《Reaper of the Shadows》Chapter 4: Special Goods


With me being teleported back to the room i woke up, i just had too say, "Good thing Selene’s not around me anymore. Welp, better get me those sweet armor and scythe." With that said, i left the room and found myself in an alley way. I looked behind me and the door was gone and i was facing a brick wall, although i didn’t expect that to happen, but at least im not teleported in some crowd where people might get surprised at me for popping out of nowhere. Unless if it’s normal around here for that to occur.

As i started walking out of the alley way, i noticed something different about the sky. It was red. The sky was red and for some reason, ash is falling down. I don’t know what this is but, i better make sure im not near a volcano. Wait, if im dead, then does that mean, im in hell? Hmmmmm, yep, i think im in hell. Welp, can’t help it, i did steal, got into fights, and even did drugs. The drugs was one time only, since i never wanted for my parents to find out that i snuck out of my supplementary lessons, i went to my friends house and he said he got himself a bag of drugs from his dad who works as the police chief. And did we snuffed a lot and got high. Good thing we (I) didn’t get caught since the school told my parents i snuck out and got me in trouble. Good news is that i stayed at a hotel, bad news my parents grounded me for a whole month since i didn’t come home yesterday. Meh who cares, REVOLUTION!!!

As i kept walking, i heard a chatter behind me. They weren’t humans thats a fact, there’s three of them, and when i saw there window, they were two female blood elf dressed in red and a minotaur carrying a HUGE battle axe.

LvL 1029 Izora

Advanced Class: Blood Mancer (Blood Mage), Advanced Sub-Class: Blood weaver (Blood Mage)


Profession: Noble Merchant

Age: 1667

Race: High Blood Elf

Time till death: 5000 years

LvL 150 Tear

Class: Swashbuckler

Profession: Apprentice

Age: 146

Race: Blood Elf

Time till death: 7000 years

LvL 100 Muures

Advanced Class: Barbarian (Beserker),Advanced Sub-Class: Protector (Sentinel)

Profession: Blacksmith

Age: 177

Race: Minotaur

Time till death: 299 years

The Minotaur greeted me, "Good day Mister Reaper, what business do you have here at this alley way?"

I smiled and greeted him as well, "Good day to you as well, Minotaur-san, I have no business here, simply because i got lost on my way to the market. If you would be so kind and tell me where the market is, i would appreciate it."

"Do not fret my friend, we are going to the same place you are going, we shall lead the way."

"Why thank you." Looks like i got myself an escort.

"By the way Minotaur-san, what are doing with the blood elf merchant and her apprentice?"

The High blood elf spoke, "Simply business for my guild, Nights Lust and i needed a bodyguard."

I simply laughed and said to Izora,"With that level and class? You must be joking. Unless if where you are going prevents you from using blood. Am i right?"

Izora looked surprised on what i had said, "Yes, you are correct. The place where i am going prevents me from using blood and i needed a bodyguard to protect me."

"So this is why you needed two body guards i presume?" With that said, the vampire who was hiding from the shadows revealed herself.

LvL 758 Angelica

Advanced Class: Shadow Fencer (Swashbuckler), Advanced Class: Blade Dancer (Swashbuckler)

Profession: Trainer

Age: 1768

Race: Vampire

Time till death: 1983 years

The Vampire looked surprised, "How did you know where i was?"

"I didn’t, buy i didn’t get the feeling there where only Four of us counting me." Good thing i spent those few years in school getting into fights. And either way, my intuition is pretty accurate.


"Most Impressive Reaper."

"Why thank you."

With that said, a loud roar broke our conversation. There, a skeletal dragon was flying above us and there was three of them. I then saw a someone riding the dragons. As the dragons descend, a figured appeared before them.

LvL 2900 Lucan Deathwalker

Advanced Class: Death Knight (Paladin), Advanced Sub-class: Blackguard (Lord)

Profession: Captain of the Guards

Age: 670

Race Forsaken

Time till death: Cursed by the Lich King

As the Forsaken jumped down the dragon and went towards us, he spoke. "What business do you have here?"

Izora answered, "I am Izora the guild master of the Merchant guild, Nights Lust. I came only for simple business and the four of us are heading towards the market."

The Forsaken looked at me and said, "And what is a Reaper like you doing in a place this?"

I smiled at him and said, "Like the blood elf said, we are heading towards the market."

"Is that so. Then i shall escort you to see your safety." What a kind Captain.

"Then let’s get going then!" With that said, a bridge formed as the fromer paladin used his (un)holy magic to form a bridge over the lava river. Confirmed, im living near a volcano.

"Neat trick." I said which made the Forsaken look at me with resentful eyes.

"This is no mere trick Reaper, this is a curse that i had accepted."

"The lich kings curse."

"Yes, and i curse him for that."

"Sure thing former paladin."

He then growled at me. Looks like i made him angry. He said something to the other two dragon riders and they where sent away with his dragon as well.

Good thing i played a lot of RPG games when i was still alive. But seeing everyone’s level and classes makes me feel worthless as i took a look at my own Stats and equipment... and don’t expect something amazing or anything.

LvL 1

David Maxwell Alignment: Neutral

Advanced Class: Shadow Mancer

Sub-class: None Profession: Reaper

Rank: None

Requires Sub-class

Souls: None

Statistic Numbers STR 430 CON 660 DEX 642 AGI 657 WIS 200 INT 360 CHA 100 LCK 143 (1) Reaper Coat

Coats worn by newbie Reapers. Provides Zero bonuses except for luck. +1 luck

Holy Shit my stats are high. Considering im only level 1 and my stats are like 100 and above, im lucky! Although the Reaper coat is fucking worthless! It’s still better than this leather tunic and pants. I do wonder if my stats should really be this high. CON, AGI and DEX is probably my go too stats since im pretty tough and agile in fighting and i hit hard and fast as well, so if i level up i’ll either level up AGI or CON. Although, I haven’t tested my abilities yet, so i should plan that later on.

As we where walking, Izora stopped and said we’re here.

The Death Knight looked at the Blood Elf and said, "Looks like this is were we part ways."

Izora nodded, "Farewell Sir. Death Knight." With that said, the Death Knight called his dragon and left riding it.

"So, this is the market entrance. Looks like another alley way to me."

Izora looked at me, "Do not let this fool you reaper, we are not going in an ordinary market."

I made a smirk and looked at Izora with prideful eyes, "Hmmmm, so this place is a black market i presume? And your business here is to deliver special goods am i right?" She looked at me with a piercing glare. Bullseye.

It was quite obvious on what her intention was. Hiring two bodyguards that acts as a wall and a shadow, makes it pretty hard for an enemy to get the goods while you escape in case something goes wrong. And an assasin to make sure there’s no suspect escaping.

"So come on, or else your goods might get stolen."

With that said, an enemy appeared.

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