《Reaper of the Shadows》Side Chapter: Tear Bloodwell


110 Years ago

It was a morning like any other. I woke up from my bed and did my daily routine. I prepared breakfast, took a shower, dressed for jon, and patrolled the village. It was all that i had done everyday with my mother who was the guild master of a merchants guild, Night’s Lust. My dad was also a guard here. He fought to keep the village safe. However, My father died when he was fighting. He made a letter before leaving mother and I. It was hurt breaking but mother was there to comfort me. She hugged me told me, "Don’t cry my love. Mama is here for you."

I loved the life that i had, thinking i could surprise my mother when i got into the military. I was planning on telling her after i graduated the military academy. I loved my mother till the very end and so does she. I made plans for the future as well, about whom i should marry, where to live, the best place for a honeymoon, ect... But, all that was taken away on one faith full night.

I was patrolling the village alone at night, finding if any Nightelves are in the area and are planning to attack. Thats when I found a figure standing in the moon light, Scythe in hand. She was beautiful. Her silver hair waving as the wind blew it. Her hair glimmering from the moon light, as did her white dress. Her eyes where two different colors. The left eye was blue and the other purple with a tint of yellow. Her Scythe was also beautiful. Her scythe was glimmering white. The color was snow white with a piece of cloth attached to it.

Then, she looked this way. She smiled at me which made me froze in fear. The aura she previously had was soothing, like my mothers voice when she was taking care of me as a child. Now, her aura was menacing, her eyes full of malice as she looked at me. I could barely even breathe. As she took a step forward, I closed my eyes and once i opened it, she was nowhere to be found. I never felt anything like that before. Her killing intent was too much for me to handle. I could’ve fainted anytime. I knew that i needed to report this to the village chief fast, yet I can’t. I could fell a sharp pain in my back when thinking of moving, no, running away from where I am standing. I was a sitting duck. I could fell its hand touching me from behind. A spine chilling sensation it was. It was touching me from the waist, taking off my armor, piece by piece then left only my clothes.I tried screaming but no words came out, only the feeling of dread as i saw a Scythe hover in front me. The blade facing me, telling me that it can kill me anythime. I gulped as I had no choice but to let it do what it was doing.


It then ripped my clothes, pushing me to the ground as well, preventing me from escaping. "Shhhhhh, easy know. I won’t hurt you love, I just want to play." The 'thing' that was preventing me from running was the girl. "What do you want?" I asked, begging her to let me go. She then laughed as if it she had already won. "Not yet sweety, I wanna hear you scream." She said, as the scythe hovering above me suddenly impailed me from behind. I screamed in agony as the scythe implanted it self to me. I could fell a burning sensation inside of me. I heard screams from nowhere as i looked around me, bearing the heat and the pain. The girl was laughing, sickening to the eyes of any bypassers if there was any.

As the girl stayed there looking at me squirm, i heard her tongue clicked. The pain was not as bad as it was and the screams are nowhere to be heard, like a graveyard. I could fell the scythe becoming cold as well. Then when i looked behind i no loner see the scythe behind me. The girl smiled and picked me up. I had no idea where i am being taken. I could only hope for the best.

1 Week later

A week has passed, after we left the village. Master was taking care of me after she had cursed me. I hated it at first, but i soon learned how to wield my new found power. Master was also very kind. She let me meet my mother telling her that i would be serving a Reaper from know on. She was smiling but i could tell she is very worried. My mother and i hugged as i cired my heart out. We bid farewell with my mother. We knew that this road will be full of danger.

I could change my form when master told me to and ONLY when master told me to. Master said that I have a long way to go before becoming a Scythe that she wanted. Master made a mistake of picking me but she did not regret it at all. Master may be cruel at times but she is loving and caring. I asked master why she choose me. She ignored me and called my name for our target is near and the reaping will commence.

10 Weeks later

It has been 10 weeks when Master took me in. Master and I left the village. The village was nowhere to be seen as we climbed the mountains to find our next victim. I pondered why had master choosen me as her scythe. Master and I where in friendly terms. She would answer some of my questions in return i practice using my powers for a day. Since i had acquired this power, i could no longer feel pain. I can feel what was around me but pain is the only thing i couldn’t.


Master told me that being a Reaper was nothing but a curse and shall be treated as such. She never wanted to kill people but was forced to. After a few years of killing, her mind slowly began to break. Her reasoning, her will, and her emotions slowly drifting away from her. She could feel it all drifting into the abyss, like some kind of poison slowly killing her from the inside. I felt remorse for master as she called my name again, sensing our target is near. Our target was after us. We’ve been in this situation before. The hunter becomes the hunted, only for them to seal there own faith. Master then dove straight to the enemy. Her grip was slipping and her hands shaking. Her face smiling like a demon was only a mask, preventing others from findong out who she really was.

10 Years later

Master and I has travelled between borders. Her emotions barely intact after taking to many lives. Looks like it won’t be long before she gave out. Master was now silent as she set her eyes on our next prey. We had found them. They are twins. A soldier and an executioner. The soldier was leading his troops out of the woods and the executioner barely clinging to life. There was a bridge up ahead where they are going. Master and I went under the bridge to plan for a sneak attack only to get attacked by a group of tribesmen planning on ambushing the injured platoon that is being led by the soldier. Master called my name and killed them all, blood and guts covered the bridge and bodys fell down the river turning it red. Then, they arrived. Everyone was shocked. The bridge was known to be safe from monster attacks but is know covered in blood and guts and the river turned red that will attract monsters from know on. The soldier hesitated to cross, but his younger brother was barely breathing and need medical attention. Master attacked and head flew, metals clashed, flesh being torn apart, and there souls... Reaped. It started raining as Master looked above and called my name laughing. "Aint this beautiful Tear? The blood of the fallen are know in my grasp. And it’s all thanks to you." Master smiled as she was panting heavily.

Master looked exhausted and was breathing heavily. I never seen master exhausted before. This is new to me for i never expected master to ever get exhausted. Then an arrow flew past me and hit master in the eye. I rushed to her side as she called my name and pulled the arrow out of her eye screaming with hate. Her grip hardened, her fear diminished, and her humanity extinguished.

70 Years later

Master and I was called to hell by the guild master. The guild master was facing behind us as we entered the room. He told master to let me free. Master was stunned and refused. Then she was stabbed in the back by another scythe. Master was bleeding. She neved bled in hell before but she is now. The guild master faced us but the shadow prevented us from seeing him completely. He said to kill Master. The Reaper nodded and with a swing of his scythe. Master head rolled on the floor. I could fell my connection between master and I fading. Her life force was completely gone. I couldn’t even tell where it went.

But one thing remained. My freedom. The guild master told to kill me as well but i stood up and went back to earth ith the portal that was still open. And i saw my home village. I was back home. Nothing has changed for the past years it still remained the same. I went back home and saw mother has... changed. She was taller and more beautiful. Like a high blood elf. She had evolved. She wore a red dress and was talking with what looked like a Reaper. He noticed me and waved at me. Mother looked behind and saw me in surprise. She was happy to see me. I ran towards her, arms wide open and we hugged. The reaper stood up and left. I asked why was a reaper here but mother simply ignored me and hugged me tightly. She said in the same soothing voice, "Welcome home, my love."

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