《Heroes Of 21st century !》Chapter 4:Prison In Basement!


Author's note:Ok so I have corrected the font problem on previous chapter if any more silly mistakes are there pls do point them out................So here's the next chapter so enjoy!

Right know i am flying towards........................god knows where while also carrying a Howling Giant inside my "Repulsion barrier",

while also having a spiky head trapped inside a " Protection Barrier "whom I don't know what the hell I am supposed to do with.While also hopping that the Heads slicing super scary high schooler doesn't feel too offended about that slap in front of all those people(cops,crowd and media!) and decide to cut off my hand(or head) a little!.

After that whole.........slap thing, I just turned and started walking towards the cops,failing to bring up the courage to turn and look at the monster whom I may have(DEFINITELY MUST HAVE!) OFFENDED).

"I WILL BE TAKING THESE TWO CRIMINALS WITH ME IF YOU DON'T MIND OFFICERS"I said in my "HERO"voice which I have been practicing for 3 years know!.you may wonder why the hell I would take these guys with me as I don't think MOM and DAD who would not even allow me to keep a pet cat,would allow me to keep one INTERNATIONAL SUPERPOWERED CRIMINAL and his sidekick as a PRISONER in our basement!,but well from the news it seems police still doesn't have anything to keep such guys locked up so mostly it is these "HER..........",people who take them away but from what I have seen,I don't think that is a option!.

"Yea......that won't be a problem........"he said while making a face as if trying to remember something,

"THANKS A LOT OFFICER"After saying that I went towards the all broken down bank,can't leave it like that now can I.

" Remake Barrier " I shouted raising my hand in the direction towards the havoc while placing all my attention around the broken front off the bank and a lot of extra area around it to make sure any piece of the building which may have dropped a little far was also within my barrier,I had to focus for almost 15 mins to stabilize the barrier(this bank has 4 floors!) and then I maintained it for another half an hour standing there with my hands raised as the build was know starting to form back into its original state!.


Yes when I talked about my power I said I can manipulate space and TIME!,no I can't bring back the dead as I tried that on a squashed fly,it was recovered to its previous state physically but was still dead!,And no I can't time travel as I have only found the way to reverse the time of particular area(think about your blood flowing backwards inside your body!),not how to further increase it!,and can only speed up the reverse process by half so yea if something was destroyed 10 min ago I can repair it in 5,in this case the building was not destroyed an hour ago but just to make sure I kept going,resulting in the cracks on the ground to recover as well!.

"Can you do that for the our cars as well?"the officer asked with a hopeful face,still showing signs of disbelief,

"SORRY BUT THAT WON'T BE POSSIBLE OFFICER"I said with a with a straight face,In case of those cars I would need to do each one of them separately and even after that if some pieces of them fell too far away and were outside of my barrier it may lead to some problem in future! plus they were thrown off by the shock wave too far away so yea too much of area!.

"Well,don't worry about that...............what were you called again!"so that's what he was trying to remember!,

" " PROTECTOR " "I said,don't wana be named by the media be named by the media something silly like "Golden boy" or "glittering hope!".

"Well kid thanks for your help"he thanked me with a smile and then bend slightly to the left looking towards the "Univ......"the girl with the katana and said"I guess you will be leaving now",I looked behind and she was still standing there motionless, looking at her blade,still having some blood on it and then slowly raised her head looked towards me with that same happy carefree look and those same [email protected]#$#@$ innocent eyes!, while raising her sword a little!.

"I WILL BE OFF THEN!"I shouted and quickly activated my " Enchant:Armour ",and took of with my prisoners(i am no tyrant or slave trader,am saving their lives in a way here!).


Darn what the hell am I supposed to do know,In 2 more hours it will be 7:00 pm and Mom will lecture the hell out of me if I don't reach home in time!,shall I dump them into this river.........wait river,no no no! it's the OCEAN! when did I reached above the ocean!,just where the hell was I going again!.

"It seems he really is lost"came a sudden sudden soft joyful voice from above!,

"See I told you,this guy is a total rookie!" came another similar voice but this time not from inside my head but also form above!.

As I looked up there she was flying above me with a guy in glasses who for some reason was looking at me as if a boss unimpressed by his employe?.

"Well I am telling you he will fit in!,Oh! hi there buddy would you mind coming with us for a while!,we would like to have a word!"she said while looking at me while his friend just looked in another direction showing his disapproval

I....................am gonna be lectured by Mom after all huh?.

Ok so he has time manipulation......what it is op?,no not at all.............ok maybe a little!

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