《Reaper of the Shadows》Chapter 10: Shadow Realm
"Ohhhh, you look lovely in that newly bought coat." Boss said, waiting next to Tear. I actually didn’t expect boss to be this earl but hey, saves the time calling him. I smirked and made a spin, ending with my thumb pointing at me, my other arm at my hip and a smile, "How’d you like the new me boss!" Boss laughed, "Is that what you do everyday? You should be a comedian rather than a reaper!" With that boss kept laughing and i laughed as well. "Ahhhhh, that’s a good laugh. Anyways before i forget what im supposed to do, let’s send you straight to the Shadow Realm!" Boss gleefully said. Ohhhhhh i’ve been waiting for this! The moment i get outta hell and fuck shit up with Tear is gonna be so much fun! "But first, let’s go to the portal room." Say what know?
Then Boss teleported us in an unknown room, too me at least, and saw Selene next to me with her furry friend above her head, eating a nut. She doesn’t look happy too see me and so am I. "How’s your nutty friend over there Brat?" I said mockingly which ended up with me getting kicked by Selene in the groin. "Good thing i have a (de)buff called to 'Little girl with very OP squirrel friends that one shots anyone they met' bar that always kicks me in the nuts." My voice with a very sarcastic tone which in turn angered Selene and made her shout (Threw a Tantrum), "Can we send him away know Dad! His mocking me!" Boss looked at us, which made me surprised that Boss was already gone and i didn’t even notice! Looks like being a Grim Reaper isn’t just for show. "Don’t worry my honey the preparation won’t take long, just have patience." Boss responded with a very deep voice, like a zombie or a hollow or that one guy whose an undead in a mobile game called Rainlory... i think? Selene and her furry friend looked at me with rage. "You’re not angry at me are you?" I said in a sarcastic manner, with my eyes looked a lot like puppy eyes, puppy face and the puppy look. She responded with a quick punch to the gut, a leg sweep, a dive bomb, and her iconic impalement. Yeah can’t fell shit so that made her attack worthless. Although i do have a question.
"Hey Boss! I have a question. If a reaper can die, but can’t feel pain, wouldn’t that make me a zombie?" Boss said in his zombie voice, "Selene answer his question. Im in a middle of a conversation with Izora." Hey Izora’s still alive! Of course she is duh, but still good to know she’s still alive and kicking. Speaking of alive and kicking, "Hey Brat, wanna un-impale me for a moment?" I said with a smile, Selene then responded with a sigh and un-impaled me by retracting her tentacle and thus making me fall down since she retracted it to quickly. "Thanks Brat, im know officially calling you Brat with friends!" I said which in turn made me wanna shut my mouth off cause i’ll probably get impaled.
"Im not even gonna bother, it may be annoying but i’ll just have to bear with it." I knew all that trash talking will get me somewhere but I didn’t expect this. "And also for your questions i’ll tell you so listen up! A reaper CANNOT physically die. Instead there bodys rot in an extremely slow rate that lasts until your so called 'earth' dies." So basically a reaper is already rotting since it’s dead. That answers one of my question.
"Also reapers can die in more than one way. First example, if i want you dead or dadd- father wanted you dead, then you would have died immediately without me being restrained." I heard that daddy part. "Second example, a reaper is most vulnerable when you are at your 'Human Form' or technically known as your weakest form. There are many reapers out there that have acquired multiple forms. This forms are known as active skills to them and can be activated when willed or require a specific condition in order for them to do so." Like my gauntlet! "Third and the most simplest way to kill a Reaper. Have another reaper fight one of there own!" What? "I mean look at it, reapers are known for being swift and lethal at there works. They ensure that the job is done before there targets knew what hit them. Of course some reapers like War Reaper and Shadow Mancers like you work in different places, some reapers doesn’t stop there. A lot of reapers have been seen doing there work in different fields. Like a War Reaper filling the part as a Strategist in a battle field due to them being in countless wars. Or a Shadow Mancer who’s Shadow techniques make them expert spies and Elementalist like Mana who’s knowledge made her an incredible tailor! And a bit of a slut as well." That’s why she was horny! Due to knowledge, I see know. The quote 'The more you know' is finally clear to me, it all makes sence know. Unless, of course, your a dumb piece of shit, then that’s me all right.
With a smirk, a devilish look on my face, i’ve decided that this clas was ment for me. The fact that being versitile was always what i am, when i was still alive at least. Like having the mobility of a Rouge class, the vitality of a Fighter which runs through my body, and an incredible instinct that saved my ass many time than i could count. Well, of course i’ve been in situations where my instinct almost costed me my life, but that’s in the past.
"Although there are rare cases of reapers killing each other. Usually they just fight there frustration at the arena." Selene said with a worried tone and a frown. Hmmmmmm, it does make sence. The fact that reapers can kill each other would make hell very much in chaos, (which surprised me that hell is not in chaos or on fire. Excluding the lava river) And a free way to get souls. But what worries me the most is, "Does Heaven have any reapers?" I said with my right eyebrow raising and a frown. Selene looked at me with dreadful eyes. Her gaze made me realize that they’re no laughing manner when fighting them. "Yes, they do. Heaven and Hell have reapers but the only real difference is in terms of strength. Heaven has a small army but boasts the strongest of all reapers, while Hell on the other hand has a legion among a legion but in terms of strength we’ll lose. If heaven and hell where to fight with only our reapers, our side won’t be able to sustain it self any longer." So heaven has small Reaper density but boast power instead. On the other hand , we have very many disposable reapers and lack power.
In short, Heaven low reaper density, very OP. Hell high level of disposable reapers, lacks OP reapers, Like me! But in terms of experience and knowledge, im not something that should be feared. I mean my rank is A+, that means im basically very strong when it comes to melee or close range attacks, but useless at long range attacks. I only have one long range attack but’s that’s worthless! At least i got one so it’s better than nothing.
"Well if that answered your question we better send you off to the Shadow Realm." Selene said. Boss then appeared in next to me carrying what looked like a doll. Creepy, very creepy, dolls is one of my greatest fears. The way they look and the way when they get possessed makes me wanna straight out destroy them. And that’s what i do, when my friends tried to prank me with a doll in April fools, they’ll get there dolls destroyed with a few punches as pay back. The more the dolls, the harder i punch them. Of course when it’s NOT dolls, then i just get grumpy or laugh. Boss then placed the doll on the floor. Then, with a flick of a finger, fire lit the doll ablaze which then turned to ashes and made a portal about a width of a normal door. Boss then looked at me and said (in his zombie voice), "The portal is open to teleport you to your destination." Woah, i have to admit, that was really cool. I prefer this kind of transportation rather than being INSTANTLY there. I mean it’s convenient but very scary. If you have a weak heart and you suddenly saw a dead person appeared right in front of you, you’ll probably have a heart attack. And even if you don’t, you’ll probably still get a heart attack.
Selene looked at me with a gleefull expression and said, "Good luck, don’t die without me witnessing it!" This brat really get’s on my nerves. Well i suppose this does make her annoyed with me to so i guess we’re both even. With an annoying brat wishing me good luck and goodbye. Boss opened the portal to the Shadow Realm. With Tear in my hand, i can tell this is gonna be one good memory. I stopped at the entrance of the portal and looked behind saying, "Brat tell Mana-senpai that i might damage this coat when I arrive. And also, FUCK YOU!!!!" With that said, i stepped in the portal and fell.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! WHAT THE FUCK I THOUGHT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE INSTANT!! I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS THIS KIND OF PORTAL FUCKKKKKKK!!!!" I screamed for an entire minute while traveling or falling down the portal. Good grief if this was a game this would make good graphics. Story’s fucked up though.
Back at Hell
Selene was glad that Maxwell is gone, although she was quite angry with the last part, she decided that she’ll spend that time to relax and mentally prepare when he gets back. Thuurus or Boss forgot to tell Maxwell something important yet again.
"Yes! His gone finally! At last, I can relax!" Selene yelled in glee.
"Hmmmm, i think i forgot to tell him something... Something, important." Thuurus said to himself, pondering what he had forgotten to tell the vulgar reaper.
"Don’t worry about it dad," Selene said, taking a sip from her ice tea, "He’ll be fine. I mean he does have 'that' with him."
"What do you mean Honey?" Thuurus said looking behind and saw Selene wearing a bikini and is sunbathing through an open portal.
"You didn’t know?" Selene asked her father, taking another sip at her ice tea.
"Other than his Gauntlet, Right eye, and his Scythe, nothing seams out of the ordinary." Thuurus replied with doubt about something.
"Hmmm know that you said it, what did he bring?" Selene pondered what she had said before, taking yet another sip at her ice tea.
Thuurus then remembered what he had forgotten. He should’ve said this earlier. The fact that even Maxwell even forgot. The weakest form of the Reapers. The one they all despise but learned to use it as an advantage. Thuurus then shook his head and told him self that everything is going to be fine.
Maxwell POV
"Oof! That hurts," I said. Woah this place looks... creepy, like straight out of a horror movie. Im surrounded by houses which have broken windows and doors and everything is red. Unless if im only seeing it red but still, EVERYTHING IS RED! Red here, Red there, Red everywhere! What the heck is this place the blood realm?! Did boss send me in the wrong realm?! Judging by his personality he may had. "Well at least it aint that bad~" I said in a girlish voice which made me cover my mouth with my hands, "What the fuck?!" I said in the same tone of voice. "What the fuck, what the fuck?! What hell happened too me?!" I said. I looked at my hands and saw that my hands where small. My gauntlet changed in size, and my feets can’t even fit my old shoes. And also my pants as well. And my boxers. I then saw a broken shard of a window and went there and saw something... Horrifyingly Adorable.
"EVERYTHING IS NOT FUCKING FINE!!! What the fuck have i become!" I said in a girlish tone of voice, "I became small, my pants don’t fit, except my coat which im loving by the way, and my face. My eyes have changed as well! My right eye is know green and my left eye yellow with my hair color being blonde?! AND BOTH MY EYES HAVE A STRAIGHT LINE UNDER THEM!!? HOW THE FUCK DID I BECOME A GIRL IN THE SHADOW REALM, SURROUNDED BY HOUSES THAT LOOKED AND IS DEFINITELY STRAIGHT OUT OF A HORROR MOVIE!!??!" I screamed as i threw the shard away from me out of rage and confusion, "Oh my fucking god... this is the worst kind of scenario i have ever wanted. Me turning into a girl!" I said in a girlish tone of voice, "D-Don’t freak out that much. Just focus on your mission and get tear; who suddenly became a smaller version of her Scythe?" I said, taking a look at her stats.
Eternal Bloodwell
Tear Bloodwell has turned into a Scythe and can freely change back to her original form if the wielder wishes. In her scythe form, she takes the form of what is suitable for the wielder.
The Scythe has three spikes from the heel that extends from the chine making it to reach a few inches. The chine is covered of what looks like a rough hide and has a very long reach from the toe. Then a long blade down the end of the snatch to insure that the wielder can attack with both ends of the Scythe.
Soulbound to David Maxwell
Soulbound: Merges the level and passive of the wielder to the weapon and vice versa.
Bloodswell: Whenever Tear tastes blood, she will glow red which indicates she is know infused with blood increasing the damage she deals. +300 ATK
Blood Reaper: All the blood you have reaped will be stored. You gain one blood shard each time you kill an enemy. Blood shard increases your damage done by +10%. Maximum of 100. Blood shard will be consumed if an ability is used. Statcks with other shard bonuses.
Blood Infusion: You consume a blood shard and heals your target. Heal depends on your WIS and amount of blood shard consumed.
Blood Lord: The Reaper who wields this gains increase damage if using Blood related skills. +10% increased damage
Chibi Blood Scythe: This scythe is so small, it could fit in tight areas where other sycthes can’t reach. Also it looks very cute.
This is stupid. I look like a little girl in the shadow realm! What the fucking fuck! I never wanted to be a girl! Calm Down, Calm down. You haven’t seen it yet know did you. Just look below and, Vuala! My little dick is still with me! Actually, why the hell didn’t I check if my dick’s still attached... At least i have it so i can be identified as a boy... Moving on. First of all killing that parasite is my main priority and Clothes. Bot female clothes but male ones. Second goal is grinding. Third and not the least, Gathering materials to get even stronger. With those three goals in mind, two are are boring as hell, especially gathering, i set out to find-
"Foooooddddd, waterrrrr, soooo hungry and colldd... Bleaaaa.." I said like a beggar. It’s been at least a week since i started traveling to find stuff to kill. My stomach is rumbling, stamina almost gone, fucking thirsty as fuck, aeating maggots or anything i could find that’s edible and lost. Lost, Lost ,Lost. I think this what that Brat said, it’s easier for reapers to die when they’re at there human form. Hehe, can’t believe i’ll go done like this, without ever killing something big with my scythe or at least role playing even more with my second life. With that thought in mind everything went black as my (red) vision finally succumbed to darkness...
In the distance...
The beast found it’s prey laying on the ground exhausted and out cold. It was starving after being forced into a deep well, as it was struggling to climb up with it’s claws in the way. It’s head and body too big to fit the hole which made it wonder, how did it even fit there. But, after escaping successfully, it could finally eat and eat it shall. It did hot waste anytime and pounced for the kill, preventing anyone or anything from taking it’s food; only to get struck by an arrow which flew past it’s head killing it instantly.
The hunteress, who shot the arrow was hiding in the trees above, hiding, waiting and watching for any prey she could find. But then, she saw a girl with a scythe crawling on the floor half dead. She knew it would be wise to help the girl to help them in there village which was a few minutes away by foot. She sprang into action and left her hiding place only to felt fear crawl up her spine. She immediately went back to her hiding spot and stayed there. Then saw, A Shadow Beast.
A shadow beast is something very dangerous in this realm. It was said that an encounter in the wild with this could be fatal. The hunteress did not flinch and armed her bow with steel arrow coated with magic that is lethal to shadow beast and pointed at the beast. The huntress waited for the beast to make it’s move, breathing slowly for it not to notice her, calming her self to aim better, and her game of patience ended when the beast ponced on the girl. The hunter did not waste anytime and let go of the string, releasing the arrow and sent it flying directly at the beast’s head, killing it instantly. The huntress was glad it killed the beast and immediately went to the girl only to find something horrifying.
The girl was eating the beast. Not directly but was merely absorbing the essence of the beast. The huntress froze in fear of what was happening and took a step back. Both her eyes are glowing red, her hair turning from blonde to white, she was afraid. Then she felt danger. She ducked to dodge the blow that was coming from behind, hitting the girl in the process but the huntress failed to notice this. As Another Beast found it’s prey, and the huntress is the prey. The huntress threw a smoke bomb at her feet, vanishing instantly and taking evasive maneuvers. She hid from one of the trees, took aim at the beast that disappeared. She then looked under her and found it ready to slash the branch of the tree with it’s long, thick arms. She jumped and landed on a bunch of leaves, breaking her fall.
The beast then screamed and started chasing the huntress with it’s tentacle like feet only to get beheaded by a small scythe. The huntress was shocked of what had happened. The girl she found covered in dirth, wearing a coat and carrying a scythe. The girl took a step forward while the huntress took a step back. The huntress felt dread and sorrow as she saw the girl. She doesn’t know if she should pity or fear the girl. But one thing’s for sure. She’s much more dangerous than a Shadow Beast. As the girl raised her head and lookd upwards, the girl fell down. Her hair returning to it’s blonde hair color. Her eyes changed as well but the huntress failed too notice. After a few moments of silence, the huntress carried the girl and brought her to there village and treated her. The huntress told everything she had encountered and about the girl to the village elders. The elders was shocked and told them too keep an eye to the girl.
"The beginning of the end has come."
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