《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 22 System's Final Form


[Removing the unidentified entity...]

[Who authorized you to operate in Chaos?]

[Unable to remove the unidentified entity.]

[Identifying the unknown entity... The unknown entity is identified to be a sentient form of Chaos energy.]

[Possible solution found. Commencing assimilation with the chaotic energy.]

[Hey tin can, answer me!]

[Assimilation successful. Forcefully absorbing the sentient chaos energy.]

[Absorbing... what? H-hey stop that!-]

The System successfully absorbed the sentient chaos energy with not much hard work as the entity was almost 100% entirely made of energy, something the System is more than familiar with in extraction and use. With the entity fully assimilated into the system, it can now operate normally.

[48% of the System Interface has been corrupted. Repairing and reconstructing the System Interface...]

Quietly, the system repaired itself, and with the large energy, it had acquired from the thus it changed a few things around with the System Interface. This may sound like it took a while to do, but in reality, it only took several seconds. Relieving Juno from the agony she was currently in, it waited patiently for her to wake up. But, why does it feel like something is different about it? The System scanned itself several times but found no abnormality, only that the chaos energy was more active and pure than it was before.


『Ugh... what happened』 Juno who was lying on the floor stopped violently tossing around and was breathing erratically until it slowed and calmed down. She slowly sat up and shook her head slightly, speaking to herself.

[You fell unconscious due to the rampant energy within your body. The cause of it was entirely my fault as I was unprepared for the unexpected arrival of a strange entity.]

『Huh? Oh yeah, you did mention something about an unidentified entity, but it was hard to understand. But, something seems wrong... What about the objective?』 She asked slowly walking into the underground lake a few meters away. The cold water made her feel refreshed and woke her up from the small sleepiness she was feeling.


[The System Interface has undergone a change while you were unconscious. The Objectives feature has been removed. The Evolutionary Path's feature has been changed. The Traits feature has changed to Skills. And two new additional features; Limit Breaker and Sub-status.]

Listening to the Systems messages in her head, she left the lake after catching a fish for a quick meal. 『Please explain them to me』

[Based on the Hosts' behaviors and habits, the Objectives feature was seen redundant by the System and was thus removed entirely. I have also noticed the difficulties in the host's evolution progress. Instead, the Evolutionary path now has two options; Passive and Active Evolution.]

[Active Evolution is choosing to improve the sturdiness of your exoskeleton or the sharpness of your claws and tail.]

By asking more questions about 'active evolution' I found out that it wasn't simply limited to just my external appearance. I can essentially improve and/or evolve any part of my body. But with every improvement, more Evo points or DNA points are required.

[Passive Evolution is the hosts' natural growth. When all stats have reached the limit, the host will further evolve into the next stage of their evolution and will have choices to choose their next stage depending on their current abilities and stats.]

Basically, this option is no different from the old Evolutionary path. The main change is with the active evolution which allows me to change and evolve things that I wasn't able to do before. The only difference to the previous evolutionary path was that this one now had the ability to actively change specific areas.

『That... makes sense』

[Skills are the characteristics unique to the host mostly through active evolution. By obtaining the unique DNA from other creatures, the host can use active evolution to acquire the same or similar skill(s).]


This came as a surprise to me which caused me to almost choke on the half-eaten fish in my hand.

『Wait! Does this means I can shoot fireballs if I ate the strange human I met?』

[No. The human used both internal and external forces to create the fireball, which was not entirely a part of the humans' ability.]

『. . .』

The System poured a cold bucket on my head with that revelation. I was a little bummed out by that, but it wasn't like I was desperate and wanted to play with magic, no way...

The System went on to explain how it worked. When the human-created the fireball, the energy in the air would create the desired form the user wanted. So it is a must to be able to wield both internal and external forces. Even though she might be able to control the external forces in the future, she's still unable to control the internal force. Ironically, the System was able to control the internal force but was unable to do so for the external force as it would absorb everything automatically. This means, as you guessed it, neither the host nor the system could use the so-called magic demonstrated by the human.

『That's so unfair! I thought you were supposed to assist us in our evolution? Why does it now seem like you're hindering us instead!』

[I'm sorry...]

As I was used to the system ignoring redundant questions or casual remarks, I wasn't expecting it to apologize at all which stunned me for a few seconds. It was now that I realized what it was that felt wrong, it was the Systems tone of speech. If I had eyes, I would be squinting suspiciously at the air right now.

『Is there really no way to be able to use magic?』

[If the host is able to obtain the DNA of a life form that can wield both internal and external forces, it is possible to evolve so that the host can simulate such a phenomenon.]

『Ugh... this is hurting my head, then what about the other features?』

[Limit Breaker is a part of the Active Evolution Feature. When an individual stat has reached the limit, the host can break past the limit using EVO points and the required DNA points.]

What it means is that if I wanted to improve my defense, I needed DNA that belonged to a species focused on defense such as the boar I first saw when entering this world. Or for dexterity, I could use the DNA from the Blood Leaves.

[Sub-status focuses closer on the hosts' important areas such as claws, tail, inner jaw, exo-skeleton, and any other future details]



Claws: 10/10

Tail: 10/10

Inner Jaw: 10/10

Acidic Blood: 10/10

Echolocation: 10/10

EVO points: 2,687

DNA Points: 24

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