《Heroes Of 21st century !》Chapter 1:Here comes the justice...................with a little topping of revenge!


Author's note:well here is the second chapter !


As I was barely 40 to 30 feet above the ground I activated my "Repulsion Barrier ",creating a blue semi transparent sphere around me around me, stopping 10 feet in air(flying would be a simple way describing it)and prevented my fate of having the honors of turning into a squashed bug on a windshield! As I was flying in the air It seems other than some of the masked robbers inside the building and phew cops and people far away no one has noticed me hovering above the scene, especially not the one who sent me flying.

A big,8 feet tall, walking muscle with no brain, who happens to be (though hard to believe) a "human”, also known as "Butcher Berry”, He is walking around in front of bank's gate in middle of an open town square threatening to kill people inside while cops have their guns all pointed at him, from the news it seems he is bullet proof, well almost.

Oh yeah remember I said when not everyone was infected by that wave of .........................something, well for first half year no such news came until one day some robbers started showing up with inhuman strength and some animals who were well.............SUPER CREEPY.

It seems people other than me were infected and one of them had power to mutate others making them super powerful and loyal it seems, no matter what policies tried they never told any names and some even seems to die within a day or hour of arrest. Well there was also one more such person who showed up 2 years back.....................as a superhero.

He was well started off far far far far far far far better than me!, fought criminals mutated or not all over the world!. Yes he had the most op power ever," INSTANT TELEPORTATION “!!. After that there were 2 more that showed up claiming to be heroes and as a group started earning a name until one guy showed up and ended it all, almost ended the whole world in process, responsible for the "BLACK HOUR " which almost destroyed the world and put an end to that teleportation guy it seems,


Since that day only one of the other "Heroes" shows up joined by some more people with strange powers while the guy who ended the "Guardian"(yep that's what he used to call himself), is locked in a giant prison called" Pandora's Box " .

Ohh! it seems while I was babbling on and on about the past forgot about my present and by that I mean I forgot the fact that I was still hovering........flying in air while the Butcher has finally noticed me.

He stared at me with eyes filled with anger as it seems I may have disrupted his speech once again as whole crowed and media's attention is now focused on me............it seems he really likes people's attention and hates having it taken away,

A angry narcissist muscle head..........just my lucky day!.

"Kill him" he shouted at his men who at his command started firing their guns empty at me which was not a good thing at all, as in order to stay up in the air I was using my "Repulsion Barrier ",it's one of the many kind I can found out I can create in these past years, this one can repel anything which comes at it with equal amount of force!(or at reduced rate if I want), so I was using it in a quite complex way, as I was at its center it is repelling me from all sides with equal force with me at its center(it didn't kill me as I reduced the rate at which it puts force on me on me and I have enough air inside to last quite some time).So take that into consideration and think if people started firing at me all of the sudden what would happen, the bullets got repealed and went back in wild direction while some ended up hitting the flat(almost flat) part of the of the barrier went straight back towards building, good thing people were on the other side so barely any bullet went their or cops direction.

Some stopped shooting while others did too once they were out of bullet, staring at me in disbelief while butcher staring right at me....................if looks could kill this guy just performed a overkill!.

"You little piece of sht-----!"before he could complete his sentence I deactivated my "Repulsion Barrier" and activated my "Protector Barrier ",pretty much my most basic and easy to use barrier, forcing and manipulating space to form a solid force I can create hard, dense(breakable if enough force is used),gold colored(not transparent) barrier which is easy to control ,using that I created a cube and divided it into several small pieces and shot them at butcher, hitting a him right in the face ,Bullseye!.


His neck jerked back at the impact while other bullets kept hitting him all over his body, for a moment there I was worried that I may have killed him, So what if he is evil, you are no hero if you just roam around knocking people head off!.To my relief or well maybe bad luck he was standing their unfazed from my attack, stretched his neck left and right and looked at me with pure bloodlust,

As if in an instant he was right in front of me with his fist ready to blow me off from the surface of this earth, at that every instant I activated my "Repulsion Barrier ".

With a loud splashing sound their was blood splashing out in the air as it went all the way back to those police cars at the back!,

There stood Butcher in front of me looking at me still while trying to figure out what happened while I also stood there trying to hold it in me and not puke my breakfast right then and there.

OK I thought at most his arm may end up breaking but this is.....................it was because I activated "Protector Barrier "instead last time that he had managed sent me up flying to the sky, I am lucky he at least he didn't managed to break the barrier or else with that strength I would have definitely died!.

"You........I will smash you to pieces” While saying this he smashed his head into my barrier and went flying back at those police cars in the back from the impact(sorry guys about your cars, not intentional but................try to understand?).

As I was still thinking how to stop him without killing him while also relieved to see that he is starting to stand right back up with his head still intact and...................his arm slowly growing back as there was some strange mound of fleshing growing where his arm used to be! (Ewwe).


he shouted at top of his lungs while looking at me with a big grin at his face.

WAIT..WAIT..WAIT! PLAYING THE HOSTAGE CARD KNOW ,WHAT THE HELL, as I was shocked and worried to the extreme, a guy with spiked hair, geared up with all guns and you know S.W.A.T like stuff came outside with the hostage they were going on and on about killing in front of media , while some men went inside for others.

"KNOW LISTEN LITTLE WORM,YOU ARE GOING TO STAND RIGHT THERE AS I WALK TOWARDS YOU!,AND PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE AND IF MY ARM GOES KABOOM AGAIN I WILL STOMP ALL OF THOSE HOSTAGES STARTING FROM HER” while saying this he looked at the girl the spiky head brought with once again that evil, broad, irritating grin on his face!.

What do I do, what do I do, WHAT CAN I DO!.At this distant I can't cover her with my “Protector Barrier” without it weakening and if I do that I won't be able to make it strong enough to stop that brute,” Repulsion Barrier"?,I can make only one of those and that too at this distant will be a first time, and he has more than just one hostage I got to do something before they bring the others!. Imprison him inside a barrier, but there are others with guns, follow his advice, NO, use other barriers......?.But some are still untested and short ranged ,Can't let people die, unlike last time it will be much worse, worse at a WHOLE different level!, and why is that the hostage villains chose to kill is mostly a girl?,

{"A question which has been bothering me for god knows when, guessing it just a villain thing?"}

Yea good point there well........................WHAT THE @@%^?

{"Easy there buddy, don’t wanna go through tag system again!"}

Who are you and where are you...................am i about to be reincarnated or something like that because I am still not sure whether to die for that lady over there?

{"Just keep quiet and take care of this Muscle head will you?, we got the hostages taken care off"}


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