《Reaper of the Shadows》Chapter 8: Laws of the Reapers
I woke up in the room i previously woke up and im not naked. Like every other day when i was alive, i had to say, "Good Morning Hell!", never hurts anyone to says one good morning right? Although i can’t see Tear so that’s a bummer. The only good thing is that Selene is not here so thats a plus. There’s really nothing i could do here so i got up, stretched for a bit, and left the room only to get punched in the face by Selene which sent me flying across the room.
After recovering from the impact, bones snapping, i looked at Selene with a smile, "Good morning to you too damn brat!" Yikes, looks like someone is still angry.
Selene walked into the room with her furry companion that wrecked me, "So, you learned your lesson yet? Or am i gonna need this 'Little Girl' to teach you again." Yep, still angry. As she walked towards me, i looked at her, 'Furry creature' and a blue window popped up.
LvL 1000 Scrat (Summoned Beast)
Profession: Nut seeker
Race: Alpha Blue Horned Squirrel
Time till death: None. Last till Caster de summons Scrat.
Selene didn’t looked pleased and growled at me, by looking at her companion, "Don’t look at him with those wretched eyes Maxwell." And she gave the good old glare. This brat is fucking getting on my god damn nerves.
"Heh, sure thing brat!" I then sticked my tongue out at her which gave me a punch in the gut by Selene.
Selene looked at me, narrowing her eyes, "Listen idiot, my father is waiting for us at the throne room. Even idiots like you can know what a throne room is right? So hurry up and get up."
With a half crooked smile, an urge to punch this brat to the moon from here, and Selene smiling wickedly, knowing i can’t attack her with her companion near her. This is a situation that forced me to take the bullet and got back up.
Selene looked behind her, "Know that you’ve partially gained my trust. We’re going!" With that said, I stood up as Selene and i left the room. After Selene opened the door we instantly arrive at our destination. We’re at the Throne room already? Holy shit, is this Reaper magic? Or is it teleportation magic, which is super duper rare or something?
We were standing at the center of the room with Boss, sitting at the throne with the elf and the drow standing next to him. Boss is in his hunk form (Im calling it that), and he stood up smiling as we arrived on spot.
"Ahhhh! You’re finally here, looks like you both took your time am i right?"
I smiled and looked at boss, "By time you meant, me and this brat fighting? Then yes, it was mostly one sided though." And in a flash, i lost my right arm. As expected, can’t feel shit. So much for the CONS stats if it’s not gonna be useful as a reaper.
Boss laughed as he teleported right in front of us, reattaching my severed right arm in a blink of eye, "Then best be careful with my daughter ok?"
I looked surprised, but remained calm, "Sure thing boss!"
With that said, I made smirk and so did boss. Looks like things aren’t so bad. For know at least. Selene stepped forward, Scrat next to her and a cold glare towards me. I thought i gained her trust? Partially that is.
Boss then looked me, "So how about you tell me this, 'Promise' you made with the guild leader of Night’s Lust?"
Straight to business know are we, "Well, it’s actually a selfish desire of her. A desire for her guilld to travel between Realsm, Dimensions, and Worlds. A desire to sell exotic materials from places she has never explored. Of course with new discoveries comes unforeseen danger. So that’s why she wanted Reapers as body guards in order for her guild mates to stay safe when traveling between boundaries." Boss didn’t looked convinced, so i had to make him consider this, "And that’s not all. If we where to gain there trust, we will have connections between them. Access over networks and connections between there world. And if they have succeeded building a large amount of money, they can pay us half of that amount, since we are protecting them from the dangerous journey they had gotten themselves into. And that’s not all. If they where to die, they shall have a Reaper next to them to gather there souls. Know aint that convenient."
Boss raised his eye brow and smirked, "Looks like i underestimated you." Yes! I got him! "But, if they where to die, wouldn’t that ruin the whole purpose of protecting them in the first place?" Know hold that thought boss! I’ve still got a solution for that.
"A Reaper can enslave someone that is a living right?" Boss looked surprised, "Looks like that blood elf has previous encounters with reapers i suppose." Hehehehehe, i got boss by the tail, "If the the merchant is scheduled to die the day a reaper is protecting them, then the reaper can make a contract with them in order to enslave there soul." Of course i only have limited information about this contract so that gives me a disadvantage against boss, who fully knows the contract.
Boss smirked and laughed, "It is true that when making a contract with a reaper, your soul will be enslaved to them. However, if the body dies then the soul will die within an day, prior than what was expected." Looks like i have new information.
I smirked, "If the merchant died before they do there part, then let the Reaper summon there soul, in order for them to complete the contract we made as a bodyguard. Of course after that, we must tell the truth about the death of merchant. Since they are with a Reaper, we can protect them ONLY when there time isn’t up."
Boss stood still, not moving a muscle. After a few minutes, he laughed. He laughed manically as Selene stood there shocked on what had happened. Oh god, don’t tell me that i did something wrong?!
Boss then smiled and looked above, "Amazing! To think that i’ll get outwitted by a Reaper, and a recruit at that. Looks like im getting too old for this job."
I won? I won! I fucking won! WOOOOOHOOOO!!! I did it! I persuaded the boss and i don’t have to worry about turning into a rouge, fuck yes! I can finally curse in my mind!
"It is true that the soul can be summoned by the reaper who they made a contract with. However, the soul cannot express emotions and will have no will of there own, making negotiations dull and making the soul tell the truth if the reaper is not careful."
So the reaper is the one who is controlling the soul. Then that leaves me with more information about this contract. The only problem is memories. If the reaper makes a contract with a living, what would happen to each others memories? And either way, i have a 60% change of winning negotiations with Reaper’s Chram, so i can win 60% negotiations, wohoo!
I took a deep breath and said, "Then we kill them. Let’s not forget, We are Reapers. It’s in our nature to reap, and reap we should. The merchant must know that hiring a reaper means a body of mountains and a river of blood. If everything turns in there favor and the negotiation is failing. Then we eviscerate them." I mean it’s common sence. Hiring a reaper that doesn’t take souls is unheard of. Even in anime (i think), and that makes a reaper dull and his blade duller. A reaper that does not kill will be forgotten and they shall be dead. Emotionally that is, and when they are at the brink of death, they die.
Boss lauged, "I already got beaten and know you’re rubbing salt in my wounds."
I smirked, "Well it helps. In most cases."
We both laughed as Selene interrupted us. "Father, you can’t be serious about this?" The Worry in her eyes makes me feel more lively. Boss faced Selene, "My child, there are many reaper guilds out there and they have stayed the same for all ages. For Eons have the reapers killed only to die while doing nothing but killing. Then, as the guild master of Dusk, i shall accept this as an opportunity to expand the guild."
Eons? That’s a long time reaper guilds been the same. Killing people, reaping there soul, only to die and be forgotte, know thats just sad. You know what i learned from anime, 'When do you think people die. When shot by a bullet through the heart? No. When ravaged by an incurable disease? No. They die... When they are forgotten.' I forgot what anime it was and im trying my darn hardest but can’ remember so im guessing about it being something about an action anime with dramatic effects.
Selene looked at me, "As much as i hate to say this. Maxwell, I shall forgive you today." The fuck? What’s with the sudden change in attitude? Boss smiled and looked at Selene, "That’s my girl, knowing her mistakes and admitting her faults." That’s good to know that your parents loved you. Other than me, who continued to fail there expectations.
As Selene pouted away she opened a door and put comes Tear. And did she have a makeover as well. Dress wise. She was no longer wearing her red dress. She was wearing a black coat like mine, a mini skirt, black stokings and black boots. She also has her hair style change. She was letting her hair down and it covered her left side of the face.
Selene went through the door she had opened and Tear went towards me. "Well look who’s come out all sparkly and stuff." I said, being sarcastic.
Tear nodded, "It’s nice to see you as well Master."
I smiled at her, "Nice to see you to Tear."
Boss interrupted our conversation, "I know that you both just seen each other but, could you please do that after i explain the laws to you."
I looked at boss, confused, "Laws? Laws of what?"
Boss smirked as black smoke engulfed both Tear and i. We woke up in a bed, naked. As expected, Boss was nowhere to be found and the room that we got teleported into was the same room i woke up into. Looks like i’ll be making this into my bedroom from know on.
Tear woke up, but still half-asleep, "Good morning Master." She then yawned like nothing happened. Don’t tell me this is some kind of wet dream?!
Tear approached me in a seductive manner, "What’s the matter master? Where you speechless because of what happened yesterday night?" She then grabbed my arm tightly.
I don’t wanna know if this is a trap or not, but Tear is very attached to me and her grip is strong. I took a deep breath and said, "Wanna do it again love?"
Then Tear stopped moving and i heard boss’s voice, "Number one. A reaper cannot have sexual intercource with the living."
The fuck does that mean?! I can’t have sex with the living? So i can fuck dead bodys? Fuck no, that’s necrophilia and i am not getting hard for a dead body!
Then the room shifted as the walls and floor turned turned black and Tear suddenly vanishing. Once everything was done, i noticed that i am outside. The halls where i can see Izora running towards me as if being chased.
I heard Izora saying, 'Please save me, i’ll do anything!' Kind of stuff. This is definitely not Izora and this is definitely a rule. I had no choice but forward and help Izora, by killing her stalker. And the stalker was non other than one frail little boy, wielding a knife and is all bloody. Yeah, i already know that don’t mess with crazy, but since i can’t leave this place without killing the boy. Let’s just say he had a few lose tooth and a very sharp tonge. By that i mean i punched him ten times, pulled his tongue out, and trusted the knife in his skull. Before Izora could thank me, i heard boss’s voice again. "Number two. A reaper cannot save someone who is on the verge of death." With that said, Izora died with the same horrific and disturbing manner i did at the boy.
The room shifted again and again for the ninth times. All the rules where something that prevents a reaper from saving a person from death, killing the killer and not killing the person who is supposed to die, and having to make the killer and there victim fall in love... The fuck are those rules?! Boss could have told me that, Thou shall no kill the killer, Thou shall not have Sex and Rape, Thou shall not save the victim, and finally, Thou shall not play match maker. Welp, that summed it up and also Tear and Izora are the most used puppets in this play. I do hope that there illusionis and not them selves being revived over and over again. Cause that would big time.
As boss finally finished 'Presenting' the rules to me, with lots of gore and violence, i finally got out of that place. By that, i am with Tear in my bedroom. And im not naked. That’s good to know. I don’t know if its justified to strip people while there asleep in hell, or is it just to see how they react then i would really want to do that and dumb then near the lava river.
Tear woke up on what seemed an endless nightmare of agony. Tear looked at me, eyes filled with Fear as she gently slapped her face with both hands. "This is not dream. Thank goodness." Looks like Tear remembers everything that had happened. I hope that Izora is all right.
Theni hearda knocking on the door. I stood up and opened the door seeing boss and Selene together. Although i do wonder why boss is in his goblin form. But that’s not important right know.
Boss smiled at us, "So, know that you’ve known the Laws, im going to send you into a place where you’ll find very appealing."
I smirked, "Looks like this is gonna get bloody. Am i right?"
Boss laughed, "Of course, the place you’ll be going is something i decided to test you. Whether you are fit to become one of us or just a pawn." That’s kinda cruel even for me. A pawn working while the higher ups send them to there doom is something i never liked in the first place.
"Oh and also we contacted Izora and she is waiting at the room next to this. We wanted to tell her the good news and explained how things are going to be from know on. She was happy about the news, although she wasn’t expecting it to happen."
I signed in relief, "Thank goodness i don’t have to persuade her." With that said, boss and i laughed. Although i would to see Izoras expression. But first, personal issues. "So Boss, do you have any idea how i can use my skills?" Everyone was quiet. They weren’t making any sound, other Selene trying not to laugh.
Boss signed and smiled, "Well, it is my fault for teleporting you away from the market and near the black market. And also forgetting to to tell you how to use your skills."
Wow, that was easy, "So then how do i use them?" Please tell me i don’t have to say, skill window.
"Think or say the word, Skill tree." Huh. Know that i thinked about it, i never really thought of it before. I was busy trying to kill my find a scythe and killing, it never really popped up.
I signed and boss laughed, "Don’t worry about it, i forget about many different things everyday, such as Selenes birthday." I laughed as Selene flushed.
"Well then, im going to try it know boss."
"Sure, go ahead."
With that said, I opened my Skill tree.
LvL Skill tree Remaining skill points20 - Shadow tree Effect None Shadow bolt
Deals shadow damage to the target, ranging from up to 20 meters. Damage increases with level and with INT. Frequency of attack increases with WIS.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
None Shadow Clone
Creates a Shadow that is identical to the caster. The shadow follows every command given. Shadow also cast spells the caster is casting, ONLY when commanded. Can swap between shadows.
Cooldown: None
None Shadow Scythe
Covers the scythe in the shadows, increasing damage dealt by your next damaging ability significantly. Damage increases with level. Gains one Shadow Shard.
Cooldown: 3 seconds
None Shadow Cloak
Covers yourself in the shadow, gaining stealth and increase movement speed. Gains the ability to Walk through walls. Effect will be canceled when taking damage. Cannot use while in combat.
Cooldown: None
None Shadow blade
Creates a blade from the shadows. Blade depends on what the caster desires. Amount of blade created depends on the casters WIS and INT. Gains one shadow shard.
Cooldown: None
None Shadow Dance
Only available when Shadow cloak and Shadow blade is active. Reveals your self in a 10 flurry of blades, cutting everything around yourself by 10 meters.
Cooldown: None
Requires Shadow Blade and Shadow Cloak to be active before usage.
- - Passive - Reaper of the shadows Reaps the shadows and gains one shadow shadow shard. Shadow shard increases damaged dealt by +10%. Stacks up to 10 times.
Finally! After all this time, i get to know the most basics of basic. The fucking skill tree. An explanation of the skills. Shadow bolt is basically a reaper version of a fire ball. The range is long so that’s good when i wanna kite, but since im a melee fighter, this should only be used when my other skills are on cooldown. Shadow clone is something i really am exited. Since the fight with Rose (Not really a fight, but an execution.), i’ve always wanted to learn this skill. Being able to fuck with people by using your shadows is something i’ve always liked. How people struggled to find me, but im just right next to them waiting to strike when they least expect it. Shadow Scythe is just a buff. Like a buff from a game i used to play but can’t even remember what it is. It increases the damage of your next ability and on a 3 second cooldown makes me wanna go ham with this one. Shadow cloak is something unique. Usually you get stealth and you slow down, but this skill lets you move fast and make you go through walls which is fucking awsome! Shadow blade is something what i would call, an armory. You’re the armory and that’s it. I would like to know if i can create many different things with this one. And finally Shadow Dance or Death blossom. An 'Oh shit!' button were you are either cornered and is about to die, or in a tight space and need to breathe. A really good skill if you ask me. And The reaper of the shadow passive. One word, A-mazing! Getting a random buff everytime i fill it to 10 is easy. And considering how most of my abilities grants me a shadow shard each time i use it, makes it easier for me to gain a buff.
Short explanation. Shadow bolt, ranged kiting and a filler. Shadow clone, annoying people and immence utility. Shadow scythe, damage buff for one skill. Shadow cloak, stealth and wall running. Shadow blade, personal armory. And Shadow Dance, death blossum. Reaper of the shadows passive, yahoo!
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