《Heroes Of 21st century !》Prologue: I will be a HERO!............(this time for sure!)


My name is Simmon, Simmon Blake. I am 15 years old and right know I am falling down from hmm I don't know maybe 2 to 3 thousand of height while some, some guys in some random mask carrying guns are about to shoot few people as I went in

and kind of interrupted his whole "Get us a car or else I will kill everyone in here" kind of a speech hmm where was he at again well it's hard to see from up here but wait few mins or secs I should be able to as it seems everything at ground is becoming bigger as I................,Well to explain why I am in this state to those interested I would need to fill you up with what led me here in such condition.............................AGAIN.

Well you see 3 years ago a strange meteor landed on our planet and released a strange blue

Energy, kind of.......thing? Well it passed through me as I was on my terrace and I felt something strange and yes I know strange this and strange that is not how one explains but I am no scientist and even those who are have been unable to tell what it was.

Well I figured out.........or more like "found out" that it changed something in me!, it gave me psychic power.

The power to cause rift in space up to specific range and create walls by changing law physics

and space manipulation,

to sum it all up I can create barriers by manipulating space! .

Latter unlike what I thought, not everyone got such powers and no reports of such came up.

Then one day at a place where some robbers held hostages inside a bank and police outside asking about their wants until a kid 12 year old showed up dressed up in a white overcoat and a mask showed up and ordered the armed robbers to come outside and surrender or else they may face consequences, such a brave.......idiotic, foolish, moron of a kid right?.


The robbers stared at the kid through the window with a straight face and then one of them shot near where he stood, the boy shocked out of his wits fell on his back pissing his pants and raising an arm in their direction while trying to say something in a crying voice,

"pro..........tec..............juc" he mumbled,

until a police officer came from behind and dragged him behind with one hand while holding a police shield in other, after reaching behind the cars started shouting his lungs out while asking the kid how exactly he got through police barriers in first place,

stopped after the kid just won't stop crying his eyes out(wuss).

after the whole incident came to an end he took the kid to his home and lectured his parent about how careless they were and they lectured the kid about what in the world was he doing.

If you hadn't figured out , that kid was me...................yup a 12 year old who went to fight crime and ended up peeing in his pants, got saved and lectured thrice, did I forgot to mentioned grounded to my room for 1 week and several trips to a psychiatrist.

But after all that I have made up my mind I will do what I want to do(well do not have anything better on my mind related to usage of my powers. ).

After 3 years I did all I could to find out more about my powers (really everything which I could think of i tried) and how to control it and have a go at it once again and her I am!, falling to my death causing some people's life in danger and most importantly my own at risk and..........well the ground is pretty close know,


so yeah....you are pretty caught up so excuse me while I try to save my life and those hostages as well while making sure not to mess up this time...........I don't want to ever go to a physiatrist ever again!.


{Don't read author note if you think it's too }

Author's note :So here's my first story,well not the first i wrote but first i posted and well something i am gonna experiment with before i write my best ones so yea this one isn't something i have planed out but something i am writing at spur of the moment but still will try my best to make sure it isn't lame and gets at least in top five of weekly(yea i know if it doesn't i am gonna sound stupid but well as the description "boy got to live his dream!".

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