《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 8 Juno's Night Out




The mob of zombies roared with a gurgling scream and rushed straight towards us. Before I could even take a step forward Juno passed by me leaving a dark shadow behind pouncing into the mob swinging her tail around furiously. I could feel the excitement coming off of her from our connection, so I let her play around with the corpses. When I arrived beside her she had already made quick work of them, painting the passage a deep blackish-red. 『Sorry Jun... I got a little carried away』 『It's okay, you seemed pretty happy there.』 I replied with a smile on my face and a corpse in my hands, bringing the head to my mouth and biting through its skull. When I thought about it, the system had been awfully quiet lately.

[The system lacks the required energy to operate 24/7 and is on standby mode. In standby mode, the systems Features are locked and unviewable. New Objective. Find a large energy source so the system can operate fully and assist the hosts.] The System returned to silence. (Function changed to Features!)

『There goes the question I had in mind... I'll ask it later when there's enough energy.』

『Brother, I can smell more corpses above, hurry up!』

『...Alas, my sister has become bloodthirsty crazy. What happened to my adorably shy airhead?』

I threw the corpse aside and chased after my sister climbing up towards the surface. She slashed open the rusted metal gate like tofu and crawled out into the open space. The opening was far too small for my size so I destroyed the concrete 'box' with my hard skull and jumped onto the ground. It was dark and quiet, the explosions and gunfire in the distance continued relentlessly.

『Brother, this world should be safe right? We shouldn't need to be too cautious now right?』 Recalling my memories of the movie, I replied sternly to her. 『We don't have too much time right now. It will soon be morning and we'll lose our perfect cover. There are satellites monitoring the town above so stay vigilant alright?』 『Okay!』 Swish her figure disappeared into the darkness, a chuckle escaped my mouth which translated to light hissing sounds...

FL POV (Warning! Incoming gore and nudity)

"The terrorists are pushing us back! Where's our support, damnit!"



The soldiers and terrorists shot back and forth, the former obviously loosing badly. When the soldiers took cover in the alleyways, I took that chance to ambush the poor unsuspecting souls. I grabbed a soldier and dragged it deeper into the alley with my hand covering his mouth. The frightened soldier was shocked and struggled but felt something was wrong and sighted a blade glittering in the dark.


"Mmph, mmmhhh!! khmhmmm!" (Help! Someone! Help me!)

"Hisss~" (Dont worry, ill be gentle~)

My tail softly dragged across his neck leaving a shallow red line behind and wiped the falling tears from his cheeks. The tail zig zagged down to his chest, cutting the arm straps that held his bulletproof vest. It loosened but still hung to his lower torso. I cut the sides and the vest fell to the ground with a thud. A foul stench assaulted my senses as the man had pissed himself, forming a puddle below us. His frightened pale face excited me, speeding up my actions.

I tore off his clothes after cutting a line straight down the middle of his shirts and pants. The only thing on him now was his boots and underwear which was soaked wet dripping yellow liquid. My tail finally began its operation on the helpless human.

Slash... drip...





A handful of flesh hit the cold ground, the mans entire body shaking furiously, his eyes losing focus... and he fainted. 『Oh... this feels good...』 I hissed gleefully while dragging my tail across his abdomen. Big enough for my hand to fit through, but not enough for the intestines to fall out. The unconscious man woke up from the pain and screamed but was muffled by my hand. My tail wrapped around his body and restricting his arms, my left hand covered his mouth while my right hand reached around and slowly entered his wound.

『Mmm~』 Our hearts thumped louder and faster whenever I groped his organs. I reached to his lower left and grabbed onto his liver, then slowly and carefully pulled my hand out of his abdomen. He stared at his liver and watched my hand in horror was it reached back into his abdomen, my hand stirring his intestines around.

My hand stroked his heart before I pulled my hand back out. As I was reaching my climax, my tail unwrapped him with my arms supporting his slowly dying body. Riiip His underwear was torn and fell to the puddle while my tail wiggled its way to his crotch, wrapping around it... and slicing it off!

He finally saw the monster that toyed with him before his death when I turned him around. Then his vision blacked out as my inner jaw shot straight through his skull. Dropping his lifeless body, I shuddered and crouched low to the ground, assuming a wolf howling position and letting out a high screech. It was great that there were loud noises everywhere to mask my excitement.


I mauled his body to cover any traces I left behind and crept out of the alleyways. Even though that all felt like a long time, it was less than 10 minutes through that whole process. Now that I had relieved myself, there was less urging within me to play around with more humans. I hadn't noticed that in my mind and throughout my body was the urge to kill and eat every life form I see.

Even if I did, I would happily accept that urge. Forgetting what it was I was worried about earlier...

20 minutes later the soldiers realized that they were quietly losing members left and right. An invisible pressure placed on top of their heads and an uneasy feeling building up with every glance towards the shadows and alleys.

"Fuck... fuck! Everyone, retreat! The support has been delayed for another 10 minutes! Get the fuck out of here!"

"B-but sir!"

"Listen, if you want to sacrifice your life in honor and protect this town, then go ahead. As for me? I still haven't bed my wife yet!"

"Alright... okay! Retreat!"

The terrorists pursued the soldiers relentlessly as the latter fled the streets in panic. The captain who ordered the retreat kept glancing to the alleys and buildings with dark areas, feeling anxious for some unknown reason. It was when he glanced to his right that he barely managed to caught a glimpse of a black creature with a long tail. How was it possible for him to see her? 'It's fun to toy with their minds, hehe'

"M-Monster! Open fire!!!"

The soldiers behind him stopped and stared at him doubtfully, but when they heard his gun firing to the building across the streets, they reflexively aimed their guns and fired at the building as well, turning it into a beehive in seconds. It was at the moment that they started firing when the terrorists caught up to them and mowed them down, their despair-filled eyes were a treat for me.

"Cease fire! Ceasefire!"

A terrorist in charge carefully approached the gunned down soldiers and checked for any survivors, finding none. He then turned to the building they were shooting at and signaled to the armored vehicle with a mounted gun atop it. The soldier nodded and the terrorists formed a semi-circle, slowly enclosed on the building. A group of soldiers entered and exited within moments.

"What's going on?"

"There was nothing found inside besides destroyed furniture"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, we checked the area thrice... the only thing we found was this" he pulled out a lewd magazine and was met with a smack to the head

"Idiot, forget it then. Let's go!"

"Haha yes sir!"

The armored vehicles turned around and led the way, while the group of terrorists followed in the back.


I dived into the relaxed terrorists and cut off the heads of 5 of them successively. Crouching to the ground, I pounced forward at an insane speed towards the back of the man behind the mounted gun. Latching onto his shoulders, I bit through his skull and threw him out. I Jumped into the spot he once was, grabbing the handles of the mounted gun and aiming it at the other vehicles' drivers and passengers. Gunshots and screams resumed in the silent street.

"John! John! Fuck! You bastard!"

A female terrorist picked up the gun from the man's dead body and aimed both rifles at the monster using the mounter guns against them. Heavy fire was rained down upon me from more than 60 armed people. Even with my tough exoskeleton, my body was beginning to ache all over. Satisfied with the destroyed vehicles, I turned the mounted gun to the terrorists who thought I would simply stand there and take the bullets without retaliating.


More than half of them fell quickly when the terrorists finally recovered and jumped to find cover. Good for them, the mounted gun was out of ammunition. Nonetheless, I jumped down from the vehicle and ran to a group of 9, swinging my tail and cutting off their heads as they were reloading their guns. On the other side, they opened fire again, but I ignored the pain of the bullets that hit my armor-like skin and swiftly finished them all off.

Corpses. Blood. Limbs. Debris. It was like a horror scene out of a movie and is not for the faint-hearted. This ambushing and toying of the Humans were repeated throughout the night, and soon both forces realized something wasn't right. Both of them thought that they were using secret agents, assassins, or spies planted within their ranks.

『Juno, I need you』

『Alright brother, I'm on my way~』

『You sound a lot more cheerful. Relieve enough stress?』

『Mhm! It was very fun!』

『Poor souls...』

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