《Revan Between Worlds》Reunions of Several Flavors
Dooku felt it as he sat at a desk. It was a punch to his chest as the bond he had formed with Ventress had snapped. Like a light going out she was gone. He sighed as he tugged at the bond he had with Sev'rance Tann. She would know what that meant as his comlink beeped once. He picked it up even knowing what it said.
"On the Way, Master. Unlike her I will not fail." She better not Dooku thought. No matter he thought as he got up and moved to the viewing ledge. He had the exact words to say to the representatives of the various corporations coming later on.
Anakin walked up to the old shop that he had spent so much time inside of as a slave. It somewhat surprised him that there was some type of line to get in. One door held a line fifty deep and another showed beings leaving with arm loads or droid loads of parts. Business had never been this busy. Padme was standing next to him closely and he did not mind. She provided a cooling sensation even if she heated him up with her kiss. She held on to his hand meant more than anything in the galaxy. For as long as the line was it was moving quickly. In less than an hour they entered into the shop which was cold enough to shiver.
"Chut, chut, Watto."
"I have no time for you. Go find something you want and buy it. Going out of business." Anakin was sure he did not hear right, and as the next being shoved him to the side and Watto suggesting a price that was way lower than he would ever charge and the being then talked him down further.
"Mi boska di Shmi Skywalker." Watto waved the next customer up.
"I sold her, go talk to Lars he by her, but you're not the only one to ask about her."
"Ten wupiupi." Watto held out his hand to take the coin for a part that would have gained him a hundred.
"Who where?" Watto handed him a tablet that seemed stuck on the coordinates of some homestead out in the middle of the wastes.
"Friends of you Jedi. Not very nice both tortured me the other hissed that she was Sith. If you are like them then do me the favor and just kill me." Saying the word Jedi got the ones inside to look at Anakin and his visible lightsaber and the word Sith got them to all rush out in fear. Padme held to Anakin closer and gasped as a few had not left but drawn blasters. Anakin wanted to draw his lightsaber and attack them but Padme was her and her safety was paramount. He thought for a second and wondered what Obi Wan would do.
"You want to go home." He pushed hard on their minds through the Force
"I want to go home." four of the five, put their blasters away and left leaving one shaking in their boots. With a flick of his hand the blaster flew out of the being's hand and to Anakin's.
"You can keep it." The Rodian spoke in his own language before racing after his friends. Anakin followed the being with his eyes.
"Nothing probably not him. Watto what did you mean I should kill you?"
"Both of them tortured me. The first some how healed me the other didn't." He tapped his healed leg, but also pointed to the distinct markings as if he got struck by lightning. The branching burns were as pretty as they were disturbing as they cover nearly every inch of his exposed skin. For the Toydarian was only wearing a light thin vest that Anakin had only ever seen him sleep in. This finally alarmed him as he glanced at the datapad again.
"My mom is in danger." He pulled Padme out of the shop and did not slow down until they were getting into their ship. It took a minute for Padme to catch her breath as Anakin flipped switches with his hands and the Force.
"A Sith like the one that killed Qui Gon Jinn?"
"That or worse." The ship lifted off and then rocketed away hitting the speed of sound just at the edge of the city. This rattled the walls of every hovel around for a kilometer.
Thirty minutes later Anakin came out of the ship with his lightsaber already lit. He had expanded his presence in the Force and was just now feeling the life forms inside the homestead. He locked onto his mother as the only presence he recognized before another a bit further away revealed itself.
"Master Surik?"
"An older master. Really strong one of the wanderer Jedi. He defeated Master Windu and Master Yoda in a duel." Anakin reached out as he turned his saber off to let Master Surik know that danger was near. All he got back was a laugh in the Force not unlike a giggle. As they got to the stairs Master Surik came out of a side building with a hooded figure.
"If you are looking for assassins then I found her. That is there was only you?"
"I was the only one sent."
"Good, now Anakin your mother is waiting for you. Something about making your favorite dessert."
"Pally pockets." Forgetting that Master Surik was somehow with an assassin he ran to the door he had pointed at dragging Padme with him.
"Don't tell me that is the Chosen One and his girlfriend? I thought Jedi could not have lovers."
"Oh we can have lovers. Spouses is another story. A spouse is the type of attachment that can divide a Jedi's loyalty, but could also ground them to protect those he loves. It is a fine line that few can follow. One I used many times to turn one away from the light side of the Force. Only the strongest could resist and that was true love."
"How disgusting."
"Come you have much more to tell me and I you."
"Time travel, do I really need to know?"
"Perhaps not." The two went back into the repair shop leaving the family reunion to the family. It was several hours before dinner had been finished. Anakin had his arms in the air telling of one of his adventures.
"So there was my master screaming in panic after he had jumped down not realizing the cave we were in was the nest of a family of Gundarks." Padme had heard this story already so was not completely paying attention when her comlink vibrated. She pulled it out and read the message from Artoo.
"Artoo has a message from Master Kenobi. He says he is in trouble."
"Is it serious?" Shmi wondered as concern crossed her face for only a second as it could not reduce her joy at having her son with her all grown up.
"Knowing my master it can be, but I am sure it is nothing we can't handle. We better go listen to it." Padme and Anakin got up together.
"Yes, it was so nice to meet you all." Padme said as Anakin moved closer to his mother.
"You are coming back inside if you have to go?" Beru asked.
"If it is serious then he would have to go. We will see them again. Stay safe and I want to be at the wedding." Cliegg declared. Padme turned very red and Anakin froze as he was hugging his mother.
"Cliegg shame on you." Shmi scolded as Anakin released her looking as red as Padme. They shared a glance that did not lessen the level of embarrassment they were showing.
"What?! I am not blind."
"Papa, he is a Jedi and she is a Senator." Owen reminded him.
"So? Big deal doesn't mean they love each other. I loved your mother and I love Shmi just as much, but if I let her being a slave dictate on whether I should date her then I would be still miserable and not one happy man."
"You're right. I apologize. If Beru was a Senator I would still love her."
"I love you Ani don't do anything foolish saving Master Kenobi. Show him you can handle duty and family. I am so proud of you all grown up." Anakin hugged his mother again and she kissed him on the forehead after pulling his head down. She let him go to hug Padme and refused to cry until the door shut. Then she let the tears flow as her boy was worth the loss of water. Anakin had trouble holding his tears as well as he was sad and ashamed to show such emotion not just in front of Padme, but in front of Master Surik and this bald female as they came out at the same time though he was hopeful they did not see as it was getting dark.
"I have a message I need to view on my ship. Probably nothing."
"If it was nothing the Force would not of told me it is time to go. I will listen with you, but I will not interfere unless I have to."
"Yes, master."
"Rey or Rey Van. You can leave the master for when we are with others."
"Revan? Why does that sound familiar?"
"Don't know Anakin." He winked making the boy's frown grow. Revan knew he had not said the two names together, but the Force and the boy was not stupid. He looked to Asajj as she just shrugged. Anakin turned and headed up the stairs with Padme in tow.
"I really don't like him."
"He'll grow on you like a fungus, cause I am sure he is a fun guy." He felt her roll her eyes even with her hood concealing everything. He then pointed in the direction they went and followed her. Revan was many things and he was very aware that this girl could turn on him, but what she didn't know is that the bond they shared was way more open then she knew. They entered into the other ship followed by the ever curious droid, Threepio. Before they have a chance to sit down the holocom becomes active. Obi Wan is suddenly there.
"Anakin, my long range transmitter has been knocked out. Send this message to Coruscant." Padme turns and reaches over to a control board and taps on one of the screens to transmit the message. The signal shows another connection as another screen shows the council chambers coming into focus.
"Padawan Skywalker has something happened to the Senator?" Master Windu asked.
"No master we have a message from my master. Playing it now." A double image appears in the council chamber of Obi Wan.
"I have tracked the bounty hunter Jango Fett to the droid foundries on Geonosis. I was able to view several corporate leaders in conference with Count Dooku. As of right now the Trade Federation is to take taking delivery of a droid army here and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala."
Anakin and Padme share concerned looks and then look to Asajj who still had her hood up. Revan was wondering what was truly going on as there was a lot more that the news and his access to the holonet had excluded. He felt the concern crossing the members of the Jedi Council as Asajj quietly sneered.
"The Commerce Guilds and Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an... Wait!... Wait!" The view changed to show several Droidekas rolled in and opened fire as soon as they unfurled. In seconds the view goes out as Obi Wan's fighter is destroyed. Revan watches the exchange of looks between master Yoda and Mace Windu
"More happening on Geonosis, I feel, than has been revealed."
"I agree." Mace replied. "Anakin, We will deal with Count Dooku. The most important thing for you is to stay where you are. Protect the Senator at all costs. That is your first priority."
"Understood, Master." The hologram switches off.
"That was sudden. I did not even get to report the threat to Senator Amidala is passed or that your mother was targeted as well, young Skywalker." Padme is looked at the readout on the ship's control panel as Anakin looked confused and held a hint that his anger was rising. Revan held back a smile that Asajj was enjoying. They were very much alike in how they reacted.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh relax padawan and open yourself to the Force. Asajj tell him."
"Do I have to? He is feeling so good right now."
"I do not think taunting him will gain you any favor Asajj."
"Very well, master. Darth Tyranus gave me an order to find and kill Shmi Skywalker. Master Surik convinced me that was a bad idea."
"He was right. They would be be nothing to stop me from hunting you down."
"Oh so Jedi like."
"Asajj, be nice. Anakin focus on the code I showed you. Regain your focus and maintain control."
"If I must." They both said together causing Revan to chuckle. Padme cleared her voice and got everyone's attention.
"They'll never get there in time to save him. They have to come halfway across the galaxy. Look, Geonosis is less than a parsec away." She started to hit buttons and flick switches. Anakin puts a hand over hers, which stopped her. She then stared at him.
"If he's still alive."
"Use your bond with him. I feel he is alive you should too."
"I do feel it, but by the time we get there and then find out where he is they could kill him."
"Annie, are you just going to sit here and let him die? He's your friend, your mentor."
"He's like my father, but you heard Master Windu. He gave me strict orders to stay here."
"He gave you strict orders to protect me, and." Padme pulled her hand free and ran her hands over the controls until the engines fire.
"I'm going to save Obi-Wan. So if you plan to protect me, you will have to come along."
"I suggest before you take off on letting us out. I believe someone will know just where to land and has the proper clearance codes." They all look to Asajj and she sigh loudly.
"Fine but I am flying and you will follow my ship closely."
"Not a problem it will be as if I am attached." They both grin as Revan and Asajj leave the ship. Within a minute the other ship comes alive and the Lars come out of the homestead to wave. Anakin held back his emotions as he waved back as both ships rose up together before rocketing up into the air. A minute later a series of sonic booms roll across the dry valley leaving a happy yet sad mother to cry into the silence.
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Хүргэн ахаас хайрт минь болсон түүх. Гэхдээ би хүргэн ах минь байсан гэдгийг мэдээгүй. BXB бичвэр уншдаггүй болон lgbtq хүмүүсийг дэмждэггүй хүмүүс уншаад хэрэггүй байх. :))
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