《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 24 Awakening



"Brother! They've found us!" A panicked voice entered my ears while I was playing a very old game. It wasn't the best, but it was very cheap on the market, almost free in fact. Pausing the game, I took off my headphones and met eyes with my anxious sister who just barged into the room.

"Who's here?"

"The association..."

I left my chair in hurry upon hearing that word and rushed towards the window, peeking out of the blinds. Several floors below was ground level and a group of normal-looking people walked into the entrance of the apartment building we were residing in.

"We're leaving"


They didn't take much with them. Just a few things that were absolutely necessary.

Several floors below

"What room are the twins staying in"

"They've been staying in room 303 for the past 2 months"

"Very well. You two, come with me, the rest of you will block off all exits and surround the building"

"Yes sir!"

They all split up and obeyed their orders swiftly, while the three of them entered the elevator. On second thought, the leading figure decided to back away from the elevator and walked towards the staircase.

"Uhh.. sir?"

"Just a hunch"

Back to ML POV

After taking what we needed, we left the apartment room casually and walked towards the staircase. When they opened the door and walked through, they met face to face with the association's people.

"Well, would you look at that. They willingly came to us" (Association Member A)


The man who was standing between two people was sent flying into the wall, cracking it and forming a spiderweb. The twins immobilized the other two temporarily as they sped to the top of the building. When the bodies of the two Association Members returned to their control, they immediately chased after the twins. The man who was stuck in the wall followed after them as soon as they took off.

"This way!"

I followed my sister as we leaped across the buildings, almost being captured by the other Association Members who surrounded the building and a few blocks around us.

We barely managed to escape the ones who were nearest to us, but we were still surrounded by them. As we jumped over yet another building we were struck by a high voltage of electricity from somewhere. Our paralyzed bodies fell towards a window and we crashed inside a bedroom.


I managed to embrace my sister before we hit the glass window and tumbled along the floor. My back hit the footboard of the Queen sized bed and I slowly let go of my sister. We were both covered in blood from the small and large wounds across our bodies.

"Why... why are they still hunting us..."

". . ."

"Brother! Tell me why are we being chased everywhere we go!"

". . ."

"We lived peacefully these 2 months, and we helped out the community... yet... yet we..."


I didn't want to see my sister breaking down right now, so I gently picked up her shivering body and placed her on the bed. Extending my senses outside the building, I sighed and returned to my sister's side who was dazedly staring at me with tears in her eyes.

"It was fun right?" I asked all of a sudden, confusing her, but she still nodded her head.

"Yeah, it was fun..." My fists that were clenched loosened up as I reached into my pocket and pulled out 2 capsules. She stared at me silently and glanced out the broken window feeling that the Association was nearing their location. Her soft, delicate fingers graced my palm, sending a slight tingle through my arm. I never realized until now, but my sister was truly beautiful... even with her figure covered in blood and tears falling from her face, it couldn't hide one bit of her charm, but instead gave it a devilish and seductive look to it. We swallowed our pills at the same time and had a small coughing fit, our insides were burning up and a terrible pain stuck our stomachs.


When I looked up to see my sister, her face was burning up and she seemed a little fidgety. Before I could ask what was the matter, she sent herself into my arms and we fell on top of the bed. Time felt like it had stopped at this moment and we stared into each other's eyes silently.

Neither of us said a thing, but we knew how each other felt. It was something we both were in denial of our whole lives and only joked about it sometimes. But we never stopped feeling that way, and right at this moment, it was the strongest we felt towards each other.

"I know."

I replied as I pulled her into a hug. We felt that we were slowly dying, but didn't care one bit as we stared at each other with smiles on our faces and our vision beginning to blur.

"Are you still there, brother?"

"Yeah... I'm still here"

"Promise to stay together with me..."

"How can I go anywhere right now?" A small chuckle escaped my mouth but it was turned into a violent coughing fit, blood dyed the insides of my mouth and dripped from my lips onto the bedsheets.

"Hey brother..."

"Cough... yeah?"

"Is this freedom?"


This is freedom.

I woke in a daze from a high voltage that surged through my entire body, numbing me for several seconds. The place that entered my senses was unfamiliar to me. Wasn't I lying in a dirt pit inside a broken house?

『Where... who are you?』

I hissed at the person that was standing in front of me. When my senses returned and the numbing sensation left my body, the first thing I noticed was the person in front of me. Its appearance was no different to humans, except for the two bulging sacs on its neck and the hourglass-shaped eye on its face. There was no nose or mouth, just the large weird-shaped eye staring at me.


When I wanted to move my limbs, I felt a strange yellow clay-like substance that swallowed my entire body save for my head that was sticking out the wall.

"I wouldn't bother to struggle in your situation. Welcome to our Headquarters. I'm Martin, the representative of our race. We've tried to wake you with various means but none seemed to work, thus we pumped you with a large supply of the energy humans call electricity. Now, I don't know if you understand me, but it's best if we start out both on good terms...?!"

If there was one good thing about my situation, it's that during my deep hibernation, I recovered some very important memories. The most beneficial being how to properly use my telepathic ability. From the looks of it, it wasn't just a dream. "Martin" in front of me was croaking violently and its pus sacs on its neck throbbed wildly like a frog. After the brief seizure on the floor, Marting began to stand up and dust himself off, staring at me with a warm smile.

『Realese me.』

"As you wish."

I commanded Martin, which he proceeded to walk away, leaving the range of my senses. The clay-like substance softened like jelly which was easy for me to simply take a step forward and escape. Looking around, the place I was currently in was warped and twisted like an abstract painting.

『Juno, are you oka-』 (Jun)

『JUNNN!!!』 (Juno)

『I see you've missed me a little.』 (Jun)

『I missed you a lot, sniff, what happened to you? You wouldn't respond to me since we parted!』 (Juno)

『I was hibernating, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wake up. It felt like something wanted me to stay asleep.』 (Jun)

『Huh? What do you mean?』 (Juno)

『It doesn't matter. How've you been? What's the world like over there?』 (Jun)

『It's terrible! I had to eat bugs for every meal, and these stupid animals chased me around all day!』 (Juno)

『Hahaha』 (Jun)

The two talked non-stop and shared their experience since they parted. Juno was a little surprised to discover that they already had a type of superpower before being turned into aliens. But when she tried to exert those powers and followed Jun's advice, nothing happened. Not for now at least.

『Juno, have you created a Rift Gate yet?』 (Jun)

『I wasn't able to. I had to constantly move places and there just wasn't enough time or leisure to do so...』 (Juno)

『Well, no rush. But from what you've told me recently, you plan on impregnating the human you captured with an alien embryo? How the hell did you think of that?』 (Jun)

『Hmph! While you were snoring away, I had to use my 5head brain. Why can't I think of useful plans?』 (Juno)

Juno sneered in disdain towards my bafflement, but I only shook my head and praised her a little. When I turned down the underground passageway, a staircase leading upwards was within my senses. However, when I broke through the door I almost fell into another staircase. What was going on? This place was exactly like "Schroeders Stairs" (a quick google search would be far more useful than me describing it.)

Several minutes later I fell into a room filled with aliens that looked like Martin that I met upon awakening. They all panicked when they saw my entrance. Stabbing my tail into the chest of an alien attempting to ambush me from behind, I threw its body into the middle of the bunch.

『How about we negotiate. I can kill you all easily, but I can't escape without your help.』

"You... how did you escape"

『I asked Martin to release me.』

"Then, what is it you want from us? Do you just want the way out?"

『Yes... no, I've changed my mind. What are all the houses outside used for?』

The aliens looked at each other and calmed down. It seemed as though I wasn't as hostile as they thought me to be.

"We use them to learn how humans behave, so we can then assimilate into their civilization easier"

『World Invasion?』

"Yes. Aren't you also here to invade and conquer this world?"

『No, I was thrown here.』


『That's not important. So, you lure humans into those houses?』

"No no. We don't lure them at all. They come to us in search of a home, and that is what Yonder is. A home for them to stay in forever"

『Okay... then how many humans are staying here in Yonder?』

"There are 61,890 residents of Yonder who have found their homes."

We'll call them Martins from now on. I conversed with them for a long time and we learned from each other. Yonder was the name of the suburb of the Martins 'territory'. The Martins weren't bad people if you ignored how they trapped people inside Yonder forever just to learn how they behave and to raise their children. But they were honestly a strange, but gentle race. After some time of negotiating, we agreed that when the humans have finished raising their children, the Martins would give the humans to me for my own personal use. I had nothing to offer them now but it wasn't a problem for them, since not killing them was good enough.

Instead of leading me outside Yonder, I asked them to create a stable Rift Gate instead, which they agreed with their signature smiles. The Martins that had a normal face that could smile, that is.

Hours later, the Rift Gate was completed. The Martins watched me curiously as I walked through the gate, and disappeared.

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