《Rise of the Forgotten》Ch.3 Ascension and History Pt.1


The darkness was pleasant. I don't know why. It felt like I was wrapped tightly, but it was not unpleasant. I was exceedingly comfortable. I did not want to move, if I even could move.

All of the sudden it changed. From pure darkness it went to extreme brightness. This felt the same, and yet different. From what I knew this brightness and that darkness are different, opposing forces. Yet they could not be understood without the other.

This knowledge also came to me just like what happened with the concepts of superiority and discrimination. I still do not know where this comes from, it feels as though it was always there and yet I didn't know about it before. I am certain I didn't know about this before.

The scene changed again. From the brightness it changed to what looked like a room. This room was incredibly cast. There were large pillars that went up for what seemed to be dozens of meters, they seemed to be made of a black material with decorations of silver. After looking around I tried to walk. I started to walk. As I was walking I started to notice huge statues in between the pillars. A word made itself present to me.

These were warriors.

These statues stood upon a giant block of marble. On this block was a giant plaque with writing on it. I moved closer to one of the statues, once I was near it I noticed how truly massive it was. It made me feel insignificant standing before it. As I neared closer to it I started to make out what was written on the huge plaque. They were names.

There were thousands upon thousands of names on this single plaque. I read what was the largest of the words on the plaque. ' Here the names of the fallen soldiers of our people shall forever be remembered. May their deeds always be remembered.'

As I walked away I bowed to the statue. It was an instinctual movement. It felt right as I did it. I continued on. Each statue that I passed I did a bow. I did not look back. Little did I know that after bowing to each statue after I moved on to the next then then moved and kneeled. They were noiseless as this happened. I was none the wiser.


After continuing on and bowing to each statue for what seemed like hours I started to see an end. There at the end was what seemed like a giant Throne. As I was approaching the Throne, I felt a weird sensation happen to my body. Confused, I looked at my body. It looked like I was dissolving into a black mist. Strangely I wasn't concerned. In fact, it felt like I was supposed to be this way, it felt natural. After a little while my entire body dissolved into this black mist.

After becoming this black mist I felt the urge to approach the Throne. I didn't know why but I HAD to go to the Throne. This wasn't a suggestion like the other feelings that I had. This was an order. I had to do this or face some unforeseen consequences.

I went toward the Throne. As I was approaching I noticed that I had a complete vision all around my body. I could even see what I looked like. I was a black mist shaped like a humanoid at one moment then a different shape at another. My form was constantly shifting. I also noticed that I was growing. Eventually my form stopped shifting and I was just a giant mist.

It was only then that I noticed the kneeling statues behind me. They didn't seem as giant as before. In fact, they seemed to be a little shorter or smaller than me. I don't know how I knew this I just did. All this time I was still approaching the Throne. As I was getting closer to it my form shifted to a humanoid.

In this humanoid form I reached the Throne. I sat in it. As I sat in the Throne. I felt complete. I felt whole. I never noticed before, but as I look back at my time before this it felt like there was a void in me. After all, how does something incomplete know how it should feel like to be complete when it was never complete.

After my brief introspection, I looked around me. These statues of warriors were all before me, all kneeled toward me. As I gazed at them, these soldiers all humanoid in form, all that looked like I did. A mist form. They had a helmet on, with a chest piece, armoured legs and arms, gauntlets, boots, and all had a variety of weapons with them. They didn't seem like statues now. They looked like living beings, they had what felt like the vitality of thousands upon thousands of warriors in them.


I could see into them and see warriors inside them. All kneeling before me. Billions upon billions of warriors all kneel before me. Behind the statues I saw the appearance of other people. All of different professions, from a gardener to an Admiral. From scientists to plumbers. All kneeling before me. All in a mist humanoid form. All these mists a different color. But none black.

After I was done looking at them I then noticed that there were five people behind me. I knew who they were. They were the previous Alphas. At the center of the group is the very first Alpha. The one who let us defeat the things that assaulted our people in the early years of our people. The one who let the Omegians become the dominant race in our home world. They lived for thousands of years and watched our race set off into space. They let themselves die. The Alphas were ageless. And we were incredibly difficult to kill. He is called The Alpha of the Beginning. Alpha Beninim Omega.

To their left is the Second Alpha. She was born thousands of years after the First Alpha died. She was born in a time of war. One war was from a race that saw our species as delicious, and another civil cold war, between 3 factions. One faction believed that the First Alpha should be worshipped as a God. One believed that the Alpha was just an extremely powerful person, more so than any other of our race, but still just a person and that just because they were powerful does not mean they should automatically be the leader. The last believed that the Alpha was a fraud and that they didn't even exist in the first place. The Second Alpha first dealt with the civil war. She used her position as Alpha to completely invalidate the First and Last groups position. And then proved why the Alpha was the leader of their race. She boasted an extremely political mind, an amazing level of intellect, and amazing combat strength. She proved the Alphas are the best of the absolute best.

After dealing with the civil war she then dealt with the foreign invasion. She crushed them. Any one that even showed an inkling of wanting to eat her people were immediately killed. She declared that none shall treat another fully sentient race as food. After that the foreign race was then put under our banner. They became citizens of our Interstellar Empire. She continued to expand the Empire throughout our home galaxy forming allies with willing races and conquered those that showed hostility. Those that wanted to be a part of our Empire were welcomed. Those that didn't were allies. She then developed a never before seen A.I. to help govern and monitor the people of the Empire. She lived for a few thousand years before letting herself die. She was called The Alpha of Unifying, Alpha Valmina Omega.

The Third Alpha stood to the right of the First Alpha. They were born a few hundred years after the Seconds' death. When they were born the entire galaxy was part of the Empire. During the Thirds time they furthered the development of the Empires A.I., what was once before an extremely advanced series of evolving code became something else. This new A.I. was exceedingly advanced. It was even sentient, but still loyal to the Alphas. This new A.I. couldn't be hacked. It could read and analyze data at an extremely fast rate that was getting faster. It was evolving. With its help and the Alphas' brilliance they developed new technology at an extremely fast rate. Management and development of the Empire was done in a fraction of the time. During this time they discovered what appeared to be alternate parallel spaces throughout the galaxy. After finding and opening a portal to one of these spaces it seemed to set off a cascade effect that both helped and devastated the Galaxy and beyond.

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