《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 7 Resident Evil: Damnation


European styled buildings stretched down the deserted cobblestone roads, an obvious sign of Human architecture - Or similar to Humans at least.


Deafening sounds of explosions and consistent gunfire enshrouded the town we were within, the occasional flames rising to the skies and painting the dark night a crimson red. We hissed and retreated into an alleyway nearby, climbing the walls and entering through the window of a vacant building.

『Bombs. Gunfire. War. No, doubt, this is Earth!』 She cheerfully nudged my head. 『What's with that analogy of yours? But it does indeed seem to be Earth. Look, a photo of the owner's family』 He walked over to a drawer beside a large bed with a picture frame on it. A plain-looking couple with a child about 4 years old. 『However, there's a battle going on further down the road, and the nearby buildings already evacuated. Its best we assume the worst and take caution when scouting around.』 Juno rested her head upon her forearms that crossed each other in an X position. She relaxed her tense muscles and settled on the soft bed, watching Jun crawling about the room.


Name: Jun

Race: Xenomorph Warrior

Height: 8ft

Length: 14-16ft


ATK: 0/250 (100)

DEF: 0/300 (100)

DEX: 0/150 (100)

VIT: 0/200 (100)

WIS: 0/40 (25)



Evo Points: 1,342

Name: Juno

Race: Xenomorph Wraith

Height: 6.5ft

Length: 13-15ft


ATK: 0/250 (100)

DEF: 0/150 (100)

DEX: 0/300(100)

VIT: 0/100 (100)

WIS: o/40 (25)


Retractable claws: 100%

Evo Points: 1,342

『My claws are retractable?』 Juno's head outstretched from her resting position and looked down to her hands, noticing that they no longer were joined together, and appearing like a Human hand with an extra finger. It took a bit of practice to be able to retract her claws without thinking so much about it, during the process of which she murdered the bedsheets and blankets. Though she had retracted them within her fingers, it was still sharp and pointed at the end.


『Having fun?』 He said with a slightly heavy tone. 『Jun, are you jealous?』 she questioned with a hiss and tossed a pillow to his face. Not bothering to avoid the pillow's trajectory, it landed flat on his big head with a poof. With a turn of his body and a flicker of his tail, he slapped her head lightly and leaped out the window, leaving Juno giggling to herself. A scary sight for any to behold it. 『Jun, wait for me!』

The twins decided not to allocate any points right now to save them for future situations that arise. Jumping from building to building they reached a higher position to view the towns situation. No aliens. No monsters. No robots. Just Humans fighting each other. A memory resurfaced right then as hissing sounds left Juns mouth as he said 『War, War never changes』

The twins who stood at the top of the building crawled back down and stalked the alleys, entering building to building until they heard voices just down the street. It seems soldiers were checking the buildings for people - probably enemies.

"Sweep the area! Search for all terrorists and capture or kill them all!"


"Front room, clear!"

"First bedroom, clear!"

"Second bedroom, clear!"

"Master bedroom, clear!"

"Bathroom, clear!"

"Alright, let's go!"

"Yes, sir!"

『Terrorists? They have a strong Russian accent too』 Jun and Juno watched the soldiers from the shadows and followed them silently, checking their surroundings frequently in case they might get trapped. Not that they're afraid of a bunch of Humans, but they still had to be cautious until they have a clearer understanding of their situation. Wondering away from the soldiers, they both sensed a faint telepathic wave in the air, entirely different from theirs. The twins focused on this wave and could only make out squeaking sounds, like tight flesh or leather material.


That 'wave' was ultimately cut off before they could zero in on the source. Clicking their tongues, they still continued their search for this mysterious telepathic wave in the general direction. When they arrived close to where the wave was felt, they saw a white truck with a bee logo on its sides leaving into the distance disappearing from the range of their senses. 『Where have I seen that truck before...』 Juno crept forward down a slope leading into an underground parking lot enshrouded in darkness, leaving Jun to ponder on his own, eventually shaking his head and following after her.

In the underground, the only thing they found was a corpse lying in a pool of blood and collapsed concrete littering the ground. A hole in the ceiling further down. 『Jun, there was a recent battle here not so long ago. Throughout the underground parking lot, I found claw marks and several dented cars further in the back, as if something heavy fell on them. Whatever fought here, doesn't seem to be just humans』 『I feel that that truck is very suspicious, there's nothing more to find out here so let's chase after it』 『Okay』

The two spent the next hour searching a large area, unable to find the truck but fortunate enough to catch a very faint familiar smell that was found in the underground parking lot amongst a heavy stench of iron and blood. The twins walked past multiple army trucks that were parked outside a building, the thick stench of blood emanating from it.

『Smells like... rotting flesh?』

Jun questioned after entering the basement of the building. Corpses of soldiers and civilians piled around them, leading into a narrow passageway. They were once again late to another recent battle, the blood beneath their claws turning cold. What greeted them after running down the passageways twisting and turning in the complicated maze, were a group of soldiers and civilians banging at a door. There were roughly 30 of them that had filled the end of the hallways. Sensing the newly arrived guests behind them, the mob lazily turned around.




We questioned, a bit surprised, then it became clearer for Jun who had felt a familiarity from the truck before. 『I think I know what world we're in. The Bee Truck, claw marks, Zombies. This should be the Resident Evil World.』

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