《Heroes Of 21st century !》Chapter 2:You won't mind if I cut off your head a little,Right?


Author's note:Ok here's one more chapter,I know this is just beginning of story but I have some exam in few days so will be able to do only one chapter a day at most until 8 may.Hope you Enjoy!

Still confused about who or what the hell that was,I need to do something about what's in front of me first,the only possible way of saving that girl would be cover her with " Repulsion Barrier " but I can create only one of those, well I would be able to create other barriers(I can create 3 types at one time and divide them up to as many as I can) to protect myself but that's the only one that could possibly the only one that can stop that brute and my strongest barrier as well,you don't play a game with your trump card back at home!.

"I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER WORM AND MAKE YOU BEG BEFORE I CRUSH YOUR SKULL WITH MY PINKY!" while giving his victory speech,Butcher started walking towards me while swinging and stretching his arms(his destroyed one has completely healed) and getting ready for the show "That's how you squish a bubble wrap with one feet".

"Ohh well here it goes"while saying this I formed a sphere of " Repulsion barrier " around the girl,which seemed to have worked while also activating my " Protector Barrier " but this time instant of a sphere I used it to cover up my whole body,

a trick I have managed to find last year,first creating the force like always,instead of giving it a shape I allowed it to be shapeless,

resulting in a golden flame like appearance and then directed towards me, it engulfed me and tada!, here we have a masked hooded Boy in a white overcoat emitting golden light from top to bottom!.

" Enchant:Armour " I shouted as Butcher and others covered their eyes,well before they could react I also activated one more barrier

" Sacred Barrier ", unlike its name,it's the weakest barrier I can make as which is so insignificant that it could not even stop a fly but as i can feel my barriers as part of my body this should act as a radar so that once that big guy over there plays that instant punch to doom stunt again I won't be unprepared!.


"YOU LITTLE STUPID WORM!" Butcher shouted as he saw that her hostage was secured under that same blue sphere which blew his arm off,

"I WILL RIP YOUR FACE OFF,GLIS FORMATION 7"after saying that he charged towards me with his fist clenched,the

moment he came within my " Sacred Barrier ",I flew away, getting out from his way resulting him in hitting the spot I was at and creating a big crack on the road, A VERY BIG CRACK, which kept increasing in random direction, cracks showed up on the Banks's walls and in direction of where the cops were,leaving them startled.

Phew if I were even seconds late i would have been crushed to death!.

as I was celebrating about not being crushed,I felt a strange feeling,as if bashed my head with a steel rod but felt no pain.My

neck snapped towards right, for a moment i felt as if it would break apart but it seems it did no damage,well if you overlook the golden cracks on my face.

"Really?, a sniper!"I shouted as I saw that spikey head holding a sniper rifle aimed at me(which i think was what hit me!),smiling he once again fired at me,I barely moved out of the way as I once again felt that same sensation as another crack appeared at my chest(was he........aiming for my heart?) and then i felt that same feeling all over my body,as I managed to calm down and look it seems there were several others taking shots from all different positions.

My " Sacred Barrier " should have notified me about those shots but it seems sniper bullets are faster than my senses over my barriers,at least at close range.I started flying around in random direction at full speed while recovering my " Enchant:Armour " so that one of their shots don't manage to break in and put an end to me as it seems even after flying around at my full speed,which is very high by the way,


as a prove dint i managed to dodge that instant death punch from Butcher didn't I?,well I may not happen to be very fast but the speed at which I can control my barriers is extremely fast but even after putting that into equation they are still managing to get one or two hits by jumping around like ninjas at crazy speed while carrying that heavy of a sniper rifle and taking shots which looks in every imaginable way...........well IMPOSIBLE!.

As i was flying around fleeing for my life I forgot about my biggest problem at the moment only to be awfully reminded by him as he jumped towards me.BUTCHER MANAGED TO JUMP ALL THEY WAY UP AND MANAGED TO CATCH ME(My leg) 60 FEET UP IN AIR.

"PIKABU!" he shouted before pulling me by my leg and slamming me towards the ground.To be more acurate into the gound as I got hammered into the concrete,creating once again all those cracks and chaos doubled by where he himself landed,if it weren't using my barrier as a armour,this would have been very painfull!.

As I was finally starting to get up,got fired from all directions as those snipers kept shoting that too at same points.Anymore of this and my armour won't be able to protect me anymore.I quickly reactivated " Enchant Armour " and lept into the air to get out of their range only to be stopped by a giant hand which was know grabbing my head ,causing several of those golden cracks to appear on my face.In front of me was a GAINT of a man with that anoying grin on his face again while his one arm is holding me by my head and the other know holding one of my leg.

"ANY LAST WORDS WORM?"he said while trying to rip me in two very slowly!.

"Excuse me?"a soft joyful voice came from my left, both me and Butcher looked(me only able to move my eyes) in the direction of that voice and saw a girl(most probably around my age) dressed in black high school with a long kanata by her side,long hairs tied into a single ponytail and her face covered by scarf used as a mask looking at Butcher with such innocent eyes.

"You wouldn't mind that I had to cut you a little would you?"she asked with that same innocent look,looking Butcher straight in the eyes,then all of a sudden everything went red and i was dropped to the ground, after clearing my eyes.........from blood,it seems i am covered in blood...while Butcher standing their still looking at the girl with both of his arm missing from the elbows and below,his arms lying on the ground and blood spurring out from them and [email protected]#k,this guy is not a potato head.

"WHAT?,they will grow back right?"she said while closing her eyes making a smiling face(trust me you can tell even with that mask on!),

Butcher was just standing there still looking at her with a expressionless face.

"...............Universal cosplayer?"he mumbled in a low voice while still having that expressionless face,wait where have I heard that name before?.

"Yup!,here to stop the evil and fight crime!,sooooooo would you like to surrendering or I may have to cut you again"she said with that same eyes looking straight in Butcher's eyes..................ok I may reconsider going to that psychiatrist lady again cause this is going to leave a effect for sure!.

Ok i hope I have managed to live up to those comedy and action tag until now once this fight scene is over can move onto others!

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