《Revan Between Worlds》Diplomacy and Force Bonds
The two ships exit hyperspace at the same time. Silence holds except for a few beeps as systems adjust. A reddish planet comes into view as the ships maneuver into the atmosphere after bypassing the asteroids that ring the planet.
"So how are we going to find Obi Wan?" Padme asked over the comlink.
"We will land by the Petranaki arena. If any where that is where he will wind up." Asajj replied. Anakin felt a chill go down his spine as she answered before he said anything.
"The main thing we are going to have problems with is staying out of sight."
"I think we will go right in the front door." Revan felt all their reactions as being unreasonable.
"What?!" Anakin was the not the first that wanted to question the statement as Asajj was quicker.
"This is a planet with their own government that most likely is not with the Republic anymore. If we sneak in then several things could and will happen as once discovered it will cause a flight or fight reaction to say out of being captured. Now if we walk in the front door we get brought to the one in charge and can then negotiate for Obi Wan's release. They won't have a thing to charge us with that way and as a Senator you will have the legal authority to make a deal."
"Like that is going to work. You heard my master. Nute Gunray wants her head and I am sure he is still here."
"That is a problem and a possible advantage."
"I am not going to play prisoner."
"She is right and I don't approve."
"Padawan, you do not have the experience. I do and this will work. Maybe." Revan could feel the argument the two were having as he felt that Amidala was seriously thinking about it. A small smile formed on his face as he looked at Asajj.
"I know Count Dooku. He is a Sith though he might make a deal, but this snake Gunray will not stop until that Senator is dead."
"True, but I think I would be a much bigger prize one he can not pass up if all else fails."
"What makes you so special?"
"Nothing, but the Force." Asajj rolled her eyes not wanting to hear such a blatant statement.
"Dooku must think I failed. I felt our bond sever. He will not expect me to come back and definitely not with prisoners or a diplomatic party. Infiltration is the best course of action."
A door raises open as Count Dooku walks into the cell that is holding Obi Wan Kenobi. The force field held him stretched out and slowly turning. He looks at the young Jedi who his former dead padawan did not want to train.
"Traitor!" Dooku pauses not fully expecting such a response, but he had his words planned.
"Hello, my friend. This is a terrible mistake that has gone too far almost to the point of madness." Obi Wan resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"I thought you were the leader here, Dooku." He continued to circle and the Count continued to walk around.
"I am the leader of the CIS, but this has nothing to do with me, I assure you. Geonosis is an independent state as are all the members of the Confederacy. You broke their laws that I will petition immediately to have you set free." Obi Wan paused to think of his response and could not come up with anything useful. He needed more information.
"Well, I hope it doesn't take too long. I have work to do." Ah ever the joker to hide his fear. Yes it will not be too hard to sway him. Time for a side question.
"May I ask why a Jedi Knight is all the way out here on Geonosis?" Obi Wan did not hesitant to answer.
"I've been tracking a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. Do you know him?" Ah so he had seen something. Jango told me he had taken out a nosy Jedi. He was not one to miss. Better to mislead him here.
"There are no bounty hunters here that I'm aware of. Geonosians don't trust them."
"Well, who can blame them, but he is here, I can assure you." He knew that the Count knew Jango was here. He felt the Force nudging him that Dooku was not fully honest. The dark side was also whispering around him adding to the feeling.
"It's a great pity that our paths have never crossed before, Obi Wan. Qui Gon always spoke very highly of you. I wish he were still alive. I could use his help right now." Dooku let his grief out and hit Kenobi as he tried to state otherwise making him falter in his conviction.
"Qui Gon, would never, join you." It did not wound as strong as it could have been said. Good perhaps I can convince him.
"Don't be too sure, my young Jedi. You forget that he was once my padawan as you were once his. He knew of the corruption in the Senate, but he would never have gone along with it if he had known the truth as I have."
"The truth?" Dooku hid his smile yes I have him as he is doubting himself even more. Now to reel him in.
"What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of the Dark Lords of the Sith?" More doubt rolled of the young Jedi. Yes this might just work.
"No, that's not possible. The Jedi would be aware of it." Disbelief is a hard shell to crack as his is near the breaking point.
"The dark side of the Force has clouded their vision, blinded them. Hundreds of greedy Senators are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called Darth Sidious." The hook is even farther inside now.
"I don't believe you." Dooku pulled hard on the rod setting the hook in place.
"The Viceroy of the Trade Federation was once in league with this Darth Sidious, but he was betrayed ten years ago. He came to me for help, to tell me everything. I tried many times to warn the Jedi Council but they wouldn't listen to me. Once they sensed the Dark Lord's presence, it would then be too late. You must join me, Obi-Wan, and together we will destroy this Sith."
"I will never join you, Dooku." The Count smiled knowing he caught his fish. Either way it was a win. Too bad he did join him. Kenobi's tenacity would have been made things so much easier. He then turns to leave as he stops walking.
"It may be difficult to secure your release." He added for good measure to lock in Obi Wan's choice. As the door opens his comlink beeps.
"Yes?" A droid appears as he brings out the comlink.
"Your excellency a chromium plated ship has been spotted next to your apprentice's ship approaching the city."
"Interesting, let them land." He then turned to see Obi Wan's face reflect the sudden worry he felt through the Force before the door closed shut. He turned and instead of going to speak further with Poggle the Lesser he would meet the very Senator that Sidious wanted dead more than Gunray did, but there was a plan for her so having her killed outright was not a priority, but if it came to pass it would not spoil much. Anakin would most likely be with her and he was not going to let a potential rival live if he could help it. Even better if the Geonosians killed them both for him.
He passed over the very factories that were making droids by the hundreds. Droids that would push against the Republic and leave behind only darkness and suffering. He was fully prepared to burn the galaxy of all the greed to replace it with order and submission with only the Sith on top. He had long ago gave up removing the Sith he had hunted as he had joined them as his surprise at finding out Palpatine was the Sith that the Jedi had been looking for all these centuries. There had been another, but he was killed the same time Qui Gon lost his life. It was not a fair trade in his opinion, but one he had to accept. He walked out on the large landing field as two ships were turning around as they came to rest. Both their landing ramps came down as four Magna guard droids, several Droidekas, and a platoon of regular droids marched up behind him.
"Make a corridor for these guest to walk through. Keep the droidekas aimed at the ships. Magna with me." He ordered the droids.
"Roger, roger." The droid turned. "Make two rows facing each other." The droids started to move and Dooku ignored them. It was a risk to come out here along, but his apprentice had yet not arrived. A pair of feet appeared in the one entrance and a pair of droids in the other. Dooku reaches out with his senses and finds his other apprentice is not dead, but she has changed as her presence is more focused. The droids come down the ramp as the appeared to argue with each other. He then turns back to his apprentice and the figure next her. There is no signature in the Force from this man and one slight touch allows him to know that this man's shields are even better than Sidious's. That peeks his interest as he did not recognize this master. Though his robes were dark and oddly constructed. He looked back at the Chromium ship as a white cloak catches his eye to reveal a moment later the form of Senator Amidala with the taller figure of Anakin slightly behind her.
"I am impressed that you would greet me personally, Count Dooku." He looked at the Jedi next to his missing apprentice and found it hard that she would tolerate a Jedi so near her.
"I was just shocked at how quickly that you have appeared. Not that you will be able to do much here Senator. Geonosis is not a part of the Republic."
"It is not that easy, Count. You know as well as I do that the Unification Policies are still in full effect. Until they are repealed not one system can voluntarily leave the Republic."
"Perhaps there is something that can come out of this, but I assure you Geonosis has never been a part of the Republic. Your presence here might help out one the Jedi Order's own. Seems Master Obi Wan Kenobi was caught spying and reporting back to the Jedi Council."
"My master is no spy!" Anakin moved forward only to be stopped by Revan's hand.
"Anakin Skywalker is it? My my, you have grown. The last message I ever received was from Qui Gon on how he discovered you."
"He was a great Jedi, not a traitor like you."
"Harsh words young padawan, but Qui Gon might as well have been my son as he was my padawan so long ago. He would have been a good master for you had he not lost his life."
"Count Dooku Obi Wan Kenobi is an officer of the Republic. I formally request that you turn him over to me, now." This was the fiery Senator he had seen on the Holovids.
"I am truly sorry, but he will most likely be convicted of espionage, Senator. The penalty of such a crime is death."
"You can't do that."
"No I can not and I did make my opinion clear, but the Geonosians do not recognize the Republic here.
"This feels all nice and I am not one for playing politics as it never was my style, but you have someone we want freed. What we need to find out is what you want in exchange."
"You are?" Dooku had a sudden dislike of this Jedi. He talked like he was a leader a commander. One who was followed without question. A dangerous combination as he stood in front of Ventress. A position telling he trusted her fully.
"Rey Van Surik and this is my apprentice. Formally belonging to a Tyranus." He shot a look at Ventress hoping she could hear his mental promise. By how she took a step back as her arms twitched told him she understood.
"I see though I have not met a master of your caliber in a long time and I know all the current masters of the Jedi Order."
"I never said I was part of the Jedi Order." This claim was the pure truth as it shocked Dooku as much as the claim shocked the young Jedi and even the Senator. Asajj confirmed this as she laughed in her way that annoyed him.
"As far as I can see the only chip to secure Kenobi's freedom is the Senator herself. Viceroy Gunray is on planet and if she is seen there will be no stopping him. It is that or that the Chommell sector perhaps just the system of Naboo to join our alliance would promote enough clemency."
"That is not going to happen." Anakin's protectiveness flared as he stepped in front of Padme.
"Jedi Skywalker you are not helping." Padme scolded him as she turned back to the count. She was truly considering this, but she knew the queen would never allow it even if she could rationalize it to be in the benefit of Naboo.
"The ideals are still alive Count, even if the institution is failing."
"And failing indeed. The Chancellor means well, M'lady but he is just one being. In the last ten years nothing has changed it has just gotten worse. It is only a matter of time before even the pretext of democracy is gone."
"I can not believe that. Your treaties with these big corporations and commerce guilds are not government. It is business becoming government. There is no freedom there."
"Then I am afraid there is little I can do. Though tomorrow you might have a window in freeing him during his execution. I suggest you do not tarry my control of these droids is limited to these few. The planet is covered in them." Count Dooku turned and walked away smiling. He got the feeling of despair from Amidala as she would have to sacrifice herself for a Jedi which made Skywalker despair at the thought of loosing her and loosing his master. He felt Asajj's fear as he had no need to tell her what her fate would be.
Only this Rey Van Surik was a mystery. This mysterious stranger was dangerous. His power well hidden from the boy, but Dooku was not a master for nothing. He saw his stance, that a warrior and not a Jedi. Perhaps he had given his speech to the wrong Force user as that man would have no problem joining him even if Dooku had to follow him instead of Sidious. Such a strange thought one he felt he needed to meditate about. He could feel them talking as he reached the nearest door back back into the hive compound. They would be very foolish indeed.
Jango Fett removed his buy'ce in all his time alive he had never had such a feeling before. He had recognized not only Senator Amidala her droid and Asajj Ventress, but the padawan Anakin Skywalker. He was also sure that the boy would hunt him as he hunted the girl. It was the unknown being that bothered him the most. It was as if the Ka'ra was telling him something. Something about his voice that brought him to think back to Jaster Mereel as he was being taught about the Resol'nare and the history of Mand'alor and the Mando'ade.
The man had barely moved and barely spoke, but his hands were always moving, and they spoke as if he knew that he was being watched by a Mandalorian. It was the same hand signals he had been teaching his son and many more that had little meaning on the battlefield, but had been a part of learning the Resol'nare from the armorers. Who was this man who dressed like a Jedi but stood like a warrior. He even wore Beskar under armor of the Neo'crusaders which was nearly impossible to recreate. He shook his head as they walked away as the last thing signed meant 'I'll be back.' For this Jango rushed back to the ship.
Revan and Asajj left the bucket that she had been flying behind as Padme's ship was much better. Anakin had not been too happy with the change as Revan was sure this boy was madly in love with the Senator. Not something he was going to get in between, but he would have a word with him later. Instead of leaving the planet they landed in an exhaust stack. As Padme was shutting down the ship Anakin turned around as Asajj dropped her hood to clean her mouth after eating something. Their eyes met and suddenly Anakin had his ignited lightsaber out.
"Get that thing out of my face." She calmly ordered.
"You're a Sith."
"No I am fallen."
"She is fallen and you will put your lightsaber away, Skywalker." Anakin's rage spikes as Revan pulls his hood down.
"She is dangerous. Did she trick you or something."
"Padawan Skywalker she is my padawan now and she is going to reform. So no she is not a danger to you. Not any more and I am fully in her mind not the other way around."
"How can I trust you?"
"Asajj sleep." The nightsister suddenly slumped in her chair and slipped off to settle on the floor in a very uncomfortable position.
"You can do that?" Padme was completely shocked as she rushed to the other girl and straightened her out. Which did not wake her up at all.
"Yes, that is what a training bond is for. Does not Kenobi have the same power over you?"
"Our bond is nothing like that we share a few emotions and such. Maybe a word meaning, but he can't just put me to sleep."
"Then you do not trust him and he never trusted his master and on and on or was never taught properly to form their bonds." Anakin shut off his lightsaber looking confused but thinking hard as he sat down. Padme set something under Asajj's head before she returned to her seat.
"So what now?"
"We infiltrate this place so we are in position to rescue your master in the morning. Asajj get up."
"Yes master, and how did I get on the floor?"
"You slid down. Asajj's how well do you know this city hive?"
"I can get from Count Dooku's suite to the hanger bays. I do have a map." She pulled out her datapad and after a bit of tapping she displayed a 3D version of the complex underneath the ship. From there they discussed several different routes and most likely holding cells. All were centered around the court of sentencing and the Petranaki Arena. It took several hours to come up with something that was workable.
"Good now Padme you need to take a nap while the three of us meditate."
"Meditate we should have gone several hours ago."
"We do not know where your master is because you do not know where he is. So you are going to meditate on your bond and I am going to try to follow it. Asajj is going to be meditating using the light side techniques to guard our position to rouse us if those droids find this ship too early."
"I don't know if I can trust her."
"You don't have a choice. How can I know to trust you?"
"He does have a point Anakin. I going to take a nap." Padme walked out of the small lounge as Anakin watched her leave until she was out of sight. He then sighed as he shifted into a more comfortable position. He knew he would not be able to meditate not while his master was in danger.
"Okay let us begin." Master Surik nodded as Anakin looked at him and he saw the man's eyes shift just before his mind touched his. Then his shields were attacked from dozens of different directions at once. He drew on the Force, but as he added strength to them they just shattered that much faster. He tried to pull his eyes away and failed as they closed without his permission he heard the fallen girl giggle wickedly.
"Can you hear me?" Surik sounded in his mind.
"Yes and get out."
"In time now this is proper mental communication and I am going to teach you the next meditation technique." He did not wait for Anakin to give him permission as he dove right passed his broken shields. Then Anakin realized his shields were down. He should have thought it was a trap as his mind leaped over to the master's. There he was shown over and over again several meditation techniques and the one being used against him was not one of them. It slowly merged together with a partial link to Asajj as in some strange way they started to think with the same thoughts.
"Good, excellent, now search for your master's bond with you." Anakin did without any resistance and pulled on it like a rope feeling the frustration of his master as he needed to relieve himself and unable to. This made Anakin smirk at the same time he felt the urge to go. Surik on the other hand took the bond out of his hand and pulled the string open like it was this ever expanding hose.
"Anakin are you outside the door? Get me out of here come on hear me."
"I hear you fine master, but I am only on the same planet."
"How is this possible?" Kenobi spoke out loud in new frustration.
"Master Surik is with me. He well opened our connection."
"That should be impossible. Did you relay my message?"
"We did even tried to get you freed, but Count Dooku wanted Naboo to secede from the Republic to get you free."
"Dooku is a Sith. I am sure of it. He told me there is another on Coruscant."
"I felt his darkness. He has yet to fully chose the dark side or fully fall as he is still in control, but that could be an act."
"Master Surik how can you talk to me as well?"
"Obi Wan there are abilities that must have been lost and only forcing them on you will you learn. It is how Anakin should have been learning from you. By example is best to learn to use the Force. Now that your bond is open and I have passed the knowledge on to you. You will always know where your master is or where you padawan is. It can be closed or blocked to maintain privacy."
"It can?" Anakin was worried that Kenobi would know what he had been feeling for Padme and then these emotions that were very similar flowed into his mind of some woman named Satine.
"Anakin think of the code!"
"Obi Wan you should too!"
"Now you both have girlfriends one in the past and one current. I trust you both can do your duty?" Surik chastised them both. "You are not the first Jedi to fall in love and you will not be the last or they might not be the last lover you have either. You can contemplate your feelings later when you are at peace and not when duty calls. As master and apprentice you can not have any secrets from each other. This applies to both of you outside of learning different techniques you might not be ready for. The code is a guideline not a law."
"Yes master." He heard from both of them.
"Good and can you find your master now?"
"Yes Master Surik."
"Excellent now teach your master the meditation techniques I showed you. We leave in an hour to get him." Revan broke his connection to Anakin and entered Asajj's mind to let her know what was going on. She was fully floating in the light side of the Force and it was a start to getting her back into balance. He increased his presence in the Force diving deeply to feel the currents of this planet. It was then he felt that things were going to affect the entire galaxy.
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