《Uzziye became a florist》Chapter 6 - Creepy Village


“Woohoo! I’m outside that damned forest!”

It was a long journey, but I made it somehow. I had a headache most of the time. It started after Rose and Benson died at the hands of monsters. I’m glad I didn’t see their deaths. But it’s unfair; they were kids.

I love kids; you know? Though there are people who hate them. I wonder how it’s possible? Unfortunately, no men made me pregnant. It pains me to admit that the way I am, I can’t raise a kid. They told me that till I had a headache. I don’t need anyone to tell me I can’t be a mother! I can and will become one!

What would they know about me being a mother? I took care of their kids ‘cause they are terrible parents. They loved me and some wanted to marry me. I never accepted, though. It was cute, and it made me happy when they proposed to me. But in the end, they’re kids, weak and immature kids.

This makes me remember the time when a boy fell in love with me. He picked a fight with Cassandra almost every day. It ended when he got a taste of another pussy when Cassandra did it with him.

I don’t enjoy having something inside my pussy; it hurts. I’m used to it, so I just ignore the pain. What I enjoy, and love a lot, is knowing there is another person who desires me and wants to embrace me. Just think about it. You don’t let everyone see you naked; it’s shameful when you don’t trust the other person. What if they mock you or dislike your body? If letting another person see you naked needs trust, then sex requires love. Anyone wanting to have sex with you must love you.


Cassandra enjoys having sex. She isn’t normal. She didn’t care about feelings other than the one in her pussy, and she told me she felt good. It made me appreciate more the pain I feel when having sex. I don’t want to end like her. She talked about the people she had sex with behind their backs, doing things like mocking them and comparing them. Having sex with her was uncomfortable.

I never talk bad about anyone I do it with. I enjoy all of them.

She was like a hungry monster, devouring everything she could with her pussy. Though she had one rule. Only one at a time.

One day she opened herself to me and told me she missed her mother. They used to have sex a lot, and since her death, Cassandra had sex with anyone trying to replace her mother. I can’t imagine it. I never had sex with my parents or spend time with them. I don’t even know if they would do it or have the idea it’d spoil me. I believe they’d tell me to search for a partner by myself. Most parents in the town invited me so their kids could learn to seduce someone.

What happened to my parents? Monsters killed them when I was five. I don’t remember their faces or names. Though, I’m sure they loved me.

Enough of these depressing thoughts. I was happy to leave the forest.

In front of me, there’s a bumpy road. I close my eyes and spin to choose which way I’ll go. I open them and walk along the road, paying attention to any sound to avoid bandits or thugs.

Bandits are easier to deal with. They take away your things if there’s value to them. And they won’t take my saber knowing they can’t sell it. No one buys it or makes it anymore. Thugs don’t care if you have money or not. They control that territory, and you must pay as much as they say to pass or stay there. It’s great that thugs are rare. Only insane people would try to hold a territory and expose themselves to the security force.


I walk, hoping I won’t encounter trouble towards the rising sun. It’s been a few days since I met Rose. I’m doing better now. You don’t care? How rude.

After walking for half a day, I see a village in the mountain's shade. It may have around thirty houses. It looks battered by the weather. I doubt there will be food or a nice bed waiting for me. But for sure they must have warm water.

As I approach, people stare at me in the distance. It makes me uncomfortable. Have you been in a similar situation? It’s creepy. If it was only the adults seeing me with lust, I’d understand it. That is normal for me. Sometimes I’m amazed at my beauty. If I was in their place, I’d have sex with me all the time. But the way the kids see me worries me. It’s as if they’re staring at their food. Should I run?

I kept going. I could be wrong and they may be kind. And I need something to eat and good rest.

“Good day.”


The people at the entrance nod at me with disinterest. Why would they avoid talking with me? This never happened before.

I keep walking, looking for a place to stay. The people keep staring at me with caution, though they look away when I try to approach. It’s clear they don’t want me here, neither do I want to stay.

This village is falling to pieces. The road is terrible, with human and animal waste covering it. People are skinny. The houses are in dire conditions. It’s like they threw away their dignity. I mean, there’s a forest with everything they need close to them.

That place looks like an inn.


I knock on the door a few times.

“There’s no one there.”

A man with a strong build approaches me. He isn’t muscular, though his muscles are firm.

“Do you know where I can stay the night?”

“What about coming to my house?”

“Really? Thank you.”

I follow him to his house. It’s dirty inside but looks well built.

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