《Reaper of the Shadows》Chapter 9: Preparation
Whistling as i made a smirk on my face, Boss started to talk, "Now then. Let’s talk about business before i forget about it." Boss looked at me. "The place where you are going is... The Shadow realm." The what know?
Selene had her eyes wide open and so did Tear. I have no idea what this Realm nor the other two. I decided to ask boss what’s the difference between the three. "So Boss, I have a question. What is the difference betwen a World, Realm, and Dimension?" Boss had a sharp look over his face but simply sighed. "I’ll probably forget to tell you this so might as well. A Realm is simply a state where one or two force exists. There can be one dominant force, making the other almost powerless. People who has affinity with the realm will gain a boon. Of course people with the opposite affinity will suffer a deliberating effect that will destroy them from the inside out. Take hell as an example. Anything that is aligned with Chaotic will get all there stats and there levels increase by a lot. Also neutral alignments get no boon. Dimensions on the other hand is where two or more forces are co-exiting with each other. Whether it is magic or technology, both can co-exist. Of course this could lead to war forcing both forces to fight and be constantly at each others throats. This are also where newbie Reapers start. But since you’re different, i kicked the difficulty to overkill." God Fucking dammit why, "Worlds however are different. This are places where any force could exist. Magic and Technology, Light and Darkness, Justice and Chaos. Those are all allowed in a world. This however causes far more trouble than what you will expect. Take your world for example. Your world is corrupted and many people there are killing just for them to survive. If we were scientifically speaking, that world would be 90% corrupted already." That explained why some people here in hell are higher levels. There alignments must be Chaotic.
"How many 'Plains' are out there?"
"Too many to count. There are countless Plains out there that took eons to discover. The guild has been standing ever since the birth of life and has been searching for other plains as well. But let’s not talk about that." Nodding with a sence of satisfaction, i made a smirk. Also i really wanna know who or what this life is. But i know i’ll find it sooner of later.
"I do hope that i’ll be able to have much fun in this, 'Shadow Realm'." Letting out a laughter the Boss smirked. "I know that you’ll be a great Reaper someday Maxwell." Boss said whole heartedly, "But, if you where to fail this test, then a fate worst than death shall be waiting for you when you return." Boss said in a demonic voice causing me to shiver and giving me a cold sweat. I knew that once i fuck up it’ll be the death of me. Literally. I gulped and said, "So what do i have to then?" Boss smirked, "Kill the Entity that is absorbing the realms power in order to survive." A parasite. I’ll have to kill a parasitic entity that’s feeding the dark energy of the realm?! "The parasite is making the realm grow weaker every century. It has been a long time since it was dormant but know it had awaken and has started to eat the realm once again. If we where to let this go on then the realm will surely die." This is weird. Not the fact that they hadn’t killed the beast earlier, unless if it’s hiding, but the fact that reapers were supposed to reap souls not go to an epic adventure where i’ll have to slay a great beast and also growing stronger in the process. But, i can’t shake this feeling. The feeling of a REAL fight. The feeling of something that will make me even stronger and a feeling that would grant me plesure of doing so.
Witlh a smile and a burning spirit, "Where do i start?" Boss smirked, "Right after you prepare." With a flick of his finger, the drow and elf appeared behind boss. "This are my two head maids. They will follow what you demand them. Of course you cannot have sexual intercourse with them. Even if they are really appealing." Boss winked at me and i smirked, "Said the one who had a daughter." Boss laughed, "A privilege when you are a Grim Reaper is having a child you know." Then Boss laughed again and Selene blushed while looking very angry. She looks cute when she’s angry.
"Now i would leave you for i have important matters to attend." With that said, Boss left the room with Selene. Now preparing for the journey ahead is more likely an importan feat, since i’ll be hunting a parasite which could be hard to find and catch, i’ll need to gather some items that could prove usefull to me. And since i still have that 1k gold Boss gave me, i can spend some of it for potions and su- Wait, does a reaper even need a health potion? No, will it even heal me or hurt me? What do i really need? Will potions even work? I am an undead so will it increase or decrease the effect of the potion? Does the type matter? Hmmmmmm... I think i’ll just level up skills for now. Let’ s see.
LvL Skill tree Remaining Skill Points:20 - Shadow Tree Effect None Shadow Bolt
Deals shadow damage to the target, ranging from up to 20 meters. Damage increases with level and with INT. Frequency of attack increases with WIS and level.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
None Shadow Clone
Creates a Shadow that is identical to the caster. The shadow follows every command given. Shadow also cast spells the caster is casting, ONLY when commanded. Number of shadows active depends on level. Can swap between shadows.
Cooldown: None
None Shadow Scythe
Covers the scythe in the shadows, increasing damage dealt by your next damaging ability significantly. Damage increases with level. Gains one Shadow Shard.
Cooldown: 3 seconds
None Shadow Cloak
Covers yourself in the shadow, gaining stealth and increase movement speed. Gains the ability to Walk through walls and gain 'see through' buff. Effect will be canceled when taking damage. Cannot use while in combat.
Cooldown: None
None Shadow Blade
Creates a blade from the shadows. Blade depends on what the caster desires. Amount of blade created depends on the casters WIS and INT and skill level. Gains one shadow shard.
Cooldown: None
None Shadow Dance
Only available when Shadow cloak and Shadow blade is active. Reveals yourself in a flurry of 10 blades, cutting everything around yourself by 10 meters.
Cooldown: None
Requires Shadow Blade and Shadow Cloak to be active before usage.
- - Passive - Reaper of the Shadows Reaps the shadows and gains one shadow shadow shard. Shadow shard increases damaged dealt by +10%. Stacks up to 10 times. After reaching 10 stacks will consume the stack and will receive a random buff. Resets the stack count.
Ok so i got 20 Skill points to spend. In terms of RPG games or most light novels I read, the maximum level is 10. Well i do hope it’s 10 or else im gonna have to save a lot of skills points. Like every RPG games i play when i was still alive, saving skill points is important. First let’s put one point in all my skills. And know i have 16 skill points left. I’ll figure out how all my skills utilize each other, especially when i get a lot of Active and Passive skills. With those things done, i proceeded to try my new found skills. First Shadow clone. The shadows around the room suddenly shifted in front of me and found an ominous shadow that looked a lot like me. So this is how people see me huh, Im pretty intimidating. Next is Shadow blade. It didn’t work at first since i got a very twisted short sword which looked like a twisted penis... What the fuck is wrong with me... I focused really hard this time and I succeeded! I created a long sword that is floating in front of me.
Shadow Long sword
Standard long sword but much weaker. Who ever created this is a disgrace to blacksmith around the world. Even a newbie can create far better equipment than this.
+1 ATK
Has a change of criting for 0.1 percent.
The fuck this is useless!! I demand a refund right now! I created a noob sword that has critical strike change even lower than one and it fucking mocked me... Well, look at the bright side. If i were to create ten of this and used Shadow Dance paired with Shadow Scythe, then im going to deal a lot of AOE damage around me. Add Reaper of the Shadow and Blood, im gonna deal hell of a lot of damage. Now let’s create more! With that said, i created 9 more swords. The swords are all hovering around me and one of the sword i gave to my clone. I asked him to attack me and he did. I ducked and it sliced a sword off. I managed to land a hit myself in the back of it causing it to fall and disappear. Looks like Shadow boxing got a whole lot more real.
I then tried to dissummon the swords floating around me but i can’t. Looks like this is stuck unless it gets destroyed? Or does it have a time limit? I’ll find it out sooner or later. Next is Shadow scythe. I asked Tear to transform into her Scythe form to try out Shadow scythe in her which got me this message.
Usage of this skill with the Weapon equipped will harm you but deals increase damage. Do you wish to continue?
Yes No
So blood and Shadow can’t mix, too bad. I really wanted to try out the shadow and blood mancer kind of stuff. I am dead so might as well role play it, Well not to much. This is actually useful as well. Having to cost HP instead of MP is actually pretty useful for people like that have a lot of CONS. Although I don’t even know what my current HP or MP is, So might as well try how bad this will turn out. I tapped yes and suddenly a stream of shadow came rushing towards Tear (Scythe form). Then blood suddenly came out of Tear and fought(?) the shadow. It hurts like hell but the pain simply vanished as if it wasn’t there. After a while, Tear is glowing dark red. And also my floating swords disappeared as well.
"You ok?" I asked. What am I thinking, it’s not like Tear could spe-
'Yes. I am Alright Master.'
'What the fuck?! You can speak?!'
'Yes. I can communicate with Master since you and I are soulbound to each other."
'So were technically speaking through telepathy?'
'Ok, that’s nice to hear... So do we have this ever since we made the contract?'
'No. We can communicate when i am a weapon or when you want too. We will also receive a distress signal if one of us are in danger. There is no limit on how far the signal is, just as long as you are within the plain then we can receive the signal.'
'That’s actually pretty neat! Men, your experience when you where with that other reaper sure paid off. So, where is he know?'
'Oh... Sorry about that.'
'It is fine.'
'Well, im gonna cut the connection so talk to you later.'
I turned off the telepathy and casted Shadow bolt on my right hand. The fact that it was producing violent streams of Shadows that eats away my flesh wants me to throw it away but its bearable. Like being pinched by a crab in the tongue. And also it’s crackling. I then summoned another shadow and threw the Bolt at it. The shadow and the bolt dissolved into nothingness. This is something i need to use carefully. The results is pretty good for silent assassination. It’s quick, lethal, and silent. Except for the fact that it made crackling sounds, hurts like being pinched in the tongue, and dimly glowing violet is the only thing that sucked. Other than that, i can go ham.
I then asked Tear to revert her transformation and thanked her. She nodded and sat down on the bed. Next up is Shadow cloak. I casted Shadow cloak on my self and damn is this thing amazing. My vision is black and white. I looked at the mirror and saw nothing. It was all black. Then i looked at Tear and saw something really cool (or scary). I can see what’s inside of her. Her veins pulsing, heart beating, lungs expanding, and her vagina ovulating. This is very disturbing in many ways than one, so imma just use this skill only when im gonna traverse thick walls or escaping. Also you can adjust the 'Sensitivity' of your eyes so you can see hidden weapons like the elf and drow, hiding two sets of daggers inside there skirts. The weapons glow blue when there hidden so im guessing that they glow a different color when they are in plain sight.
Next on the list is armor. I still have this useless piece of junk coat! I demand an upgrade! With that thought in mind I asked the elf to give me another coat. She nodded and she opened the door and saw what look like a tailoring store. Didn’t expect that but oh well. The elf guided me inside and told me to stay put. After waiting for sometime, the elf came back with what looked a loli fox girl with blue hair, Neon blue left eye with a pink right eye and she is wearing a Black Yukata. Let’s not forget she also has has 10 fucking tails!
LvL 1000 Kiyoki Mana
Advanced Job Class: Elementalist, Advanced Sub class: Blight Bearer
Profession: Reaper, Side Profession: Tailor
Age: 450
Race: Beast kin (Ten Tailed fox),(Reaper)
Souls: 10902
Holy shit this girl is also a reaper?! Didn’t expect that coming, and probably a chaotic alignment as well since level 1000 is probably thanks to the boon. And the number of her souls is so damn high. What is she a war mage?! She then looked at me and made a wide smile, "Welcome to my humble store Young one. I assume you are looking for a coat that suits your taste yes?"
I smiled and looked at her, "Yes, you’re right 'Mana-Senpai'. The coat I am currently wearing is 'Unfitting' and I would like to have a much better coat. Do you think I could get a better coat?"
She giggled, "You came to the right store 'Maxwell'. This place is filled with coats that are all cheap, affordable, expensive, and comes in all shapes and sizes." With an introduction like that, I could tell this place has my eyes set when i plan on shopping armor in the near future.
"So what kind of coat are you looking for?" Come to think of it, what do I want? Skill wise i would want to go that buffed my damage. Stats wise i would go something that buffed my AGI and DEX so that Fleeting Knowledge increases, since it cannot go past my true AGI and DEX means that once i hit that wall, i can’t go past it until i level up those two. But what about myself? I mean my right eye and left arm passive?
Passive: Right Eye
Absorption, Immunity, Nullification
Right Eye
All effects will be absorbed. Harmful effects such as DOT and debuffs will be neutralized and will cause you to be Immune to it. However, Harmless effects such as heals and buff will instead be doubled the amount.
Right Eye
All effects that are absorbed will grant you Immunity. This effect lasts until Nullified. Immunity stacks indefinitely. Negates Absorption.
Right Eye
All effects that are good and bad can be Nullified and will have the Nullified buff/debuff when used. This causes the same spell against the target to get nullified and have no effect. This effect lasts until Absorbed.
One word. A-mazing. My right eye is fucking OP! Im a cheat character right from the start! Absorption, Immunity, and Nullification is a trinity of countering each other. One is strong to the other and the other is weak. Absorption can Absorb the effect of nullification, while nullification can nullify immunity, and Immunity negates Absorption. Very Nice, Although base on my level im like really worthless. If a reaper was supposed to be this strong from the beginning them i got a long road ahead of me. And me finally deciding what my coat is. I’ll focus on what my class is.
I looked at Mana and said, "Senpai, Do you have anything that increases my Class?"
"I’ve just got what you need! Follow me." Senpai said as she opened the door that suddenly appeared next to me causing me to fall down from shock. This is so fucking scary. A random door popping out of nowhere and right next to you can give you a heart attack. "Geez Senpai, Don’t scare me like that. Im still not used with the whole Reaper thing." I said while recovering from the shock. Senpai simply giggled and told me to stay put. What’s with the whole 'Staying put' thing? Is it normal for newbie reaper to get treated like such? Or is it because i haven’t learned how to use Reaper magic? Well, i’ll find it out soon enough. Unless if i asked boss, but that’ll be to easy.
After waiting for an entire hour making plans for when i’ll be coming back at this place. Senpai then came back with one cloak.
Shadow Cloak
This cloak has been made by an experienced Tailor and Reaper. The material used is smooth and has been enchanted as well making this coat very durable and light.
+300% DEF
+300% ATK
+0.1 ATK and DEF per soul collected
+100 Shadow Damage
One size fits all: Changes the size of the coat to adjust to the wearers size.
Adaptive Coating: This coat has been enhanced to adapt in a given situation and change it’s color. For example, Extreme heat will change the coats color to red and gain fire immunity.
Woah, this coat is amazing. The stats it gave me is through the roof making me even more OP. I hope im not too OP when i arrive at the Shadow Realm. Senpai looked at me her eyes glimmering, "You like the coat i gave you?" I looked at Senpai, "Heck yeah i do!" Senpai giggled, "Then that’ll be 10 Platinum coins!" The heck? "Ummm Senpai, how many gold coins does one platinum coin have?" Senpai giggled, "A thousand each." Well shit. I only got one platinum coin. Fuck me this is not going as planned. Senpai then glared at me with a frown over her face, "Looks like you don’t have enough." She then smirked, "Wanna make a bet?" Please tell me i don’t have to fight. I smiled, "Does this include our scythes dancing?" Senpai appeared in front of me, "No, but it does cointain hot steamy movements." She then kissed me deeply as our tongue touched and senpai pushing me down.
"Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait! Reapers can’t have sex!" Senpai giggled, "That law only applies when your having sex other than a Reaper." Wait, Reapers can have sex only with other reapers?! Why the hell didn’t boss told me that!? Or did he forget again? Man, Boss really needs to increase his memory. "Well then, if that was true then why me?" Senpai simply said, "Cause im very horny." She then kissed me yet again, our tongue kissed and her soft hand reaching down over my erect penis. This moment was hot on itself, so i decided to do things my way to prevent losing right at the start.
When Senpai stopped her kissing, i pushed her down. "Taking the offensive know are we." Senpai giggled, "Well, i really wanna win the 'Bet'." And also i want that coat or at least a discount. Senpai’s right eye was glowing as she said with a perverted look over her face. "Then here’s what you gotta do then. First to cum loses and the loser does what the winner wants." Sounds good enough. With that said and done, the competition began with Senpai and I started undressing. And damn do i have a big 'Sword'. I could tell the length is 8 inches, adding 3 extra inches when i was still alive! And i know that’s small. Then both of us started pleasuring each other. Senpai was sucking me back and fourth with such force and technique. I was very close but i wasn’t gonna let myself lose this fight! Especially since i want to lose my virginity. Senpai glared at me with a smirk and stopped sucking, "Come on Maxwell, that all you got? The foreplay hasn’t ended yet!" With a laugh she resumed sucking, her right eye glowing.
After an entire HOUR of foreplay, none of us gave up. Senpai and I were panting heavily from the all the pleasure we have done, arousing each other till one gave up from sheer pleasure. Senpai then stopped sucking. She then glared at me with a devilish smile on her face, telling me it’s time for phase 2. Senpai then turned around grabbing me in the hand and panting heavily, "Fair warning Maxwell. If you where to not satisfy my lust, then you shall not return until you do so." Huh? "What do you mean?" I said panting heavily. "Shhhhhh, we can talk later." With that said, i finally lost my virginity on a perverted loli fox girl. The pleasure was amazing. She was very tight and was moaning like crazy. Her voice echoing through the room, her right eye glowing even more intense, and finally i could feel my grip on her slowly loosening. It must be her right eye. My strength is leaving me. I felt tired for a second and suddenly got my energy back. Looks like my right eye did it’s magic yet again. As we kept fucking, Senpai noticed how i am still full of energy. "How are *Moans* you still *Moans* awake?" She said moaning between her words. I simply replied by pointing my finger to my right eye. Senpai smirked and her right eye glowed even brighter. She was even tighter than before and was moaning even louder. I couldn’t hold on much longer. I need to hold it in! Just a bit longer!
After a minute of fucking and struggling, i lost. Senpai won the bet. She can now do anything she wants with me. Instead, Senpai looked at me still panting, "That was fun. We should do it again sometimes." I smiled, "Yeah, we should." With that said, Senpai ordered me to have 'Round 2' and not to stop until i she was relieved.
After 3 hours of us fucking like rabbits. Senpai finally calmed down. We were panting heavily and my balls hurt like hell. Looks like even reapers get blue balls. Senpai thanked me for granting her the most fun of all those years. After all those years of killing and business, Senpai finally had some fun for the longest time since god knows when. Senpai also rewarded me by giving me the coat for one platinum coin or 'just enough gold coins'. I thanked senpai and bid farewell grabbing my trousers and putting my newly bought coat. I asked the elf to bring me back to my room with Tear waiting. With this, my preparation is complete. Time to have some fun in the shadow realm.
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