《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 23 Evolution


The system went on to explain to me how the new feature worked, and that when a stat reaches the limit, by spending EVO points and DNA points - If required - I can further enhance the desired stats. Rarely would I use my brain properly, but this situation doesn't allow me to be so casual. Even ants in these god-forsaken lands can kill me. Putting the sub-status away I brought up the main-status and contemplated over what was the best stat to improve right now.

[If it is too difficult to decide right now, I suggest checking your evolutionary path.]

Confused. I stared at the air questioningly for a moment, still thinking about what to improve. Not finding a definite answer right now, I sighed and brought up the Evolutionary path. However, there wasn't an actual interface for it anymore since it was split into passive and active evolution. Instead, it was replaced by a question with a yes or no option.

[Next stage of Evolution available. Does the host want to begin Evolution?]

[Note that the next stages of your evolution require a safe environment.]

『What happened to the options to choose from?』

[It has been removed because of the active option.]

The removal of the options was certainly a devastating revelation and the fact that what the system meant by this, was that passive evolution is random. Which means I can't choose what I want to evolve into next. But it did mention that it wasn't something to worry about too much since there won't be drastic changes. The next evolution is based on my current abilities. Because I'm heavily focused on stealth, speed, and attack, it obviously won't evolve me into a tank like Jun. But another problem arose with this new feature. What about the DNA I've already obtained thus far?

[That is where the Active Evolution comes in. The host can evolve minor parts with the DNA points acquired. Though if you wanted a major change...]

『I'll need more EVO and DNA points right?』


『Okay... I understand now.』

Making up my mind, I resolutely accepted to evolve right now. Touching the stub that was my amputated arm, I hoped that with this new evolution I'd be able to recover the lost limbs.

[Commencing Evolution...]

I felt a little dizzy and my senses became a little distorted causing me to lower myself closer to the ground. Unfortunately, doing so didn't help one bit and the slight movement only made me more disoriented.

The first of the changes across my body was the developing crown-like head crest. The dorsal spines that were curved backward, were now straightened into a sharp point, not dissimilar to needles, and now numbered to six of them. My overall size had no drastic changes to it, keeping the smaller and streamlined appearance. A bonus was the regrown limbs which I graciously welcomed.


My exoskeleton appeared more like pristine armor having only key locations that were hardened. Specifically; my forearm, shoulders, torso, thighs, and shin. The other areas that weren't equipped by 'armor' appeared like an elastic latex material.

And lastly, my most important assets; Claws and tail. I drew a line on the ground to test them out but to my surprise, my claws were met with no resistance at all. When I focused on the mark I felt signs of corrosion. I then focused my attention on my claws to discover a very thin green layer wrapped around them. It was almost invisible if you didn't focus on it, which was perfect since such something so flashy would be disadvantages for stealth attacks. This leads me to the conclusion that it was my acidic blood that added to my already sharp claws. My tail also had the same green layer covering the serrated blade.

I was now finally able to use the points I've obtained since my stay here. When I wanted to assign points to an already maxed out stat, a prompt alerted me asking whether I wanted to spend '1 DNA point and 1000 Evo points to break the limit'. I denied it since I didn't have many points right now.


Titles: Challenger - Princess

Name: Juno

Race: Chaos Alien

Height: 8.5ft

Length: 17-20ft

STR: 100/100 (650+100)

END: 100/100 (450+100)

DEX: 100/100 (700+100)

VIT: 100/100 (300+100)

WIS: 10/10 (115+10)

EVO points: 2,687 -> 2,277

DNA points: 24

I brought up the sub-status and agreed to spend the extra DNA/EVO points to reset the limit. It was a must since even insects have tough shells, larger species would undoubtedly have stronger ones too.


Claws: 100/100 (110)

Tail: 10/10 (10)

Inner Jaw: 10/10 (10)

Acidic Blood: 10/10 (10)

Echolocation: 10/10 (10)

EVO points: 2,277 -> 1,177

DNA Points: 24 -> 23

The stalactites hanging on the ceiling were extremely hardened excrements from the glowing worms, mixed with an unknown metallic substance; probably the food that they ate in the walls. Anyways, the stalactites were very durable and sturdy, creating sparks whenever I slashed at them with my claws. But now, when I whipped my tail to one of the stalactites, it was cut in half and fell into the lake with a loud splash.


『I can finally eat some meat! No more bugs for dinner!』

Juno who was giddily hissing to herself didn't pay attention to her surroundings. As she was sitting there, two figures appeared in the shadowy entrance to the cavern. When they saw her idling about and not moving, they looked at each other and nodded, preparing the tools they brought.


They were the familiar humans that Juno had escaped from a few days ago. What she didn't expect was for them to follow her trail relentlessly. The two were well aware of the changes regarding Juno's appearance but weren't phased much by it since there were many other creatures in Chaos that could rapidly grow and evolve many times faster than a Xenomorph.

For simplicity, we'll call them Challengers A and B. Adventure A, who created fireballs, was chanting something while adventurer B steadied the arrow on his bow. There was a metal canister at the tip of the arrow replacing the arrowhead.

If the two had come before her evolution, it would've been an easy catch. But now that she had evolved and enhanced her stats, there's no telling what the outcome would be...

Challenger B fired his arrow first which when it was a few meters away from Juno's body it exploded open into a net ready to encapsulate her.


Juno's tail flickered leaving a blur behind and sliced the net cleanly in half. Challenger B was a little surprised since that net was made of a material stronger than steel. Challenger A had finished preparing and 'threw' the large fireball which was 5 meters big, almost taking up half the space in the cavern, towards Juno's position.


When the fireball landed where she was, a large explosion occurred inside the Cavern causing it to rumble and shake furiously. The cavern wasn't very big which caused the explosion to suck in most of the oxygen inside. Stalactites fell from the ceiling and a constant sound of splashing water and crackling fire filled the cavern.

"Hey, don't you think you overdid it?"

"Er... maybe?"

"Tsk, then what should we do if most of it is reduced to atoms!"

"Well, let's just sell whatever left"

"But it cut my net in half, the losses would outweigh the profit"

"Yeah yeah, then we'll just split it 6:3 to yo-"

Challenger A had suddenly stopped talking and stared wide-eyed at challenger B. Staring at each other uncomfortably, challenger B was about to ask what's wrong but the man's head before him tilted slowly and fell off his shoulders.


Earlier, Juno had dived into the lake to escape the explosion and waited it out for a while. Listening in on their conversation, she snuck out and hid behind the erupting flames. She crept up the walls and along with the ceiling until eventually, she stopped above the two blabbering on about profits and whatnot. Sensing the small opening in the man's armor, she slashed her tail across his neck, easily separating his head from his body.

The lonely challenger wasn't an amateur and had already pulled the bowstring back, firing an arrow that was covered in a blue layer.


The arrow hit the ceiling creating another earth-shaking explosion. The already crumbling cavern was now falling apart and ready to bury the thee underground. Juno who managed to escape the arrow continued to hide in the shadows and initiated a hit and run tactic. Mere seconds passed and the challenger's leather armor was torn to shreds, his appearance was a mess and fear covered his face.

"You fucker! Come out! Fight me head-on you stupid beast!"

The man continued to scream historically, shooting his arrows whenever he sensed me approaching or hiding nearby. He found me almost 100% of the time, which I wondered if he had a type of detection ability.

『Detection magic?』

It probably was something similar. But it didn't matter. The cavern was crashing down on them and had already buried the headless challenger. The still alive and kicking challenger was panting heavily and had run out of arrows. Seeing this, I leisurely walked up to him avoiding the falling rocks until I stood before him who was kneeling.

"Hah. Go ahead, kill me"

The challenger calmly said with a smile on his face.

『Such a cliche』

I mused to myself and slashed his hand off that was reaching for something behind him. I didn't know what it was, but usually, in these developments, it wasn't something good. Like a trump card or a bomb, I wouldn't gain anything from allowing him to use it.


He groaned quietly before losing consciousness. I had struck him from the back of the head to knock him out, then carried him in my arms and escaped the collapsing cavern. By the time I exited through the crevice I came through some time ago, the sun was starting to set and the rocky terrain created a rather loud noise.

Glancing around and sniffing (sensing) the air, I ran off into the woods, far away from this place, and in search of a place to stay temporarily.

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