《Revan Between Worlds》The Course of Fate and Reports
Kenobi woke with a headache that was unforgiving. It took a good five minutes just to meditate long enough to push the pain to the side so that the water he drank would replenish his system. He took a sonic shower with his robes and that got most of the stink and sand out of them, but not all of it. He walked out of the spare room and found only Shmi cleaning the kitchen.
"You are the last one up, so that is your breakfast under the cover." She pointed to the table with the plate that was in her hand.
"Thank you and any tea?"
"No tea, but that cup will help with the hangover you are feeling. I see it in your eyes." He looked at the food not wanting to eat. Experience told he had to. The spice hit him after the second bit which got him to drink the disgusting brew she had placed next to the tray. Slowly with each bit he needed the Force less and less to handle the pain. It was as he cleared the plate with the last bit of bread that she placed a cup of tea in front of him.
"Thank you this was most unusual meal." She turns just enough to see her smile.
"Best I can do after a night drinking. If Cliegg didn't have things to do he would still be in bed."
"What about Anakin and the others?" She put the last item she had away and came to sit down with her own cup of tea.
"He was up much earlier. He and the other two Jedi meditated for nearly an hour after breakfast while Padme kept me and Beru company. They left not longer than an hour ago. Cliegg and Owen are out fixing the various vaporators that went down last night." Kenobi took a sip of his tea as it sunk in that Anakin had already left.
"Where did they go?"
"Back to Naboo. Seems they were eager even. Though he said a proper goodbye. They make a perfect pair those two. I could not ask for a better daughter in law."
"Jedi are not allowed to marry."
"Annie told me you would say that."
"Or to form attachments."
"Master Surik said that you would say that as well." Kenobi looked at Shmi as he she seemed to have a counter for everything he could say. He raised his hand as he opened his mouth, but she cut him off.
"And if it came between his happiness and the Order he would choose what makes him happy. Now if you would leave I can keep my mouth shut."
"He would leave the Order? It was everything he wanted to be."
"He has been chastised, ignored, scolded, and abandoned. Forced to call you all master knowing what that means to a former slave. No matter what you say it means, it will always be taken the other way. He told me any time he needed you, you told him to let it go, give it to the Force, or some other comment that told him you do not care. He needed your understanding and for you to teach him. Show him praise and direction to help him do the right thing and not to feel as if nothing he did was right. You never openly confronted the other masters that scolded him and did not teach him. Punishment without explanation is useless. Shall I go on?"
Her anger was rolling through the Force as if she was actively controlling it. He felt and understood more than he ever could had he not had his connection to the Force. From what he could pick up she could go on for hours. Qui Gon had told him she was a quiet woman and her strength was hidden. Now he felt her scorn that reflected only a part of the strength she had.
"We have had a difficult relationship. He is not like any other padawan."
"Then stop treating him the same."
"I have learned a lot I did not know in the last few weeks and we are working on it. More I can not promise you. You have to realize attachments can lead one to the dark side and do horrible things in their lack of judgment."
"Then be the rock he needs to tell you what is bothering him without threatening him with punishment if he does tell you. Master Surik told me that he feels Anakin can not trust you. Stop being his slave master and start being the teacher you claim to be. Now get out of my house."
Kenobi had thought he would have time for a rebuttal, but she picked up some kind of roller. He could have stopped anything she tried to do, but he did not need to infuriate her any more than he seemed to have already. He stood, finished his tea, and then bowed.
"Then I will do my best to change." It was all he could say as she raised the roller high in the air as he rushed out of the homestead. As he came out above he noticed that the only craft left was the nightmare that was Anakin's fighter.
"I need to report to the council."
Kenobi found that Anakin's fighter was a dream to fly. It had a few quirks, but it handled much smoother than the other fighters he had flown before. As soon as he went into hyperspace he fell into meditation. He needed guidance more now then ever if this other Master was not going to stop interfering. He had to find a new starting point with Anakin and perhaps just tell him everything. Their bond was stronger than ever before and it was confusing most of the time now that it had calmed down a bit. He was learning things about Anakin in bit and pieces and he needed the entire picture if he was ever to be able to understand his padawan.
It was also how he would see Anakin understanding what he was leaking to him. He had thought a lot about Satine and if his memory did not fail him he was sure he talked in length about his time on Mandalore protecting Satine. He remembered vaguely why he started talking about her was to dissuade Anakin from pursuing a relationship. Though he had a strange feeling he had only made it worse. Hopefully it might add a bit of reservation and thought to get through their emotions. For everything he had felt for her there was this knot that he had never been able to get rid of. He began to wonder if he had stayed with her what would have become of her efforts? Would he have helped or hindered her cause and that of her people?
He knew in some way had he stayed he could not have remained silent if he was to truly support her. Being older now he could only think that it would have not gone well, but on the other hand it could have. He inhale drawing the Force inside of him and accepted that this was of the past and there was no way to truly know what would have happened. At this point he lost himself to the Force letting all his worries go and urged the Force to give him the guidance to make the right decision.
As the fighter came out of hyperspace Obi Wan calmly opened his eyes being at peace for the first time in months. He piloted down and landed in the hanger allowing Arthree to land back in its berth. He wasted no time going back to his quarters showering and changing into new robes before heading straight to the council. It was dark as he walked in and nearly turned to leave before he spot Mace and Master Yoda.
"About time you showed up. Where is your Padawan?"
"On Naboo by now. He escorted Senator Amidala home. I have much more to report about Count Dooku."
"Tell us you will."
"He told me Darth Sidious controls hundreds of Senators in the Senate. The Force is telling me this is no lie. He also wanted me to join him to the point of even suggesting Master Jinn would have joined him knowing what he knows. Nute Gunray knows who this Sidious is as he was the one to influence them to attack Naboo ten years ago."
"Nute Gunray is dead along with Rune Haako. Saw their burnt corpses before I left Geonosis."
"You were there in the arena?"
"What happened there. All was saw was the dead." Mace looked at Kenobi with concern. Obi wan really could not say what happened.
"They had declared my conviction and then two lightsabers came flying out of one of the tunnels. They flew around killing every one of the guards in the arena except for a few. One of the blades freed me and I had only enough time to block the blaster bolts coming for me until I reached the tunnels. From there we ran into a never ending wave of droids. I felt the dark side pulsing above as I felt those beings die. More I can not say as we were too busy fight to really think about it. Then it was Anakin's crazy flying as we left stopped any idea of trying to pick up Master Surik. It was not until later that he had his apprentice with him, Asajj."
"Unknown to me her name is."
"I don't remember that name either."
"She is different, like a quiet smoldering fire. The only time she really talked was about her deceased master. A knight by the name of Ky Narec."
"Lost to us he was long ago. Never found he was, but felt him passing I did."
"What else can you report?"
"Master Surik is much stronger in the Force than in just combat. He somehow opened the bond between Anakin and I. It is nearly like we have merged our thoughts as it first happened. Later he taught us how to close the connection down to a more silent roar. He has taught Anakin how to meditate and Anakin showed me how as well. It is different. Refreshing, I feel as if I had just eaten and drank my fill, woke up from the best sleep, and energized in the Force ready for anything."
"Introspection that is. Can lead to vanity in can. Stop you from aging possible it is if used too much."
"It is a healing technique that helps you focus the Force and increase your endurance in battle. Outside of battle it can be addicting. Used as a crutch."
"Continue to befriend him. Do not trust him. Where is he now?" Mace asked as he looked out on the window at the night view of Coruscant.
"I do not know. What of all the droids on Geonosis? They have billions from what I understand."
"Started a war we nearly did. Accepted these clones the Republic has."
"They will at least bring us victory?" He absently stated as he also looked to the skyline of the city.
"Victory? Victory, you say?" Obi Wan turned his head back to Yoda to see for the first time sadness on the normally calm Master.
"Master Obi Wan, not Victory. The shroud of the dark side had fallen. Begin this Clone War will."
At the same time Bail Organa is standing with other Senators and the Chancellor as Clone troopers move in neat formations. Transport ships land letting out more troopers as assault ships land to be filled with these clones. He had tried to prevent this from happening, but a proposal from the most unexpected corner came from Jar Jar Binks giving the Chancellor the authority to by pass the need for the Military Creation Act.
From the reports he read of the millions of droids being loaded onto Lucrehulk core ships he could no longer resist such a measure or the fact that war was most likely inevitable. He only had one conciliation that the war did not start on this day.
In a rose-covered arbor overlooking the sparkling lake, Anakin and Padme stand before a Naboo Holy man. Threepio and Artoo stand by, watching, as the Holy man blessed the happy couple and, amid gently falling rose petals, they kiss. Padme's family rushed forward to happily accept the boy into their lives as a holo of a crying but happy mother and a stoic Cliegg holding onto his wife Shmi. He turns to her and gives her a kiss. It was a quiet affair for such a wedding, but it was not as quiet as the wedding that happened in the wee hours of the night.
Shmi thinks back to the argument she had with Master Kenobi and wondered if he would ever remember presiding over the ceremony they had right there on the farm. Then again he passed out not long after it happened. Master Surik and Asajj had left not long after and had not returned but from what she had heard from one of the other wives things would be changing on Tatooine.
Had she known what was happening she would have been a bit more worried than she was. Revan was rushing down the street, Asajj right next to him as they rushed from one thug to the next. Not a single one showed much of a challenge. She was smiling, a feral smile one that you would use as you were hunting. Hunting they were as they flew through the night killing any who would dare raise a weapon against them. Gardulla's old hotel was burning along with several other buildings. The Force had been their guide as the dark side left its mark. Mos Espa did not have a single criminal that belonged to the Hutt cartel among the living.
Revan had gathered pieces of information, offers of bribes, and other things in order for these scum to somehow survive. However, he was not in the mood for compassion for those who had none. The freighter they took from Geonosis crashed on top on Jabba the Hutt's palace as they landed meters away. It was not hard to clear the building from the top down. Jabba pleaded only for a second before being dropped down to feed his own Rancor. All that survived their wake were the slaves. Revan was not sure what the B'omarr monks were as the dark side urged him to leave them alone. This urging by the dark side made Revan decide to destroy them all.
Thousands of brain jars were found in a deep chamber. The mental assault on both their minds was nearly deadly. Had Asajj not released Force lightning in the center of the chamber they would have most likely joined these monks. Three days later they fought their way out to take a data pad filled with all of Jabba's business dealings on Tatooine. In the end there was not a single gangster left on Tatooine, Hutt or otherwise. That same nondescript freighter lifted off and traveled for the first time to Coruscant.
As they entered the system his datapad updated and he read through several messages including the full report given by Master Obi Wan Kenobi. He had to pause as he thought he was only a knight. Did that mean that Anakin was to be knighted? He turned back to the report to stop on one particular part.
"Tyranus? Asajj you did say that Count Dooku is Darth Tyranus?" She turned from the pilot chair to look back at him.
"Yes he is." He continued reading and was impressed with the depth and detail Obi Wan had used. He wished he had access to the council's notes on his report as that would reveal how they took this information. He then turned back to his report as it was going to have to be even more carefully crafted. Their was much left out about the fight with Count Dooku, though he did have a most of the fight properly explained.
The report of the elimination of the Hutt Jabba an his entire network on Tatooine was written as well, but he highly doubted he would have to use it. That would only happen if the Council had some how linked his activity to them vanishing. He just hoped that the survivors could use their donations to stabilize the planet. Then again he could always go back.
"Do you think they will accept me?"
"Keep your focus on the light side and continue to maintain your void in the Force and you will be fine." He put his datapad away as he stood behind Asajj noticing that she did have hair. He stood there until they landed in one of the hangers. As they walked down the ramp, Masters Saesee Tiin and Oppo Rancisis were already waiting for them.
"Master Surik we have heard disturbing things." Oppo declared as he stopped before the ship.
"Such things could be explained."
"Masters Tiin and Rancisis are you here for a report or just to escort me to the High Council Chamber?" They looked at each other before looking at Asajj. Rancisis began first.
"We were informed that your new apprentice was a known associate of Count Dooku." Revan mentally sighed as he looked to Tiin.
"With that we have to place her under arrest."
"Master can they really do that?" Asajj surprised him with her demure presence. Revan chuckled.
"She is my apprentice now. Come Asajj let me show you the Temple like Ky Narec would have if the Council had searched for him." Master Tiin took a step to block us as I moved to go around them.
"I knew Ky Narec. He was lost to us. No one was able to discern where he had gone. I personally spent six months looking for him, but you have to follow the orders of the council." Revan did not like this one any more than the others. He could respect their position, but she had not even been seen by the council.
"And what will happen to my apprentice if I allow you to take her away?" Something did not feel right.
"Since she is not part of the Jedi Order she will be turned over to the Galactic Army of the Republic to be held as a prisoner of war." That was it. With her intel she is a threat to this Sidious. If he does control the Senate or a good portion of it. Then there would no problem to have her silenced. He may not be right on this but he could not take the risk. Plus the Force was urging caution.
"That is where you are wrong. Knight Ky Narec took Asajj as his padawan nearly ten years ago. By that action and with no objection from the council she is a full member of the Jedi Order. As that I have taken her as my padawan I demand that proper protocol is followed. I would gladly accept your escort to the High Council to hear our reports. They will be most enlightening."
Telling them this put them off balance and they had to rush to catch back up. Revan was not going to let them take her away from him as she had a lot to get over and he had planned on a slow tour of the Temple to get her comfortable being here. It would not be a good thing if her attitude got through the calm facade she was presenting. AS they walked he felt his anger rising and had to hold it down otherwise he would truly give them cause to have her arrested. Not that he would let them as he was sure they lacked the defense needed against what Force powers he could bring to bear.
"Wait here." Master Tiin ordered as he and Master Rancisis went into the council chamber.
"It was a bad idea bringing me here."
"Perhaps, but I would rather you face this head on then have to hide. In any case I doubt once I make my report that they will be worried about you, my padawan."
"I still don't like the Jedi."
"I thought you hated them?"
"You, I don't hate. Anakin is okay for an arrogant fool. Kenobi is too full of himself with how proper he attempts to be."
"Keep your open mind I would dislike it if you closed it again."
"Yes, Master." They waited in silence that after five minutes he meditated. Asajj did as well as a member or two poked their minds out here to gauge our moods. They felt almost surprised how calm we both were. Though that was well hidden behind our voiding. A padawan opened the door and wave to us.
"They are ready for you." Revan got up and moved smoothly into the chamber stopping in the center. Asajj followed and took up a position close to my left arm.
"Masters, I would like to report on my last mission."
"Are you not here to present a rebuttal to prevent Asajj Ventress from being turned over to the military police?" Master Piell questioned.
"Not yet. My report has priority in this case and it will give you time to examine my padawan." Revan pulled out his datapad. "Now for the first point..." He started from the time he left for Tatooine, what happened there, and the rescue mission for Obi Wan Kenobi. As his report developed he presented articles and different stories that linked together and he gave his full opinion on Obi Wan's report.
"...so in conclusion the Force has guided me that though Master Dooku has fallen his revelation that Darth Sidious his new master is in control of Senate in part if not in full. That the very clone army is suspect as Padawan Asajj has admitted that Darth Tyranus is Count Dooku and Tyranus is the one who ordered the Clones to be made."
Revan felt all of the masters and most of them were furious behind their thoughts. They were most likely going to ignore what he reported and continue to use the clones and even accept to be generals for a war that would lead further along to the dark side. To him he could say he really didn't care, but there was no point in this war.
"Put together well your report was. Meditate on it I will. However, trust the truth of Dooku's words we can not."
"Ignoring them is the utmost foolishness." Revan interrupted.
"We will be watching the Senate closely, but several battles have broken out and we are ill prepared to counter the attacks." Adi Gallia stated.
"Once things have settled we will investigate the initial order for the clone army. But as it is now our hands are tied." Mace added.
"We will still need to discuss you taking Asajj as your padawan. Ky Narec was a good friend and I feel his presence in her. I move that she be formally recognized as part of the Jedi Order. This will give us time to confer and weigh the information she has provided us." Master Plo Koon surprised most of them.
"I still feel that she should be detained properly. Being an acolyte of a Sith can not be so easily escaped." Ki Adi Mundi stated without a bit of emotion. Revan could feel he cared for nothing.
"Her fate is to be discussed later. Master Revan you are to take her to the quarter master so she can be properly outfitted. You will then take her to eat if need be and then to your quarters. There you will remain until we can make a decision."
"Understood. Though I have one more point for the High Council to discuss. I may invoke the Right of Denial if you continue to allow the use of clone slaves to fight for the Republic. Slavery is outlawed as well as cloning. Such laws can not be ignored even in the time of war. Additionally the sentient that was hired to be the template was hired by a Sith, the very leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Mandalorian in question was reported to have killed six Jedi with his bare hands. If the High Council does not call for a Recusal from this war I can guarantee you will all fall."
Asajj was the first to inhale in surprise at his words. The rest of the masters either did not understand or were feeling angry. For Revan he did not care as it gained him the knowledge he was seeking. With that he could judge the High Council. Revan turned and marched for the door.
"If you invoke the Right of Denial you will have to turn in your lightsabers." Eeth Koth said halting Revan at the door.
"You will find that will not be so easily done as the last time. I do have one more thing. I have read that you have allowed the commissioning of every knight to be given the rank of general and their padawans the rank of commander. If those padawans are not of legal age for their species then that is another law you will be in violation of."
"What are you trying to do?"
"Nothing that you have not already done. I will only be following the will of the Force and it is screaming that there is more going on and you can not see it." He turned and walked out of the door with Asajj right behind him. He remained silent until they were descending in the lift.
"Blind, completely blind. In my time they were too blind to go to war and now they are too blind to see that war is not the answer. If those systems want to govern themselves then let them."
"Master, you did not give them much room did you. I will not allow myself to be arrested."
"No I have a plan for that. One that they will not be able to ignore. Come we have some supplies to gather, and a coup to plan." The door opened and he marched away from his stunned apprentice. He could feel her shock and confusion, but it slowly faded as she started to think about it.
The next few hours was getting Asajj her robes and basic gear and a few new items for their quarters. It was as if he had not challenged the High Council at all as he busied himself with getting Asajj enrolled into several classes and had her begin a placement test that she looked at as if it was beneath her but she had started it anyways and soon was lost inside the datapad.
Revan had pulled nearly six different references in the Jedi Order's charter with this New Republic that emerged from the Ruusan Reformations and he also marked all the laws that the Jedi Council would be willingly ignoring if they went along with this war.
What the council had not expected was that Revan messaged nearly every master he had spared with or talked to along with every knight that he had given a bit of instruction to or had given him their name. He had only been around for several months, but it would be enough as his challenge was solidly against the Jedi Order entering this war as combatants. That the knights and masters should decline their commissions based on the fact they knew nothing about commanding soldiers. In the end he indirectly suggested a call for the removal of every member of the High Council.
With fighting any organization you needed to use their own rules against them. He challenged every Jedi to search their feelings and that of the Force if they truly lay down their roll as a peacekeeper and pick of the banner of a soldier. He reminded them all that a Jedi is to defend and not attack and if they lead troops that is how they would have to act. That if the Senate is being controlled by a Sith then how could a Jedi in good conscious follow the orders of a government that was controlled by our very enemy.
By the time they went to eat dinner the meal halls were filled with Jedi discussing his challenge to the them and the High Council. He took Asajj on the tour he had planned before and the archives were packed full of Jedi initiates and padawans. Their knights and masters right behind them. He had expected the council to send the Temple Guard to have him arrested, but he felt that they were just too busy. The Jedi of this Order maybe cut from the same mold, but he found out they were not stupid. Nothing may come of this, but it was something that had to be done. The Force was screaming at him to stop their folly. The Emergency Powers Act was all the evidence he needed that the Chancellor was being directly controlled by this Sith or was the very Sith the Jedi failed to see.
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