《Rise of the Forgotten》Ch.5 Ascension and History Pt.3


The enemy alliance met a wall within weeks of their first attacks. During those weeks the Empire had reinforced the damaged fleets with ships, repaired the damaged ships, and also formed new fleets. With these new and reinforced Imperial fleets the Alliance couldn't move any further. During this time these Alliance fleets were heavily inflated with new ships. These Alliance fleets were double the size of the of the first invading fleets.

With these large fleets came more firepower, but also came with relatively slow movement and strained command structure. Still this did not stop the Alliance and for the first year they continued to assault the Empire and also continued to develop new ships and weapons. Sadly for the Alliance this wasn't enough to get any further than they got. After all, the Empire wasn't sitting on its ass.

After a year had passed and the Empire had success in its defense it was time for the Empire to show its fangs. Vast fleets of newly constructed Warships with their newest tech showed up. Immediately they started to push back the invaders. There was little to no mercy shown. The biggest and strongest fleet was the Alphas' fleet, Battlefleet Imperious. When this fleet showed up it went against the largest and most advanced of the Alliances fleets. It destroyed them, losing only 3 ships. The Alliance fleet had hundreds of ships of different sizes. Battlefleet Imperious had a hundred ships.

After defeating these fleets the Empire went to reclaim its lost territory. There were millions of ground forces. After all the Empire still had its morals. Vast ground battles ensued. The Alpha and his Imperial Guard also faught. It was a massacre. With the Alpha and his best generals and warriors leading the ground battles, the enemies were quickly annihilated. They were like gods of war. The Alpha was like a death itself. With UE fueling them making them stronger, faster, more durable, and giving them insane amounts of stamina and focus, they could do things they couldn't before. They used what they called universal arts, this allowed them to do things that weren't possible before. They could conjure lightning, fire, ice, wind, move the earth, among other things. Where before melee combat was stupid compared to ranged now both were available for use.

The Alpha was the most powerful of these people. His armour and body seemed indestructible, in his left hand a sword, thin and long, in his right hand a pistol, sleek and powerful. With a single swipe of his sword dozens died, a single shot from his pistol thing were annihilated. He destroyed the enemy in body and mind. When he started killing everyone was left slack jawed. No one expected him to be so powerful. Morale rose like a rocket. He was death incarnate. He was the Emperor. He was the Alpha.

These battles showed the enemy that they were capable in ground and space combat. The territory once lost was reclaimed. After this the Empire went and invaded the Alliance. These defense fleets and battlestations fought hard but ultimately fell. The Empire had very little casualties. They were rapidly advancing through territory, though never occupied the planets. The Empires' fleets rapidly approached the Alliances core worlds. Most in the alliance surrendered immediately seeing the Empire's fleets rapidly approaching. Only a few planets had to be besieged to get a surrender. After that the Alpha had them sign a non-aggression pact. They signed and leadership of the nations were promptly changed.

Dozens of years followed in peace. The worlds that were devastated by the war were rebuilt and the people lost mourned. The Empire continued to build and advance their warships. Some of the nations of the Alliance were bitter and resentful that they had lost so quickly and easily and tried to advance their tech with little hope of actually catching up to the Empires' level.


Hundreds of years passed like this, with the Empire eventually ceasing construction of warships while continuing to develop its tech, and the bitter Alliance members trying and failing to catch up with the Empire. That was until Humanis and it's like minded allies were contacted by a mysterious being. It promised them the tech and abilities they needed to fight against the Empire on equal footing in exchange for servitude. At first the leaders immediately declined the offer, they weren't completely stupid after all.

It stayed like this for some years but the being continued to offer them the deal. As it continued to offer them the deal it was slowly manipulating them. Making them subtly rethink and consider the deal. Eventually they agreed. This was a deal that they would obviously regret dearly. The being gave them the info on how to make the tech and use the abilities it offered. These nations immediately put them to use. At first people were confused on where this info came from, but they got no answers. This made them suspicious of the leaders and when they refused to work or questioned them too much they were imprisoned and replaced. The rest complied soon after.

A few dozen years later these nations invaded the other nations that used to be part of the Alliance. These nations fell quickly. The Empire seeing this happen and seeing the tech that was used was on the same level as them immediately grew worried and prepared in case of war. After conquering their previously allied nations the corrupted nation increased production and forced conscription. A couple of years later they attacked. They called themselves The Vengeful Alliance. The Empire was prepared and fended off the first attacks with exponentially more losses than before.

The Empire then started wartime production and recruitment. They also started to focus heavily on developing their weapons and defense. Finally after a couple of testing attacks the Vengeful attacked with a massive fleet at one point. They destroyed the Empire's defensive fleet and orbital defense station. They then commenced orbital bombardment on the planet. All cities were protected by city sized shielding so the bombardment was largely ineffective. The Vengeful then proceeded to commence an invasion. The planet fought hard on the ground and lasted for months, but it fell in time. The assault was unrelenting, the Vengeful were using their citizens, clones, and robots to create a massive and unrelenting ground force.

While that planet was falling other planets were also being sieged. Multiple massive fleets attacked multiple points in the Empire's border and the defenses were insufficient. Eventually the Empire was able to have its fleets group up together to form similarly sized fleets and stopped the advance of the Vengeful. Both sides were at what seemed to be a stalemate, the truth however was that the Empire was being pushed back. The reason for this was that the Vengeful didn't care about the condition of their ships or personnel. They launched raids that while destroyed ended up causing a significant amount of damage to the Empire fleets. With the Vengeful disregard to what happened to their ships crazy things happened. Ships would ram other ships and detonate their engines. Ships would cover their hull with explosives and ram other ships among other things.

These 'tactics' put the Empire on the defensive. The Imperial soldier's were astonished at the crazed assault of the Vengeful. Their morale was dropping after being repeatedly assaulted without rest. As the assault was reaching its peak reinforcements for the Empire arrived. Multiple large fleets arrived and immediately opened fire upon their enemies. With reinforcements the battle tipped toward the Empire. As these battles were reaching their crescendo, the Vengeful showed a trump card. Anomalies arrived at the battles and were assisting the Vengeful. The Empire was baffled that the anomalies were assisting the Vengeful. Immediately there were orders to defend the planets as a mass evacuation was started.


The Empire fought hard a long and took down vast amounts of the enemy with them, but eventually they were finished. Fortunately the evacuation of the planets that were being attacked were completed. After these massive fleets were destroyed other planets also began to evacuate their populace. The Vengeful then began their long campaign to take over one of the galaxies that the Empire had control over. During the evacuations and subsequent take over of planets many plans were carried out to slow down the advance of the Vengeful. One such plan was to blow up production planet facilities so that they couldn't be used. This had the benefit of denying the enemy of securing ways of making new ships and weapons and killing anyone in the vicinity of these facilities.

Eventually one of the Empire's galaxies fell into enemy hands and with it, its raw resources and an area to plan and execute new attacks. This newly occupied galaxy was then heavily defended from the Empire. The Alpha seeing this happen was infuriated that he let this happen. He made a mistake and now he and his citizens were paying the price. He then ordered nearly all production to be placed on new ships, weapons and defense. He wanted to obliterate the Vengeful. He would show no mercy. He would go all out this time and crush them.

Years passed with a back and forth during the war. The Empire was determined to not fall and if they were they would take as many with them as they could. The Vengeful on the other hand didn't care and rushed toward them like rabid animals. They didn't care and would use any means necessary to secure victory. Slowly despite its best efforts the Empire was being pushed back. The combined assault of anomalies and the Vengeful was proving to be too much for them.

Thousands of years passed with the Empire to endure the massive onslaught of the Vengeful. Eventually they were pushed back to its core galaxies. The most advanced tech was here and they were vastly more defended than anywhere else. The Alpha and his fleets fought many times and were pushed back many times. The Vengeful though being largely successful in attacking the Empire was beginning to show signs of rebellion and the collapse of their military. Each battle was exceedingly costly for the Vengeful and they were showing signs of collapse.

During these times the war was finally meeting its end either the Empire would break first or the Vengeful would collapse under its own wasteful ways. The Alpha during this time was having visions of the future. This allowed him to best defend against the Vengeful. During the final battles of the war the Alpha had one last vision that led him to make a drastic action. First he and the best scientific minds he had holed themselves up in the best lab they had in the Alphas palace. There they spent weeks making the most advanced ship they could. They also researched the Omegians reincarnation and ways to manipulate it. After they succeeded they launched the ship randomly with it the last hope of the Empire and the Omegians.

After launching it the Alpha then called all available people who would fight. Anyone that didn't answer the call were put into stasis pods. After everything was over and done with the Alpha gathered all the Omegians. Most manned the most advanced ships in the Empire others were left to do other tasks. Some were sent off into the universe in stasis ships equipped with the most advanced stealth tech available to them. Eventually the biggest fleet the Empire had ever seen was assembled. The Alpha in his Flagship, The Retribution, then launched the biggest attack of the entire war. With some of the most advanced ships in the Empire all gathered together, they plowed through the Vengeful fleets. The Battlefleet Wrath destroyed everything in its path and didn't stop. Eventually the Vengeful also gathered all of their ships together planning to stop the fleet.

Almost all of the leadership of both sides confronted each other in one final battle. During the battle the most unexpected thing happened. The Empires remaining territory vanished. Entire galaxies just vanished. The Vengeful wouldn't know this until after the final battle, the Empire on the other had had the Alpha and he felt it happen. Smiling, the Alpha ordered all of the ships to attack with everything they had. The Vengeful facing this unexpected surge in attacks responded in kind. Eventually the Empire started using the Vengeful tactics against them. Eventually only a sixth of the Empire fleet remained while the Vengeful fleet had a third left. The Alpha then ordered his ships to charge into the fleet and over load their engines. As this happened all of the survivors on the ships made a massive warcry, they were crying out all at once, even the Alpha was screaming.

This warcry resounded into the void making itself known even in the vacuum of space. This warcry fractured the surrounding space and fully stunned the Vengeful. This was a warcry filled with desperation, sorrow, anger, and many other emotions. This was a warcry of people who knew they were going to die but had accepted it and were going to die with a bang. With this warcry the Alpha made his final speech.

"You are warriors, defenders of the Empire. Protector of your home. You have sacrificed yourself so that others may live. Be proud of yourself. Go now into death knowing that I, your leader, your general, your admiral, your Emperor, go with you, with pride to have known you, and to have served alongside you. FOR THE EMPIRE. LONG MAY IT STAND!!!"

With his speech finished the space around the battlefield cracked as the souls of the living and dead all cried with him screaming 'FOR THE EMPIRE LONG MAY IT STAND' as they detonated their engines. The resulting explosion combined with the cracks in space destroyed everything. There were no survivors. There was nothing left. After living for 30,000 years longer than any previous Alpha the 5th Alpha died. He is the Alpha of War and Final Stand, Alpha Indominus Omega.

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