《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 9 B.O.Ws vs The Twins (Part 1)



『I know』

A large area in front of us was enshrouded in the telepathic wave we felt when crossing this world. Jun told me that it was the command given by the Master to the Servant as we approached the white building, passing by dead soldiers and 3 white trucks with the bee logo on them. Nothing new here, more screams and gunfire came from up ahead.

Because the sun was already in the sky, we lost our advantage and stood out very conspicuously in the open. It couldn't be helped as there was a wide empty road leading to the white palace. We ran at full speed crossing hundreds of meters in seconds and jumping through the open doors. Making our way through the building and following the scent, we entered an underground transporting entrance and snuck up on a squad of soldiers being mauled by tens of lickers that filled the entire underground.

"The creatures have broken through the cargo entrance! They're heading your way aaAH!!-"

We watched the desperate soldier's head being shredded by the Lickers bone-like claws from above, hanging on the ceiling and silently creeping up on Buddy, who was unaware of the impending doom that was to happen to him. The twins felt the telepathic order given by Buddy and watched as the Lickers entered the elevator. When Buddy issued the next orders to the Lickers to enter through the other entrances, Jun tried to send his own command to the Lickers.

Cough cough cough!!


The Lickers twitched several times and shook their heads, then all turned their heads and bodies to our direction. It wasn't only a failure, but also backfired and gave our perfect cover away. By this time we had already arrived above Buddy. Buddy, who was having a coughing fit, shot a glare above him and was slightly surprised to see two black 'alien' creatures hissing at him. We recovered from our initial surprise at the same time, falling on top of him while he shouted to the Lickers.


"Stop them!"

Buddy dived away when we were only a few meters above him, two Lickers intercepting our path crashing to the ground in the opposite direction. Buddy ordered a few of them to block and kill the strange creatures while he ran away with the majority of the Lickers. Jun disrupted Buddy's control several times, causing him to collapse in a coughing fit, but eventually being carried away by the Lickers.

A hole bore right through the Lickers head from the sheer force the inner jaw launched at them. Tossing the Lickers aside, several more jumped at the twins' exposed bodies. Juno tried evading but was easily followed by the Lickers, showing the superior agility and speed they possessed. A Licker circled around Jun and shot its tongue at the swaying tail, wrapping above the bladed tip, successfully restraining the tail's actions. All their actions were useless though. Distracting them with his telepathy, he tug the Licker behind him under his feet and crushed its skull, ripping off the 2 Lickers assaulting his body and stabbing through the last one with his tail. Juno on the other side coincidentally finished at the same time when the last standing Licker was split right down the middle of its body, falling into two halves.

The twins stepped over the dead bodies and entered the elevator shaft, crawling down the walls further underground to where the main action was. When they reached the elevator vents and crawled out of the door into the facility, a calm feminine but robotic voice spoke through the speakers. "A biohazard release has been detected. Evacuate. Evacuate. The incineration of the facility will begin shortly."

Crash We both turned in the direction of where the sound came from and detected a pale giant chasing after a Human. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. It's every step shook the ground all the way to where we stood. Our minds were warning us about the dangerous threat that was the Tyrants. Avoiding them as if they were the plague, we twist and turned through the crates 'till we stood inside the 'Beehive'.


[Detected energy source. Commencing energy extraction.]


A shockwave shook the facility accompanied by a loud explosion. The panels in the center of the Beehive turned red and an alert popped up on all the screens. "Virus detected! Initiating defensive procedures. Erasing all data in approximately 3 seconds. 2. 1. Data has been wiped successfully. Cutting off life 'Plaga type 4' life support. Cutting off the Beehives power supply. Shutting down all systems in 3. 2. 1-" 'System, are you wake?'


『What about the energy, did you extract enough?』

[Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time. However, the foreign energy source has been detected 200ft below.]

『Below...?』 There was a bad feeling that attacking Jun at this time and he struggled internally on what to do. "Evacuate. Evacuate. 5 minutes remaining until the facilities incineration" came the robotic voice right on time. 『Jun, we don't have much time』 『We... need to go down. Let's go』

The twins stared down the elevator shaft where the destroyed elevator while the wire hanging in the middle of the shaft swayed back and forth from the slight force the sparks produced. They ran at full speed as there wasn't any more time to waste. When they were about to jump over the debris, a hand reached out and grabbed Jun's tail, exerting a terrifying gripping force. Acidic blood dripped out from the cracks on Jun's tail burning the Tyrant's hand. 『Jun!』 Juno stopped and turned around to shout at him anxiously.

Creak... thud!

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