《Heroes Of 21st century !》Chapter 5:A tour to the hideout!


Author's note:I have been wondering if some of my chapters like the intro one need some changes as it seems many read the first one but then just went by............but i don't really wanna change the story,I am like these characters! well hers another chapter!

Ok so right now I am flying with a crazy asian girl(seems like it,looking up close!) and a guy with glasses who.......well I don't know what to say looks pretty decent but has that arrogant vibe,looking at me with disappointment every once in awhile god knows why?,have I seen him somewhere before?.

"So where exactly are we heading towards?"I asked as we have been traveling for a while now we should have probably come up long way from home!,

" " Network ",show our friend where we going" she said while looking at her friend..wait is this his superhero name " Network " what sort of dumb name is that?

{"At least it's better than something as common as " Protector ", well here's the map!"}

So it was you bac.................wHAT THE [email protected]#k IS THIS?.All of a sudden I can see a mini map at far off corner of my vision which........is for some reason very easy to control?.......and whats with these arrows pointing straight?,

{"Those are pointing towards our location,you know for someone who acted all goody two-shoe back there you curse a lot!"}

Well if you had to deal with a big brute and couple of sniper ninjas, some killer asian and a person who doesn't care about others privacy at all,interrupting their inner thoughts again and again,you will go [email protected]# CRAZY!,

I was know starting at the glasses upon which miss.......ok fine " Universal Cosplayer "(why would a sane person come up with such names!) said in a giggling voice,


"No telepathic conversations " Network " leaving me out......well here we are finally!"man really what's up with these guys naming sense.

{"You are o........"}

"Tell him to stay out of my head!"I shouted,if it weren't for these prisoners issue I would had never come with these killers,man I still remember that " Guardian " guy going on and on about that they are just trying to help the people from what crisis has been occurring and in no way were they above law or anything,guess he really is no more huh?


Sheesh!,no need to go sensitive and scream so loud in others head now!,READ OTHER'S THOUGHTS AT YOUR OWN RISK!,and by here you mean..................wait whats up with all this forest.Let's see according to the map we are at........,

SOUTH AFRICA!,did I really traveled from all the way to England to Africa in less than one and a half hour?,After that we went downwards flying low among the forest,had to slow down as I while flying,in open I can go at full speed but in a forest full of tress not a good idea!.Gotta say it's one heck of a place,lot more than just trees,its......

{"You can come here later for sightseeing,HURRY UP!"}

OK if I hadn't made it clear STAY OUT OF MY HEAD!(was having a moment there!),we went into a cave under a waterfall which was sooooooooooooooo beautiful by the way!,got to bring Ce...forget it!.We went all the way into the cave which was really deep.Until I saw a light and saw walls,solid metallic walls,we were already inside some underground facility it seems!.

The tunnel finally ended,leading to a big,gigantic hall filled with weapons!.Guns,Blades,vehicles.........is that a tank all covered up there!,just who the hell are these guys!.We went by those weapons and reached the end of a hall,where there was a uplifted platform having a wall of gigantic screens showing different news from around the world,a table full of different button,few livers and.........a guy sleeping with his head down on the keypad,drooling on it!.


"Hey " Dreamer " wake up man,weren't you on watch duty! "Glasses started shaking him up while nutcase(yes I am not going to call them by their stupid names for sure) here went to the screen changed some channels on the monitor and just vanished!.

"Huh.........!WHAT,WHAT HAPPENED!"The guy finally woke up looking here and there for god knows what!,

"Weren't you to keep watch!"glasses shouted,

"And that's what I was doing IDIOT!,they needed my help!"he replied staring glasses in the eyes quite angrily,

"Oh!then.........I am really sorry!"glasses apologised while bending!,

"Dont worry I got there in time!,and brought others back too!"yay,the nutcase is back in the house and she brought company!,

at her side were two twins(australian),one girl and a boy(probably middle schoolers),then there was a tall muscular guy who had very strong Army vibe coming from him,(you know it when you see one!,plus he was carrying a gun and well was in uniform!),And a woman probably in her thirties,tall,long golden hair and very toned skin and quite some....................moving on!.

"Hey,how many times do I have to tell you to not show up and take me away every now and then,I had a report to take care of!"

the army guy shouted at the nutcase who just acted as if she was deaf!,

"What's the deal, first Paul and know you,we almost had those guys sis,don't remember calling any backup?"The girl from the twins ranted with a while making a angry face(it's quite cute actually),

"Easy there Clare"The boy said while continuously staring at me!.

"Now,Now I guess it must be something important as you have all of us gathered here"It was the b....woman who spoke this time,now looking at me she continued " It must be about him I gusse ".

"Well here's the deal I would like to add him to our group"she said while removing her mask,Woah.........no simply that's what all is coming to my mind!.

"So " Protector " would you like to be part of our little group?"She said with those same eye expression and a add a really beautiful smile to that!.

"HELL NO!"I replied.

OK so the chapter might seem a little short this time around but well that seemed a good place to end it!,and I have been wondering that maybe I should stop using so much of color and stuff but...........wanted to give it a little bit of comic feel!.So yea gonna continue that!,open to advice though!


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