he blushed when they both looked at Padme.
"So right and I know I want to hear all about it. Kenobi you tell us how you got into that predicament, and Anakin can tell us how you got out of it." Cliegg declared as he slid a shot glass over to Obi Wan.
"Well this seems as if this is a family affair. Come Asajj let us go back to the ship." Revan got up as this was uncomfortable for him. He had lost his family and everyone he had grew up around. He had taken them to war and either they died or they turned. Only a few survived, but now even the most ancient had only read about those times.
"You are staying here. Your ship is going to be a furnace if it is not already." He then frowned, but sat back down. Asajj laughed as a shot glass was set in front of him. They should not give him drinks. He picked it up and threw it back instantly regretting it as he coughed violently.
"Someone has lost their tolerance."
"I didn't see you drinking yours yet." Revan taunted and Obi Wan slammed his back. His eyes grew as he sucked in some air and his cheeks turned red, but he only let out one little cough. All the women laughed at their boldness. So Kenobi began to tell the tale from the moment they were assigned to guard Padme. Anakin adding in a bit here and their. Almost arguing at one point. Several hours passed before the story ended with a very redacted version of Revan's fight with Dooku before they all found their beds.
"You have failed me Darth Tyranus. Not only did the war not start on Geonosis you have lost the support of the Geonosians as the Archduke thinks you tried to kill him."
"Everything was going perfectly to plan my master. This Master Surik got in the way. He is one of those wandering Jedi." Dooku was in no way going to tell him that the man claimed to be Darth Revan. Such a possibility was impossible.
"I discovered that myself, but there is nothing more than his name and assigned quarters."
"I came up with the same and there is nothing in the restricted files."
"Tell me about him, no better to shown me." Sidious moved to Dooku in a flash, but the mental attack was even worse. He gave in knowing that to resist was to loose his mind, his memories. He showed all that he could from the brief meeting as Amidala tried to negotiate to the battle in the arena. Then Sidious dug deeper as Dooku lost consciousness.
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