《Heroes Of 21st century !》Chapter 3:You are not a hero!


Author's note:Here comes another one.................you know i don't know whether it's after few chapters or what but can someone comment and tell me whether i am going right way with story or is it good,bad ,has a spelling error...............i am tired of refreshing page for new comments!


After few minutes of complete silence,Butcher finally seemed a bit normal(in his case it means even more angry and mad),

"YOU LITTLE.................I WILL MAKE SURE TO TEACH YOU A LESSON TO MESS WITH MISTRESS PLANS AGAIN!"After which all of a sudden his arms,STARTED BURSTING out of his wounds once again with that creepy mould like regeneration!.

"GLIS GET ME SOME TIME!"He shouted as he jumped great distance backwards away from....." Universal Cosplayer ".....yea she is one of those"HEROES",who use to show up with "GUARDIAN".From what I remember she shows around every time with some new cosplay and A NEW POWER!,YES sometimes she shows up shooting flames then next time freezing criminals to death and sometime..............."TELEPORTATION " as she did just now, vanishing from our site appearing near one of those snipers and slashed....wait !,she didn't slashed but used her hilt at back of his head,phew!.

"5 min, I would suggest you to make sure to surrender within that time or I will be REALLY MAD!" she said as her expression became dead serious, as if she were another person!.

As she had finished her threat almost at the same moment that spikey head charged straight for her............What ?,whats with his speed?,its way too fast!.Not only compared to when he held that huge sniper but even faster than mister instant death punch over here!.

As he was just few meters away from her,she once again vanished and appeared at few steps away!.Now just like mister spiky head,all of those other snipers also started charging at her with knives and guns in hand a bit slower but still really fast!! and she just kept " Teleporting ",dodging all bullets and stab whilewhile also using back of her katana and hilt to make them unconscious if they got too close as if it was no problem!.


That's when suddenly Mr.spiked Head charged at her at the exact place she " Teleported ", she barely dodged his knife and vanished again only to be assaulted once again by the other sniper,it seems as if they somehow know where she will show up next!.

Finally there she is after appearing all over the place from ground to up in the sky only to be attacked by the masked menace of stabs and shots aiming at her heart and neck at the center of all these masked sniping and stabbing ninjas,all of them coming at the exact same time ready to slice her head off,that's when a blue transparent sphere formed around her stopping all her attackers and sending some of them flying and while leaving others who went straight with their knives with broken arms!(Did she just now copied my strongest skill and used it as no big deal!).

"It seems your five minutes are up!" while saying this she........she sliced the heads of the ones in front of her!,KEPT GOING AHEAD AND KEPT SLICING THEIR HEADS OFF!!.

She started " Teleporting " just behind those snipers and,as if cheese or god knows what,SLICED THEIR HEADS OFF!.After she made quick game of the ones near her,she used made a platform of " Repulsion Barrier " in wall shape at odd angles again and again,using it to hop around all over the place slicing the others and while there were some who like before managed to attack her by reading her attacks she would just teleport take care of them too!.

Once she was done with all snipers,Spiky head(who previously managed to stop right before she had that barrier up!) went straight towards her while she vanished again appearing right behind him going straight for his head while he managed to block her attack at the last moment (she may appear anywhere but will need to move after that to attack,one can block that if he is well...A SUPERHUMAN!).


"GOOD JOB GLIS"A loud voice came as a shadow started growing bigger where the two stood and Butcher appeared,he had his fist held high as he appeared above the two smashing his fist into the ground as both dogged by vanishing out of sight (one with his high speed!) creating a big.....shock wave which destroyed the ground ,the bank is crumbling down to the ground.......well at least it's front portion and those police cars which got painted with blood and some of which got squashed by a giant falling on top of them! yeah they went FLYING from the shockwave!.

"It seems it was a waste of time to even think you guys would surrender!,well time for some chopping!"The girl said while raising her sword!,

"I WILL [email protected]@#g KILL YOU!"Butcher shouted while spik........Glis also got ready with his knife!.

"ENOUGH" I shouted,activating " Protector Barrier " and imprisoning the girl and Butcher in cubic shaped ones,while Glis seems managed to sense it and doge by leaping away and then charged straight towards me!.It seems the girl(Hostage,you forgot about her did you?) is at far enough distance know.................well at least as far as I could send her so time for some sweet revenge!.I had enough of a Giant Brute and Sniper ninjas for a day!,I activated " Repulsion Barrier " and spread it flat all around me on the ground, the moment he stepped on it,he was sent flying to the sky.

"Well, you can't run in air!"I said while shrugging my shoulders(I was praying he really can't!) and creating bullets from " Protector Barrier " once again and shot him several times!(He won't die i have made sure of that!),he fell to the ground and luckily wasn't standing up anymore.

"GLIS!"Butcher shouted while finally shattering the "Protection Barrier " and raised his fists to do the same to the one holding the katana girl,hoping to do the same to her too I guess!.before he could strike the barrier I captured him in a spherical" Repulsion Barrier " ,raising him up from the ground as he tried to break free only to punch his way through air(which is actually a bit limited but well i guess it will last long enough! ).

As I finaly making sure no more sniper ninjas or one super sniper ninjas or a big muscle head was trying to kill me or squash me with their pinky...........I sighed in relief,someone patted on my shoulder,

"You managed to capture Butcher and save the day!,good job and welcome to the world of " HEROES "!."the katana girl showed next to me congratulating me with those same eyes she had when she appeared..........making me feel sick! ,

I Pushed away her hand and slapped her in the face shouting,

"YOU ARE NO " HERO "!".......................OK I MAY HAVE ACTED ON EMOTIONS BUT................THIS IS BAD!.

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