《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 9.5 B.O.Ws vs The Twins (Part 2)


The twins stared down the elevator shaft where the destroyed elevator while the wire hanging in the middle of the shaft swayed back and forth from the slight force the sparks produced. They ran at full speed as there wasn't any more time to waste. When they were about to jump over the debris, a hand reached out and grabbed Jun's tail, exerting a terrifying gripping force. Acidic blood dripped from Jun's crushed tail. The Trench coat and gloves word by the Tyrant very slowly melted away. When the acidic blood covered the Tyrant's wrist and forearm, it showed remarkable resistance only producing steam with a sizzling sound. 『Jun!』 Juno stopped and turned around to shout at him anxiously.


The Elevator's large door cracked the concrete wall when it was pushed aside by the Tyrant. A low growl crept out from between my jaws that were clenched tight. Standing upright, I was only a few feet shorter than the Tyrant and we both stared at each other icily. The Tyrant took the initiative to pull on my tail, intending on pulling me closer into its grasp. Realizing its intentions from seeing its free arm swiping towards my neck, I gritted my teeth further creating a grating sound, and ripped my tail back that was already barely held together after being crushed easily.

Avoiding its freed hand that followed up after it missed the first time, my acidic blood flew towards its face when I flicked my tail at it. Though it was blocked by raising its arm, it still gave me a short time span to avoid a kick. Crash An important-looking machine was destroyed creating sparks and igniting a small fire on the nearby documents. My heart sunk when I jumped to side, getting a clear view of a second Tyrant that had just walked out from the broken debris in the elevator shaft. 『Juno, I need you to hurry!』 『Im almost there!』


When one of the Tyrants glanced towards Juno's direction, I had a very bad feeling and saw it take a step away from me. Realizing that it was heading towards Juno I rushed over quickly, dodging the incoming boot aimed at my head and crawling between its legs. I then leaped onto the back of Tyrant B scratching furiously at its stupid bald head. Shallow red marks instantly appeared and disappeared, showing its absurd defense and vitality, many folds stronger than my own.

When my tail was wrapped around its neck to choke it or break it forcibly, it grabbed one onto my leg that was stuck to its shoulder and threw me off into a pillar. Tyrant A ran past Tyrant B at full speed, being hit by it would feel like a super truck on steroids. Evading death, barely, I scurried off into the opposite direction from Juno's, relieved after seeing them both following me. It would seem like they're stupid and easily to aggro, but I knew it was just them being sure of victory. There was no threat from me and even less of a threat from Juno.

Thump, thump thump. Synced footsteps rumbled in my ears behind me and quaked the walls of the passageway I had run into. I easily created a larger distance between us and stopped outside a closed door at the end of the hallway. Destroying the access panel, I forcibly ripped open the thick metal door slowly, the approaching footsteps stalking on my senses raising my anxiety by the second.

Bang! Crash! The two Tyrants smashed through the half-opened metal gate ripping it from the walls and destroying the concrete walls that held it in place. When they looked around in the darkroom, they couldn't find me at all. Splitting up, the two walked within the quiet and dark room with heavy footsteps, searching the gabs and tight spaces around.

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