《Reaper of the Shadows》Chapter 7: Gaunlet of the Seraphim
Now that Tear and my levels merged. Let’s see how my level is. I checked my window and saw something that made me fucking angry.
LvL 3 (Skill Points remaining: 20)
David Maxwell
Alignment: Neutral Advanced Class: Shadow Mancer
Sub-class: None
Profession: Reaper Rank: A+ Requires Sub-class
Souls: 5
Statistics Numbers (Points remaining: 20) STR 450 (+100)(+10%) CON 680(+239) DEX 662 (+342)(+20%) AGI 677 (+342)(+10%) WIS 220 INT 380 CHA 120 (+500) LCK 162 (1)(+198)
This is bullshit! I thought that Tear and my levels merged?! I fucking got nothing out of that! Sure i did get a level, but still, what the fuck men... What a let down.
Izora signed as she took a look at Tear, "Looks like you’ll have to serve another reaper my love." My love? Are they family or something?
Tear nodded, "I’ll do my best mama." Ok, that answered my question. The two of them hugged tightly as they thought this is the last time they’ll be seeing each other. Tear was crying, yet Izora is forcing her self not to shead a single tear. Then i heard Izora saying, ''Don’t lose hope my child. Mommy is here with you." Her voice was soothing. She cared for her daughter and will do anything to save her. Although i just realized that they’re mother and daughter, of course it brings tears to any parents that will have there child taken away from them.
I whispered to myself, "What a caring mother. Good thing she’s still alive. Unlike mine."
Izora looked at me, tears in her eye, "Now then. Reaper come here for a moment." With that she regained her composure and stood straight.
I went towards Izora as she grabbed my hand, "Reaper i want to know. Do you wish power?"...THE FUCK!? Bitch what the hell are you talking about?!
"I’ll ask again. Reaper, do wish power?"
Ok, Honestly i did not expect this turn of events. Izora is offering me power and she already noticed on how fast i moved. But, in terms of skills and experience. I might be in trouble when i get to fight an enemy who’s experience is WAY higher than me and has the power to kill a reaper. If i get to choose between power or experience. I’ll definitely choose both in the most peaceful way possible. If! Possible. If not, then expect blood and bodys. A lot of them. Like a mountain if bodys and a river of blood. Of course it depends on who iam fighting.
I took a deep breath and said, "Hell yeah!" As loud as possible. Everyone was shocked especially Berny and the two orcs. Berny gulped as Izora signed. I don’t know if it’s disappointment or relief, but fuck it, it’s my life so i get to choice my path.
As Izora let my hand go, She went to Tear. Tear moved next to me (1 feet apart) as ordered by her mother. After sometime, she was back with a big gauntlet that a stream of blood is carrying. I don’t know why, but that thing looks very cool and shiny. I took a moment and looked at everyone’s faces. They had faces of dread, anxiety, terror and anything that has the same meaning with fear. Or nervousness.
Izora placed the silver gauntlet down on the ground and hearing a loud 'thud'. Looks like this thing is heavy. And it’s also upside down, revealing the hole were i need to put it. That sounded wrong in so many levels.
Izora looked at me, "Know then. Reaper, before you put the gauntlet on i shall warn you. You will experience both coldness and warmth when you have equipped the gauntlet. The pain will be extreme and will leave you in agony for hours until you freeze, burn, or live."
I fucking knew it. There’s always a catch, theres always A FUCKING CATCH! Note to self: Don’t make idiotic choices when you die, Oh wait i already died! But still, limit idioticness.
I made a smirk and looked at Izora, "Pain is only an illusion that tricks us from running away. True warriors never runs away to begin with." And another note: Don’t make quotes you never understood and don’t say it to someone who has a thousand years of experience and wisdom with them!
Izora smirked as i thrusted my left arm to the gauntlet. One phrase. I fucked up. IT FUCKING HURTS!!! GOD DAMNIT WHY THE HELL DID I AGREE TO THIS SHIT!? NO, WHY THE FUCK DID I EVEN THINK THIS WOULD BE EASY GAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Tear’s POV
As Master screamed in agony. I noticed the gauntlet slowly devouring master’s left arm. Black smoke was released as it was crawling it’s way up to him. It wanted to consume the body, not an arm. As master kept screaming, i also noticed that the gauntlet was changing. It was changing in a way that it changed color. The gauntlet was silver before and know it was changing into a darker version of it self. The shape also changed. The once big gauntlet was know an arm fitted for master. Master kept screaming as the arm finally stoped crawling up to masters shoulders. Master was panting and covered in sweat.
I also felt something spark inside of me, and for some reason, i want blood.
Everyone stepped away from master except me and mother. Then i heard him call my name.
Master looked at me, wavering, "Yo Tear. How’d yah like the new me?" Master was clearly forcing himself to stand straight.
I didn’t hesitate and gave an answer, "Master. You have a cursed gauntlet on your left hand."
Master looked at me, eyes wide open, "Say what know?"
Master then looked at his left hand with dreadful eyes and his skin became pale.
Maxwell’s POV
Cursed Gauntlet of a Seraphim
This gauntlet once belonged to a mighty Seraphim of war, who has been exiled for mutiny. Legend says that the gauntlet shows itself to a suitable host and tempts the host to put it on, even demons. Only to experience extreme heat and cold. But when conquered, the gauntlet will change it form. It will reflect the wielder’s heart, expressing hate, guilt, wrath and power.
Soulbound to Maxwell
Cursed: The arm which the gaunlet resides will know be replaced. The arm cannot feel anything that 'IT' has received, but can still feel. Cannot be destroyed and cannot be removed.
Holy and Unholy: The gaunlet changes it’s form when the wielder changes alignment. Current alignment : Neutral. Also, new passive effects will be added to the gaunlet each time the wielder changes alignment.
Unbreakable will: Anything that reduces the wielder to a near death state will be ignored. Instead, you will turn into a reaper. When wielder is already a reaper then you will turn into your reaper form.
Unbreakable spirit: You are immune to Control magic. If already immune, then will have the ability to nullify the effect.
Wrath of the Seraphim of war: When participating in a war, you will gain +1000% bonus in all stats. All passives that limits stats can know exeed to your true stat.
Unlimited Power: Whenever arcane magic strikes you. You will absorb it and will be stored.You can unleash the magic you absorbed into god level magic. Must know at least one magic spell.
Fuck, still hurts. But damn did i get an OP gauntlet. Although it is cursed and i got pale from seeing that one since my hand is know a gaunlet, and good news that i can’t fell anything as long as i received the attack. Although, i’ll probably forget about that in a year or so. But Holy and Unholy magic seems interesting. It affects the form of the gauntlet and passive effects as well, which is good. Unbreakable will means that when i got hit by a blow that’ll kill me, it’s ignored and will force me to transform into my reaper form, which is what im currently in. It’s actually a double edge sword if you think about it. Sure getting hit and surviving a whats supposed a lethal blow is good, but forcing me to transform into my reaper form in the wrong place, wrong time and wrong day is bad news bears. Unbreakable spirit is nothing fancy, Just immunity to mind control and that’s it. Wrath of the Seraphim of war and unlimited power is something optional in my opinion. Im a Shadow Mancer, not a War Reaper. Unless if i change my class to War Reaper, then imma fucking go and start wars on my own then. Unless if that’s againts the rules. Unlimited power requires me to get hit by arcane magic, which im not sure what is and i need to learn at least one spell, so it’s not that important.
Long story short, Cursed gaunlet cannot remove, cannot destroy, can’t feel an attack but can still feel. Holy and unholy changes gauntlets form and passives. Unbreakable spirit cheats death and calls death. Unbreakable will immunity from mind control. Wrath of the seraphim and Unlimited power optional passives. And it still fucking hurts! God damn when will this pain stop!
I noticed that everyone was staying away from me except Izora and Tear. Looks like Izora wasn’t expecting this to happen. Izora and Tear went towards me. I made a smirk and looked at Izora, with pride in my eyes. Izora respond and only asked one thing from me.
"What is your name Reaper?"
"Maxwell, David Maxwell at your service!"
I looked around and everyone has there eyes wide open. What the heck did i do?!
Izora nodded as she kneeled in front of me, "Then i shall serve you with all that i can."
Wait what?
I made wild gestures with my arm and said, "Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait! First of all, what the heck are you doing?!"
Izora said (still kneeling), "It is a way of offering your soul to a Reaper who’s name has been told to a living." The fuck are you talking about?!
I shook my head, "First, don’t kneel Izora-san. Second, Explanation please!"
With that said, Izora stood up and started to talk, "If a Reaper like yourself has told a living your name, whether immortal or mortal, they will have there soul enslaved. But there are some conditions that must be met. One, the living must be the one who asked the reapers name. Two, the reaper has never done anything to enrage the living and vice versa. Three, the living must be willing or naive in order for the reaper to enslave there soul. And fourth, the reaper must be willing to become one with the living."
I stared at Izora for a seconds and said to her in my loudest voice possibe, "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!!?!?"
Izora looked shocked, "But i tho-"
I cut her off and said, "First, yes, i do like power. Two, i don’t need to enslave someone in order for them to have there soul. Three, i like the me right know. Dead. And fourth, i would never allow myself to do such an act. Unless of course, they did something that would offend me."
First of all i would never try to do this kind of thing. Yes, I don’t care for the consequences of my actions, just as long as i get to escape with my job done. That’s the kind of guy i am. Like when you’re playing an RPG games you focus on the main story line and side quests and you do it again in order for you to attain levels and reach end game state. That’s what i do, i finish the job and move on to the next. I don’t fucking need another boon. Especially a high blood elf and a guild master at that. I wanna struggle and live a life full of surprises. But of course i have plans for her as well.
I looked at Izora, "First of all i disagree and shall not accept your application for enslaving your own soul. And also, tell me the reason why you wanted your soul enslaved?" Come to think of it, i never knew why she wanted her soul to be enslaved. Unless if it’s a way for Izora to be with Tear then i don’t know what to say.
Izora looked at me, "It was a selfish decision of mine really. I wanted my guild to have connections to a Reaper guild if possible. Every merchant wishes for a reaper as a body guard. They are dangerous, powerful and many demons know there powers and envy’s them. They wish for that power but, they all know it will kill them. That is my reason why i wanted a contract with you Maxwell, to expand my business."
"And how are you going to do that if im in control?"
"Simple. With a thousand years of knowledge and experience, it’s very easy to tell someone that only seeks power. But, you are different Maxwell. You like getting stronger in a safe way, not letting your own ego go but surpassing even that at times. Many humans have chosen to only get stronger the easy way. And there king is only focused on what’s ahead, not what’s beyond."
Humans seeking power? This feels like something i wanna be part of!
I made a smirk, "Im listening."
"The Reapers guild is known for there power to travel between boundaries. It is quite obvious since many Reapers wander realms, dimensions, and worlds. Only the guild master knows how reapers travel from realms to worlds respectively."
Realms? Dimensions? Worlds? The fuck are those?! And a power that teleports reapers from those places. Know that, i wanna learn. But if that’s a skill then i really need to learn how to use them.
I made a wide smirk that shows my devilish side, "Then let’s make a deal. I’ll get you permission from the guild master to use Reaper magic and you provide me the material that i need. And also i would like to have access over your networks and connections. Since your guild is full of merchants, then it shouldn’t be to hard to provide what i need."
I don’t even know why i called it Reaper magic. But, if there’s blood magic then there’s Reaper magic i suppose.
Izora took a moment to gather her self and finally gave out her answer, "Promise me you’ll full fill your part?"
"Till death."
With a smirk, a handshake, and me having a lot of explaining to do with boss. We agreed and a blue window popped up.
Merchants Guild: Night’s Lust
For making a contract and promising to fullfil your bargain,you have been granted access to the guilds network and connections.
Reputation with members of the guild is know Friendly. Any actions that will contribute to the guild will increase your reputation. Any actions that will harm the guild will decrease your reputation.
Contract: Success in the contract massively increases the reputation you hold with the guild. Failure to do so will make turn you into a wanted man. You will be kicked put of your guild and will then turn into a Rouge Reaper.
Reputation: Friendly
Looks like this will long train of suffering ahead of me. And let me tell you, do i already regret when thinking of opposing Izora. True i have her daughter hostage, but if i ever made an enemy out of her then i’ll be fucking screwed. I’ll turn rouge and probably all the merchant that Izora has in her guild will try and kill me. And let’s not forget, that if i full fill my part, where i get her permission to use Reaper magic, then im even more fucked since i can’t figure out how to use skills. For know that is. But still, nope can’t betray them at all cost. Men, merchants are probably the scariest about this world, realm, dimension whatever you call it!
Tear looked at me, "Master, there is something underneath you."
I looked at Tear in confusion, "What the hell is it now?"
Just then, a tentacle sprang beneath me, grabbing me and throwing me across the floor. At least i knew who it was. Everyone looked at me as the tentacle diminished and a figure appeared near the entrance (Backdoor). I got up, bones creaking as i recovered from the impact.
I looked at the figure with a smile, "Well know. I never thought that we’ll meet this early. Right Selene?" And thus, the brat appeared.
Selene looked at me, rage in her eyes, "I knew something was up, since you didn’t arrive at the market."
"Come on, cut me some slack! You do know that Boss didn’t exactly give me the location of where i am going right?"
Selene signed and looked at Tear, "Looks like you got yourself a Scythe. That’s good to know."
I whistled as Izora looked at Selene. They both have conversations, about what had happened and why we are here at this current event. After a brief explanation of what had happened. Selene came up with a conclusion.
"Maxwell. You don’t even know the rules of the guild know dont you?"
I made a smile, "Yeeeeeep!"
Selene looked frustrated as she smacked me with a tiny tentacle, that she just summoned, "ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED!!?!"
"What? I just promised that i’ll let them know Reaper magic, i think that’s what it’s called, so i made a contract with them."
Selene looked very pissed off on what i said and proceeded to summon and attack me with three tentacles. They played me like a fiddle diddle as the three of them smack me, throw me, impale me, stretched me, played ball with me, etc... Although i am completely at the mercy of Selene, i actually didn’t feel any pain whatsoever. The only thing i felf was an urge to punch this brat. But since the tentacles are playing me like a fiddle, i just choose the latter. Call Tear, eviscerate the tentacles, punch Selene, and win. Know let’s see that plan unfold.
I called Tear and she transformed into a Scythe. She was magically at my hand, gripping her as tightly as i could, then i found an opening when i could strike. The three tentacles was know in half, as they diminish to thin air. Selene looked surprised and summoned more tentacles.
I said to myself, "Just how many fucking tentacles does this brat own?! Bah fuck it, i’ll just kill them all!"
With that said, i charged at Selene as tentacles sprang in all directions and i instantly sliced them into two. Of course she just kept summoning and me kept on swinging and advancing. It was one sided and for sure i knew things weren’t gonna get better if things go on long enough. So i better finish this fast, who knows what Selene might summon other than a tentacle. I sank my foot into the wooden floor and a tentacle sprang beneath me. I smirked as i cut the tentacle in half and used it to propel my self directly above her and made quick work of the tentacles gurading her. As she found her self in a tough spot, i finished everything with a swift leg sweep, knocking the brat down. And thus, the brat is defeated.
I laughed and made a wide smirk, "Not so tough know are you 'Little Girl'."
Selene looked enraged, enough to summon something out of this realm, dimension, world whatever. It was small and adorable. It looked like a yellow squirrel with a blue horn coming out of it’s forehead, two tails, and it has claws. I already know that i better be prepared of whats gonna happen next.
Selene looked at me with fury in her eyes, "Let’s make this quick and painless." With that said, Selene’s Furry companion attacked me in a blink of an eye. Then everything turned black. No dramatic comeback, no cliche anime inner power awakening, just utter darkness.
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