《Reaper of the Shadows》Chapter 11: The lie [Part 1]


"Owwwwwww, what happened?" I said waking up in an unknown room faced with yet another ceiling. "Am i dead? Nah, that couldn't possibly be the case, i mean if i was dead the i'd be in hell... Wait that doesn't make sence at all! This situation doesn't make sence either! And why am i in girlish clothing?!" I growled when i noticed that i was wearing feminine clothing without me even knowing about it (or agreeing).

"Ok calm down, i still have no idea why how i got here. Who helped me? Why? Where is this place? And also, where's Tear?... haaaaaaa at least im under a roof so that's good... i guess?" I looked around after clearing my thougths and found food at the table. Oh goody! I was starving so i really want something inside my belly. I jumped out of the bed and went towards the table and 'Climbed' the chair. I can't see the top so i stood up yet i still couldn't see the top. I decided to climb down to find something that i can stand or sit on so i can see the top of the table. But still, who the fuck makes tables this high?! I mean i know that im small but this kind of tables shouldn’t be this tall! Unless...

Then, the door opened. There i saw a very tall lady with long hair, busty figure, eyes closed and is holding a small dagger in her right hand. I would like to note that i can't see anything other than the shades of the color red... And also i can't use my powers which fucking sucks! "My your awake already." She said with a smile as she walked towards me, I didn't answer for know since i couldn't tell whether or not im safe with them. "Come here, don't be shy, we won't hurt you at all." She said with a smile as she kneels down in front of me bringing her face to face with me. I can already tell that this lady's true nature. She's the Big Sister type! But first, let's put this face to the test.

"I-Is that really true?" I said in a cute way (which i totally regret btw). With this i can tell her true personality! Then, a loud scream was heared from outside, "SISTER!!!" Then the door bursted open, leaving it to splinters and the one who did it was a girl with short hair, a Spoon(ful) figure, and is half naked, by that i meant she's not wearing anything other than panties. "My-My Lex, we're you that excited?" She said, "Of Course! We found a wounded child in the middle of the forest with nothing but a bloodied scythe, that we threw in the shed, so that she could escape from her life as a slave!" She said while glimmering red... found the air head type...


Soon after being told by her sister, she looked down and noticed me and tackled me, "SOOOOOOOO CUUTTTTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" She said as she tightly squize the life out of me. I tried to break free but all i could do was struggle as this girl really feels like a goddamn robot trying to kill me. "Lex it's not nice to choke someone you just met, right?" She said as she made her aura more frightening thus making Lex let me go from fear. I coughed and tried to stand up but can't muster any more strenght. "I knew i should've eaten first," As i said those words i fell down and passed out.

Sometime later...

Waking up after a week and not drinking water and food, then getting choke to death by a girl you just meet... Describes my life in a nutshell. "Sorry-Sorry, I got ahead of myself since we rarely get any visitors here! Hehe," Lex said, "Ye-Yeah i understand that part but please don't go jumping on people and hug them tighly that they die from choking ok," I said as i take a bite from the food they gave me. "Now that you're feeling a little bit better, why don't you tell us your name?" She said, "Sure. Ehem, My name is-" I said before i interupted myself. Now that i think about it, boss did say about this law number five, i think? "A reaper may not use there real name in the mortal plain, for they can summon you and must obey there command until death... Also your name is written and pronounced in our language so careful againts warlocks." I fucking hate my second life much more... At least for know.

"My name is... uhhhhh.." I said as i realize my mistake... this is pretty awkward. Then, Lex stood up and looked serious, "Don't tell me that," don't tell me she knows that im a reaper!, "She has Amnesia!" Note to self, when an idiot stands and looks serious for a moment, they aren't! But at least i could use that excuse, FOR ONCE! "My-My, that would be problematic wouldn’t?" Hex said, "Then we’ll just have to introduce ourselves first!" Lex said. Well, i already know you so do what you wanna do then. I replied with a nod as i continued eating the food they prepared for me.

Only for the food to get a foot massage they never ordered by Lex. Lex jumped out of the seat as she landed on the table and said, "My name is Lex!.. That is all," If i have Tear right know i’ll tell her to kill you already, "Haaaa forgive my sisters attitude. She’s always been like that after many years of us being together," Oh i get what you mean madam.


I also have experience with the unknown, "But, now that Lex here had ruined your food, then i shall kindly lend a hand." She said as the food disappeared and a stream carried the plates back into the cabinet they onced belonged. Food also appeared from the table that comes in many varieties. As the show continued, Lex was watching and laughing as her sister smiled at her and me. "Now is the time to introduce myself. I am the one they call the Witch of the woods. People say i bring curse and Hex. But im merely a maiden living with her younger sister," That’s neat, "The people discarded us and tossed us out of the village. Our parents have abandoned us as well. They forgot about us in this cabin, as we continued surviving in this harsh world." More like realm, "The people believed that i bring fourth the calamity which will destroy the village. And thus, the people on the village calls me Hex, the witch of the woods." More like a bitch, hehe. "And also, your teacher," Oh thats sounds nice... "WAIT WHAT?!" I exclamated, shooked of the news.

"Yes, your teacher," Hex said,

"Wait, What do you mean about being MY teacher?!" I said,

"Thuurus-san called me and he said that you'll be coming." Hex said,

"I-I thought i was hunting a parasite?!" I said,

"Oh that, it's a lie," Hex said with a smile,

"A lie?" I said,

"Yes sweetie, a lie,"

"What the flying fuck was the whole point then?!" I shouted, "Why the hell did i came here then! Im strong already, why the hell do i have to do this stu-" I shouted as a dagger impaled me through the chest from the back.

"You're being rude to Big Sister you know," Lex said, malice in her eyes while wearing an inoccent smile, which by the way looks scary.

Looks like this is a bad situation for me to be in. Without Tear and my powers im a sitting duck! And let's not forget HOW FUCKING PAINFUL THIS SITUATION IS!!!

"That's enough Lex. Let him go," Hex said as Lex retracted the dagger. As i knelt and coughed blood on the floor, a new color appeared as it surrounded me. The strange color of green healed my tiny body as the wound closed and the pain disappeared. "What was that?" I asked, poundering on what had happened, "Simple Healing magic," Hex said with a smile on her face but her aura is frigthening color of black.

Lex then hit me in the back with a smack which made me snap out of my vision. "Awww don't be that scared. Big Sister here is over a thousand years old! And she never did anything bad at all," Lex said with a smile, calming my nerves, "Then your a thousand years old as well?" I asked with a frown,"Of course not. Im already dead!" Lex said in a gleeful expresion, "Then how are you talking to me right now if you're already dead?" I asked in a sarcastic manner, "Yes it's true. Lex is dead. Only her past self remained after our parents abandoned us in this cabin." Hex said with a frown.

"So let me get things straight. One, the part where i get to kill a parasitic entity is a lie Two, you're gonna be my Mentor-Teacher-Master whatever and teach me magic. Third, Lex is dead and that's her ghost self. And fourth, which is only an assumption, that the only reason Lex is still alive is that due to the realm." I said and got an immediate responce from Lex, "Yes that part was a lie! Also Yes, Big Sister is gonna be your teacher so adress her properly! Also Yes im dead. And the last part... I don't really know why im still alive right know. Big sister has been searching answers for Centuries and haven't found a clue why... And im happy that i'll get to stay with Big Sister even after i died!" I fucking hate my second life!

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